Witch containment diary

Chapter 176 About the split of gold coins

Bad, seems to be the ability to make people poor. Zhang Su felt alert.

The most powerful ones in hell are these domain-level demons, who specialize in a certain aspect of power and lay down projections in various worlds as will clones.

"...I should keep making money, instead of getting gold coins from you humans. You are delaying me from making money! I have to get it back from you." Mr. Fortunado shouted.

Zhang Su held the Guanshi Pagoda tightly.

Flowing energy spreads out from his body and attaches to the end of the weapon, making it shine even more.

Mr. Fortunado seemed casual, but in fact he carefully observed Zhang Su's movements and tried to judge his offensive.

This guy is fierce. Mr. Fortunado judged.

There are probably very few people in this world who can control him in terms of violence and energy. If he were in hell, he would be a high-ranking warlord.

Mr. Fortunado saw Zhang Su swinging the Guanshi Pagoda from right to left, and he immediately became alert. Being hit by such a magic weapon would cause death!

It immediately dodged back.

Zhang Su swung his right hand very fast, changing his moves in an instant, turning the sweep into a stab, and passed the Guanshi Pagoda straight forward.

What a cunning guy, get back!

Mr. Fortunado immediately judged that when it leaned back, it was a wall with no way to retreat.

This room is so narrow—

Mr. Fortunado thought sadly, and the next second he was hit in the chest by the Kanshi Pagoda.


Smash through its body and pin the devil to the wall!

The critical strike instantly blasted the energy into Mr. Fortunado's body, and the powerful righteousness bloomed, roasting its rotten essence, causing Mr. Fortunado's body to quickly begin to explode!

It hurts... This guy's energy is burning himself.

Mr. Fortunado was bitterly depressed. Thoughtful of investment, it is not as skilled in combat as other violent demons.

Finally, it was forced to hang its head and its tattered pinstripe clothes began to smoke, burning and dying from the inside out.

"...You know that I have countless projections in the multidimensional world. Don't take this victory too seriously." Mr. Fortunado said.

"Hit me every time I see you!" Zhang Su took out the stick and smashed it again.

Mr. Fortunado screamed, dissipating in the foul-smelling sulfur smoke. And the countless gold coins in its body burst out violently, flying in all directions in the small room, colliding with the walls and making sharp metal clanging sounds.

Gold coins of all shapes and sizes were scattered on the ground, thousands at least! There are round gold coins with the king's image printed on them, square gold coins with inscriptions, rough oval gold coins with backward technological level, small gold coins, and high-end gold coins with fine textures. Some gold coins were damaged in the impact, and other metals appeared inside. They were counterfeit gold coins sold as bank financial products, which was very misleading.

Other soldiers came over after hearing the news. Although they had no chance to join the battle, they were dazzled by what they saw.

They were not familiar with Zhang Su, but they could not help but feel happy when they saw a tall man in a single room, holding a black gold stick in his hand, and took down a high-threat demonic entity in a few clicks, with gold flying everywhere.

"Okay, that's how you should fight!"

"Knocked the monster back!"

"The reception center successfully completed the suppression task." The soldiers reported that the conflict was resolved to a minimum.

Zhang Su stood among the gold coins on the ground. Since they were exploded by demons, he felt like they were like insects that would eat off his feet.

Ansuan Hideyuki was escorted to a safe place by several soldiers, and he was still frightened.

"Congratulations on getting rich~" Shang Shuqin smiled.

"I seem to have been tricked. I will become poor and have to stay away from money... This is a work-related injury." Zhang Su smiled bitterly and turned to look at Kazama Yihuai and Shang Shuqin who were walking slowly.

"From a utilitarian point of view, victory is the best result. Don't worry, the curse of poverty will fade over time." Kazama Yihuai said.

Ansuin Hideyuki stood in the corridor, watching Mr. Fortunado turn into sulfur smoke, and breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what methods these people used, the devil would not bother him for the time being.

"Mr. Hideyuki, the fact that you colluded with the devil is very clear. Fortunately, this can be considered a major meritorious service." Shang Shuqin smiled.

"Thank you." An Yuan Xiu Xing's heart moved.

"Don't think you can escape. What awaits you is still confiscation of property and life imprisonment." Kazama Yihuai said sternly.

"... Huh..." Ansuin Hideyuki closed his eyes, and when he opened them, his eyes were full of exhaustion.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xiuxing, I am Zhang Su, Lianwu's friend." Zhang Su greeted Xiuxing.

It turns out that this is Lian Wu’s boyfriend Zhang Su!

Today, Ansin Hideyuki had the opportunity to look at this person carefully for the first time.

As expected, he was a brave and upright man, and Ansinin Hideyuki admired him very much. It feels like Zhang Su not only has strong muscles, but also a strong spirit.

It's a pity that we met when we were at our lowest point, and all the gifts we had envisioned could not be given.

He thought silently for a while.

I will probably spend the rest of my life in prison, and there is no excuse for living well anyway. Colluding with the devil is a serious crime, and all my career will be wiped out.

When he was young, he had a sweet dream of becoming bigger and stronger, dominating the Dongming Kingdom, and becoming a commercial power. Now this dream finally woke up, and he was already gray-haired, and there was no turning back.

"I - I plan to make a will." Anxinin Hideyuki said weakly, "Leave all the assets I can still control to my children." He looked at Zhang Su, "And your share, then It’s Lianwu’s dowry, as long as you treat her well.”

"Yes." Zhang Su greeted Anxinyuan Xiuxing.

"Don't think about how much money there is. I'm afraid there are only a few left. From now on, everyone will have to rely on their own efforts." Kazama Yihuai said to Zhang Su.

"As long as Lianwu can make money," Zhang Su said.

From now on, the legendary entrepreneur An Yuan Xiuxing will die in a cold prison like an ordinary criminal, Zhang Su thought silently. And he and Lianwu will also return to An'an Hospital.

Ansin Hideyuki felt a little confused and frustrated due to the residual influence of his psychic magic.

"Although it has provided a lot of help to the development of this country, everything at Anxinyuan will also come to an end...a new era has begun." Kazama Yoshihuai concluded.

"Fortunately, Lianwu didn't know all this, and she didn't know that her father had done so many wrong things. Please don't reveal too much to Lianwu, she is still a child." Anxinin Hideyuki said regretfully.

Lian Wu, who was hiding among the crowd, wiped the tears from her eyes, turned around and walked away quietly.

After the incident, Zhang Su handed all the money to Lian Wu to prevent his money from being burned by the curse, and the bank could not find out where the disappeared money went. Fortunately, the gold coins exploded on the demon's body were enough to make up for it.

However, in order to prevent similar things from happening again, Zhang Su asked Lianwu to help him manage his funds, so that his money would not decrease but increase.

"!" Lian Wu gave Zhang Su a thumbs up, "Avoiding the devil, we can live a good life and make our own money."

"Money is just a general equivalent. The more important thing is people. I hope we can get rid of the shadow of the past and travel lightly." Zhang Su concluded.

"Plan, make money, build!" Lianwu became energetic. Since she was going to manage Zhang Su's money from now on, she felt that her responsibility was particularly important and she must make Zhang Su a rich man.

She sat at the table and worked hard, raising her feet up and down.

Later, Zhang Su took Lian Yang to find her old house.

Today, Reiyao is dressed the cutest. She wears a newly bought white sailor suit, a knee-length red and black checkered pleated skirt, a loose black tie around her neck, white round-neck socks on her feet, and brown loafers. Shoes, smooth and clean skin, impeccable posture.

Her hair was trimmed for 1,500 yen, her bangs were neatly trimmed, and the rest were smooth and hanging slightly on both sides of her beautiful face. She looked around with mysterious eyes, as if she was always commenting on the surroundings.

Zhang Su took a taxi and arrived at the direction indicated by Lianyang.

"Then, this is my home." Reio stopped on the desolate streets of Shibuya District, old Tokyo.

No. 14, Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, old Tokyo, postal code 150-0012... Reio smiled slightly.

Shibuya was once a busy commercial district, but now the street is eerily quiet and deserted.

Abandoned vehicles are stained with rust and lined on both sides. The windows have long been smashed by wanderers, and weeds are growing vigorously from the cracks in the road.

The buildings on either side are empty shells, with concrete and steel threaded through crumbling facades.

Nature is already reclaiming the abandoned lands left by humans, with vines growing and trees sprouting.

The light rail line above Lian Yang's head was completely missing and covered with dust, and time seemed to have stopped here.

In front of her, the exquisite three-story building in her impression was also abandoned. The doors were cracked and the windows were broken. There were obvious signs of invasion.

"Ara ala...it seems that there are uninvited guests, although I have been mentally prepared..." Lian Yang opened the door lightly and entered. He glanced at the shoe rack next to the entrance, where there were several pairs of stinking slippers, sneakers and sneakers piled on it. All lack of cleaning, dirt and yellow sticking.


"Who is it?" Several scavengers and ronin pushed open the shoji door, ran to the wooden floor outside, and looked at Reio fiercely.

"It's still the same as before, these pots, and knives..." Lian Yang stood in the dirty kitchen, looking at the old appliances faintly, her eyes full of past impressions, and scenes from her memories and dreams. It was exactly the same, which made her feel bittersweet.

Turning her head, she saw the slovenly men approaching, makeshift bedrolls and pairs of bottles and cans piled on the floor outside.

"Hey, you guy, you walked into someone else's house arrogantly!" The bearded ronin picked up the katana and aimed at Reio.

"This is my house." Lian Yang said softly, "No one has taken it away from me yet."

"Listen to this little girl's nonsense." A skinny man with rotten teeth sneered, "This is the place where we stay. We have been here for almost a year. Do you think it's yours?"

"Why don't you get out of here right now? Fuck you, asshole!"

"Don't you know that people have died here?" Lian Yang smiled, "Under the tatami under your feet, on the hollow beams, and in the wide closets, there have been corpses hidden, beautiful corpses of criminals. "

The robbers looked at each other, a little nervous.

"Stop talking nonsense, you bastard...!" One of the ronin yelled angrily.

Zhang Su dodged into the corridor, punched out, and his energy surged out like a storm, attacking the four people in an instant.


"Damn--" They felt as if they had been swept away by a typhoon. Their bodies lost their balance in an instant. No matter how they grabbed or kicked their legs, it was useless. They were immediately thrown away and fell straight to the distance of the corridor like cannonballs. , fell into pieces on the ground in the distance!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Ronin grabbed the samurai sword, got up and rushed towards Zhang Su quickly.

Zhang Su faced the enemy without changing his expression.

He took a step forward, and then used his air-attached fist to violently shake the blade. The air flow instantly shattered the blade in Ronin's hand, and the aftermath also made his arm sore and numb, making him cry out in pain.

The ronin stepped back, his fighting spirit suddenly gone.

Zhang Su pushed again, and the other party felt severe pain in his limbs. He lay straight back and fell down, screaming!

"Help - help -" They were shocked from head to sole, and woke up from the hangover in an instant.

"Get lost." Zhang Su waved his hand, and they hurriedly ran away from the house without even bothering to take their things.

Lian Yang looked around silently.

Her face was calm, her eyes far away, and her lips were lightly made-up.

"Thank you." Her voice was soft and polite, and her body exuded a light floral scent, which was the scent of newly applied perfume.

Zhang Su looked at the peeling wallpaper and dusty carpet. Because the people who stole the property did not regard this as their own home, they did not cherish it.

"Although it has been a long time, this will always be your home." Zhang Su said.

Lian Yang blinked, and a wave of emotion passed through her heart, which quickly amplified into sadness.

"So this is my home, the place where my mother and I last lived. Soon I will go back to prison, but it is impossible for me to live here. Strange people will knock on the door. How dare I People live here?" she said in a mournful tone.

"It's okay, Lian Yang, it's okay." Zhang Su comforted her.

Lian Yang started to sob. She came close to Zhang Su, her head pressed against him, and her body trembled from crying.

Zhang Su didn't say anything, he just let Lian Yang release his suppressed emotions.

Finally, the sobs subsided.

Lian Yang raised her head and wiped away the tears from her red eyes. "I'm sorry, I just..."

"It's okay." Zhang Su gave her a tissue.

"So, we will leave soon, but who can protect this place?" Lian Yang sighed, looking at the pots and pans left behind by the thieves with disgust, and there was no aesthetic at all.

They will never cherish this place like Lian Yang. After all, it was a residence they grabbed for nothing.

"Then...sell this house." Zhang Su looked around.

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