Witch containment diary

Chapter 27 The strength after recovery

Zhang Su and Katie walked together.

The Dongzhou Wall project stands more than 40 miles away. From a distance, only a black wall can be seen standing tall, blocking off the gate of hell.

It is a 50-meter-high, extremely large wall that is impregnable. Over the years, some demons have often ventured through the wall and wandered around Mount Kagura, posing a threat.

The traces of the devil were looming, so Zhang Su dealt with them cautiously.

Three materials are required to complete the ritual of breaking the throne. he thought. The spine of a beast that is over a hundred years old, the blood of a dragon, and the soul of a dragon.

Traces of the dragon are hard to find, but there must be spines of ancient beasts in Mount Kagura.

A barbed wire fence suddenly appeared in the forest, indicating that the front was the forbidden zone of Mount Kagura.

When they arrived at the place, Zhang Su's heart moved.

On the rusty barbed wire fence, Zhang Su saw a incomplete notice:

Stop ahead! The monster wild bear known as 'Oguma' has appeared and attacked people and animals many times, killing more than 70 people. The situation is extremely serious. Please return to the original route as soon as possible and stay away from any abnormal noises. This is a warning!

Kobayashi Sosuke

Gozenmachi Town Office

Established on June 11, 2003

The person who placed this notice, Kobayashi Sosuke, is the grandfather of the current mayor, Kobayashi Muchu. Judging from the date, he was already 60 years ago.

Katie, the target of our hunting is ahead of us. An ancient bear named 'Oguma' has been doing evil on Kagura Mountain for hundreds of years and has killed countless people. Zhang Su said.

After all these years, Oguma may be dead, but its remains still contain the recoverable spines of the ancient beast.

Roar... Katie climbed through the huge gap in the barbed wire fence.

Zhang Su saved 40 million yen in his previous life before purchasing one from secret channels. Later, I discovered that this kind of beast exists in Kagura Mountain. This time I can save some money and come to find Oguma myself.

In addition, you can hone Katie's hunting skills and activate her instincts and memories.

Cady's paws trampled the earth and she strutted.

After tracking in the forest for dozens of minutes, she suddenly stopped.

What's wrong? Zhang Su asked, while Katie hurriedly crawled to a clearing in the forest.

The sight before me was shocking, like a slaughterhouse.

In the open space ahead, countless deer, pheasants, rabbits, and wild cats were slaughtered. Their carcasses were still fresh, and they might have been killed a few hours ago. There were several wolves among them with their throats completely severed. There were mosquitoes and flies all around, and the buzz was annoying.

Extremely cruel.

This... Zhang Su observed carefully, and the strong smell of blood made him frown.

That beast... Katie growled, convinced that another beast was nearby.

Not necessarily, something is wrong... Zhang Su felt something was wrong.

He jumped off Katie's back and carefully opened the wound on one of the deer. The scratches were neat and smooth, as if they had been cut with a sharp weapon.

If a wild animal used claws or teeth, it would not be possible to leave such a diamond-shaped wound with straight edges.

It seems that a demon deliberately caught such a large group of animals and killed them at the same time. That's why they were in such a mess. The purpose was to collect souls. Zhang Su looked around.

Devil... Katie felt particularly disgusted, It smells a bit...but it's hidden.

Is the devil's scent weak? Zhang Su speculated that the devil hid when he committed the crime, or used cover-up methods.

There is not only a beast on the mountain, but also a demon. The purpose of killing these beasts is to suck their souls. Zhang Su turned around and patted Katie's neck.

...enemies...kill them. Katie murmured.

There are two enemies now.

One is an unknown beast from the native mountains, Oguma, and the other is an unknown type of demon.


Kati tracks Oguma's lair.

The smell of blood here is even stronger, and the terrifying giant man-eating bear is here.

Katie was eager and ready for the hunt.

She felt that her magic was more active than ever before, the strongest and hottest in the past few years. It was activated by the wild environment, and she couldn't wait to hunt prey.

There was an animal stench wafting on the wind.

Here we come. Katie raised her head.

Zhang Su also prepared his sniper rifle and prepared to assist in hunting, while Guanshi Pagoda was put aside.

A huge figure crawled out of the cave in front of them. The moment they saw it, Zhang Su and Katie were on alert.

It stood up far away, like a giant.


Zhang Su's hand held the gun harder.

He couldn't see the memory line on it at this time, because the bear was already dead!

Oguma is at least 5 meters tall and larger than a car. The most terrifying thing is that its skin seems to have been dug out of a grave.

The skin was rotten and the browned ribs were clearly visible. Lifeless milky white eyes stared straight ahead, unfocused.

Its jaw was huge, with thick green corpse liquid dripping from it. The sharp fangs were still embedded in the jaws, and the claws hanging down from the ends of its arms were still sharp.

A puppeteer? Zhang Su thought quickly.

Puppet demons are good at controlling corpses. Once they find the remains of humans or witches killed in battle, they will use them without restraint.

Katie once saw her comrades who had just been buried stand up again and line up to knock on her door. That was what the Puppet Demon did.

It turns out that Oguma had been killed a long time ago and became a puppet!

Are you here to kill me? The cry of a little girl came from Oguma's skull, like a mockery, Don't kill me...

Zhang Su's heart trembled, he picked up his gun and shot at the monster.


The bullet hit Oguma's fur, drawing some blood, and its terrifying rotten bear face opened its mouth.

It's eating me, mother...it's eating me alive...! A shrill and strange scream came from its throat, seeming to imitate the cry of the deceased.

Immediately afterwards, it touched the ground with all four legs and rushed towards Zhang Su at extremely fast speed, like a skeletal chariot!

Roar! Katie intercepted him along the way and bumped into him!

The giant dragon and the ancient corpse bear collided, and both sides tried their best to fight.

A hoarse hissing sound came from Oguma's hollow throat, and his body suddenly swelled, and strange dark flesh suddenly grew, filling its limbs.


At this time, Oguma seemed to have regained his flesh and blood, and the damaged areas of his fur were covered with new demonic skin, making his appearance even more strange.

Kati struggled and tried to stand up, using her own claws to hold Oguma's palms, completely entering a wrestling state, like two powerful fighters competing purely for muscle strength.

The forces offset each other.

The demonic muscles on Oguma's body were still expanding, and his figure was even larger than Kati's. He pushed Kati back with all his strength.

Hee... this strange bear is my carefully selected puppet. It is an evil beast that has been killing people since 300 years ago. Hundreds and thousands of people have died under its claws. Who do you think you are? Oguma's skull There were shrill taunts from girls, which made Katie even more angry.

Roar! Katie fought hard, but ended up at a disadvantage in the pure strength competition!

During this desperate confrontation with the beast, Katie's long-dormant magic power was greatly activated.

Her fragile wings began to shake slowly, like a newborn bird learning how to move its wings!

But Oguma was even more violent. With a fierce push, Kati's figure suddenly tilted and she was unable to stand firm.

It took advantage of the situation and clasped both sides of Katie's neck with both claws, and bit down directly with its rotten teeth.


Its teeth gnawed on Katie's black dragon scales, and they exploded inch by inch!

The sound was clear and audible, its teeth were cracking, and the sound was like human bones and joints breaking, making people tremble all over.

The scales are so hard, what's going on? The girl's voice suddenly sounded panicked.

Immediately afterwards, a strange little ghost crawled out from the back of Oguma's head, holding an obsidian dagger in his hand, and stabbed Kati violently.

I'll kill you! the little devil screamed.

The obsidian weapon crafted by the devil can cut through dragon scales and corrode Kati!


Zhang Su then fired, hitting the little devil.

The 7.62 mm full-power bullet hit its body. It screamed, immediately got back into the back of Oguma's head, and continued to control Oguma's actions.

Seeing this opportunity, Kati swung a huge dragon claw and hit Oguma's chest hard. The sound was loud and shocking, the attack was powerful and heavy, and the strong wind blew up, instantly knocking Oguma back!

Oguma retreated on the defensive.

The puppet demon was hiding in Oguma's skull, thinking rapidly.

The cooperation of this dragon and one person is quite skillful, and the power of cooperative hunting is doubled.

If you can kill the dragon, you can get a new toy. But Oguma's teeth could not penetrate the dragon scales, but that person was easier to kill.

So Oguma immediately abandoned Kati and rushed towards Zhang Su.

The fishy wind and stench are blowing!

At that time, Zhang Su heard another muffled sound, and when he took a closer look, he saw Kati raising her head, smoke began to come out from both sides of her mouth, and the dragon scales on her neck shone slightly after being heated, aiming at Oguma from behind. .

Dragon Breath? good chance!

Zhang Su threw away his gun, grabbed Guanshi Pagoda, and swung it towards Oguma.

It growled, raised its claws and struck hard.


As soon as the stick was brought down, its claws were caught by Guanshi Pagoda and could not be pressed down no matter what.

what happened? The puppeteer was stunned.

The mortal in front of him seemed to have infinite strength, and the iron rod in his hand emitted a burst of white flames, burning Oguma's palm, causing the demon bear's flesh and blood to quickly erode!

Zhang Su remained motionless, his eyes looking at Oguma without fear.

But the Puppet Demon didn't dare to fight against Zhang Su!

Help! Oguma stepped back and simulated a human voice, letting out a girl's cry.

It's the puppet devil's bad taste, but it's also like it's asking for help.

In any case, this delicate woman's sad voice is incompatible with its ugly and burly giant body.

Oguma stood there, with the Puppet Demon hidden in its skull, and heard the hissing getting louder and louder from behind.

The Puppet Demon controls Oguma to turn around.

At this time, Katie's chest expanded with the mixing of dragon's breath gas, its mouth lit up with fire intermittently, and smoke filled the surrounding area.

Dragon Breath?

The puppet demon immediately controlled Oguma to raise his arms, and at the same time burned his soul to create more demon scales for protection.

Roar! With an earth-shattering roar, Katie stretched her head forward, opened the jet-black dragon's throat, and burst out the blazing flames of hell!

A torrent of blazing flames roared out, crashing into Oguma's arms in an instant.

Is this the dragon's flame? It doesn't seem to be at all - The puppet demon watched the dragon's flames burning on Oguma's arms.

In the next second, Oguma's demon scales were completely burned away!

A steady stream of dragon fire burst out, knocking it directly to the ground, and the giant bear collapsed in response!

Oguma, defeated!

Is this the power of dragons? The puppet demon quickly got out of Oguma's skull.

Zhang Su jumped over.

Don't kill me! The puppeteer was horrified.

The Guanshi Pagoda in Zhang Su's hand was like a huge flame in the devil's field of vision!

How could there be such terrifying power! It's incredibly shocking.

Zhang Su swung the Guanshi Pagoda and hit the Puppetry Demon with an iron rod.


The demon was instantly smashed into powder, the ground was turbulent and cracked inch by inch.

Puppet devil, die!

Zhang Su took a deep breath, put away his stick and returned to his position.

It can be said that these two beasts were defeated.

After the flames broke out, the grass burned without a trace and turned into ashes. A striking ring of burning fire formed on the edge and spread, leaving behind a circular circle of scorched earth in the center.

Oguma lay in it, the demonic aura completely dissipated, and he turned back into a corpse. The remains were still intact, leaving the beast's spine for recycling.

According to the Puppet Demon's self-assessment just now, this beast indeed has a lifespan of hundreds of years, and it has almost become a spirit. It is suitable to be used as material for Kati's throne-breaking ceremony.

Cady rubbed her teeth, exhaled the last breath of fire, and closed her black jaw.

Zhang Su looked at her in fascination. Wisps of smoke surrounded her faucet, setting off the firelight like a hazy corona.

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