Witch containment diary

Chapter 178 Super Underground Idol

Zhang Su took the children to watch a performance at Yuyintang Music Park underground in New Tokyo.

It was a special music space, also known as a "live house", dedicated to live music performances. It was a trendy thing and very popular among young people.

"Hoho, there is such a place in the world. It's such an honor to be able to enter my field of vision..." Hayho looked around.

"New Tokyo is full of surprises." Zhang Su held Natsuki with his right hand and held Shihua with his left hand. Reio, Mayumi and Enori followed closely behind.

The performance stage is located underground, with dim lights illuminating the figures of thousands of people. They are all passionate fans, ready to share their love and hope with their idols.

There are photos of underground idols on the exclusive sign at the door, with their group name "nameless" posted on it.

Several performers, including Xiaowu, Qianqian, Kumi... all wore gorgeous costumes and unique makeup. Under their energetic personal images, there were also words like "Happy Graduation" and "Smooth Dissolution" posted on them. .

"Are they disbanding? Is this their last performance?" Reiyang asked.

"Yes, so we must cherish the opportunity. The idol industry does not last a lifetime." Zhang Su took them to buy support items and spent 2,000 yen on glow sticks and light-emitting signs.

Since ancient times, good things cannot be made, like glass tiles and colored glaze... Lian Yang thought to himself.

The clothes of these underground idols are worth learning from. Reio really wants to wear so many beautiful little dresses. It’s great to be able to dress as freely and colorfully as they do! There's nothing better than expressing your personality through gorgeous clothes.

Drinks are sold everywhere, and just like lonely rock, the live house itself hopes that the groups who come to perform will increase their income.

Zhang Su bought sparkling water and Coke for the children, and also spent 50,000 yen to buy VIP tickets for the children to stand in the front row, so that they could later get some photos and souvenirs from underground idols.

"Hoho, it's so beautiful..." Saho looked at it dizzyingly.

The preheating electronic music is very rhythmic, like a series of beats welcoming them to the entrance.

Neon lights flashed wildly in the dim venue, illuminating the enthusiastic faces of the enthusiastic fans in the center.

"Ah, it's so narrow...!" Yuanzhi followed Zhang Su pitifully, so as not to get lost in the crowd and feel like reeds in a mudslide.

"Please give way." Zhang Su was too tall, so he cleared the way for everyone and easily passed through the crowd, allowing the children to follow.

People looked back at Zhang Su and were startled at first. They felt that they were only seeing a wall. Then they looked up and saw his face and hurriedly avoided it.

Zhang Su took them to a place closer to the front. There were no seats, so everyone stood and waited patiently.

There was a burst of cheers, and the underground idols came on stage!

Zhang Su stepped aside so as not to block the view of those behind him. The children stood on tiptoes trying to see clearly.

"Welcome to the curtain call of Nameless~!" The beautiful girls took the stage one after another.

Zhang Su recognized that they were all well-hidden witches with magical powers that made people fall in love, but when he came here for the first time, he really couldn't tell who was who.

However, he finally matched his face with his name. Among them, there was a witch named Xiaowu who was particularly eye-catching. She had gray hair highlights, exquisite eyeliner, dazzling starlight contact lenses, and pink eye shadow. The eyes look big and beautiful.

She wears a black leather miniskirt and fishnet stockings, a short black tank top with ruffles, buckled platform boots, fingerless lace-up gloves on both hands, a choker around her neck, and leather, lace or leather hangings in several places on her body. The silver woven ornaments jingle when walking, which is particularly gorgeous.

ah……! It's the mine girl.

For some reason, such thoughts flashed through Zhang Su's mind. She looks like an attractive beautiful girl, but once captured, she will be preyed on by moody emotions and will never be able to leave, so even though she looks super cute, you must be careful.

Another bishoujo idol is also super cute.

"Welcome everyone to come to our curtain call~" she waved to the audience, wearing a pair of ponytails, her hair dyed sweet pink, a pink butterfly clip that matched the color of her eyeshadow, false eyelashes on her big eyes, and a pink lolita dress , paired with a lace ribbon, white stockings and pink platform shoes, with a heart-shaped pendant around her neck, nail polish sparkling, and the ribbon on her head swaying as she walked.

It’s an outfit that really shocks the worldview. Lian Yang was stunned.

Can the makeup be matched like this? Looking at their highly personalized looks, wigs, hair dyeing and outfits, Reio seemed to be opening the door to a new world in front of her eyes.

She also wants to put on a small skirt and leather shoes, put on colored contact lenses, and comb her eyelashes long. But if you return to Anxinyuan, who will you dress up to show?

The opening music started playing quickly, and the idols, dressed in cosplay costumes of different materials and styles, began to sing and dance with infectious enthusiasm.


"Awesome!" Fans clapped and cheered wildly.

"Yeah~!" Natsuki was stupid and didn't know what was happening. She clapped her hands and nodded along with the rhythm.

"...!" Murohua couldn't see it, but he could hear their enthusiasm.

Underground idols live outside the mainstream and perform in such small music spaces, but they still devote all their passion and sing every lyric wholeheartedly.

"Is that so? Is that so?" Saho looked back to see what the others were doing, and then he also held up his light sticks and cheered for the performing idols on the stage.

"In the calmness of the sea/only the dusk disappears quietly"

"The light is blooming and the fireworks are in sight, it must be that summer is not over yet~"

"Untie the ambiguous knots in your heart and connect them tightly again. May this night never end..."

When the song reached its passionate chorus, Mayumi was also infected by this joyful, cheerful and carefree atmosphere.

It was like a utopia, a nice little space, Mayumi looked around.

Departing from the mainstream view, there is no work pressure, no worries, no capital, and no promotional materials for the Prime Minister.

We are all cute two-dimensional people, or people who are good at loving something from the bottom of their hearts. At this moment, they were immersed in the interface between fantasy and reality, and threw themselves into the beautiful fantasy without hesitation, choosing the side of happiness between reality and joy.

It seems like this youth lasts forever.

It seems like this performance goes on forever.

They sang one song after another, most of which were popular two-dimensional music.

There are also flowers, souvenirs and very meaningful portraits given by fans. The connection between idols and fans is very close.

Is it really because of underground idols that the atmosphere is more harmonious? Zhang Su secretly said. If it were an idol group that actually signed a contract with a management company, the performance would be more formal and serious.

However, only in such a place can everyone interact with their idols without worrying about being tainted with a commercial atmosphere.

As they started dancing, the fans erupted in another round of cheers, with Hayho bouncing along.

"You also like dancing?" Zhang Su looked at Zaosui.

"I should become an idol trainee and replace them." Saho waved his arms, extremely proud.

They performed in perfect synchrony, but Zhang Su noticed a sadness under the happy performance, and fans also felt regret mixed with joy.

Although everyone was very reluctant to leave, the final performance came.

By the last song, they performed with all their heart. When the song was about to end, they all put down their microphones and hugged each other tightly to commemorate the last performance of this group.

The career of an underground idol is short-lived...!

They are about to graduate.

This thought made both Zhang Su and the children feel sad.

This is their final performance, and these few hours will be the last performance of this group!

Then there will never be such a stage again...

As the last beat of the music disappeared, the stage returned to darkness.

The lead singer bowed deeply to everyone.

"Thank you, thank you for your support of Nameless." Her voice sounded a little distorted through non-professional sound equipment, but it was still true. "This is our last performance, please keep us in your heart, I love you all!"

The crowd erupted in howls, followed by frantic shouts of "ENCO"! I hope there will be an encore to add a touch of aftertaste to this beautiful memory, just like the lingering smoke after the fireworks fade.

but none.

The show is over and the group is disbanding.

"Thank you very much..." they said as they took their last breath.

The underground idol tearfully blew kisses to fans before disappearing backstage.

Zhang Su lowered his head and saw tears streaming down Mayumi's round face.

This colorful world made her feel both happy and sad.

"They will never perform again." The curtain fell and Mayumi began to sob.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Zhang Su knelt down to comfort her.

In fact, Zhang Su feels like underground idols are living in another world.

Different from other people's secular, serious and meticulous lives, they can express their own unique lives. In this small space, through performances and music, idols and fans can establish a deep connection with each other.

"Why can't we keep performing? Why should we disband?" Yuan Zhi asked.

"Underground idols have no contract guarantees or funding, and many members are randomly recruited and cannot be consistent..." Reio said, "Hey, it's really easy to lose your career. This small space is also crowded. People, it’s not as luxurious and formal as a big concert.”

Although the performance is very dreamy, it will soon be dawn, the garbage on the ground will be cleaned up, and the income will be divided. If the money is not divided evenly, there will be quarrels. Zhang Su thought silently.

Everyone still has their own material love, formal and stable job, annoying family, and study. It seems that this dream world will inevitably merge into reality in the end.

Therefore, the musical path of underground idols also comes to an end, and beautiful things will also fade, fade with the passage of time, and finally wither. Wonderful performances, longings, fantasies and youth... all came to nothing in the end.

But it was too cruel for children. Zhang Su touched Yuanzhi's head and said, "Let's go backstage to get them a souvenir photo."

"Hmm...!" They followed Zhang Su and used the golden VIP tickets in their hands to exchange items with the idols.

The sign on the road said that the event date was from July 2056 to July 2057. In a total of only one year, this group would disappear and never exist again!

When they saw this information, they all felt that time was precious.

Even if there is reluctance and reluctance, they still have to move on.

At this time, underground idols were taking photos with fans. Mayumi found the lead singer, and she suddenly burst into tears.

"Thank you for singing!" Mayumi cried. "It's amazing! But it's all gone. It's the last time..."

"The last time? No." The beautiful girl smiled.

"Huh??" Everyone hesitated.

"Do you like listening to it? Follow our account. We will be reincarnated soon and form a new small group." The underground idol pink-haired girl gave Mayumi an autograph and a group photo.

"Eh!?" They were all shocked.

Zhang Su didn't expect such a thing to happen. He also felt that the disbandment was quite sad. However, since the cost of forming an underground idol is very low, it is natural for them to be resurrected indefinitely!

"Before, we could only perform for one year because of the requirements of investors and planning. Now we have found new investment. We will make a fortune in the future, with more and more performance contracts, and we will become the most powerful in New Tokyo. An underground idol! This is the idol, the witch idol Daze who will always bring you happiness and eternal youth~" The pink-haired girl tilted her head and stuck out her tongue, giving them a victory sign.

After following the group's account, I got the negative photos, photos, and future plans.

"Next time I come to New Tokyo, I will come to see you!" Hayho blushed, and the other children were also looking forward to it.

It turns out that eternal youth and happiness really exist!

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