Witch containment diary

Chapter 183 Witch Supervisor Dailan

After leaving the luxury villa area in the port area, Kyoji shrugged, thinking that Zhang Su was probably on good terms with Lianwu by now.

The younger sister has her own blessings. The best the elder brother can do is take care of the family business and clean up the dilapidated An Yuan family affairs.

"Hey, brother Long Yi." Kyoji called Long Yi, "Why didn't you come to dinner with your sister tonight?"

"I have something to do, Kyoji. From now on... let's reduce contact for the time being. My father has left us, and Anxinyuan's family business has also fallen apart. We have to make a living on our own. If there are any missing documents or procedures, I can help you complete them. I If you don’t need my share of the property, I’ll give it to you.” Long Yi said.

"Brother, I'm worried when you talk like that." Kyoji said helplessly, "I just want to drive a luxury car, play with my friends, and race horses. Inheriting the family business has nothing to do with me! You are the one The heir to daddy’s heart!”

"Yes, so I plan to rebuild the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce and fulfill my father's unfinished dream." Long Yi said.

"Brother, all the things were given to me and Sister Lianwu, what are you going to do! Aren't you going to suffer from poverty like this?" Kyoji lamented.

"I have a solution, don't worry." Long Yi said.

"Brother! Give up! The chaebols that dad dealt with before were still scattered and fighting on their own. Now they have tied up and formed 'Shengyang'. This is even more terrifying than dad's time! What's more, they eat our family's food The corpse has grown up! All our allies have returned to Shengyang now!" Kyoji couldn't help but remind him.

"Don't worry, Kyoji, I know what's appropriate." Long Yi said briefly, and then ended the communication.

An Yinlong closed the phone and stuffed it into his coat.

He noticed his brother's concern, but it didn't matter, there were more important things at hand.

He took out his family's samurai sword.

There was an open human skin manuscript on the old table in front of him. Those were found from the old house and were the notes left by Masako Asami.

Now Long Yi has completely understood and knows how to summon Mr. Fortunado.

Dust was flying in the dim light, and six bodies lay on the ground.

The deceased were extremely common vagrants and property thieves in old Tokyo. When killing them, he had no idea because feelings would only make things more difficult.

He separated their blood and painstakingly drew a pattern of a six-pointed star on the ground.

Then draw Mr. Fortunado’s symbol in the center, a profile picture of a smiling man counting money.

Finally, Long Yi used a language from another dimension to summon, and the words were like the murmurs of an inhuman monster.

He muttered a few words first, then the blood hexagram on the ground began to shine. His confidence suddenly increased and his voice became high-pitched.

"——Mr. Fortunado...!" He completed the summons.

Smoke rose and Mr. Fortunado, wearing a pinstriped suit, appeared at the center of the six-pointed star.

It broke off its own head. It was full of ravines and skinny bones, as if it had been severely beaten.

Under its gaze, Long Yi felt sweat break out on his forehead.

"...Give me luck, give me wealth, just like you signed a contract with my father." Long Yi requested, "I want to accomplish what my father almost did. I want to restore the honor of the Anxinyuan family and become the leader of the East. The richest and most famous family in Ming country."

"No problem, I will transfer the contract to you. Your father is so terrible. Before he has completed his obligations, he has already colluded with humans to try to expel me. I hope you are a smarter child, after all, the demon army will soon break through The human world. When the time comes, only enjoying wealth under my protection is the right way." Mr. Fortunado took out the burning contract and asked Anxin Longyi to fill in his name.

"...I have nothing now, and I don't want to injure my younger siblings." Long Yi signed his name, "I need to return to the financial world, what should I do? All exchanges and banks are only open to Shengyang Group, and Anxinyuan is finished .”

"You clearly know what you should do." Mr. Fortunado sneered.

Long Yi thought for a while and then understood the true meaning. .

Calm returns to the room.

Once the dragon turns around, the ground becomes clear and Mr. Fortunado kindly helps clean up the mess, and he will become rich with the help of invisible luck and wealth.

Now all he needs is a springboard and a channel for revenge.

He took a deep breath and picked up his phone.

Get through the enemy's phone number.

"...Are you Uncle Okura Taizo? I am Long Yi, and I hope to work under you." Long Yi whispered.

"Long Yi," the voice on the other end of the phone was extremely cold, "Why should I recruit someone from An Yuan's family to work for me? The rising sun and the rising moon are like fire and water, why should I risk being betrayed by you and hire you? I Why should I let you make a comeback?"

The Ansin family is now finished, and old chaebol entrepreneurs such as Okura Taizo are one of the driving forces.

"Do you want to know about the death of Hidero Okura?" Long Yi asked.

"..." The voice on the other end of the phone was silent.

"At the meat-eating banquet in the Naked Snake Shopping Mall, in order to please my father, Okura Hidero was kidnapped, cut up, and served on the table by Fujikawa Saburo! I saw it with my own eyes." Long Yi recalled that bloody banquet.

"... Saburo is dead." On the other end of the phone, Director Okura Taizo looked at the photo of his son placed on the table.

"...Although Saburo is dead, he is not the one who killed your son after all. There is someone else who killed your son Hidero Okura." Long Yi sat on the ground, his hair disheveled and confident of victory.


Long Yi's heart was pounding as he thought of the woman with the dragon tattoo at the banquet, holding a knife to act for his father An Yuan Xiu.

"Fujikawa Chiyo." Ryuichi said.

"……I see."

"I can help Shengyang deal with her. As long as you give me a job and a suit, I won't try to make a comeback. My brother has no ambitions and my sister is married. I just want to make my own money. ." Anxinyuan Long Yi said.

Another sunrise.

But this is the most special day, because Zhang Su's trip is over and it's time to return to An'an Hospital.

On the last day, he received an order to report to Edith.

Walking into Edith's office, Zhang Su could see a panoramic view of the New Tokyo skyline from the floor-to-ceiling windows. There were several surrealist abstract paintings on the wall that he knew were valuable at first glance.

"Please sit down." Edith said, throwing her high heels on the ground, folding her two stinky feet on the table, leaning back, and looking at Zhang Su with interest.

No, it’s a trap! Zhang Su was critically hit. Edith always knew how to trap him.

"...We meet again." Zhang Su sat down.

"I want to personally praise your work. It's not easy to defeat a beast like Fujikawa Saburo." Edith said.

"After killing such a gang leader, I'm afraid New Tokyo can be peaceful for a while." Zhang Su said.

"I hope so, but things keep coming, and I won't be idle," Edith said.

"And when my vacation is over, I have to leave all this glitz and take everyone back to Anxinyuan." Zhang Su stretched out, "In Anxinyuan, interpersonal relationships are simpler."

Edith took her feet back, put her shoes back on, then put her hands on the table, leaned forward, and kissed him across the table.

They kissed for a while, and Zhang Su felt that Edith's skillful communication with her lips and teeth was much more exciting than the inexperienced Lian Wu.

Zhang Su closed his eyes and was intoxicated, enjoying the taste of her tongue.

At this moment, there was a soft knock on the door, and Zhang Su tried to get out. This scene would have been too embarrassing if Kazama Yihuai or Solo saw it.

Edith tried to clasp Zhang Su's neck, but she couldn't resist Zhang Su's strength, so she pulled away while looking at him with resentful eyes.

Without enough time to deal with Edith, Zhang Su turned around and saw an old woman in uniform knocking on the door and coming in. Her eyes lit up at the actions of him and Edith, as if she knew exactly what they were doing.

"Full of energy." The old woman smiled.

Although she looked like an aging witch with gray hair, Zhang Su did not dare to neglect her.

[Memory of "Dailan": The old witch born in 1865, the gorgeous path has been broken three times, and each time the position has been broken, a great work of art has been born. Such as "The Coming of the Spirit World", "The Wasteland of Mourning Beauty" and "Cruising the Tianhe" etc. Currently the senior supervisor of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau of Dongming Country, maintaining the relationship between the Countermeasures Bureau and the Nine-Seat Witch Council]

A witch will quickly become old and ugly only a few years before she is truly about to die, otherwise she will remain eternally youthful and beautiful. And Grandma Dailan is about to pass away.

"You came just in time, ma'am." Edith smoothed her skirt.

"It's time for you to be on tenterhooks for a while. Thank you, sir. I'm glad to see you and the director get along so well." Dai Lan sat on the chair held by Zhang Su, sitting dignifiedly.

Dai Lan tied her hair into a gray bun, her face was covered with wrinkles, like a condensed life experience, she wore big, round glasses, her eyes were still young and optimistic, and she was wearing a loose and comfortable robe.

Due to joint problems, her hands looked a little deformed, but Zhang Su knew that she was still good at preparing various magic potions. "Magic potions" were a secret among witches, and Zhang Su had no way of investigating.

"Who are you here to see?" Edith sat in her seat, holding her cheek with one hand, showing an innocent look.

"I want to praise this good boy. I have seen his contribution since he took office. I will not ignore a good person." Grandma Dailan stretched out her hand and folded both hands on Zhang Su's broad right palm. Rub carefully.

"You make me feel honored, and I'm just fulfilling my obligation." Zhang Su lowered his head.

"So humble." Dailan leaned forward, "You have protected many witches, protected them from persecution, disciplined them, and respected them more. Really, child, this feels so good."

"Yes..." Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief. Grandma Dailan's hands were still full of wrinkles, but they felt very powerful, as if she could convey spiritual care to others. She must have been a beauty when she was young, a beautiful witch painter...

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