Witch containment diary

Chapter 193 The canteen is open

The next day, Zhang Su took Zaosui to Yuehuayuan, found an empty room on the first floor, and set up a canteen.

This forms the internal product sales system of Anxin Hospital.

Most of the daily necessities for prisoners are provided free of charge, while other needs can be purchased from the commissary, and money is exchanged through labor, which can increase their enthusiasm for work.

Those prisoners whose family members were still alive were lucky. When they learned that the small business was open, they asked their family members to send them more funds so that they could buy things in the shelter of Anxinyuan.

"Huha..." Zaho was busy all night and now felt a little sleepy.

"What time did you go to bed last night?" Zhang Su asked.

"Go to bed at nine o'clock." Zaho didn't want Da Su to worry.

"Go to bed early in the future. Don't go to bed after twelve o'clock." Zhang Su taught.

"Okay, okay, I get it, you're just nagging." Hayho said he was disgusted, but he felt very comfortable in his heart.

"I'll give you a small mobile phone for making calls and keeping accounts." Zhang Su gave Zaosui a new mobile phone.

She opened it and played around. There was no Internet, so she couldn't be naughty, she could only do business and make phone calls.

"Haha, greedy snake." Saho looked for the built-in mini-game.

"It's for business." Zhang Su taught her how to do double-entry accounting.

The double-entry accounting method allowed Zaho to understand how to calculate income and expenses. The key is to enter cash flow into different account books at the same time. A single transaction affects different items such as cash, inventory, and loans at the same time. Each account forms a corresponding relationship and records each other. Balance, helps keep track of the ins and outs of your money.

"Hoho, my head is going to explode." Hayho studied hard, "Anyway, I will keep accounts for the whole day, and I will show it to you then."

"That's right, you have to be responsible for what you do and concentrate on doing everything well." Zhang Su patted Zaosui and then helped her pack the shelves.

He got several neat shelves for Saho, as well as a refrigerator, which contained a small number of products, including instant noodles, instant coffee, peanut butter cookies, cola and other snacks, as well as soap, shampoo, toothpaste and other detergents. Personal care products, stationery, cigarettes, some over-the-counter medicines, some clothes, shoes, towels...

Witch prisoners can use this to meet their basic needs, gain some comfort and relieve stress in their monotonous lives.

Most of the goods are wholesaled by Zhang Su, or distributed by organizations or donated by the society, so the prices are very low.

In addition, there are also the messy things that Saho bought outside. The things are relatively new and expensive, and they still seem messy and disorganized. When Zaohui gains experience, he will consciously purchase more popular items.

"So, am I leaving?" Zhang Su said goodbye.

"Don't worry." Hayho waved his hand.

In this way, Zhang Su walked away after helping to get started, leaving Saho to work hard on his own.

"Business hours are from 14:00 to 20:00 in the afternoon." Hayho wrote a mark at the door. During the rest of the time, she would run around and play by herself.

"The canteen is open." Hayao shouted.

"Watermelon bubble gum!" Xia Xi came to buy some candy.

"Little one." Saho looked at her condescendingly, "Bring me the money."

"I've helped you so, so much!" Xia Xi spread her hands.

"Then I'll give you one for free, no more." Hayho rewarded Natsuki with a piece of sweet bubble gum.

"Huhu..." Natsuki blew a big pink bubble.

Hayho also tried chewing bubble gum, but couldn't blow it out. Is it because his tongue is hard and not as soft as Natsuki's?

She stared at Natsuki and had to think of a way to test whether Natsuki's tongue was soft or not.

"Are you selling spicy chips?" A witch prisoner named Takeda Natsuko came to visit. She was imprisoned for stealing a lot of money. Now her hair was disheveled, with thick dark circles under her eyes, and she came looking decadent.

"There are no spicy strips, but I can get some next time," said Saho.

"Then let's get a bottle of Coke. I'll give you 100 yen." Takeda Nazuko took out a crumpled bill.

"Here you go." Saho took out a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator and gave it to her. Although it was a refrigerator, the cabinet itself was warm, which made Saho feel magical.

"Click..." Takeda Nazuko opened the plastic bottle cap and took a big gulp of Coke.

The sweet rock sugar soda rushed down her throat and into her stomach. It was as refreshing as she wanted, and her expression suddenly became happy.

"Two packs of cigarettes." Cangchi Lianzi came with a guilty look on her face. She tried to blackmail Saho a few days ago and refused to pay for cigarettes, but she was stabbed by Saho. I didn't dare to say anything, so I had to hold on. Fortunately, I was strong enough to get through it.

"Teacher Dasu said you can only buy two packs of cigarettes per month. This is for health reasons. Hey, the previous ones don't count, so I'll sell this to you." Saho found 2 packs of Ken brand cigarettes and sold them to Kurachi Renko, "1,000 yen."

"It's really expensive, but for smoking..." Kurachi Koiko handed over a 1,000 yen note in frustration, which was tantamount to a huge sum of money for a prisoner who had lost his source of income.

Hayho put the money in the drawer with satisfaction.

People who like to smoke have made a huge contribution to the economy. If she were a prison administrator, she would make everyone smoke as hard as they could.

"Is there finally a place that serves alcohol?" Tomomi, the apprentice in charge of casting affairs, came. She had helped Saho and the others burn Reio's insect collection in the attic, and she was a little expert at forging.

Now, after several months of training with master Priscilla, Dongmei looks stronger and stronger, with her hair combed into a short ponytail.

"There is only one bottle of wine every week. Da Su is afraid that you will get in trouble by drinking. Adults always like this kind of messy things." Saho pointed to the shelf in the back where the wine was placed.

"What do you mean by messy things? Alcohol is a good thing, but you are a child and you won't understand. When you grow up and encounter sad things, desperate things, pessimistic things... When you have insomnia, If you are unhappy or in trouble, you will know how happy you are to drink some wine. Bring me a can of Kirin beer." Dongmei stretched out her hand, and there were three 500 yen coins in her palm.

"Go and pursue your happiness, Dongmei! Take it and fly!" Haoho stood up on tiptoes, took down the bottle of wine, and then made a beeping sound from his mouth like a plane flying through the air. The bottle was delivered to Dongmei.

"This will make people forget about today and yesterday, hehe." Dongmei unscrewed the lid of the wine bottle with her bare hands.

To the Forge Witches, their hands are like living iron pincers. When Saho saw the mouth of the wine bottle being twisted and bent, he trembled all over. If this was used to arrest people, wouldn't they be made into parts?

When Tomei saw Saho's expression, she felt ashamed and walked away minding her own business.

Casting witches are always not accepted by society because they seem to have cast parts of their tools into themselves.

After operating like this for two days, Zaoho discovered that the best-selling products were tobacco and alcohol. Children would come to buy various snacks and small toys. As for daily necessities, since Anxinyuan would already distribute them, the people who came specifically to buy them instead few.

When she first went to Shadow Street, the neighbors there gave Haoho a lot of money, and she felt troubled when she saw the money.

That’s a lot of money, plus I made a lot of money by opening a canteen. Hayao thought.

If you hoard it, wouldn’t you be a fool who has money but doesn’t spend it? I have to find a way to spend the money.

oh! Hayho's heart moved, and she thought about what to buy.

Renwu drove to Niigata City to continue to investigate the business situation. This time, he went to the job market to investigate labor prices.

Saho also followed, this time she brought a lot of money.

Cityscapes have always been interesting to Saho. On the street, people are rushing to their workstations. Students are also rushing to class wearing uniforms and carrying schoolbags. They move to the sound of bells like animals. The buildings are as oppressive as livestock cages. Maybe the city is an automated breeding system. Come on.

"~" Lian Wu got out of the car and walked around. There were many clerks in the local employment hall.

She checked public labor reports and compared them with information she had collected, which could tell whether the local government system was clean and how much labor cost.

Lian Wu also examined local labor relations issues and took everything into consideration in advance to facilitate the establishment of her career later.

She also saw reports that the local active gang "Nangki-gumi" is very ferocious. The leader is named Ansai. He is a violent leader who cannot be underestimated and has put a lot of pressure on the security of Niigata City.

After the investigation, Renwu knew what was going on and went outside to see Hayho.

"Everywhere is very busy." Hayao clasped her hands behind her head. She noticed that many people here were wearing strange jewelry on their hands. Thinking of what she had seen in New Tokyo, she couldn't help but ask Renwu and pointed to her wrist. "Miss, what are they wearing on this part of their hands?"

"Watch~" Lian Wu whispered.

"Wow, take me to a place that sells watches! No wonder, it turns out to be a watch. I've heard of it, but I didn't expect it to be the same thing." Saho was very happy.

Hasumi takes Saho to the watch store.

Watches of various styles are displayed in windows and glass cabinets. Smooth metal and leather straps shine under the light, and shopping guides are attentive to receive them.

"Oh..." Saho's eyes fell on the jewelry decorations of those watches, "Watches are really cool."

"~" Lian Wu silently looked at the watches on the counter, his eyes wandering over different styles of watches.

"Give me this." Saho has a lot of money, about 200,000 yen, but the watches here are also ridiculously expensive.

She randomly selected a silver optical kinetic energy watch priced at 100,000 yen, and then took out a bunch of banknotes from her pocket and slapped them on the counter. She was very cool. She didn't care about the specific price. After all, Dasu couldn't help her anymore. Measured in terms of money.

"Yes, yes..." The shopping guide was surprised. He had never seen such a reckless and cheerful shopper like Saho.

She raised her head and glanced at Lian Wu, only to find that Lian Wu was immersed in her own world and completely lost.

"Quickly, give it to me." Hayho urged.

After the shopping guide checked out, she handed the watch to Saho, and she couldn't put it down.

Only then did Lian Wu choose a watch from the Tudor watch counter.

She felt that Zhang Su would like it. That watch is really good-looking, with a retro appearance, crocodile leather strap, hinged wrist ornaments, black dial with blue steel hands, and a visual design on the back of the watch, so you can see the turntable gear inside.

If you could buy it and give it to Zhang Su personally, it would probably become a great token. Lianwu thought. A watch is also a symbol of identity, strength and status for a man. A good man like Zhang Su must also...

"Hey, let's go, miss!" Hayho waved.

"?" Lianwu turned around, and Zaohui also held a watch in her hand. She made a gesture, "Who is it for...?"

"Who else could I buy it for Teacher Dasu?" Saho disagreed.

"Hmm...! Hmm..." Lian Wu blushed.

She didn't expect that she and Saho would go together!

If this continues, it would be embarrassing to buy two watches for Zhang Su.

However, the watch in Saho's hand is also very good.

Lianwu recognized that it was a new type of photo-kinetic device, which looked futuristic. It was covered with a transparent panel that could absorb light and convert it into electrical energy. It would turn blue or gray at different viewing angles.

It must be very novel to the child of Hayho, no wonder she fell in love with it at first sight.

So why bother throwing tens of millions of yen to luxury brands? All Zhang Su needs is for everyone to be nice...

Renwu walked up to Saho, bent down, stretched out her finger, and lightly scratched Saho's nose.

"Hey, what are you doing! Don't think that because you are the eldest lady, I won't dare to bully you." Saho covered her nose and jumped back, getting ready for a fight.

"~" Lianwu smiled softly and walked out of the watch shop, her posture dignified and reserved.

Saho unknowingly robbed her of the opportunity to give a gift! Even so, Lian Wu felt that the relationship between her and Zhang Su did not need to be maintained by gifts.

I can see each other every morning and greet each other well. Maintaining such a daily routine is also very happy.

Hayho jumped into the car. She thought Teacher Dasu would be very happy to see the gift! This is really the most exciting episode.

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