Witch containment diary

Chapter 190 The Secret Formula of the Potion

"Hey, being an adult is so boring, I want to be a child." Natsuki squatted on the ground.

"What's good about a child? He has a stupid brain and short legs." Saho put Natsuki on the ground to use as a racket.

"Aren't you a child?" Natsuki stood up and said confused.

"My legs are really long, and my brain is smart." Hayho picked up Natsuki with all his strength, "Uh... you've become so heavy! You need to exercise!"

"It smells stinky." Natsuki took a bite of Haohui and found that she didn't bathe often.

"So we are going to the city to buy some nice things for everyone. Oh, Natsuki, come with me and stop biting me. I don't taste good." Hayho carried Natsuki on his shoulders.

"Going to the city to buy things?" Natsuki was curious, "Have you become a rich man?"

"More than that, I want to build a small self-sufficient store in Anxinyuan and make a lot of money. Then I will be rich and powerful, and then I will establish a small group and bring everyone in. After all, we are all witches, which is amazing. We must hug each other closely..." Hayho gushed.

"Ang?" Xia Xi asked.

When he arrived at the door, Lianwu prepared to drive to Niigata City down the mountain to investigate industrial and commercial information so that he could purchase land in the city for investment.

"Miss, wait for me!" Saho ran over with little Natsuki in his arms.

"?" Renwu saw Saho and didn't know what she wanted to do.

"This is for you to play with. Take me to the car." Saho lifted Natsuki to Renwu.

Renwu bent down, smiled slightly, and scratched Natsuki's nose. Natsuki's eyes were bright and cute.

"Big sister!" Natsuki waved her little hands and feet happily.

"Get in the car~" Lian Wu waved his hand.

"Okay, we are going to the city to buy things. Natsuki, please stay here and don't move around." Saho opened the trunk of Renwu's car and put Natsuki in.

"?" Natsuki sat in the trunk, and Saho happily got in the car.

"~" Lian Wu was about to start the engine, but she felt something heavy in the trunk. She went back to take a look and hurriedly took Natsuki out.

Natsuki made a face at Saho, then Renwu sat down and put Natsuki in the passenger seat.

"Fasten your seat belt~" Lianwu taught them how to fasten their seat belts.

"We have to do it quickly and bring all the good things back." Saho was very confident in what she was going to do. She closed the car door and fastened her seat belt under Renwu's guidance.

Lianwu drove away from Anxinyuan and walked around the city to inspect the industrial and commercial land in the city. Many factories were very dilapidated.

Before entering Niigata City, Hayao also asked about the pronunciation of "Xie" and found out that it was the fourth sound of "xi", which sounded similar to "play".

Lianwu checked many land plots suitable for investment in Niigata City. She had to make good use of Zhang Su's money, because Zhang Su suffered some negative effects when he defeated the wealth demon Mr. Fortunado and easily lost his wealth, so Lianwu Wu should take responsibility and use the money in the right way.

Following the highway through the eastern suburbs of Niigata City, the landscape transitions from mountainous areas to more open areas of industrial and commercial land, with endless factories, warehouses, and employee dormitories lining both sides of the highway.

Lian Wu drove the car off the highway and did some reconnaissance along the way.

The vast Shinano River merges into the sea, and the waterway is wide. On the right is a huge industrial complex, spanning multiple blocks. Gray concrete walls are seven or eight meters high. Rusty metal doors block the entrance. Tower-like chimneys stand one after another. , there were obvious signs of fire and blackening on the top of the factory building.

The parking lot is vacant, and many storefronts are dilapidated and faded. The art style of the signboards and advertisements look backward, promoting a company that has already gone bankrupt. Only a lonely ramen shop is still open.

It is a declining land, and most of the resources have been siphoned away by New Tokyo. This kind of border countryside has no competitive advantage. Lianwu thought silently.

But after all, this place is on the coastline, with shipping and highways. If the family's production capacity is taken over from New Tokyo, people should be able to recruit people to start construction.

There is huge potential for reconstruction here, but it cannot be in the suburbs. It has to be near the port to have hope.

Lian Wu drove the car next to the supermarket. Even the brand of the large supermarket was removed and replaced with "Shengyang".

The bright red Sunrise logo stung her eyes, and Lianwu wanted to destroy them. Facing the behemoth, she had the desire to challenge, feeling like a lone hero in the modern world.

She parked the car, got out of the car with her two children and went in to buy things.

"~" Renwu shook the arms of Hayho and Natsuki and looked at each of them, meaning to tell them not to go too far or get lost.

"Little one, help me carry my things." Saho gave Natsuki the big red basket and told her to carry the things while she went to the supermarket.

This is a great division of labor and cooperation.

"It's so big..." Natsuki held the big basket and stared blankly at the magnificent supermarket.

This is a warehouse-type supermarket. When you look up, you will see a dusty ceiling with pipes, frames and metal beams criss-crossing it without any disguise.

The surrounding aisles are crowded with products, and various signs such as "Fresh Food", "Seafood", "Grain and Oil" are hung high in the air to provide guidance.

"~" Lian Wu led them through several important areas.

Hayho scanned the dazzling array of products with difficulty, trying to distinguish what she wanted.

Once you enter a modern supermarket and your field of vision is filled with endless products, you will be awe-struck by the majestic productivity of industrial society.

"It's like the whole world has been moved to this place. This is a big supermarket... There is no place more amazing than this." Saho was full of praise while selecting, "There are cabbages, large radishes as long as arms, and onions. , what kind of fish, what kind of shrimps and crabs..."

"Eat meat!" Xia Xi carried a basket of things. As she passed the meat section, she couldn't help but stop and point at the freshly cut raw beef on the cutting board, as well as the boxes of pork bones, steaks, and pork wrapped in plastic wrap. Lean meat, pork trotters and other red meats.

Lianwu went over and got a few copies for her.

"Hoho... It's good to have adults around... Natsuki, please take it." Going to the tobacco and alcohol area, Saho boldly took a few cartons of cigarettes and put them into the shopping basket, as well as a box of beer and a few bottles of foreign wine. .

"Uh!" Natsuki was instantly crushed by the sudden increase in weight and fell forward.

"Work hard, Teacher Dasu can pick up so many things with just one little finger." Saho cheered.

"Huhu..." Natsuki grabbed the basket with both hands and tried to lift it up, but she couldn't do it even though her face turned red!

"~" Lian Wu came over and picked up the basket, and Natsuki finally regained her breath.

"Melon~" Natsuki ran to a big watermelon in the fresh food area and pounced on it, her face pressed against the green skin of the melon, feeling extremely attached to it.

"You can't lift it like this, come back quickly, no one cares what you like!" Saho took Natsuki off the watermelon, "I can only buy you watermelon-flavored bubble gum!"

"Hmph...!" Xia Xi felt that the teacher would buy her a big watermelon when he came. Zhang Su was still more powerful.

"Big sister, give me a hug! Big sister is good, Hayao is bad!" Natsuki was heartbroken and asked Renwu to hug her.

Lian Wu held Natsuki in one hand and carried a basket in the other, and went to the self-service shopping machine to pay the bill.

Zaho turned his head excitedly. This supermarket is really amazing. There are advertisements for special offers everywhere. Every time you turn around, there are more surprises. There are countless categories and supplies. It makes people feel that the world is extremely rich, and people follow it. There are just as many fish in the seafood area.

Natural light shines in from the skylight grille, casting a cool light, which does not seem depressing. Zaohui has tasted the benefits and will continue to go out to buy things in the future. Consumption is also a kind of entertainment.

Soon, Renwu drove Saho, Natsuki and the things they bought back to Ansin before sunset.

Lianwu went to Yuehuayuan to make tea while conceiving her investment plan for new industries.

Hayao and Natsuki unloaded the goods.

"Kid Natsuki, follow me and I'm sure you'll have endless lollipops and bubble gum." Saho ran to trade.

"I love watermelon bubble gum, but you won't give it to me." Natsuki quickly followed.

Saho sells the shampoo she bought to Delia.

"This is shampoo, give me 1,500 yen." Hayho announced.

"I don't have that much money, only 1,000 yen." Delia said without hesitation.

"Uh..." Saho was in trouble now. The first transaction encountered huge difficulties, "Then... you owe it first, but before you pay back the money, you have to do things for us."

"What to do?" Delia didn't understand.

"Play hide-and-seek and shoot a ball with us!" Xia Xi's eyes lit up.

"You can when you have time..." Delia nodded, and then handed a crumpled 1,000 yen bill to Saho.

"Hide-and-seek and playing ball are not things that those of us who want to do big things should pursue." Saho pulled Natsuki away, feeling it was not worth it, "We have to make money."

Hayao sells a bottle of foreign wine to Yume Eto.

"Auntie, look, this is that, that, that..." Hayho turned the wine bottle sideways and looked at the foreign words on it.

"Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Chateauneuf-du-Pape red wine." Yume Eto held up the bottle.

"You said you wanted to give me the magic potion formula or something?" Hayho looked up.

"I can give it to you." Yumei Weito took a deep breath, "I just have a three-part agreement with you."

"What?" Hayho listened.

"First, don't tell humans that potions are secrets passed down orally between witches. Second, don't abuse them, and only mix them when necessary. Third, only dictate secrets in one-on-one situations." Eito Mengmei said.

"Oh!" Saho understood, she turned around and drove Natsuki away, "Go back to sleep, you are just a tool kid, go back to where you belong."

"Ouch..." Natsuki stretched and went back to the dormitory accompanied by the chirping of cicadas.

"What I want to teach you is the recipe for the 'Fairy Drink'. It's actually very simple, but it can only be produced by us witches injecting magic power: three drops of local dew at 1 a.m., cold-pressed olive oil, saffron stigmas, and fresh thyme. Sample, sage powder and passionflower juice are all added to the apple juice to eliminate some of the witch's mind. It can only be made once a month, otherwise it will harm the body and mind." Yume Eto said.

"What is the use of this potion? What is it?" Hayho didn't understand.

"Since ancient times, witches in the spiritual world have developed fairy delicacies. They drink and eat all day long and become increasingly decadent. This potion is a rudimentary and inferior creation that can simulate their drinks and restore your vitality very quickly. After treating the wound, you don’t have to eat or drink for a long time, all your needs are met, and you are tireless.” Yume Eto explained.

"That sounds really impressive. I have to remember... Hey, I can't read." Hayho realized the importance of studying seriously with Mr. Dasu and Mrs. Reina.

She drew talismans in her notebook for a while.

"I won't write it down for you." Yume Mei mocked and turned to leave.

Hayao did his best to write everything down, hoping someone could help him gather all the ingredients.

Fortunately, she now has a small business of her own, still has money, and there are some adults in An An Hospital who can help.

Finally, Hayao tucked her cigarette case under her shirt and hurried across the courtyard of Ansin.

Kurachi Koiko and her group huddled in a far corner, and their whispers reached Hayho's ears in the evening breeze.

She stepped closer in a measured manner, feeling the weight of the goods in her arms. Tobacco, it was hard-earned!

The deal would boost her standing among prisoners.

"I got the cigarette," Hayho announced.

Cangchi Renzi turned around, her sharp eyes flashing in the night.

She snatched the package from Hayho's hands and examined the contents carefully.

"Not bad, kid." Kurachi Koiko put away the cigarette, "I'll give it to you when I have money."

Hayao frowned.

"We agreed," she said.

"The plan has changed. I don't have any money." Kurachi Ruiko shrugged. "Don't worry, I'll give you the money. Just be patient."

The witches around her came over, holding mops and brooms in their hands. Hayao quickly looked around and saw that there were more people in the chore team than she was.

Hayao raised his head and glanced at Kurachi Koiko.

"So you don't want to pay?" asked Hayho.

"Go away." Cangchi Renzi sneered.

Saho disappeared into the shadows in front of them. Kurachi Koiko's pupils shrank, and she suddenly felt a cold feeling on her waist. Saho had already put a three-sided thorn on her back!


"Shadow Path..."

"Terrible!" The other witches were shocked as they watched how Saho held Kurachi Reiko hostage.

"You owe me." Hayho said fiercely.

"Don't you dare take action." Cangchi Lianzi sneered.

Know the weight of doing it yourself. Hayho thought about what Mr. Dasu said.

She pushed the triangular pyramid forward, and Kurachi Reiko felt only stinging pain and coldness, as if a sharp object was poking into her back, tearing the muscles and compressing the internal organs!

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