Witch containment diary

Chapter 181 Gift to the Legend

Immediately afterwards, there were a few more figures on the Shadow Street.

Hayao glanced at them with their hands behind their backs, feeling that they all seemed to be big-shot figures. Once they showed up, the others' voices became even more humble, as if they couldn't raise their heads at all.

"Hey, you all know the Shadow Witch, right? Is she really my mother? Where should I find her?" Hayho said impatiently.

Hearing this, many people burst into tears.

"...That child! Listen to me, your voice and appearance are very similar to the Shadow Witch. We all believe that you are her daughter. She founded this place and is also the savior of us all...! There is no shadow A witch wouldn't be who I am now!" A man in black armor who had undergone profound mechanization appeared.

His appearance was a complete piece of metal black armor, wrapped in jet black metal from head to toe. He stared at Haoho carefully.

"Ah? What's wrong with her?" Hayho was puzzled.

"It turned out that my limbs were mutilated, and when she saw me, she scolded me like crazy, saying that I was a piece of rubbish and disabled. I was determined to fight in shame and anger, and finally gathered the capital for myself to undergo surgery to strengthen myself! Now I, gather With the strongest body and the strongest mechanical transformation, I am the guardian of Shadow Street!" the black iron man said loudly.

"Haha, you are so rubbish now! You look like you were put together randomly." Saho laughed.

"Ah - I still have a lot to work hard on..." The black iron man backed away, clutching his heart as if he had been hit by an arrow.

"Before your mother came, the terrifying 'Onishi-ryu Dojo' ruled the underground world. There were more than three hundred ninjas in the dojo! They were humiliated by the Shadow Witch and tried to hunt down the Shadow Witch, but they were exterminated! It was also thanks to the Shadow Witch , our 'Shadow Dojo' can rise and become the new Shadow King of Tokyo today, and even cultivate seven masters." Raven Girl smiled.

"Then you are good enough, and you still need my mother to take action to defeat your competitors before you can rise." Saho said.

Raven Girl's breath was stagnant, and the shadow ninjas behind her also looked ashamed, and several of them almost fainted from anger.

"It's so scary...she is indeed the daughter of the Shadow Witch."

"We can't hold our heads up at all!" the ninjas whispered to each other.

"...I still remember that when the Shadow Witch first came here, I was almost like an uncivilized savage. I would get angry and take action when I encountered the slightest insult. When she scolded me, I immediately fought back and fought with her. As a result, I got this scar on my body, and I kept it to remind myself: Don’t mess with the Shadow Witch!” A burly ninja with jagged scars on his face spoke.

"I also hope that I can become as powerful as my mother..." Saho took out the awl in his hand and started playing with it.

"Back then, the Shadow Witch gave us a shout-out: "The various religions and losers in Shadow Street, stop fighting among themselves here. They don't even know how to make money successfully. They are really a bunch of bastards who don't know what they mean." Then we worked hard to become stronger. , established four black markets to transship goods from all over the world. "The business leader said loudly.

"I see……"

"Ten Years of Shadow Street was first founded by the Shadow Witch, and this name commemorates her!"

Many people who are new here heard about the legend of the Shadow Witch for the first time today.

They were all very sorry to hear that the Shadow Witch had been missing for 10 years. Such a talented and beautiful witch could just remain silent in the world?

Now seeing Saho here, they felt hopeful again.

"Well! I see that you don't have much knowledge now, so you are still hiding in the gutter to make money. But I feel that I am not as powerful as my mother. If I keep talking, I may get beaten. I have to go! Do you really have no news about my mother?" Sui asked.

"I'm afraid not." Raven Girl said, "She left to pursue stronger power, but we are really satisfied to see her descendants alive."

"Wow, leaving everyone, leaving me, leaving Shadow Street in pursuit of power..." Saho felt very romantic.

In a world where the strong are respected, the Shadow Witch pursues power wholeheartedly, and Saho must learn from her mother. Close your heart and love, give birth to a baby and then wander around the world, and let the child find a way to keep up.

"...The Shadow Witch said that the Witch will continue to become stronger, stronger than the last second every second, and will eventually dominate the world. Daughter of the Shadow Witch, you must also become stronger!" The business leader is the Shadow Witch. Fans can’t help but sigh now.

As Hayho said, she is just a ghost with a shadow of the Shadow Witch's past.

Only by becoming stronger can you come back and master Shadow Street.

"...We should go, Hayho." Fujikawa Chiyo took Hayho away. She also glared at the surviving Fujikawa team members, who also followed Fujikawa Chiyo nervously.

"Goodbye, uncles and aunts who know my mother, my mother is not here, but I know that my mother is a very cool person. Don't worry, I will lead you to create glory when I become stronger." Saho waved his hand and walked out. .

"...This is the relic that your mother left in the Shadow Street hideout. We didn't dare to open it until the fifth year after she left. We have kept it to this day. I hope you can take it away." The burly scarred ninja handed a package Give the things to Hayho.

"By the way, who is my father? Is it you?" Hayho asked.

"No one knows." The burly ninja explained, "True love for a witch can create witch eggs. This kind of love can come from a man, a woman, or even another witch. So you don't necessarily have a real 'dad', it may be a shadow. The witch suddenly felt love one day, so she gave birth to you. No matter what, you were born because you were loved. This is destined! All witches are the same."

Hayao nodded thoughtfully. What is love?

She opened the package, and inside was the cloak that the Shadow Witch once wore, a bottle of dark poison, and some old banknotes.

She put on her mother's cloak and stuffed the poison into her pocket.

Looking at her serious look, it was like a miniature version of the Shadow Witch reappearing in front of them.

People who are familiar with Shadow Witch can't help but smile comfortably and kindly.

"These bills are too old. They are money I have never seen before. If I can't spend them, then I will still be a poor child." Saho raised the bills above his head.

"Short of money?"

"I have money here!"

"Take some money and go!"

"Take mine!"

"We can't let the Shadow Witch's daughter live on the street..." Everyone was anxious and quickly found cash or gold jewelry and handed them to Haoho.

Startled, she took them one after another and stuffed them into her pockets. She was dazzled by the bundles of banknotes and the large number of shiny trinkets.

"Goodbye, you losers." Hayho said goodbye to everyone. They were very happy and recorded it and played it over and over again.

People watched the Shadow Witch's daughter leave, imagining that the Shadow Witch herself could return again in the future and abuse them again.

"Hey, I'm rich!" Hayho strode out, and Fujikawa Chiyo helped her arrange her clothes to prevent her new treasure from falling out.

"These things are very important and will be watched, so you must be careful." Chiyo Fujikawa said.

"If there are bad people, I will hide." Hayho held his head high.

"I will take you back to the hotel." Chiyo Fujikawa was worried.

Cross the underground railroad tracks.

Fujikawa Chiyo heard the footsteps and turned to look at the more than 30 Fujikawa team members who were following.

These dangerous men and women had nowhere to go. They bowed their heads in front of Chiyo Fujikawa and waited silently for her fate.

Fujikawa Chiyo took a deep breath.

"Listen to me! Saburo's era is over! He has brought too much fear and threats to the Fujikawa group, and I will inherit my father's way and unite this place with justice and ideals!" Chiyo Fujikawa waved her hand.

Her words seemed to have erased the shadow that Saburo had left on the Fujikawa group.

The members of Fujikawa's team exchanged glances with each other, as if recalling their old way of life, and hoped to continue to operate smoothly under the guidance of Fujikawa Chiyo from now on.

Fujikawa Chiyo nodded.

"...We are all family members, living in this dark place. The goal is to build this place better. The population of the dark zone is as large as the people on the ground. If we want to live a good life, we must unite and fight externally. Eat, but you can’t compete with each other, let alone bully the weak.” Fujikawa Chiyo stepped forward and shook hands with each brother and sister in turn, like a unique ceremony.


"We will work hard...!"

"We have to tell the others that Miss Chiyo is back, and you will be the only leader of the Fujikawa group from now on." The members of the Fujikawa group responded with loyalty.

Fujikawa Chiyo nodded to them. Although there have been twists and turns, a new era in the Dark Zone has finally begun.

She sent Zaosui back to Tianjing Hotel and said goodbye in the square.

"The people from the Metropolitan Police Department are still looking for me. It's impossible to just leave like this. I still have to sign an agreement with them. And if you want to go back to An'an Hospital, I'm afraid you won't be able to see me again in the future. Hayao, remember to live a good life." Fujikawa Chiyo touched Hayao's hair.

"Well! Thank you for taking me to Shadow Street. Now I know that I really have a mother, and she talks the same way as me." Saho said frankly.

Chiyo Fujikawa bowed to Hayho.

"The legacy of Shadow Witch is not the only thing you have. You can also live a completely different life yourself, because we are all unique." Chiyo Fujikawa said goodbye to Hayao.

Hayao watched her leave.

When I raised my head and saw the magnificent and luxurious Tianjing Hotel, I felt that the money in my pocket was heavy and precious.

Although she tried hard to be an adult, she felt that she was just a young child, playing in the world and had not yet been exposed to truly scary and serious things.

So she has to work harder in the future. She still has a lot to learn just to survive in this huge world, let alone become as awesome as her mother, Shadow Witch.

She returned to the hotel in her cloak, feeling happier than ever.

Where is Teacher Dasu? Hayao looked around, and it just happened that she could put away the things on her body that could easily arouse suspicion, and then put them back on when she needed them.

Not long after, the children came back from the cafeteria, holding ice cream in their hands and looking at Saho curiously.

"Good morning, little one, who loves to read, senior, kitten, Muroka~" Saho greeted the other children, and then suddenly felt the wind blowing from both sides, and he lifted off the ground.

"Where have you been playing?" Zhang Su arrested Zaosui!

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