Witch containment diary

Chapter 177 Shang Shuqin’s Apartment

Lian Yang trembled slightly, then nodded absently.

She walked about as if there was a ghost in the room and she wanted to find it and see it.

She went to the second floor and looked in her closet. All the clothes in it had been stolen.

"I thought they would only arrest me for a while, but it turned out that I was there for two years, and then permanently. Then there were doubts about my identity, my character, and even my real estate." Lian Yang found a denim made of khaki cloth She took the coat out of the drawer, folded it and held it in her hands, "My mother bought this for me when I was 12 years old."

Zhang Su followed Lian Yang, feeling the conflict in her heart. There was a bond here that she didn't want to break.

However, according to memory, Lianyang's father also married Xinhuan and did not take Lianyang seriously.

From now on, only Zhang Su can protect Lian Yang.

"Lian Yang." Zhang Su said softly, "I know this place has left you with a lot of memories, but the cost of keeping it is too high. I think... it's time to let it go."

Reio's shoes avoided an obvious stain on the floor, where the thief had sprayed God knows what onto the tatami.

"You're right." Lian Yang turned around, "I can't keep clinging to the past, how should I sell it?"

"I know the person." Zhang Su dialed Shang Shuqin's number.

"Hey, Lao Zhang, when did you think of me?" Shang Shuqin's charming voice sounded, "I've always wanted to meet you before you leave Tokyo."

"No problem." Zhang Su coughed, "I have been busy with things before, and now I want to ask you for a favor. I know that you have extensive connections in Tokyo and are from a big businessman's family. I have a child here. Reio, she has a property in her name, but judging from the public security situation in old Tokyo, I’m afraid she can’t keep it, so it’s better to entrust it to be sold.”

"She has a lower level of imprisonment and she still has autonomy, as long as she is willing to sign." Shang Shuqin said, she quickly checked the file, "... Sasahara Reio, the Sasahara family's house has a built-up area of ​​78 square meters, 3 It was built for 86.38 million yen in 2035. Now based on the price of that place, it can be sold for around 13 million yen at most, and no one may buy it yet.”

Shang Shuqin is from China, and his family is a large business group. It is said that he came to Dongming to escape some arrangements at home.

"It's best if you can sell it, please." Zhang Su nodded.

"When you come to my place, we can talk slowly...bye~" Shang Shuqin said softly.

Reio probably understood the situation, and she politely said thank you. They then ended their correspondence.

"...It's not a big problem. Although the documents are not there, the electronic files are preserved and can be sold smoothly." Zhang Su accompanied Lianyang to collect all the souvenirs that were still left in the old house. Every item can be hooked. Brings up a memory of her.

Lian Yang walked out, and when she finally stepped out of the house, she knew that she would never return to this place in her life, and that someone new would move here soon.

The thought made her feel even sadder.

"This is no longer my house, not my home." Lian Yang followed Zhang Su.

"But you still have a new home, Anxinyuan. And this house will be bought by others in the future, and they will fill this place with laughter again." Zhang Su walked forward.

Lian Yang stepped away and never looked back.

She is no longer a child.

On the way back, Zhang Su sent her back to Tianjing Hotel. The laughter of other children somewhat diluted the sadness in Lian Yang's heart.

"Senior, come play house with us!" Saho opened his arms.

"Okay, I'll be the father." So I have no home now, and Anxinyuan will be my new home from now on. Lian Yang thought silently as she bid farewell to Zhang Su and walked towards them.

"I'm a mother~" Yuanzhi said softly.

"I'm a baby!" Natsuki lay on the ground.

"Woof woof!" Saho quickly spoke before the puppy Pepper, otherwise she would lose her role.

That night, Zhang Su went to see Shang Shuqin.

Her home is located in Room B on the 34th floor of Jidan Apartment, a high-rise third-chome building in New Tokyo's Ocean District.

Bang, bang, bang...

Bang, bang, bang...

"Ah - help! - I'm so exhausted! Let me rest!" Shang Shuqin couldn't bear it anymore and reluctantly asked.

"Go." Zhang Su took a photo.

Shang Shuqin felt like he was being pardoned, so he quickly stumbled away and went to the living room to ask for water.

Her mouth was so tired and sore that just opening her mouth was a form of execution.

Shang Shuqin was covered in sweat and felt that all his evil thoughts had been purified by Zhang Su.

Originally, as a true witch, she liked to listen to other people's thoughts without any problems, but now she just wants to change her mind and do good.

Zhang Su is really a fascinating guy. In several years of working in the industry, this is the first time Shang Shuqin has had such fun. She feels that she lives just for this day.

A nearby home drone monitors Shang Shuqin’s condition.

"Alarm, rapid heart rate, excessive dehydration, emotional instability, advice: seek medical assistance immediately."

"You idiot, this is a sign of happiness." Shang Shuqin held the teacup, blushed, and turned off the drone.

It returned to the cabin dejectedly.

"Are you ready to start the second round?" Zhang Su hugged Shang Shuqin tightly from behind.

"You... are like a savage. You get straight to the point as soon as you come in. I don't know if it's good or bad to have someone like you in China." Shang Shuqin said happily.

Zhang Su came to the door tonight and successfully made Shang Shuqin surrender obediently without saying a word.

This is truly a tough guy who is one of a kind in a million. Shang Shuqin really has no power to resist him. I surrendered almost without a trace, and this is what happened.

"Didn't you do this on purpose?" Zhang Su said with a smile.

Shang Shuqin glanced at the black satin nightgown that was pulled on the floor of the living room, and his face turned red.

Her feet were bare, her nails were painted with scarlet nail polish, her fingers were long and nimble, and her breath exuded the smell of smoky incense.

Shang Shuqin knew how to invest in herself to make herself look impeccable, and she felt that it only took effect tonight.

"Tomorrow is Sunday." Shang Shuqin rolled his eyes at Zhang Su, who understood.

The next morning, Shang Shuqin could no longer walk, and half of the bed frame was broken.

Zhang Su went to make breakfast for her, but found that there was no food or seasoning at all.

"Do you only eat takeout?" Zhang Su found it funny.

"Hmph, hum... Why do you have to spend so much effort cooking alone when you live alone? You also have to be careful about cooking fumes, washing dishes and chopsticks and so on..." Shang Shuqin said lazily.

She was so tired that she fell apart, and there was no good part of her body. Zhang Su was so powerful, and Shang Shuqin felt great.

After letting the drone deliver sausage pizza, Zhang Su sat down in the armchair by the window after resting for a while.

New Tokyo is a three-dimensional city, and every inch of land is precious. The apartment itself is built on top of a large commercial center and two middle schools, with a broad view.

"Your eyes are really deep, as if there is something shameful in your heart." Shang Shuqin said with a smile.

"Don't you know how to use your true magic power, and you are also a rank-breaking witch? What is your rank-breaking ceremony like?" Zhang Su asked.

"A true witch needs to recite a poem about psychological reality, and during the recitation process, she can successfully peer into and manipulate the minds of people who are powerful enough. The target must be what we subjectively consider to be 'powerful' and a 'superior being'. I love through gazing at Tisi completed the ceremony, bid farewell to the complete body, and became a broken witch." Shang Shuqin said it lightly, but Zhang Su always found it terrifying.

"Did you see Edith's psychology? What did you see?" Zhang Su was curious.

"Hmph, do you care about Edith that much?" Shang Shuqin curled his lips, "I'm not any worse looking than her."

"Beauty, tell me, Edith is our immediate boss, and this is also part of the gossip." Zhang Su tried to persuade her.

"First of all, the ritual of breaking the throne is the greatest scene for the witch, so there is no lie here. What I saw was the most real situation: I saw a door to hell, it was open, and it was fully open. , the previous gates to hell would open a small gap, and then many demons would rush in, but what Edith had in mind was different. What she thought was that many gates to hell would open at the same time, which was an order of magnitude. The devil roared in..." Shang Shuqin said vividly.

It turns out that Edith and Shang Shuqin knew that something like this would happen... Zhang Su thought silently.

He couldn't help but look solemn.

"What are you doing, are you scared?" Shang Shuqin teased.

"You can try to pry into my psychology." Zhang Su turned around.

"I won't joke with you." Shang Shuqin simply used his magic power, stared into Zhang Su's eyes, and gently penetrated his soul, looking for the ominous fear in his spirit.

She saw the "black wall"!

That is Zhang Su's psychological protection, which is a tragic experience that cannot be broken for a long time.

Just because it was too heavy and too scary, Zhang Su would never give up easily and must prevent such a thing from happening.

Shang Shuqin continued to detect, and at first he only noticed fleeting scenes: faces of the dead, crumbling buildings, and screams drifting in the wind.

But as her magic strengthens, she sees a horrifying panorama on the black wall.

She felt as if she were standing on a desolate mountain, with flames engulfing the surrounding settlements, and endless demons marching towards her.

Dozens of the overbearing Flame Demons marched wildly across the land. Every town they passed was razed to the ground. Human beings were tortured, enslaved, and their flesh, flesh, and souls were squeezed out.

In the distance, more demons loomed, erupting from the top of Kagura Mountain, like a sea of ​​fire, about to wash away the entire world.

Shang Shuqin hurriedly exited Zhang Su's mind, and the scene of the doomsday shocked her.

"...It's so strange. It's as lifelike as Edith's." Shang Shuqin said.

"Don't you believe this is the future? Edith and I had such early warning at the same time." Zhang Su wanted others to be alert. He couldn't be the only one to guard against natural disasters, as that would be too weak.

"The human defense plan has so many elites, experts, and top-level designers. People like Commander-in-Chief Shepard haven't spoken yet, so there's nothing we can do." Shang Shuqin shrugged.

Shepard's rank is two levels higher than Edith. He is the commander-in-chief of the Earth Defense Forces of 23.8 million people around the world, and he plans the defense work of the entire world day and night.

"Then we have to cherish the present." Zhang Su quickly realized that Shang Shuqin would not take this kind of thing to heart.

This reminded him of Reio. Because the True Heart Witch had seen too many people's true thoughts, she became less trusting of others and was very ruthless in her dealings.

Seeing that Zhang Su didn't go into details, Shang Shuqin sighed even more contentedly and kissed Zhang Su's cheek.

She just wanted Zhang Su's warmth by her side, nothing else was a big deal.

Unfortunately, she still had some official duties to complete at home and had to type away at the keyboard to complete the report. It's a hard job to start work for Yihuai.

Zhang Su walked around her apartment.

Shang Shuqin's salary is quite high, about 1.5 million yen per month. This apartment is also elegant and clean. It is located in the city of New Tokyo and is very convenient to go anywhere. The rent is 200,000 yen per month.

The floor-to-ceiling windows are large, and the sea view outside the window is unobstructed. New Tokyo's commercial buildings soar into the sky. The tops of the slightly shorter buildings have various unique decorations, which look like undulating colorful waves at a glance.

The white walls and light wooden floors are bathed in warm sunlight. Through the crystal sound-absorbing glass, the noise outside can hardly be heard at all. The space is open and warm.

It's really a nice place... I can come here often in the future, as long as Shang Shuqin is free, and I must be free too. Zhang Suxin said.

Such a beautiful girl, we are all from China, we should take care of each other.

He saw a ticket on the table, or something like a pass, with pictures of several cute girls full of vitality on it, referring to the underground idol group "Nameless" (unnamed/unnamed), which seemed to be the entrance to an underground concert. Vouchers.

"Shuqin? I saw a strange ticket." Zhang Su picked it up.

"Oh, that's the final performance notice for an underground idol group that's about to be disbanded. It's quite commemorative. The performance will be tonight. You can take the children to see it." Shang Shuqin said from next door, " I was too busy, so my friend gave it to me.”

Underground idol!

Different from specialized idol groups that sign contracts with agents and entertainment companies, underground idols are a special group that put on costumes and debut directly on small local stages.

The cost of establishment is very low, and many of them are still students. It is a cheap way to realize the idol dream.

"Yeah! I haven't taken them to a concert since I came to New Tokyo. Even if it's a rehearsal for an underground idol, it should be valuable, and this is the last time." Zhang Su nodded.

"I will push their WeChat IDs to you. They are all beautiful girls from China." Shang Shuqin sent a message.

Zhang Su couldn't wait any longer.

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