Witch containment diary

Chapter 175 The Demonic Power of Wealth

"Shadow Street..." Fujikawa Chiyo thought for a moment, "That's the darkest place in the Dark Zone, little kid. The source of all black market transactions, the 'Four Ports Pier', is right there."

"I want to go there and visit. It feels like it's suitable for me. There must be someone there who knows about my mother," said Saho.

"About your mother...what impression do you have?" Fujikawa Chiyo asked.

Hayao shook his head sincerely.

"I still want to know. Someone in that place may have heard some information. I am the Shadow Witch, and that place is called Shadow Street. Is there anything more coincidental than this?" Hayho whispered.

"If you really want to go, I will take you there, but you must get your teacher's permission..." Fujikawa Chiyo said.

"Yeah! I want to know the truth." Hayho jumped out of bed.

"What is Shadow Street?" Natsuki asked.

"A place where little brats can't go." Saho patted Natsuki.

"I am an adult too! I am no longer an 8-year-old child!" Natsuki put her hands on her hips.

"Sounds very dangerous..." Reio thought about it, but felt that Saho could protect herself, so she didn't dissuade her.

"I'm going to Shadow Street to find my mother~" Saho said happily.

Chiyo Fujikawa recalled silently.

The most vicious mercenaries live in the Shadow Street, and the powerful Shadow Dojo also trains ninjas there. The most powerful seven ninjas in New Tokyo are trained around the Black Shadow Dojo.

The extremely wealthy Four Port Chamber of Commerce, the large-scale orthodox shadow dojo, the violent Seven Ninjas... These are all subordinates of the terrible witch "Shadow Witch", who respects the Shadow Witch.

But since the disappearance of the Shadow Witch, Shadow Street has been torn apart and has become a dangerous area in the Dark Zone.

The Fujikawa Group could only be on equal footing with Shadow Street for a short time during the period of Yuichi Fujikawa. Now their power is not as powerful as before, let alone comparable.

It’s hard to imagine that Hayao has any connection with the Shadow Witch, except that they are both shadow magic powers...

Fujikawa Chiyo heard that the Shadow Witch convinced the entire Shadow Street and convinced everyone.

She must be an extremely beautiful woman with a very charming personality, a very leadership temperament, and a heroic appearance.

Saho is just a brat who likes to talk nonsense, and her temperament is definitely very different from that of the legendary Shadow Witch.

The famous Shadow Witch has been missing for more than ten years. People are eager for her descendant to reappear and respect her as the new king of the dark zone. Will that be the boastful Hayao? Fujikawa Chiyo doesn’t think so.

Zhang Su saw Lian Wu outside the hospital, leaning against the entrance, with people coming and going around him.

"Lianwu?" Zhang Su saw her.

"Dad has been arrested. Brother Long has gone home. Brother Kyoji is explaining the situation to the people on the board of directors." Lianwu said with some trouble.

"It's okay, the enemy has been defeated, we will take care of it." Zhang Su said casually.

"But if you don't find out the wealth demon behind it and kill it, bad things will continue to happen." Lian Wu said angrily with his hands on his hips.

"Then we have to find a way to make the wealth demon show up again." Zhang Su pondered.

"Dad knows how to deal with it. All he needs to do is let it be summoned again. When it appears, when it relaxes its guard, just flatten it with a stick." Lianwu said very wisely.

"No, demons can easily detect people's thoughts. If we explain these things clearly to Mr. Hideyuki Aninin, and then he summons the demon, the other party will easily detect the conspiracy and refuse to show up. After all, demons of this level are difficult to deal with. ." Zhang Su concluded.

"That's simple, please ask the True Witch to implant this idea into dad's heart, so that dad thinks it's his own idea, and that'll be fine!" Lian Wu said happily.

"...Then, this is also a way of atonement. By the way, you are too filial to your father." Zhang Su said.

Ansin Hideyuki stood in a small, deserted room, a heavy iron door slammed shut behind him, and the harsh echo of metal echoed for a long time.

The narrow window near the ceiling lets in a ray of sunlight, slightly illuminating the originally dark space.

On the walls, the faded beige paint had peeled off, and the concrete beneath was extremely rough, like a layer of gray sandpaper.

He sat anxiously on the metal iron frame bed, which was covered with a thin green mattress. Next to it was a stainless steel toilet and sink, which emitted a stinky smell and the residue left by the previous user had not been emptied.

Being locked up in this detention center isolated from the outside world, Ansin Hideyuki only felt lonely and bored. Due to the lack of stimulation, time itself became so long.

He could only pace back and forth within a foot of space between the bed and the toilet.

The more he paced, the more he felt like he was trapped in an impenetrable cage, and the longer he stayed here, the more he longed to leave.

Although I feel sorry for my family, summoning the wealth demon again and not continuing to trade is the only way to get out of trouble.

At night.

An Yuan Xiu Xing listened to the eerie silence outside the detention center, with occasional screams or murmurs coming from adjacent cells, which made people feel even more lonely.

He sat on his bed and thought.

After all these years of ups and downs, why have you become more vulnerable? He had encountered many desperate situations, but he had never longed for Mr. Fortunado's power again as much as he did tonight.

He took a deep breath, bit off his fingers with his teeth, and gently drew a pattern of wealth on the wall - the profile of Mr. Fortunado's face.

Its appearance is like a skeleton holding gold coins in its mouth. Just a few strokes are needed to roughly show the appearance.

Staring at the pattern, Aninin Hideyuki knew that Mr. Fortunado had always been a harmless and smiling benefactor. To obtain its blessing, one must be in awe and, more importantly, have an honest heart.

A tiny creature trying to attract a glimpse of a powerful cosmic force.

In an instant, Mr. Fortunado was in the solitary cell, standing with his back against the wall.

"Mr. Fortunado." Ansuin Hideyuki knelt down to him as before.

Mr. Fortunado was wearing an outdated pinstriped suit. The dry and thin skin wrapped the cheekbones on his face. His eyes were two endless holes, dark and deep.

"Dear Hideyuki." Mr. Fortunado smiled, his teeth jagged and decayed, "Let's calculate the return on investment."

Ansuin Hideyuki raised his head.

Mr. Fortunado easily drew a stroke in the air, and a series of light and shadows appeared from it like arithmetic, with a large number of numbers jumping from it.

"When I first tried to invest, the market value of the Ansin family's 'Asin Shoji Co., Ltd.' was 80 million yen. Today, the total valuation of 'Satsuki Shokai' reached 5 trillion yen in March this year, and the rate of return It has reached 60,000 times, which is really gratifying.” Mr. Fortunado praised An Yin Xiuxing’s work.

"I want to leave here, and I want to fight against the Sun Group, so I want to ask you to help me." Anxinin Hideyuki murmured.

"I have a perfect plan, um... I can tamper with other people's perceptions so that you can leave safely, help you suppress the fortunes of your competitors, make your investments flawless, and really allow you to predict the direction of the stock market. But Well, you already bet your soul on the last contract, and now you need to find additional collateral." Mr. Fortunado harvested the numbers in front of him.

It stretched its arms and legs, and a large number of financial returns and investment confirmations strengthened its power. Just like rejuvenating, its body quickly restored its quality at a speed visible to the naked eye, its skin became tender, and its face regained color.

"Collateral..." Ansuin Hideyuki gritted his teeth.

"Don't you still have children?" Mr. Fortunado leaned forward and stared into Ansuin Hideyuki's eyes.

It pulled out a roll of parchment.

The edges of the contract were scorched by the flames of hell, and the terms were filled with blood-red characters.

There are two lines of signatures at the bottom, one line is empty, for Hideyuki Aninin and his children, and the second line is Mr. Fortunado's name.

"I..." An Yuan Xiu Xing trembled violently.

"If you continue to be locked up here, your business, your life's work, will be destroyed, but as long as the deal is completed, I will ensure your immediate release." Mr. Fortunado said.

"I don't want... I don't want... these thoughts... why are they in my heart..." Ansuin Hideyuki covered his chest.


The wall on one side of the detention center suddenly burst open. Mr. Fortunado turned around and saw a brilliant silver-white energy blasting towards him.

It frowned and retreated, and the World Viewing Pagoda broke through the wall. The burst of mad energy could even scratch its suit, leaving a trace of wrinkles.

Zhang Su!

He suddenly jumped in and blocked Mr. Fortunado's escape.

In the distance, more SADF soldiers and riot police officers began to arrive, and alarm bells blared.

"...Brother, this is not how you should behave when discussing business." Mr. Fortunado turned around and looked.

At this time, Anxinyuan Hideyuki's cloudy eyes suddenly regained consciousness and backed away in horror.

"Fortunado...why are you here!" Ansuin Hideyuki was shocked, as if he had been completely dizzy before.

A true witch with a broken heart... Mr. Fortunado judged it.

No matter what, these people really have never suffered from poverty, and they dare to fight against the devil of wealth. After all, it is a big demon with a name and power.

"You humans are so cunning." Mr. Fortunado sighed and waved to Zhang Su, "I know, I know, come and fight me."

The moment it spoke, Zhang Su saw a cane spray out of its sleeves as a self-defense weapon.

"Die! Devil!" Zhang Su struck out with a stick. Mr. Fortunado instantly avoided Zhang Su's attack, and then hit him with his cane.


Zhang Su waved Guanshi Futu to parry, and his righteous energy burst out when the weapons collided. It hit Mr. Fortunado hard, and it screamed strangely. A large number of gold coins kept spraying out from under the sleeves and trousers of his suit.

These gold coins are of various styles, with very different patterns and characters, and unique shapes, as if they come from countless different civilizations and city-states in infinite dimensions.

"My money is sprayed everywhere. You are too violent, deceitful, unruly, and abusive...Give me my money back!" Mr. Fortunado was a little angry.

It rushed over, transformed into a demonic phantom, moved as fast as lightning, shrunk to an inch, and swung its cane extremely fast, tapping Zhang Su's forearm.

Zhang Su instantly felt that there was something strange about the place he was clicked on.

He didn't feel any pain, but he vaguely felt that his money was getting less! All the money he had on him was fading, and his phone was vibrating.

"There is new transaction information in your account with the last number 1040, please process it in time. Current balance: -200000 yen"

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