Witch containment diary

Chapter 194 The Immortal Food Festival starts

It was already night when we took the car back, and Saho was very excited.

Zhang Su had a busy day and went back to rest, but he came out early on the way.

"Hey, Dasu!" Saho said proudly, hiding the gift behind his back with one hand.

"What?" Zhang Su was a little surprised.

"I have something for you!" Zaohui grabbed Zhang Su's hand and stuffed the product bag containing the watch into it.

"Huh? What is this?" Zhang Su shook the bag, hoping that it wouldn't be Saho's prank inside.

"It's nothing! I just want to thank Teacher Dasu for always accompanying me and teaching me new things." Hayho said seriously.

Zhang Su only thought it was funny. He opened the box and was surprised to see a brand new silver-white mechanical watch inside, with a light storage function, which was quite fashionable.

"It's amazing that you can still give gifts... Zaosui." Zhang Su was very touched.

"This time I will give you a watch, next time I will give you a clock." Saho was very happy.

"...Forget it, the money you used to buy the watch is the money given to you by the people in Shadow Street." Zhang Su rubbed the glass panel of the watch with his fingers, and the second hand clicked lightly under his skin.

"Ha, of course, but there is also money earned from opening a canteen. I remember it well." Zaosui showed Zhang Su the results of his accounting.

What a mess!

The entries above were a mess, not just funds and goods, because sometimes Saho would not even accept payment, and would ask the children to run errands for her, or ask them to agree to let Saho pat their butts a few times, write homework for her, and so on.

Some of the witch prisoners asked for credit, and Zaho also allowed them to do so, or put it on someone else's account. However, Zhang Su knew that many witches would be released from prison in a few days, and they got goods from Zaho for nothing.

In any case, the accounting method carefully taught by Zhang Su has perished.

"You are too naughty. You can't let your friends do your homework for you. You have to put your studies first. And many of the prisoners are leaving soon, so you have to ask them for money." Zhang Su tapped Zaohui's forehead.

"Ouch, I gave you a gift and you hit me. Now we are enemies. From now on, it will not be Teacher Dasu, but Laoden Dasu!" Saho was unconvinced.

"Okay...I won't talk about you this time." Zhang Su carefully put the watch on his wrist and looked at it carefully.

It is indeed a good watch. For men, watches are also a symbol of status.

"Not bad." Saho said proudly.

"Very good, Zaosui, you are so thoughtful and bought me this..." Zhang Su gently rubbed Zaosui's hair.

"Hoho, I'm also a great, caring guy. I like to give everyone all kinds of things. Dasu, you must be content." Saho held his head in his hands and walked away pretending to be cool.

It seemed like he was walking away, but in fact Zaosui was hiding and peeking at Zhang Su from the side.

Not long after, Lian Wu came back and met Zhang Su who had not yet gone upstairs.

"Good night, Miss Lianwu." Zhang Su and Lianwu bowed and said good night.

Lian Wu smiled slightly at Zhang Su.

She noticed that Zhang Su had already put on the new watch given by the child, so she asked knowingly.

"What's that on your hand? Who gave it to you? Tell me, tell me!" Lian Wu deliberately acted like a jealous wife, playing tricks on Zhang Su.

"It was given by Zaosui!" Zhang Su surrendered directly, "It's the best thing that Zaosui gave. I never thought that a child like her would be so attentive. This is a gift I like very much. Zaosui is the cutest. ”

"~" Lianwu nodded, "You probably won't lie to others. If it's Zaho, that's okay!"

"How could you lie to Miss Lianwu?" Zhang Suzheng said.

"Well, good night." Lian Wu turned around and went back to the dormitory to sleep.

Hayho didn't go far, hiding in the shadows.

She waited to see if Zhang Su would show off the gift she gave to others, but she didn't expect it to happen!

Zao Sui heard everything. When she heard Zhang Su telling Lian Wu, "I didn't expect a child like her to be so attentive", saying that she liked the gift very much, praising Zao Sui's cuteness... Zao Sui almost jumped with excitement.

She is so happy! I feel like I am the happiest kid in the world!

Why! King Zaosui’s full support for you is not in vain, Da Su!

Now with her hands behind her back, Saho returned home contentedly. When she went to bed at night, she would fall asleep with a smile on her face.

Everything is ready.

It’s time to open the bottle of immortal delicacy prepared by Zaho.

To be honest, she didn't know whether this thing was a magic potion or not, and the one who had the most witch culture in An'an Hospital was probably the guy summoned through the ritual.

She carried a bag of candies, quietly ran to the garden, and sprinkled candies into the sky in front of the Bodhisattva Seat.

"Come out, Bodhisattva!" Haosui shouted.

She heard the sound of something small running around, and turned around to hear a slight tearing sound. The air itself seemed like a torn cloth, and soon a crack appeared, and a small fat stick protruded from it. hand.

"Don't waste food, give it to me." Hongyan stretched out his hand.

"Hoho, please have some candy." Hayho picked up the candy and gave it to her.

"I want the soft ones, the bubble ones, and the bitter ones." Hong Yan stretched out her other hand.

"Who knows what you want? Just pick it up yourself." Hayho pushed all the candies into Hong Yan's hand.

"Hmph, this is not the way to treat a Bodhisattva." Hong Yan was angry.

What a Bodhisattva! He's just a little kid who loves eating sweets. He's probably not as tall as Natsuki! That's what Saho originally wanted to say, but Hongyan is too powerful and Saho can't afford to offend him!

"This is the most expensive thing I imported from the store, take it." Saho handed a box of chocolates to Hongyan.

"That's ridiculous!" Hongyan took the chocolate away, and Haoho heard the sound of tearing off the wrapping paper from the other end of the crack, and then Hongyan continued inarticulately, "Huhu... what are you going to do? "

"Look what this is." Zaho showed Hong Yan the magic potion of immortal food hidden under his clothes.

"Wow, good stuff." Hongyan stuck out his head and half of his body, reaching out to grab it.

Hayao put the plastic bottle within Hongyan's reach. When Hongyan reached out, she quickly stepped back. Hongyan leaned forward and rolled out of the crack!

boom! The Great Red Flame Bodhisattva fell to the ground, like a little bean!

"Oh, be careful next time." Hayho gloated and helped Hong Yan up.

"You are a troublemaker." Hong Yan was unhappy, "I want to tell Zhang Su."

"No, Teacher Dasu will hang me on the flagpole." Saho came back to his senses and quickly apologized, "Just help me see if this is a real potion?"

Hongyan smelled it and laughed, with an intoxicated expression.

"Yes, yes. Although it is not as good as a real feast in the spiritual world, this drink also makes people feel like they are attending a feast. It can reproduce similar effects. There are actually several formulas in the mortal world. You can master it smoothly. I got one of them..." Hongyan observed carefully and confirmed the immortal delicacy potion, "It's amazing to be able to make potions."

"It is said that the great witches all have their own magic potion secrets. What about you? What kind of potion can you make?" Hayho was curious.

Hongyan put his hands on his hips and was very proud.

"I will make a great magic potion that can be used to make the best orange rice cake in the world." Hong Yan announced.

Oh oh, orange rice cake! Hayao thought. The Great Red Flame Bodhisattva is really good at telling jokes.

"What else?" Zaho was very happy.

"No more." Hongyan said disapprovingly.

"No more?" Saho was shocked.

"No! Our Bodhisattva's fame is not made by making potions." Hong Yan disagreed.

"So of the two potion recipes I have access to, one is for eating and drinking at the banquet, and the other is for making orange rice cakes? Why isn't there something more cool?" Hayao was shocked.

"If there were that much, the magic potion would be flying all over the sky! The truth is that everyone is hiding it, huh, don't look down on the secret recipe of orange rice cake, there are so many people asking for it but I won't give it to you." Hongyan shook his head.

Hayao was thoughtful.

"Then, I will hold a banquet here at night, treat everyone to drink such a magic potion, and then officially establish our own witch gathering in Ansin Institute, and I will be the boss!" Hayho made up his mind to use the fairy drink as an opportunity to hold a grand party .

"I'll drink half of your share, or I'll find Da Su." Hong Yan was also greedy.

Ever since she was kicked away from the spirit world, she has been like a bereaved dog, with no chance to taste the immortal delicacy again.

"Then let's do it." Hayho was fully prepared.

By evening, the first group of people ready to join the Witch Club had arrived.

Hayao, Reio, Muroka, Eori, Mayumi and Natsuki are all there, as are Mrs. Miyu Shinjo, Hongyan, Yufa Lin and Kobe.

"It's so lively, but everyone listen to me, this is the greatest thing in the world, magic potion! But I won't give it to you for free. Except for the Red Flame Bodhisattva, everyone else must swear to join our witch assembly." Hayho Act according to Zhang Sufa's witch training manual, which is very serious.

"What's the name of our sect?" Lian Yang asked.

"The Ring of Shadow." Hayho concluded.

"This name is too dark, Komuro Hana, you can't live with a dark person." Mrs. Miyu Shinjo said.

She has a grudge against Saho because she easily found out the reason for Muroka's injury and blindness.

"Well..." Shihua hugged her mother.

"I'm ready to do cool stuff," Natsuki shouted.

Her look is amazing! Wearing a cloak made of sheets, and a homemade rag hood on his head, only two small holes were cut out for his eyes to avoid blocking his sight.

"This kid is the only person in this place who really looks like he wants to join a secret society..." Youfa Lin couldn't help but say.

She and Xiaofeng would appear here because these children occupied the garden, and she and Xiaofeng had been working here, so it was easy to notice what was happening here.

"Natsuki! Your dress is great, let me learn from you!" Saho thought Natsuki was so great and creative, so she quickly took off her coat and wrapped it around her head.

"Change the name to the Ring of Peace of Mind, it will be more positive." Mayumi suggested.

Hayho thought for a while and then announced: "Okay, then the ring of peace of mind!"

There were actually more fancy names running through her mind, but she held back, at least for now.

"When do we start?" Natsuki was curious.

"Come on! You are too positive. You will be the first to be my younger brother!" Saho shook his head.

Xia Xile was upset. She thought this thing was so interesting, so she hurriedly bowed her head in front of Zaohui.

"Do you swear to always be loyal to the ring of peace of mind?" Hayho put her hand on Natsuki's head.

"Okay!" Natsuki shouted happily.

"All the witches in the witch coven have code names! Then I will call you...Little Sun, Natsuki. The code name will stay with you for the rest of your life!" Hayho announced.

Almost instantly, Hayao felt a bond forming between herself and the others.

The effectiveness of this witch gathering is real!

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