Witch containment diary

Chapter 187 Balanced Expansion Planning

Zhang Su plans to double the breeding scale of the small animal farm and increase the production of fresh eggs and milk.

He went to hang out under the Western Wall, where Sayuri was always working diligently while they wandered around New Tokyo.

"Sayuri, we are back!" Zhang Su waved to Sayuri.

"Ah, big guy! You're back!" Sayuri was a little surprised, and her face became even paler. It is estimated that Lescolin provided Sayuri with plasma according to the minimum standard.

"You really look like a farm worker now." Zhang Su had to admit.

"Hmph..." Sayuri blinked.

She has not grown up yet, her face is oval, and her hair is completely pinned back and tied into a ponytail with a coarse cloth. It is not as disheveled as before.

She rolled up her sleeves above her elbows and rolled up her trouser legs high. She wore thick-soled work boots. The soles, wrists and calves were all stained with mud. She was not at all as clean and lively as when she first came in. Instead, she looked like a A country vampire witch. Fortunately, her eyes were still bright and full of energy.

"We need to renovate this place so that we can raise more animals." Zhang Su looked at the small animal farm that was originally built.

It has a large animal shed and complete chicken coop, built months ago with planks of wood and nails, and sits on a wooden frame foundation.

There are nest boxes for laying eggs and shacks for chickens to sleep. Farm tools, hay and grain were stacked against the wall.

About 40 chickens were wandering in the fence, clucking and clucking. Some of them looked at Zhang Su, making him feel an inexplicable murderous aura.

The bucket of chicken manure was emptied, and it seemed that Sayuri had cleaned it very well, for her own sake so as not to stink too much.

Cow Little Flower walked around happily, the feed trough was filled with her favorite silage, and the licking bricks were replaced with new ones.

"It's amazing." Sayuri noticed Zhang Su's gaze and said confidently.

"It's really valuable that you didn't suck the blood of animals. It means you can do good things and work hard after you are released from prison." Zhang Su praised.

"It's much harder to make money eating in New Tokyo." Sayuri shrugged.

"Have you ever thought about debuting as an idol?" Zhang Su looked at Sayuri.

Sayuri's appearance and abilities are very suitable for being an underground idol! Zhang Su suddenly thought.

Her face is very three-dimensional, like a foreigner, and her skin is quite smooth, but she lacks skin care products in Anxin Hospital.

He couldn't help but think of Sayuri's performance costumes, a lace top paired with a gorgeous black and blue dress, bat wings sewn on the sleeves, and a classical cross necklace around her neck. Together with her light voice, it was absolutely lethal.

"I'm too lazy. I still like to do things that don't use my brain. Being an idol is troublesome. You have to maintain fan relationships and so on." Sayuri hummed.

"Then you have to think about your career plan. When you go back, you will find that everything has been labeled as 'Shengyang', making it harder to find a job." Zhang Su said.

"No need. In the past two days, I have seen that the purchased supplies have been labeled with a red 'rising sun'. It's really scary. Is something big happening in New Tokyo?" Sayuri was curious.

"It's hard to explain in one sentence. TV news should be broadcast. All the old companies have agreed to merge and completely enter a state of de facto monopoly, turning into a giant enterprise. In this way, they can be exposed to the outside world. And New Tokyo will then become a place with distinct divisions, or it will become a rising sun. Use it or be eliminated." Zhang Su said softly.

"How disgusting!" Sayuri subconsciously judged something was wrong, "Then Shengyang has become the only one who is super rich and can do whatever he wants. Why don't people resist?"

"Because the Sun Group is so big, even if it struggles to resist, collides, or even scratches it, such a behemoth has a strong self-repair ability and can easily restore balance, but we ourselves will be smashed to pieces." Zhang Sudao.

"Ugh - common people like us are too insignificant. If we secretly suck human blood, we will be arrested immediately. We can only find a way to study and become a nurse!" Sayuri lamented.

She also realized that New Tokyo would become a worse place. The rent of the house she rented might even increase, and she would be forced to live on the streets of New Tokyo, or even fall into the dark zone!

"Let's wait until you are released from prison." Zhang Su took Sayuri to inspect the small animal farm.

Sayuri kept muttering along the way that her sentence was not long and she would be released from prison in three months. When she returned to New Tokyo, she still didn't know how to face the suddenly changing world.

People in prison can easily become disconnected from society.

"Planning to expand here..." Zhang Su asked Sayuri to get her a rake so that she could make marks on the ground.

But soon, the path he planned was blocked by a big tree.

Zhang Su raised his head and saw several ancient cedars standing majestically in the open space near the west wall.

They are more than 300 years old. Their dark green needle-like leaves are arranged in a fan shape on the layered branches. There are scores of scratches on the bark. The majestic midsummer canopy casts a majestic shadow downwards, covering the clusters below. Weeds, block planning.

"I plan to clear out these big trees under the west wall, so that we can clear twice as much land." Zhang Su glanced at it.

"Are you going to cut down such a big tree? How to do it?" Sayuri was surprised.

When she was avoiding Natsuki, she climbed up this big tree. There were several slightly younger trees nearby, probably all descendants of this big tree.

"There is always a way." Zhang Sude asked Hongyan Bodhisattva to complete this week's voluntary labor.

He included large trees in the clearing and then marked out the site for the new barn.

After planned expansion, the large shed is extremely spacious and can accommodate up to 10 cows to rest together.

He continued to design the blueprint. There was a feeding room at the back and two animal rooms of different sizes on the side, respectively for housing pregnant or sick animals.

The new barn will have a sturdy wood frame and metal roof, and there will be a dedicated manure pit nearby to collect animal manure and help add fertilizer to the farmland below the hillside.

In the open space between the large livestock shed and the original small animal farm, Zhang Su planned a larger open space for chicken feeding, where 200 chickens may be able to walk and be fattened together.

"In this case, the hillside leading to the farmland over there needs to be cleared." Sayuri felt that the cows needed more living space.

"Indeed." Upon hearing this, Zhang Su immediately continued to expand the planning scope, drew marks on the ground, and walked to the slope close to the farmland, intending to surround the entire area.

This will maximize the use of the space in the hospital.

What's more important is electricity. During the previous construction of Yuet Wah Garden, solar panels were specially arranged on the roof, so An On Hospital has a strong self-generated power capacity.

Zhang Su also made sufficient plans to pull wires from Yuehua Garden to the small animal farm, so that an electric water pump can be built to draw water directly from the ground to feed the small animals.

"It feels more luxurious!" Sayuri's eyes lit up, looking at the plan on the ground, she felt it was amazing.

"I will assign three witch prisoners to help you. From now on, you will be responsible for leading them to manage the large animal farm. If you perform well, I will say good things for you in the release report, and you will get an extra sum of money when you return to New Tokyo. Starting capital." Zhang Su said.

After being released from prison, depending on their performance, witch prisoners can receive restarting funds ranging from 10,000 to 200,000 yen. Although it is not much, it is very important to Sayuri.

"Yeah!" Sayuri nodded, "...Although I don't know what job I will find after I am released from prison, it is more comfortable if I have money. Even if there is no blood, I can drink coffee or eat chicken..."

Blood is a strategic material. Zhang Suxin said.

Soldiers and hospitals on the front line need a large amount of plasma. It is difficult for the witches in the blood channel to obtain human blood, so they can only use cheap animal blood to satisfy their hunger. It is miserable for them.

"You can't go on the road of illegal crime. After you are released from prison, if you encounter difficulties in New Tokyo, please call me." Zhang Su saw that Sayuri was dedicated to the small animal farm and was willing to take care of her.

"Okay, I will definitely ask you for help when I'm desperate!" Sayuri stood on tiptoe and patted Zhang Su.

At night, Zhang Su invited the Red Flame Bodhisattva to complete this week's "voluntary labor."

"Wow, it's really hard to ask Lord Bodhisattva to help you do something like this all at once." Hongyan jumped out and stood on the ground, hands on hips.

"Excuse me, Lord Bodhisattva." Zhang Su said with a smile.

"I've seen these guys when they were young and little..." Hongyan patted the big trees, "It's time to change places to live."

"It would be a pity to cut them down. I hope they can be moved to a place where they won't disturb people," Zhang Su said.

"No problem! Look at me!" Hongyan geared up.

She glanced at the towering tree trunk, then walked over, pressing her little hands on the bark, and a warm glimmer appeared on the bark.

Then she ran to other different trees and repeated the same trick, causing the bark of these trees to bloom with a faint light, like amber.

Then, with just a flash, they were transplanted to the forest outside the west wall, and each found a suitable location. The forest outside the wall became more lush, and the space inside the wall suddenly became much wider!

This is a real miracle. It is actually the special ability of the Ascended Witch.

Zhang Su thought that witches of other paths usually have some magical properties, while ascended witches draw power from the worship and imagination of believers. Since Hong Yan is regarded as the deity of An Yin, she has strong control over everything in this place.

"Thank you, Hongyan Bodhisattva!" Zhang Su couldn't help but feel that it was a lot more convenient.

With the red flames, projects like transplanting centuries-old trees can be completed in the blink of an eye, saving ten days and a half of effort. Zhang Su sighed. The roots of the old green pine are several meters deep and cannot be shaken easily. I have to practice to Dzogchen to be able to shake them.

Hearing Zhang Su's compliment, Hong Yan couldn't help but smile, radiating with praise and almost getting carried away.

"Humph, this is the power of Bodhisattva! Go read the comics~" Hongyan opened a crack and jumped in.

Zhang Su also nodded, turned to the vast open space, then purchased building materials, animals and livestock sheds, and started to formally build them!

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