Witch containment diary

Chapter 180 Zaho in Shadow Street

The next day, it was around 6 o'clock in the morning.

Hayao got up from the bed.

The plush carpet of the Tianjing Hotel was exceptionally soft under her bare feet. The faint morning light filtered through the curtains, and the sun had not yet risen from the horizon.

Reio wore a leopard-print eye mask to sleep, and only had a nightgown of the same style on her body.

Recently, my senior sister always likes these fancy things, and she also bought several bags of new clothes from Kabukicho Ichiban Street.

Hayao quietly slipped down.

She smelled her body and felt that the fragrance was coming from Reio. Hayao didn't have any fashionable things.

I'm going back to An Hospital soon.

This thought made Saho half happy and half scared.

Although Anxinyuan is home, once I have seen so much beauty, splendor and prosperity in New Tokyo, I am afraid it will be difficult to adapt to the monotonous and simple life.

Thinking of the days when I was studying and taking classes in Anxinyuan, feeding chickens and climbing trees, I feel like I was in my previous life.

Hayho came to the bathroom. She was too short, so she climbed onto the marble countertop and looked at herself in the mirror.

It was dark indoors, but she was never afraid of the dark. She was the one who hid to scare people. Saho made a few faces in the mirror, then opened Reio's cosmetics box, secretly imitated Reio's look, and gave herself a few hooks. Eyeliner.

Looking at the extra black marks on my eyes, I feel very happy. Hahaha, she is as beautiful as an adult...

It seems that I forgot something. Hayho patted his head, yes, he was going to the Shadow Street in New Tokyo.

She quietly opened the door and went out to the corridor covered with red flocked carpet.

The robot butler was flying around and was about to greet him when Hayho put a finger in front of his lips to stop him from making any noise, and then walked around in front of each room door to listen to what was going on inside.

After confirming that everyone was sleeping, Hayho quietly took the elevator to the first floor. Only on the floor near the ground did she feel a sense of security.

For a penniless child, New Tokyo was really a maze that was difficult to solve. It seemed like there were places to spend money everywhere, and she didn’t even have a cash card or banknotes.

She walked to the counter and looked up at the front desk clerk.

"How can I help you?" The waiter smiled broadly.

"Give me a map." Saho turned his hand over. Although the waiter didn't understand the need, he still took out the tablet and opened the map to Saho.

"Show me..." Hayho climbed up, knelt on the counter, slid his hands again and again, and found the medical center where Fujikawa Chiyo was recovering, and pointed, "Get me a flying car and let it Send me to this place."

"Kids, this costs money. Where are your adults?" the waiter said with a smile.

"Find me the most expensive and luxurious car. Expensive things are nice and the people are polite. I don't have money, so I asked a big guy for the money after I was called. The biggest guy is super big and his name is Mr. Dasu." With his hands wide open, the waiter immediately thought of who it was.

The flying taxi lands.

Hayho returned to Fujikawa Chiyo's ward easily.

At this time, Fujikawa Chiyo was almost in recovery. The ordinary police officers who were watching outside were still there, looking tired on duty. There were no professional witch countermeasures personnel around, so Hayho felt very safe.

She used shadow magic to hide herself and sneak in.

"Hehe. I'm here." Hayho squatted beside Fujikawa Chiyo's bedside and spoke softly.

"Eh..." Fujikawa Chiyo turned around and saw Saho, a little surprised.

She quickly glanced at the monitor outside the ward. Fortunately, the monitor was dozing off.

"...Take me to Shadow Street to find my mother, otherwise we will have to take the bus back to the countryside and it will be too late." Hayho said in Fujikawa Chiyo's ear.

"But there are guards outside, and I'm also thinking about how to sneak out..." Chiyo Fujikawa lowered her voice.

"I will take you out the same way I came in." Hayho said.

Chiyo Fujikawa's mind suddenly moved, and she suddenly thought of the shadow step that Hayho used when playing basketball.

If there is anyone who is good at leaving under the eyes of others, it is the witch of the Shadow Path.

She nodded to Hayho.

Hayao rubbed her hands together to create a cloak of shadow, shrouding her and Fujikawa Chiyo in the shadow field. To others, they looked like a blurry black shadow that could disappear without a trace if they walked along the shadow on the wall.

Taking this opportunity, Fujikawa Chiyo escaped from the ward, as if returning to the sea and the vast world outside.

"We have to go to the dark zone." Fujikawa Chiyo quickly headed to the nearest subway station.

The people from the Metropolitan Police are slow to move and are not as smart as the human defense plan, but they can track them down quickly.

The subways have turned into slums and become chaotic, forming a vast world called the "Dark Zone". Fujikawa Chiyo will only be safe underground.

"We are going to be invincible!" Hayho jumped up and down, following Chiyo Fujikawa through the elevator.

Going down, the crowds get smaller and smaller, and the bright urban world is replaced by endless darkness.

"Come on." Chiyo Fujikawa picked up Hayho.

"Oh, I feel comfortable." Hayho leaned back and put his hands behind his head, soft and soft. It was better to be with Teacher Fujikawa Chiyo.

In the same position, Teacher Dasu's is too hard, like iron. Hayao thought. Now is the private seat.

Half an hour later, they passed through a long subway tunnel, and their vision soon became brighter. Cheap electric lights were hanging everywhere, and there were signs of "Shadow Street" high up.

There are densely packed markets on both sides, full of mysterious figures. Some have undergone severe and dangerous modifications, with wires sprouting directly from the skin; some have applied terrible biological agents, and their entire heads have turned into strange fish. Bubbles are pumped from the gills; some are dressed in costumes and masks, which are incompatible with the real world...

Hayao was fascinated.

This place is completely different from New Tokyo. Other children don’t know that there is such a place in the world, Shadow Street!

What shocked Hayao even more was the underground waterway in front of him. It was strangely wide, at least twenty or thirty meters wide. It was dug manually. The subway track was blocked by this unexpectedly dug underground harbor.

A large nuclear attack submarine slowly rose from the water, like a black whale. People walked across the pontoon and went to load and unload the cargo. They were all arms smuggled from the human defense plan.

There are also a large number of smaller ships next to them, piled with goods, which seem to overwhelm these ships at any time.

"Here we are, ahead is the Fourth Port Pier. The entire New Tokyo...the largest black market." Fujikawa Chiyo murmured.

"Black market!" Saho was a little excited, it sounded amazing.

"In New Tokyo, you can find 80% of the world's commodities, and the remaining 20% ​​are traded at the Four Terminals." Chiyo Fujikawa nodded.

She thought that Fujikawa Saburo actually used the Kirishima Maru to traffic people in Tokyo Bay. Was she really timid? Was she afraid of stepping into the Street of Shadows? If it were her, she would definitely conduct the transaction at Sibu Pier.

"There must be news about my mother here." Hayho looked around, "I don't know where it is. Will those who are walking towards us know?"

Fujikawa Chiyo turned her head and was shocked.

Some shadows visibly peeled off the street, standing up and taking humanoid forms.

And a large number of Fujikawa team members wearing suits and holding baseball bats and iron pipes have appeared, like a large group of wild dogs.

"Chiyo Fujikawa!" The surviving hall leader Shuzo Miyagi aimed a stick at her, "Master Saburo's body is still cold, and you dare to show up! You are a traitor who colluded with the human defense plan!"

"Human Defense Plan"!

As soon as he shouted this word, several people in Shadow Street suddenly died of fright, and others were also a little nervous.

The affairs of the Sibu Black Market could not be exposed outside, and the members turned to Fujikawa Chiyo with hatred.

One by one, they picked up weapons and aimed at Fujikawa Chiyo, and she was instantly targeted!

Seeing that his strategy was working, Miyagi Shuzo sneered.

Chiyo Fujikawa put down Saho and asked her to hide behind him.

"Don't be afraid. There will be a way out when I bring you here. I can turn into electricity with my body and break through the siege in an instant. I will never let you get hurt." Chiyo Fujikawa whispered.

"Yeah!" Hayho planned to leave Chiyo Fujikawa and run away when the opportunity came to a close.

"Have you reached an alliance with the ninjas of the Shadow Dojo?" Fujikawa Chiyo looked at the hostile hall master and the remnants of the Fujikawa family.

The ninjas who emerged from the shadows held cross sickles and ninja swords with serious attitudes.

The leader among them was a female ninja, wearing a slender raven mask on her face.

"Gah..." She screamed and stared at Fujikawa Chiyo coldly.

Fujikawa Chiyo took a deep breath. The opponent was "Raven Girl", one of the Seven Ninjas in the Dark Zone. She was powerful and one of the superior ninjas.

Not only is he proficient in conventional combat methods, but he can also use advanced ninjutsu, genjutsu, and blood succession limits, which is something that even Shui Li can't do.

"Brothers!" Miyagi Osamu raised his arms and shouted, "Now our enemy has fallen into a trap! Let us kill Fujikawa Chiyo! She does not deserve to return to the dark zone!"

Enemies are surrounding from all directions.

The stall owners in Shadow Street, passers-by, and even the mercenaries from Sibu Pier who got off the nuclear submarine all took out their weapons and prepared to kill him.

"Hey, you guys are so incompetent, you have to gather so many people together! Trash~trash~" Hayho stuck his head out and scolded them.

Fujikawa Chiyo was stunned for a moment, Hayao! Why create chaos at this time!

Originally there was still room for mediation, but now he is going to be the target of public criticism?

And Miyagi Shuzo was going to die laughing!

Why did Chiyo Fujikawa bring up such a stupid, heartless child!

Originally, he just wanted to fan the flames and let the people in the dark zone besiege Fujikawa Chiyo.

But this kid was so abusive that even if Fujikawa Chiyo was cut into pieces, no one would have any objections.

"Whose little brat, go to hell! Is it your turn to speak?" Shuzo Miyagi laughed.

The weird thing is.

There was a strange calm on the field.

More people gathered in Shadow Street than before.

Even more people rushed out of their hiding places and flew towards the field, like moths chasing the light.

The ninja leader Raven Girl even lost her temper and shouted: "Say it again!"

"Hush, shush...!" Fujikawa Chiyo quickly waved her hand to tell Hayho to stop talking!

So many people came running over, and if Saho angered them again, Fujikawa Chiyo would not be able to protect her.

Hayao has agency and refuses to be ordered by Fujikawa Chiyo.

"You guys are all idiots! You have weapons but you don't dare to do it. Are you afraid of me alone?" That's what Hayho wanted to say.

The Raven Goddess' mood suddenly changed.

Listening to Saho's words, the slightly experienced people present suddenly felt extremely missing...

When was the last time you heard such a voice and such a tone?

"Please say a few more words! Scold us more harshly!" The raven girl walked forward eagerly, with a cry in her tone.

She hadn't heard such ridicule and reprimand for a long, long time.

"What a strange request! You don't like to be insulted, do you? You're a useless piece of trash who can't do anything." Hayho made a face at them.

The people in Shadow Street cried with joy and were extremely excited.

This is……

This is the tone of the Shadow Witch!

Exactly the same!

I miss you so much!

"...What, why don't we do something? It's just a woman and a girl." The young mercenary who was inexperienced in the world whispered to the captain next to him.

"Shh, don't do it." The captain murmured, "This place was founded by the Shadow Witch! And the Shadow Witch has been missing for more than ten years... For everyone in this place, it is what they desire most. , just to hear the Shadow Witch scold them again!"

"Damn it, do it!" Shuzo Miyagi didn't understand what was going on, and just felt that the people in Shadow Street were stunned.

Unable to hold himself back, he immediately waved his hand to the brothers behind him to open fire.

In an instant, his neck was pierced by Raven Girl, and he fell to the ground!

The Fujikawa team members behind him trembled and did not dare to move.

"Do you—do you know Shadow Witch? What's your name?" Raven Girl asked Hayho.

"My name is Saho. I am the Shadow Path Witch. I come from Ansinin!" Saho gestured to herself with a thumbs up. "I don't know who the Shadow Witch is. I'm here to find my mother!"

As soon as these words came out, Shadow Street became even more excited.

"Coming to see mom!"

"The Shadow Witch has a queen!" They became energetic.

Fujikawa Chiyo was stunned.

I have never seen people in this lifeless place so excited and excited!

"Shadow Street, welcome to His Highness Hayao!"

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