Witch containment diary

Chapter 26 Return to the Demonic Front

Zhang Su drove the car to the outskirts and stopped deep in the forest.

It wasn't that he couldn't move forward, but that Katie suddenly bullied him.

He quickly turned off the car to avoid stepping on the accelerator in the confusion.


The vehicle shuddered, especially violently.

It takes more than an hour to rest.

After they finished destroying the vehicle, the suspension components of the vehicle body were restored to balance.

The compressed vehicle stretched out, as if the vehicle itself let out a long sigh of relief.

Huh...huh... Zhang Su recalled Katie's strange skin texture, which was as tough and thick as scales and as silky as fat.

Katie lazily climbed out and flopped onto the grass outside the car door, breathing heavily.

Zhang Su wiped her sweat. If this could relieve her anxiety, she could do it as many times as she wanted.

He rolled down the windows to disperse the smell, and then cleaned up the mess.

Zhang Su took a towel and wiped it on the seat, the floor mat, and the front windshield.

The worst part was the roof of the car, which was pierced through by Katie's dragon horns.

After cleaning up, Zhang Su also got out of the car.

Carty, ahead is the Gate of Hell in Kagura Mountain. Zhang Su pointed forward.

She looked up and looked across the vast forest.

I saw a round of setting sun rising in the sky, dripping blood all over my body, illuminating the sky crimson.

Infinite magma surges on the top of the mountain, forming a burning golden ocean. Kagura Mountain has been completely eroded and has become the connecting point between the world and hell.

Devil... Katie was a little irritated.

She roared from deep in her throat, her body twisted and transformed, turning back into the form of a demonic dragon.

Katie leaned forward and lay down, with large, fine black jagged scales emerging from her skin. Her front and rear legs were incredibly strong, supporting her whole body. Her neck was very thick, and her jet-black dragon horns extended behind her head, like a giant crown. Lizards appeared in her eyes. The sharp vertical pupils flashed with amber evil light.

Compared with Katie's huge dragon body, her wings appear disabled and weak, with insufficient wingspan. The slender wing bones are lined with bat membranes, and the ends are in the shape of sharp spikes.

Cady's heavy tail swept back and forth across the ground, pushing aside gravel. She looked around and consciously started to be on guard.

The closer you get to the gate of hell, the stronger the devil's scent becomes.

Zhang Su stroked the scales of the real dragon, and Kati shook his head, with thick smoke billowing from both sides of his mouth.

Katie now only has 60 to 70% of the power she had in her heyday. Zhang Su thought silently.

Her scales were once as white as silver and as awe-inspiring as snow, but when the black flames of the large blazing demon annihilated Katie and her comrades, Katie was the only survivor.

From then on, her scales became as black as charcoal, and her whole person became confused, half-animal and half-crazy.

Even if the erosion is purified, the dragon scales are still dull.

She was once able to soar with wings and breathe dragon breath from her mouth. As the erosion level skyrocketed, Katie's strength also deteriorated due to doubts in her heart.

The dragon's scales turned black and it could no longer spit out flames.

When she encountered the devil for the first time in her previous life, Katie even refused to fight because of the painful memories. The situation was very bad!

Therefore, Zhang Su also hopes that Katie can cheer up again and regain her former vigorous and majestic appearance.

This time I went into the mountains to fight for Katie’s recovery!

He also wants to see Katie fly into the sky again...

Carty, it's time to go. Zhang Su said in a deep voice.

? Katie raised her huge tail.

No, that's not what I mean... Zhang Su climbed on Katie's back from the side, Keep going, do you still remember the power of the past? You can fly and breathe fire!

Katie crawled forward and opened the dragon's mouth, but only smoke with a strong sulfur smell flowed out, without fire.

Wings...need...fire...too. Katie made a hoarse voice.

If you complete the hunt and rebuild your confidence, these powers will come back. These are originally part of your power, but you have just forgotten it temporarily. Zhang Su put his head close to Katie's back.

Return to your strongest form and transform into a real flying dragon.

Katie felt strangely warm.

She shook her head and climbed forward quickly.

Hunting...demon... Katie's voice was rough, and she mustered up some courage.

Yes! The witches of the beast path evolved during hunting. Let's go hunting together! Test your courage! Zhang Su looked forward and led Katie the way.

The violent and ferocious dragon witch is now going to hunt until she also kills the devil.

Her footsteps stopped at the edge of a cliff.

Katie was stunned and did not dare to move forward.

A demon's corpse blocks her path.

The one who fell in front of him was the Balrog. These demons served as commanders and vanguards in the army. It was huge, and its remains were sitting with its back against the cliff. Its chest was an extremely terrifying scar, and the demon's bones were split from it.

The Overlord Flame Demon was over 15 meters tall, much larger than Kati, and he died here.

Its body broke trees and rocks, and created a dent in its back, completely shattering the terrain and forming rugged steps.

The horrible stench still lingers in this terrible place, and the rotten demonic erosion has left no grass growing around it.

The demon's head has been severed because its appearance induces madness.

Its obsidian armor was also dismantled and taken away, and the demonic essence in its body was recovered, leaving only an empty body and its charred wings hanging down like rags.

Roar... Katie flinched and crawled back quickly, not daring to get close at all.

Don't be afraid. This is a Balrog from many years ago. It is already dead. Have you seen the wound on its chest? A magic-repelling alloy bullet was thrown from outer space orbit and directly penetrated its ribs and spine. , causing it to collapse. Zhang Su pointed at the remains of the Demon Tyrant.

There are still claw marks on the rock wall from the last struggle and resistance of the Balrog. When the human troops tried to get close to recover the materials, its body fought back and attacked, instantly evaporating hundreds of soldiers.

There are many similar demonic remnants around the Gate of Hell.

Roar! Katie shook her head in pain.

She turned her back, turned the direction of her vision, let out a whimper of fear, and her wings fell weakly.

The Overlord Flame Demon... The Overlord Flame Demon! Katie's consciousness was momentarily dominated by horrific memories.

The fight against the devil in the future will be the real disaster, Zhang Su sighed to himself.

The number of demons is endless, forcing the two groups of humans and witches to unite to fight.

But Katie completely lost her confidence in fighting the devil...

Like an animal that sees a natural enemy, it instinctively retreats.

Katie resisted extremely, shook her head violently, and even changed direction and crawled into the forest, as if to hide herself and avoid the remains of the headless Balrog.

She covered her head with her two paws and shivered. Zhang Su hadn't seen Katie look so fragile for a long time.

Katie was in agony.

The moment he saw the body of the Demon Tyrant, the horrific memories of the demons killing their companions and destroying the battlefield gradually came to mind. Familiar people turned into dead souls in an instant, and comrades who were trampled to death by the Balrog had to be dug out bit by bit from the pit of footprints.

The Human Defense Plan gathered the power of the world and paid the price of 210 million humans dying in battle with the witch before expelling the devil back to the other side of the gate of hell.

The dying man's pleas rang in her ears, and the smell of blood and ashes once again filled her vision. And the Tyrant Flame Demon, the Tyrant Flame Demon was opening his bloody mouth towards her...

A calming aura suddenly emerged.

Same with that night of healing. Zhang Su held the Guanshi Pagoda and slowly guided Kati back to calm.

She breathed evenly, and the painful memories faded away like water drops under the scorching sun, replaced by a bright and clear state of mind.

We are here specifically to destroy fear. Zhang Su comforted in a deep voice.

Katie hesitated and crawled back to the headless body of Balrog.

... Katie shook her head desperately.

Try it, it's already dead. Zhang Su's voice broke the confusion in Katie's heart.

Encouraged by Zhang Su, she smashed one of its bones with her claws.


The demon's shell shattered in response, and was actually much more fragile than Katie expected!

After losing the supply of soul fuel, the demon's remaining body was fragile.

Katie bumped forward, and the remains of the Balrog crumbled, and the withered demon shells fell one after another. These bones had completely lost their value and were as soft as dust.

She was a little surprised, and even more irritated, that she was shocked by an ancient demon corpse!

Katie swung her tail fiercely, and with a heavy blow, the giant iron whip-like tail directly crushed the body of the Balrog, crushing the empty shell as easily as cracking an egg.

She shook her head, feeling the shadow fading from her thoughts.

Let's go, the important things are ahead. Zhang Su climbed onto Katie's back.

Katie raised her head high and climbed up the rocky steps.

The decaying body of the Demon Tyrant was torn to pieces under her claws. She was still shaking a little at first, but with every step she climbed up, her courage was regaining.

Climb to the top of the cliff.

She is still afraid of the devil, but she has to move forward even if she is afraid. This is her courage. Moreover, Katie wants to protect Zhang Su and does not want him to die and become a ghost in his memories.

Katie wants to do something she has never done before.

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