Witch containment diary

Chapter 182 Falling in love with Lian Wu

"You're not being naughty! Teacher Da Su!" Zaosui struggled under Zhang Su's big hands, and the distance from the ground made her heart beat faster.

"Then I followed you to the hospital and found that you abused shadow magic and helped Chiyo Fujikawa escape. This is a serious crime. I will throw you into the No. 1 Witch Prison in New Tokyo." Zhang Su said seriously.

Unexpectedly, Saho cried when he heard it.

"Don't... don't throw me away, teacher!" Saho was startled and whimpered, "From now on... I will be obedient... whatever you ask me to do... be a good boy..."

Zhang Su couldn't stand this move and couldn't help but put Saho down. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"So, where did you go with Chiyo?" Zhang Su knelt down and asked.

"Going to find my mother, Dasu, do you know where my mother is? Everyone says she is the Shadow Witch." Saho wiped away her tears, her eyes red.

"Yes, the Shadow Witch is behind the Gate of Hell in Mount Kagura." Zhang Su had mixed feelings in his heart. "She is like the best witch, insisting on pursuing strength and wisdom. You also want to learn from your mother and become a legendary witch. ? Then, the first step is to know yourself, respect yourself, especially respect your own power, and don't abuse it. Especially tell me, I'm really afraid that you will go to a dangerous place..." He became more and more worried as he spoke.

"Don't worry about me, Teacher Da Su, don't be sad, stay strong!" Zaosui stepped forward and gave Zhang Su a friendly hug. It seemed like she was going to comfort Zhang Su!

"Ah, super attack!" Natsuki took the opportunity to swing Mayumi's big shark doll and slapped Saho's butt.

"You're a kid! You're disgusting!" Saho turned around and chased Natsuki.

"Okay, pack up your things and mood, and get ready to go home. We will definitely find the Shadow Witch in the future." Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. At least there was no trouble.

Saho is the most difficult to reason among the children. And this is just the beginning, Zhang Su has to take care of the children, otherwise they will all become troublesome bad witches when they grow up!

A few hours later.

On the streets of New Tokyo, Zhang Su and Lian Wu went shopping.

I will go back to the hospital soon, and such opportunities are becoming less and less. The children entrusted Katie to take them with them, and continued to visit various attractions in New Tokyo.

Lianwu was wearing a thin white coat, a leather skirt, brown high heels on her feet, and an expensive small leather bag in her hand. She looked really dignified and sweet.

Zhang Su also changed his outfit and went out wearing beach shorts and a short-sleeved jacket, with his hands in his pockets, like Huang Mao who kidnapped the daughter of a wealthy family.

"Dad, there aren't many things left for us..." Lian Wu said to Zhang Su.

"It doesn't matter, Lian Wu. Now we have a lot of money. Even if we only have a little support, we can build our own life." Zhang Su quickly comforted.

"...There is only a house left for us in New Tokyo." Renwu said.

"?" Zhang Su was shocked, real estate in New Tokyo! This is too valuable.

Different from the decline of old Tokyo, new Tokyo is still very expensive. As expected, he was the founder of the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce. Even in his most desolate state, he still had amazing wealth.

"Come on, quickly, write our names." Lian Wu blushed.

She picked up her mobile phone and photographed the electronic real estate certificate on Zhang Su's face.

He looked carefully and left his name.

As a result, the change in property rights was confirmed.

"New Tokyo, Minami Mihara, Minato-ku, Goyo Villa 6-8-15.

Property owner: An-yuan Lianwu, Zhang Su"

"~" Lianwu took the phone back.

After paying a large amount of house transfer tax, she and Zhang Su had a house in New Tokyo.

"Let's go and have a look now." Zhang Su was in a good mood and set off immediately.

Coming to the Minato District of New Tokyo, it is quite luxurious. There is a vast beach on the side facing the bay, and next to it is a large area of ​​villas. These are residences that can only be purchased by the richest people. Many of them are the assets of multinational business owners. .

They usually live outside, so most of the houses are vacant. Even so, every household is clean and tidy, and the public security is extremely good, and it is under special protection.

"This is right here~" Lian Wu pointed to the house left by his father to Lian Wu and Zhang Su.

It's such a big house. Zhang Su thought it was beautiful at first sight.

Surrounded by well-tended gardens, automatic gardening robots shuttle silently on the grass, with exquisite flowers and low-key landscaping. There are traditional white walls with pointed eaves at the top, and stone sculptures and lanterns on the floor. The steel bars are the same as those of New Tokyo. The building is in stark contrast.

"Beautiful~" Lian Wu pressed the combination lock, opened the door, and then went in with Zhang Su.

They sneaked along the winding pebble path, lined with small trees on both sides, and the quiet pool reflected the cloudless day.

Opening the door of the house, Zhang Su was even more impressed by the clean tatami floor and simple and luxurious decoration in the villa.

This place is perfect for retirement. Zhang Su couldn't help but check the total price of the house, 2 billion yen! The refund money obtained from Kazama Yihuai was only 2 billion yen, which was barely enough to buy another luxury house like this.

"I'm here to treat my family to a meal, and call Brother Long and Brother Kyoji to come," Lian Wu said.

"Okay, it's time to meet relatives." Zhang Su thought it was good.

"Don't imitate me...!" Lianwu punched Zhang Su. Zhang Su was happy and felt that he never got tired of it no matter how many times he did it.

This house is really huge, and when you live in it, you don't feel confined by a small box.

The view is good, very transparent in all directions, and there are large windows. You can see the courtyard scenery outside at will, which is especially beautiful and fresh.

Zhang Su went to buy fresh beef, mutton and seafood, put a pot on the induction cooker, and prepared to entertain Lian Wu's two brothers.

"I'm sorry." Ansuin Kyouji drove to visit his sister's house.

Since the terrible Naoji Shopping Mall banquet incident, Kyoji seems to have become a lot more honest, and his car has been replaced by a cheap Mercedes-Benz C-class. He looks somewhat similar to Lian Wu, with narrow eyes and messy black hair, falling casually on his shoulders.

Although he cannot be compared with Zhang Su, Kyouji has also worked out and is strong and toned, with broad palms and slender fingers. Overall, he is a beautiful and elegant person.

"Mr. Long Yi didn't come?" Zhang Su thought of Lian Wu's eldest brother.

"Long Yi..." Kyoji shook his head, "I haven't been able to contact him."

"Nothing will happen." Zhang Su pondered.

"That's not the case. He probably just doesn't want anyone to disturb him. After all, he was very bruised by his father's imprisonment... What should I say? Let's eat." Kyoji said, his eyes falling on the food on the table.

"~" Lianwu sat obediently, her hands folded dignifiedly on her legs.

Zhang Suke bought a lot of delicious food and used the sauce flavor of the sukiyaki pot to make hot pot. It felt very fragrant even before it started cooking.

The side dishes on the side include a plate of rice noodles, which are hand-made and look very chewy.

The vegetables include a plate of Chinese cabbage, as green as jade, plus spinach, spring vegetables and peas. Mushrooms include enoki mushrooms, golden-brown shiitake mushrooms and expensive, top-quality matsutake mushrooms.

In addition, there are thinly sliced ​​tripe, duck intestines, etc. It is not like in a hot pot restaurant, where the surface is one layer and the bottom is full of ice cubes. Instead, it is purely weighed by the pound. I bought ten pounds.

As for the plates of hot pot meatballs, shrimp paste, fish dumplings and shrimp dumplings, green vegetables, tofu skin, there are countless more.

There is less meat, only some fat beef rolls and lamb rolls.

Because everyone has experienced the bloody banquet at Ming She Commercial Building, they feel uncomfortable seeing meat now.

"Please, please." Zhang Su poured the ingredients into the bubbling hot pot, and they started to boil.

The soup itself is the real star. It is a mixture of high-quality sukiyaki sauce, including special sauce, mirin and ordinary soy sauce. It has also been seasoned with kombu and bonito flowers in advance. It tastes both salty and full of flavor. An aromatic seafood flavor.

"I'm starting~" Lianwu whispered, clasping her hands together.

"What a feast." Kyouji also quickly started to wash his food, as if he was here just to eat. The second-generation rich man from Anxin Hospital now has the mentality of being able to have a good time.

Zhang Su blanched the mushrooms, surimi and vegetables, then tasted them carefully.

The relaxed atmosphere was the key to the evening, feeling like a family without any burdens.

Kyoji has always been a luxurious person. Although he has learned to live a commoner's life, he still pursues style.

"I also brought drinks, come here, sister, brother-in-law." Kyoji opened a few bottles of old whiskey, poured some for Zhang Su, and the two of them drank a few glasses.

"Long Yi didn't come, does it really matter?" Zhang Su drank some amber whiskey. The spirit rolled into his stomach and immediately ignited into a fire, mixed with the smell of honey and tobacco. The taste was mellow and strong, and the texture was smooth. .

"He must think there is something more important than eating, although I don't know what it is at all." Kyoji took a sip of wine, snorted, frowned slowly, and then picked up a chopstick to eat the mutton.

"What are your plans next? Regarding the Gaoyue Chamber of Commerce..." Zhang Su asked, picking up two beef balls to taste.

"Even if my father is gone, we still have to rebuild Satsuki Shoji. This is necessary." Kyoji thought for a while, picked up the shrimp with his chopsticks, and then said, "The money and assets left to us are not much, only one hundred. It’s about 100 million. Sister Hasumi and I will be responsible for the inheritance, otherwise we will be held accountable. I plan to be responsible for the New Tokyo side, and Sister Hasumi, you will be responsible for the affairs in Echigo and the countryside back home."

"Yeah~" Lian Wu nodded. Businesses in the Echigo area were smaller and easier to manage.

"Will there be any trouble?" Zhang Su asked, taking a large pair of chopsticks to rinse the mushrooms and eat them with sesame sauce.

"The ensuing accountability and various inquiries are the most tortured." Kyoji shrugged, as if he was trying hard to learn how to manage huge assets, and picked up a red shrimp in the pot with chopsticks, "Satsuki, The names of Anxinyuan and Dongzhou Industrial are bad, so I have to find a way to register a new trademark and make some money in a market segment that Sunshine Group cannot see. By the way, let’s call it SSK Co., Ltd.”

"My name here is Anxin Industrial Company." Lian Wu said happily.

"It doesn't matter where you are, Zhang Su will protect you anyway." Kyoji took a bite of the bamboo wheel and asked, "When will you get married?"

"No, we are not..." Lian Wu blushed and lowered her head.

"Ah?" Kyoji picked up a piece of shrimp dumplings and was a little surprised, "Aren't they boyfriend and girlfriend? Then I called them sister and brother-in-law."

Zhang Su put down the mutton-boiled meat on his lips, feeling that this was a long-standing misunderstanding. He and Lian Wu had never had a confirmed relationship.

But it doesn’t matter, start making changes and taking the oath from today!

"Miss Anxinyuan Lianwu." Zhang Su stood up and bowed to Lianwu, "Please date me on the condition of marriage!"

"Ah~!!!!" Lian Wu leaned back, at a loss, and fainted.

"No problem, Lian Wu, Zhang Su is a good man, he will give you a happy life." Kyoji doesn't care, he has a pretty good impression of Zhang Su. After all, he is an important member of the human defense plan and has made many achievements. Speaking of which, It's amazing, and she's tall and mighty. Sister Lianwu will definitely be protected.

From a utilitarian point of view, when the family is in danger, entrusting the girl to the cadres of the human defense plan is also very practical, and they will not be afraid even if the devil comes. And if something happens in business, family members will help each other.

"~~" Lianwu was too shy. She supported herself with one hand and looked at Zhang Su, her eyes flickering, and there was uneasiness hidden behind her.

But gradually, panic turned into joy, and they could finally face each other's hearts honestly, and this relationship was recognized by her brother.

Seeing the ambiguous glances between them, Kyoji felt that it was inappropriate for him to stay here any longer.

"I won't interrupt, I'm leaving first." Kyoji left quickly, taking the unopened wine with him.

After Ansuin Kyouji left, an awkward silence fell in the room.

Lianwu felt like her entire body was on fire, and she didn't know how to position her feet.

Zhang Su and Lian Wu both wanted to speak again and again but could not speak.

In the end, it was Lian Wu who spoke first, with a soft voice: "You... do you want that?"

"Wait!" Zhang Su's heart was pounding, "Lianwu, there is no need to rush to make a decision!"

"Kiss..." Lian Wu bit her lip.

"Oh, it's a kiss... I thought..." Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief, and he gently lifted a loose strand of hair from Lian Wu's face.

He lowered his head and kissed Lian Wu. Her lips tasted as soft as petals. Zhang Su didn't last long. Then he stepped back and observed Lian Wu's reaction. She closed her eyes and her face turned completely red. It took a long time. Open your eyes slowly.

"Then, let's... live together... and then, if you're ready, get married..." Lian Wu whispered.

"No problem." Zhang Su promised, "We will live together...Miss Lianwu."

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