Witch containment diary

Chapter 189 Meeting the Witch’s Needs

"Can you get us cigarettes?" Cangchi Lianzi asked suspiciously.

"Hoho, of course you can get it. The question is, what will you give in exchange?" Haohao raised his head and straightened his back, feeling like a small knife.

Cangchi Lianzi and the several servant prisoners around her murmured a few words, like mice whispering.

I am doing something big. Hayao's heart was pounding.

From the past to the present, she has always lived a regular life, and she feels that she is the most honest person in this place.

And An'an Hospital has become really big and crowded now, completely like a small society. She felt like she was trying to carve out a small gap in society, just like her mother, the way of shadow!

"Are you blackmailing us?" After Kurachi Koiko finished discussing with the others, she strode directly towards Saho.

Kurachi Koiko is a malicious witch who once robbed a bank. She has high cheekbones and a strong jawline. Her black hair is combed back without bangs, and she shows sharp and deep gray eyes. When she stares at Saho, her eyes are filled with tears. Squinting, it looks like two scars.

Like a demonstration, Kurachi Reiko consciously cracked the knuckles of her hands. The muscles in her arms bulged, and her brown muscles were clearly defined. Years of street fighting had left her hands scarred, which should not be underestimated.

Threat? No matter how hard you rub your fist, it won't count until it hits someone's head. Hayho secretly thought.

"Fair exchange." Hayho said nonchalantly, "I need to know what good stuff you have on hand, so that I can get you some cigarettes, and maybe some wine. You adults probably like these things."

After she finished speaking, she felt a little weird. When she used the word "you adults", a hint of contempt flashed in Kurachi's eyes.

Yes, if you say that the other person is an adult, then you are admitting that you are a child. Hayao was secretly annoyed.

It seems that he will be more arrogant in the future.

"We saved some money when we were working, and we also left some money when our family visited us. If you get cigarettes for us, the money will be yours." Kurachi Koiko took out a handful of banknotes from her pocket and held them across the screen. Jimmy shook his head at Hayao.

"...That's pretty much it." Hayho nodded, "Just wait."

She quickly left Kurachi Koiko and her miscellaneous men, ran back to the school building, opened her locker, and rummaged through it.

Saho has very few sundries of her own, most of which were distributed by Zhang Su. After she received them, she piled them up randomly, waiting to be used out.

ah! found it! Hayho happily picked up a notebook and a pen.

After seeing many shops on the streets of New Tokyo, she realized that transactions were an important part of society. Just like the tail of Yuori, it can be hidden, but it must be there and it will not disappear.

Hayho prepares to take note of everyone's needs.

"Here comes the genius." Hayho lay on the ground, crossed his feet and started writing notes.

She turned to the first page and tried to write the word "smoke" on it.

Wait, how do you write this character? Hayao scratched his head.

Writing Chinese characters is so difficult!

I can’t write the word “smoke”! This made Saho feel even more annoyed. He had known that Dasu had listened carefully during class.

She had no choice but to mark the pinyin "Yan" and draw a horizontal line to supplement her memory.

Immediately afterwards, Hayho ran to the farm south of Ansin.

The undead witch Yume Eto works there, managing the witch labor in the farming area.

"...Is there anything you want? What can you exchange for?" Hayho looked at Eto Yumei.

"Are you responsible for buying things for the prison?" Yumei Eto crossed her arms on her chest and gave Saho a condescending look.

"Hmph... don't waste my time." Hayho learned how to speak more arrogantly.

"I need wine, go get me some, and I'll trade it with you for my magic potion formula." Yume Eto said calmly.

"Magic potion formula?" Hayho pricked up his ears.

"Potions are the undisclosed secrets of the Council. They are the treasures for us witches to truly settle down and live their lives. The Council once shared some entry-level skills with me, and I also have some unique secret recipes. I will teach you from the simplest ones. If you really Can you get me some drinking wine for pleasure?" Yume Eto said.

"Okay, just wait." Saho started writing in his notebook.

She also couldn't write the word "wine". This is what happens if you don't learn. Saho felt a chill running down his spine. Could it be that she couldn't write anything?

In desperation, Hayho only drew a symbol of a wine bottle.

After contacting Eto Yumei and the farm witch, Kurachi Koiko and the handyman witch, Hayao ran to find the elemental witch Delia.

Delia was knitting a cotton coat for autumn in the sewing workshop, and she was doing it very seriously.

Ruizi has made countless clothes, pants and blankets for everyone here before!

Every time Hayho comes to Ansin's workshop, he misses Ruizi. Ah, Ruizi, I wish you can eat more KFC in New Tokyo.

"Hey. Delia, it is said that you are a super powerful witch." Hayho walked over.

Delia didn't even look up.

She sat next to an old Seiko sewing machine with the old Dongzhou Industrial logo on it. She kept stepping on the pedal, causing the sewing needle to rise and fall, passing through the fabric repeatedly, allowing the thread to sew the material into one piece.

She pauses frequently, then repositions and flattens the pieces of fabric in her hands, making sure the threads line up correctly at the seams.

"What are you doing?" Delia focused on her work.

She is a complete elemental witch. Hayho thought about the rumors about Delia.

Complete body! He is only one step away from losing his position, and he is still so young, only in his twenties or thirties.

The elemental witch seems to be able to use the power of air, water, fire and wind, and is particularly powerful among witches. TV often reports that the elemental witch army is riding the wind and waves...

"...I'm just about to collect your needs and buy things for you. Is there anything you want?" Hayho wrote down in his notebook.

"Buy me a bottle of shampoo. I'll pay for it," Delia replied quickly, her blond hair a mess, already dry and frizzy.

"Okay!" Zaho recorded the three words "Xianyou Shui".

This is how the word is written. she thought. It feels like a great new career is beckoning.

The next step is to find a reasonable reason to leave Anxin Hospital. Hayao mused. If you run around, you will be taken down by Teacher Dasu, so you must solve the problem in a reasonable and orderly manner.

She thought that all the rules and regulations of An'an Hospital were posted on the bulletin board of the prison building, so she hurried to the reading room.

Mayumi is studying the question.

Since the trip to New Tokyo, I have mastered the method of combining work and rest, honing my academic skills over and over again, while maintaining a stable mentality.

"Excellent student! Good student! Come on, please." Saho ran over and begged as much as he could. Mayumi just had to kneel down and kowtow, "Please read a few words for me, I don't know much. Words."

"I don't have time." Mayumi doesn't like Saho very much because Saho is very annoying.

"Please, please, please..." Saho pinched Mayumi's shoulders from behind, squeezing wildly with her little hands, "Isn't this enough? Please!"

Mayumi felt that Hayao was pinching her and she couldn't help but smile and left her seat.

"Okay, what are you going to do!" Mayumi followed Saho.

"Hoho, follow me, and you will have a share in my great ambitions from now on." Hayho said with high spirits.

She took Mayumi to the prison building and asked her to help read out the relevant regulations for opening a small shop in the witch asylum.

"'All goods must comply with regulations. Only food, hygiene products, stationery, and handicrafts authorized by the director will be sold. Potentially dangerous tools, weapons, or chemicals are prohibited. All inventory goods must be strictly monitored and managed... '" Mayumi raised her head and read out the relevant regulations.

"Yeah...I understand completely." Hayho shook his head.

"In general, it requires the teacher's approval." Mayumi saved Saho's brain cells.

Saho's eyes lit up, it seemed that as long as he passed Teacher Dasu's level, there would be no problem.

"Then is there anything you want to buy?" Hayho asked.

"Me? I want new ones..." Mayumi asked Saho to come closer and whisper to her.

"Oh...it's something our little girl needs." Hayho nodded solemnly, "I will definitely get it for you."

"Huh?" Mayumi still didn't understand how Saho got it.

Zaosui ran to find Zhang Su.

At this time, Zhang Su was carrying a newly purchased cow to the large animal farm with both arms.

It was frightened at first, but then gradually got used to the feeling of being carried around.

"Huh..." Zhang Su put the cow down.

It mooed, looked around, greeted others of its kind, and asked about the living conditions here. This is the fifth cow that Anxin Hospital has purchased. Accordingly, automatic milking machines have been introduced to replace manual milking.

"Hey, Teacher Dasu!" Zaho stood on tiptoe, "Let me go out to buy things for everyone."

"Buying something?" Zhang Su still didn't understand what Zaosui wanted to do.

"There are a lot of people in Anxinyuan, and they have all kinds of things they want. I saw a canteen in New Tokyo. I want to open a store in Anshinyuan too, so that everyone can buy what they want." Hayho thought. My own little business.

"...It sounds okay, because just relying on unified procurement and distribution cannot meet everyone's individual needs." Zhang Su thought it was feasible, "But can you accomplish such a big thing by yourself? If necessary, Be sure to find others to help. There is strength in unity!”

"No problem, Da Su, trust me! I want to unite everyone!" Hao Sui patted his chest.

"Go ahead and tell me if anything unexpected happens." Zhang Su encouraged.

Teacher Dasu is so kind! Hayao ran away happily.

Well, we need to find someone to cooperate. Hayao thought for a while.

We need to find the most reliable and helpful witch in our safe home.

She walked around the Anxin courtyard and finally found her target by the garden.

"Yeah, are you my green caterpillar?" Natsuki squatted on the ground, carrying a bug net on his back, poking the caterpillar with a branch, trying to make it follow him.

"Hey, little one, stop doing childish things and come and be an adult together with King Saho!" Saho waved his hand.

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