Witch containment diary

Chapter 184 Groups of Bad Witches

"Anyone would do this." Zhang Su said. He felt that he was not as good as Grandma Dailan praised him.

"You're too humble, don't doubt yourself!" Dailan smiled, "Anxin Hospital has become more prosperous under your care, and the Countermeasures Bureau has become more majestic because of your presence. With a burly man like you in our Countermeasures Bureau When we go in and out, other people will look at us highly, which shows that the future is more promising."

"Thank you! I will continue to work hard within the scope of my responsibilities." Zhang Su thanked him.

"I believe you will." Grandma Dai Lan said meaningfully. "Although it is a commonplace topic, I have always declared in the Witch Council that humans and witches should further integrate, "further communicate with each other, and reach a higher level. understanding." To do this, there must be not only well-intentioned witches, but also humans who work hard. "

"I believe Zhang Su will work hard when he returns to Anxin Hospital. But now he can't be of much help." Edith said lightly.

"In any case, Zhang Su will be of great help in defeating the fallen witches when dealing with the Kagura Mountain Hell Legion." Dailan said.

"I see...Has the parliament learned about the situation of the fallen witches?" Zhang Su realized the true purpose of Grandma Dailan.

"You may have heard of the names of Pariya Mancias, Soraya, and Ivy. They are currently serving under the command of Nazmi, the leader of the Hell Army. This is what the Witch Council is eager to solve: defeat them, Take them in again and correct them back to our side." Dailan said seriously.

Fight against the witches who have joined hell and capture them!

These three witches... Zhang Su recalled relevant information.

[Memory of "Paria Mancias": The beast path was broken once; the brutal fire dragon witch was captured when the Mancias family was destroyed, loyal to the Hell Legion, and assisted the demon side in burning the human front in many battles]

[Memory "Soraya": The Star Path has been broken twice. She believes in the boundless starry sky and is good at communicating and attracting unknown existences in the star world. Join the devil's side in exchange for forbidden knowledge]

[Memory "Ivy": Complete emerald pathway, proficient in the magic of plants and nature systems, captured by demons and distorted cognition, capable of large-scale transformation of the landscape, producing hell vegetation that feeds on souls]

A large number of witches rebelled against the demons of hell. Some voluntarily surrendered, while others were captured and then transformed.

Regardless, their existence is a disgrace to the Witch Council.

Catching and containing them is also within the scope of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau's responsibilities.

After hearing the news, Zhang Su nodded seriously to Dailan.

"...Sealing the Gate of Hell in Mount Kaguraku is an important task that I have initiated. After returning to the Ansin Institute, the battle front will continue to advance. This is my unshirkable responsibility. If I encounter these three fallen witches on the battlefield, I will definitely take appropriate measures. Deal with them, try to turn them back to their true nature, and completely purify their corrosiveness!" Zhang Su said seriously.

Dailan could hear the sincerity in Zhang Su's words.

Once he says something, he will never forget it and will follow it carefully! This is the kind of man who values ​​commitment and is very stubborn.

Dailan has seen many people in her life, and they all accomplished magnificent things.

She raised her head and smiled at Zhang Su.

"He is indeed a reliable and motivated young man. He is really enviable. Do your best." Dailan encouraged Zhang Su.

"When I first saw him, I knew he would contribute to us, serve us, and serve me..." Edith's eyes moved down Zhang Su's muscular torso, "I have An idea."

"Huh?" Grandma Dai Lan turned her head.

"Zhang Su's current rank is H5 personnel - "Supervision", but he is fully qualified to be promoted to H6 personnel - "Reserve Special Supervision"..." Edith said slowly.

"I have no objection. Zhang Su's achievements are better than many H6s." Grandma Dailan agreed without hesitation.

Zhang Su's eyes lit up, H6 level!

The ranks of the entire human defense plan are divided into H1 to H15, and H6 is also considered the middle level.

Relatively speaking, Edith is H11-"Director".

Kazama Yihuai, Dailan, Helena and Solo are all H9-"senior supervisors".

"...Upgraded to H6, this means that your basic salary increases to 12 million yen per year. Not only can you control the witches in Echigo, but you can also control the witches in other parts of Tomei Kingdom. You just need to add instructions afterwards. Of course. , and there are many passes that allow you to travel freely in this country, and even in foreign countries. If you work in New Tokyo, you will also have three free meals in the executive restaurant." Edith said quietly.

"Thank you." Zhang Su greeted Edith, "This position is prestigious enough."

Today is considered to be from H5 to H6, and if it reaches H9-"Senior Supervision" in the future, Zhang Su can choose a broken-level witch from the official list to his side and let her serve him!

"Then...this." Edith took out a small silver box and handed it to Zhang Su.

"This is..." Zhang Su observed, and Edith placed it in Zhang Su's palm.

"The biotherapeutic drugs for Yuanzhi that we promised before have been entrusted to the factory for production and have now been completed." Edith said.

"...Thank you." Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuori's haggard face flashed through his mind, as well as her extraordinarily happy and forced positivity in the last few days of her life, and her final, motionless and pitiful gesture of death.

Everything can be changed now, everything can be changed!

"...As well as what I said before." Edith turned sideways, "Xincheng Meiyu, you can also take her to Anxinyuan. I believe you are capable of managing many inmates of broken witches."

"Yes." Zhang Su felt that the news one after another was simply wonderful, which made him feel particularly happy.

This is the happiest he has been in so many days, and it seems that many problems have been solved!

Changed, everything has changed... Zhang Su couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Go now, your vacation is over. You have also solved many of my problems. Feel free to feel vain about it. Not everyone is qualified to work for me." Edith sat on the table with a cold expression. , waved his hand gently.

After Zhang Su left, Edith and Dailan looked at each other deeply.

"Have you seen his expression?" Dailan murmured, "He will be happy for the witch's happiness and depressed for the witch's pain. Such a person is exactly what we need..."

"Does the Witch Council want Zhang Su?" Edith asked.

"Of course, he has a share in the heavens. He can join the banquet and enjoy the immortal delicacies." Dailan said meaningfully.

"Then it becomes a container, a sample, and a material." Edith crossed her fingers.

"This is the ecological niche of humans in the blueprint. In the final analysis, they are not an extraordinary race." Dailan said.

"I won't agree," Edith said.

"Why? Is it Zhang Su? What does Zhang Su mean to you?" Dai Lan frowned.

Edith stared at Dailan and said nothing.

Dailan only felt as if she was looking at a camera, her eyes were so cold. Under the pressure of this vision, Dailan began to retreat, and was finally forced to leave the office.

Edith leaned back.

"Everything." She whispered to herself.

Zhang Su gathered the children and prepared to take them on the bus home.

Although the sun was shining brightly at noon, they were still a little depressed because the vacation in New Tokyo ended like this!

Yuan Zhi had already received the injection, and the latent toxins in his body had been removed.

She didn't know what was happening yet, but she felt that her whole body was full of energy, and her appetite had increased. She blinked in trouble, feeling shy and nervous.

Mayumi was carrying a new school bag, staring at her new leather shoes seriously, silently reciting the words, her expression was too solemn for a 15-year-old girl.

Not far away, Saho kicked a stone on the ground.

"Ah! New Tokyo is still lively, there is nothing in the countryside! Don't go back!" Hayao said loudly and rebelliously what everyone was thinking.

"But the teacher said it's time!" Natsuki raised her head and said.

"So what? A teacher is just a teacher. Sooner or later I will ride on Da Su's head!" Saho waved his fist.

"..." Reio was wearing sunglasses bought from Shin-Kabukicho Ichiban Street, where she had a new manicure, with one foot spread apart and a shoulder bag on her shoulder. She already looked like a fashionable hottie, except for With tanned skin, you can complete your transformation.

She really didn't want to go back. After all, New Tokyo was the best place.

However, they are the descendants of guilty witches after all, and the life here is only superficial. Reio knows very well that they cannot live here on their own.

Almost like college students, Reio thought that many college students could live temporarily in big city centers at cheap prices for a few years with subsidies and subsidies, but as soon as they graduated, they had to be kicked back to the small places where they were born and raised.

"Where is the teacher?" Xia Xi looked around.

"~" Lianwu touched Natsuki and tried to pick her up, letting the soft little Natsuki sit on her arm.

But Natsuki ate too much ice cream and is now a little fat and feels very heavy!

"Coming soon. We're bringing someone with us." Katie smelled Zhang Su's breath in the air.

Zhang Su returned here holding the hand of Mrs. Meiyu in Xincheng.

"Shihua!" Xincheng Meiyu shouted.

Komurohua, who had been silent all this time, suddenly trembled all over.

"Mom!" Komurohua hurried over and stumbled towards the direction where her mother's voice came from.

Xincheng Meiyu picked up Komurohua and held her in her arms, tears streaming down her face.

"We did it...!" Xincheng Meiyu kissed Komurohua's face over and over again, "Mom has been released! We can live together, don't be afraid, Shihua, Shihua, mom is here!"

"Woo..." Shi Hua cried for a while.

She buried her head deeply in her mother's arms, hoping that this was not a dream, but a beautiful reality!

"Get in the car, let's all go home!" Zhang Su waved happily.

So the children filed forward.

Zhang Su looked at the rebellious Zaosui, thinking she was going to say something strange, but Zaosui was the first to rush over and board the bus home.

"Haha, finally back to An'an Hospital~" She was eager to give it a try. In fact, for her, An'an's Hospital was the most comfortable and peaceful place.

Neo-Tokyo is still too big for a child, she can wait until she grows up to use her feet to measure this place!

Everyone took a car and left New Tokyo together.

Today is also the official opening of Sunrise Group. The children all looked forward and looked at the road home.

Zhang Su turned his head and saw the earth-shaking changes in New Tokyo through the glass behind the car.

The flag of "Sunrise Group" rises from the holographic exterior wall of every building. Whether it is a vast commercial building display, aerial flying banner, or a virtual curtain wall projected into the air, Sunrise's trademark name is everywhere.

The bustling city center breathes and pulses under the name of the "Rising Sun". In the heart of the financial district, in the Exchange Square woven with steel and concrete, and in the signs of every store and restaurant that surrenders to the rising sun, " "The rising sun" suddenly rises with endless red light.

The city has never been dominated by such huge commercial power, and the streets are bathed in red lights and golden-orange fonts.

This brand has now annexed the large and small trademarks of Dongming State and has become the only brand image. It constantly reminds people who the future of this city and country belongs to, and that all work and life are part of the "rising sun".

Trampling on the Ansin family and Satsuki Shoji, a new giant enterprise rose up, and the most powerful capital complex in history rose up. They watched Zhang Su and his party leave.

Zhang Su looked at New Tokyo, his eyes moving from the brand new glass dome of the Sunshine Building to the diamond facade of the seaside shopping mall.

The huge city was like a full honeycomb, making him want to drink up the sweet honey in one gulp. If there was a chance to visit next time, he would win more!

"...The struggle is not over yet." Zhang Su said to himself.

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