Witch containment diary

Chapter 185 Return of An Yin

There was no need to bother others when he returned this time. Zhang Su drove the children, Lianwu, Katie, and Mrs. Xincheng Meiyu back to Anyuan.

They kept singing joyfully along the way and were as happy as they wanted.

Vehicles drive north along the capital, and the highways connecting the country are as straight and sharp as a radiating network, making driving quite easy.

After driving for 4 hours, Zhang Su stopped at a rest stop on the way and asked everyone to get off the bus for a quick meal. He slowly drove the bus to the parking space.

"Please get out of the car~" Yuanzhi was now full of energy.

Perhaps because the medicine purified the tiredness that had always been felt, the originally weak Yuanzhi cat has now become a powerful Yuanzhi cat mother.

She stood at the door of the car and asked everyone to line up and get out of the car obediently. She also counted the number of adults and children.

"One, two, three... don't run around after you get down." Yuanzhi managed everyone with a smile on his face, as if he consciously took on the responsibility of taking care of everyone.

"Fresh air!" Natsuki opened her arms and walked down.

"Hey, who do you think you are? You are so arrogant!" Hayao said fiercely to Yuori.

"Haohui, if you keep doing this, it will trouble me a lot. Do you want to be a good boy?" Yuori said weakly.

"Ah! The warm feeling..." Hayho felt touched inside.

"There has been no one to teach and take care of you well all this time. There is nothing I can do about it. But from now on, can you listen to me? I will take good care of you!" Yuanzhi opened his eyes and said enthusiastically.

"I don't want to take care of you! I was just a stupid little cat before, but now I seem to be full of energy." Saho put his hands behind his head and got out of the car.

"Come on, let's get out of the car." Xincheng Meiyu hugged Shihua, let her sit on her arms, and slowly walked towards the car door.

As she walked through the carriage, Zhang Su couldn't help but glance at her.

Mrs. Meiyu from Xincheng! What a lovely person, Komuro Hana looks very much like her.

Putting on makeup is a luxury activity that she no longer has, and New Tokyo No. 1 Witch Prison will not give her such an opportunity. However, Mrs. Miyu Shinjo's beautiful appearance is natural.

She has a pretty, heart-shaped face with large eyes and drooping eyebrows that are both gentle and tired. Her short, shoulder-length chestnut brown hair hangs down and has not been trimmed or combed. Wearing a brown apron-style prison uniform with a blue coat on top, he does not look conspicuous in the outside world.

The lady wore a pair of gray sandals. The toes were not maintained and were slightly rough, especially the heels, which had been worn away by years of prison life, showing calluses one after another.

In her arms, Komurohua pressed her forehead against her mother's, constantly nostalgic for the warmth and softness at this moment, which also gave Mrs. Shinjo Meiyu a layer of maternal glory.

"Teacher, it's time to get off the car." Yuanzhi counted and pointed at Zhang Su.

"...Yes." Zhang Su got out of the car, picked up Yuan Zhi, and took everyone to dinner.

They formed a loose circle with Zhang Su as the center and walked towards the restaurant.

The rest area on the highway is also called "Road Station", which provides fast food for drivers and passengers. There is a large restaurant in the middle, with different foods sold at each window. It is backed by green fields and vast rivers. You can easily see the beautiful scenery from the window. landscape.

Zhang Su went to buy a lot of food. There were a lot of choices. The shelves were full of rice balls filled with red beans, pickled plums, salmon, kelp and grilled tuna. There were also platters of nigiri sushi. It is slightly sour and appetizing vinegared rice, decorated with octopus, shrimp, egg or eel.

These rice balls and sushi were bought by Zhang Su to appetize the children.

Before they could eat much, Zhang Su brought back a large serving of steaming tonkotsu ramen, along with grilled pork and tempura fried shrimp as snacks. It came with a small bowl, so you could eat as much as you wanted.

There is also a small grill shop here. Zhang Su bought chicken meatballs, grilled chicken skin, grilled chicken hearts and fried squid tentacles. For health reasons, they are all original and served with a little teriyaki sauce. The children ate with their mouths full of oil.

Zhang Su himself also bought a large lunch box, with bright red plastic squares separating different foods.

He was also hungry, so he ate steamed rice and fried chicken steak into his mouth with chopsticks, followed by fish cakes, pickled radish and vegetables. The feeling of fullness immediately made him feel good.

Mrs. Miyu Shinjo was satisfied with having such rich food as her first meal after being released from prison. She didn't eat much herself, but instead fed Komurohua carefully.

"Mom feeds you. Mom will always stay with you from now on. No need to bother, no need to be afraid, Shi Hua..." Xincheng Meiyu felt extremely sorry for Shi Hua.

She held it with her hand underneath to prevent the oil from dripping, and with her other hand held the roast for Murohua to taste.

"Hmm!" Shihua sat on her mother's lap, tasting the food with her mouth open.

She feels more at ease and happier than ever before. She has her mother to take care of her. What else does she need and worry about from now on?

"Woof woof!" The puppy Pepper was spinning around the feet of Xincheng Meiyu and Shihua.

"Here you go, stupid dog, you're not needed anymore." Saho threw a bone down, while Pepper held the bone in her mouth and tilted her head.

"~" Lianwu held the latte coffee from the self-service coffee machine and felt very happy when she looked at the happy people gathered around the booth.

When living in New Tokyo, although the outside world is full of new and weird things, and exciting things come one after another, I always feel alienated and lonely.

As we return to Anxinyuan step by step, everyone’s previous feeling of gentleness, friendliness, and unity has returned.

It feels so good to be able to live together and treat each other as family!

She couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, I'm not full yet." Hayho took out the money in his pocket, walked around, and bought some packaged udon noodles.

Hayao raised his head and pointed at the menu. Dongming was once destroyed by demons and relied on the influence of China for many years to survive, so the proportion of Chinese characters was greatly promoted. Hayao could barely read half of what was on the menu.

"Haha, I can't pronounce a lot of words. Give me that thing called udon." Hayho stretched out his hand.

The feeling of being able to shop and calculate money independently with store clerks made her feel more like an adult.

"Where did the money come from?" Zhang Su noticed this and couldn't help but ask Zaosui.

When Saho came back with noodles, she wanted to talk nonsense or lie, but she felt that Zhang Su had always been very good to her, and she would be sorry for him if she lied.

"It was in Shadow Street. I met my mother's friends in New Tokyo. They gave me a lot of money." Hayho took out the banknotes from his pocket.

"Don't reveal your money to others, don't let people worry about it." Zhang Su asked her to hide it without further investigation. "Your mother's friends may not all be good people, so be careful when approaching them."

"Am I really similar to my mother, Shadow Witch?" Hayho was curious.

"You are indeed a descendant of the Shadow Witch. However, you can also feel that your mother is not a 'good person' in the traditional sense. She is being hunted now, so she is very dangerous. You cannot have contact with your mother yet. "Zhang Su knelt down and said to Zaosui.

"Ah, just know that she is still alive. She must be very strong and she doesn't need to worry about me." Hayho held the udon in his hand, "I plan to become as powerful as my mother. By then, we, mother and daughter, will be invincible. ”

"I hope so." Zhang Su thought that the Shadow Witch and Zaho were both big and small, and it was difficult to deal with them.

Once the two reunite, they will definitely set off a new bloody storm in the world, and no one can hold their heads high.

"It's great to open a store. One person can protect countless products. It's so overbearing. He takes out things at will and forces everyone to pay. But we can't rob, we must be honest. When I return to Anxinyuan, I also want to open a store, called Everyone listens to me." Hayho started thinking.

"Teacher supports you in starting a small business." Zhang Su encouraged her.

He took everyone back, and Saho was eating noodles at his seat.

The noodles of udon are relatively thick and chewy, absorbing enough of the seafood soup, making them particularly fragrant.

"Huhu, look at me littering..." Saho secretly opened the window and planned to throw the empty noodle box outside.

"No, good children can't litter. You must be a good, well-behaved baby, okay?" Yuanzhi turned around and said softly.

Ah, feeling controlled! Unable to control his hand, unable to muster the courage to throw it away.

Did I, King Hayao, also lose? Once Koneko Yuori educates her so gently, I feel like I can't be tough enough to destroy her! Hayho secretly thought.

She held the empty box in her hands and was too embarrassed to throw it away until she returned to Anxin Home.

Zhang Su drove the car back to Anxinyuan. When they saw the door number of Anxinyuan, everyone seemed particularly excited.

"Okay, we're home!" Zhang Su parked the car at the door.

"Get out of the car!" Natsuki was the first to run down the mountain, "We're back! We're back!"

"I'm glad to see you guys back!" Roy, the robot guard standing guard, was very satisfied. "It's not a day off from the date I deduced!"

Zhang Su took everyone inside. The trip to New Tokyo was bizarre and strange. It seemed that something new happened every day, but this was not the case for Anxin, who lived at a slow pace.

Thanks to strict discipline and precise timetables, it feels like the same day is repeated fourteen times...

He first took Mrs. Shinjo Meiyu and Murohua to the single-room dormitory in the prison building.

"Due to management regulations, you still have to accept control. For now, you need to be 'imprisoned' here together with Shi Hua." Zhang Su said.

Xincheng Meiyu looked at the room. It was originally used to entertain guests, but now it was used to house her.

A large double bed, wardrobe, desk, chair and bedside storage cabinet. Although simple, they were all available, so she couldn't ask for more.

"Thank you..." Xincheng Meiyu bowed deeply to Zhang Su.

"I live with my mother, it's great...Thank you, teacher!" Komurohua also bowed to Zhang Su.

"From now on, please give me your advice." Zhang Su greeted them.

He turned around and left, but suddenly felt someone bump into his back. Mrs. Xincheng Meiyu hugged Zhang Su from behind.

This immediately made Zhang Su feel his heart beat faster.

"Thank you..." Mrs. Xincheng Meiyu pressed her head against Zhang Su's back and couldn't help but cry softly, "I know you must... have paid a lot to transfer me here, thank you."

"That's what I should do." Zhang Su shook Mrs. Xincheng Meiyu's hand and then separated. Now their new life has begun, which is what he has always wanted.

After saying goodbye to Xincheng Meiyu and his daughter, Zhang Su walked downstairs.

Mrs. Meitama Shinjo and Hana Komuro...are finally reunited now, and there is nothing better than this in the world! Zhang Su secretly said. The containment failed in my previous life, and I always felt that I owed everyone a lot. If I succeeded in this life, I could be considered as having made a contribution.

Afterwards, he prepared all the souvenirs, called Lianwu, and returned to the garden of Anxinyuan.

"~Come out~ Come out quickly~" Lianwu clapped her hands next to the Bodhisattva seat and sprinkled the candies in her hands on the ground.


Zhang Su looked around and felt extremely quiet. Strange, isn't Hongyan here?

Then, he suddenly heard a rustling sound, as if there was some villain running wildly on the other side of the world.

"Hey...!" The Great Red Flame Bodhisattva rushed to the edge of the crack and poked his head out of the tunnel excitedly, "I, I have been waiting for you for a long time, and you are finally back!"

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