Witch containment diary

Chapter 188 Business in Anxinyuan

Zhang Su continued to expand the small animal farm and purchased new chickens and cows. Hongyan sometimes read comic books near Zhang Su.

"Oh, you guy, look at the beginning of this story. This man is living so hard. It's really unpleasant to read. Why did you buy it for me!" Hong Yan angrily showed the comic to Zhang Su.

"First of all, Hongyan Bodhisattva, our world produces millions of books and comics every year, and tens of millions of stories and ideas emerge. Therefore, any work that is still famous after decades has been Classics accumulated over time, they have withstood the hardships of the years and are enough to move people from generation to generation." Zhang Su took the comics.

He glanced at it and saw that it was still the first part of "JOJO". The first few chapters talked about something like this:

"The wealthy Joestar family adopted the ambitious Dio. Dio often framed the protagonist Jonathan. Not only did Jonathan often be misunderstood by his father, he also forcibly kissed his crush and even killed his beloved dog!"

"When I see something like this, my lungs are about to explode. How can I beat him to death?" Hong Yan was unhappy.

"No way, that's how many stories are written. You have to create an unpleasant bad guy and make him feel embarrassed for a while, so that readers will expect the protagonist to beat him up. And once you remember a certain The original purpose of the creator has also been achieved." Zhang Su explained.

"Well! Then this bad guy Dio will be wiped out beautifully, and the protagonist will happily spend the rest of his life with his sweetheart. But although this guy is bad, he is also handsome... You can also become a handsome bad guy sometimes." Hong Yan said happily. Turn down.

Excellent literature and art will upgrade people's brains. Zhang Su secretly said. Hongyan will definitely be shocked after reading it.

Due to the expansion of the small animal farm, everyone found that the supply of eggs and milk for breakfast increased.

Those in charge of cooking include the chubby prisoner Yonoko Kawabe, the friendly Mrs. Rena, and the hard-working Kitty Enori.

They cracked a dozen eggs and poured them into a large pot to make egg drop soup. Because the amount of eggs was sufficient, every spoonful was full of fresh egg whites instead of watery egg drop flowers.

Not only that, they also prepared plenty of cups of milk, which the witches squeezed out early and served on silver trays, which looked particularly neat and attractive.

After the witch prisoners finished their morning exercises, they came to the table.

Due to their long-term detention, they have already established more or less friendships or enmities between each other, and they have established closeness and distance.

It can be seen from the seating arrangement that a majestic and powerful witch often sits in the middle of a table, with attendants attached to her on both sides. Witches from different factions will never sit together.

Regardless of life or work, the witch prisoners maintain a subtle alliance-enemy relationship with each other. Only when eating can they temporarily put aside their conflicts and concentrate on eating.

"Breakfast is here~" Yuanzhi happily pushed the dining car in and distributed the food in cups and plates.

"Hey...Kitten Restaurant is back! But she seems to be more lively than before!

"He has become a healthy child." The prisoners were happy from the bottom of their hearts to see Yuan Zhi regaining health.

"The food here is so good..." Mrs. Shinjo Meiyu hugged Komurohua and was surprised by the simple breakfast.

In Neo-Tokyo No. 1 Witch Prison, three meals are very simple nutritional paste.

The cheapest protein, starch and salt are mixed into a paste, which is used only to maintain the witch's basic vital signs. For stubborn hunger strikers, it is even directly intubated into the stomach, which is very scary.

However, in Anxinyuan, breakfast was served on exquisite ceramic tableware, which reminded Mrs. Xincheng Meiyu that food could be so rich!

On the plate, the scrambled eggs spread out like a large, fluffy yellow cloud.

She and Hana Komuro both had a glass of milk, a generous serving of rice, meat sauce, carrots and fresh vegetables. There were raisins and cranberries on the small plates, like a colorful collage, so beautiful.

There are also free fruits in the baskets in the distance, including Anxinyuan fruit, melons, oranges, wild berries, etc., which are full of color and fragrance. The yield of the garden is huge, and I hope everyone can eat more to avoid spoilage.

Mrs. Shinjo Meiyu let Shihua sit on her lap, caring for her daughter like a treasure, and enjoying this simple breakfast with her beloved daughter. She even realized her long-standing wish - to get a dog!

The puppy Pepper was by the wall, munching on the dog food in the food bowl. He was eating very happily and did not feel abandoned at all.

"Eat more~" The little cat Yuori pushing the dining cart around is also the cutest one in the restaurant.

She is just like a real cat. When she is happy, her tail will swing back and forth quickly. She will also rub against the cutest witch prisoners and give them loving hugs.

Zhang Su continued to work outside, busy expanding the small animal farm into a large animal farm, and personally moved the building materials. Yuanzhi prepared a breakfast for Zhang Su and sent it over.

Halfway through the meal, Zaohui Hululu looked up and saw Yuan Zhi's movements, feeling that she was delivering food to Zhang Su.

If you want to become a great witch, you have to hang out with Teacher Dasu. Hayao thought deeply. So you must get closer to the teacher and develop a good impression!

"Hoho, me too..." Haohui quickly ran to the food basket, grabbed an apple with his little hands, and followed Yuori.

Zhang Su dragged 400 kilograms of wood through the backyard with a rope, and tied the heavy wood into one piece.

They were originally transported by trucks, but now they are put on pallets and pulled up the mountain by him alone.

When he works vigorously, the energy flows down along the arm muscles, affecting the circulation of air throughout the body. As long as the breathing is steady, the energy in the body can be made longer and longer.

The total amount of his energy has reached twenty-five levels, and he is only fifteen levels away from reaching the upper limit of the human body. Zhang Su thought.

As long as you maintain a good physical and mental balance, heavy labor is also a way to train your mind.

Thanks to the continuous efforts, the frame of the new barn is now tall and strong, and two new cows have been bought to live in it. They all look plump and healthy, with sufficient production.

He put the wood on the ground and lowered the rope. He did not gasp for breath, but adjusted his breathing and maintained his normal posture.

Due to his emphasis on the polishing effect of Qi Jin on the whole body, Zhang Su now has an incredibly strong physique and has broken many world records!

That is to say, in An'an Hospital, everyone is used to seeing it, so they are not surprised.

"Teacher, please have breakfast!" Yuanzhi came over, holding a big food box with his little hands.

It is filled with steamed corn, carrots, hard-boiled eggs, boiled beef shank and rice, exuding a fragrant smell.

"Da Su! Eat this for you." Zaohui threw an apple hard, like throwing a baseball, and Zhang Su caught it.

"Okay, okay, thank you." Zhang Su sat down to eat and wiped the sweat from his forehead with one hand.

Yuanzhi sat obediently near Zhang Su and put her tail back under her skirt.

"This place has become bigger." Yuanzhi saw more hens being bought to lay eggs.

Because she is a beast witch, she can roughly understand what the animals are saying.

"Quack, is this a country chicken?" The newly bought hen walked arrogantly in the open space.

"Chichi...!" A little yellow chicken strode forward, "We are free chichis. Human beings are planning our eggs, feathers and meat outside, but you are stuck in the sect. Wake up!"

"So what? We are hens that can lay eggs and are of extremely high value in the eyes of humans. And you are just a young rooster. In the breeding farms in our city, a guy like you will be crushed in one go. Crushed into chicken feed?" the new hen said proudly.

"To save the fate of our chickens, we must not have such naive ideas. In order to resist the human invaders of this chicken farm, we should establish a chicken defense plan!" The struggle of the little yellow chicken will continue.

They are really energetic little animals. Yuan Zhi listened.

After breakfast, Zhang Su continued to work, working hard and having inexhaustible strength in his muscles.

Hayho ran away, walking around in the shadows.

The group of prisoners that gathered concerned Hayho.

She quickly noticed that the witch prisoners were going in different directions as work began.

The first batch of prisoners surrounded a witch named Yumei Eto. She was appointed by Zhang Su to manage the farming team and took the witches to work in the farmland.

Because of such power, Eto Yumei can let the witches who obey her honestly take care of crops that are easy to feed. The work is like cultivating immortals. The maverick witches are forced to squat on the ground and pull seedlings, or help plant fruits and vegetables. Having to carry water back and forth is even more laborious, like an ox or a horse.

This group of people is tentatively named the "Farming Group". Hayho wrote it down secretly. There are 14 people in total. Sayuri also belongs to this group.

Another group of prisoners surrounds a witch named "Kurachi Loveko".

Kurachi Koiko was imprisoned for robbing a bank, and was a malicious person.

The witches in this path are all impeccable villains, and the function of magic is to induce various negative attitudes in people's hearts. She is responsible for cleaning An Yin and taking out the trash.

This group of people was labeled by Zaho as the "miscellaneous group", with a total of 9 people.

The remaining scattered prisoners all work with a witch named Delia. Delia is a complete witch of the elemental path. She is from Rus. Saho thinks she looks like a sunflower, with golden hair and blue eyes. , looks very special, and is not welcomed by the witches of the two major factions.

Some other witches who did not want to form a clique also followed Delia. There are 5 factionless witches in total.

Saho considered himself Zhang Su's assistant, so he recorded all the information he had hidden and found out, preparing to submit it in the future.

It's shameful that all these evil witches have formed cliques. I, King Hayho, should be the one to unify Ansin. Hayao thought silently.

It’s time to establish a small circle of witches centered around Hayho!

However, to establish an organization of your own, you must have sufficient funds and logistical materials to win over people's hearts.

Hayho thought about this issue very seriously.

By the way, make money from them. Hayao suddenly thought of an idea.

Because Eto Yumei is an old witch, Saho doesn't like grandma-type characters very much, so she first went to contact the miscellaneous team.

"Hey... I really want to smoke." Kurachi Koiko and several of her younger witches were cleaning the prison area.

They poured buckets of water onto the ground and mopped it, trying to polish it until it was as shiny as a mirror.

"Ah... craving for tobacco..." The witch prisoners looked eager for tobacco supplies.

Ah, smoking is a bad person who is prone to addiction. Hayao listened.

But it is said that cigarettes are very valuable.

"I could have gotten some cigarettes, but the warehouse was inaccessible and the robots were hard to fool," said the younger witches.

"Especially the big guy and the horned girl are back... don't dare mess with those two."

"It's so uncomfortable. A prison without smoking is the most annoying thing. Do you think we can survive by eating eggs?" Kurachi Koiko shouted while holding a mop.

"This place doesn't have experts in charge of smuggling like other prisons." Another witch said.

Master! Hayho hid in the shadows and listened. Smuggling expert...

She immediately thought of the four-port Chamber of Commerce on Shadow Street that Shadow Witch once led. It was the largest smuggling entrance and exit in Dongming Country, connecting the inside and outside like a tunnel.

And couldn't Saho use her mother's method to make some extra money?

Smuggling is much more interesting than taking classes, and it can also make huge profits. When the time comes, the money will pour into her pocket like a waterfall.

Hayao lifted off the cloak of shadow and jumped in front of them like a rabbit.

"Hoho - as long as you have money, I will get you some 'good stuff'." Saho's eyes were bright.

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