Witch containment diary

Chapter 268 Reiyo’s new plan

"Lianwu!" Zhang Su was a little surprised.

"?" Lianwu tilted her head. She has mastered how to hide from the gaze of others, it is like her birth area, once it is unfolded, it can avoid the attention of others.

Zhang Su approached the lotus mist and suddenly felt a cold feeling overflowing. The moon path of the lotus mist represents change, femininity and cold glow. This is a path with profound meaning. He couldn't help but stand at a certain distance. If he got closer to Zhazhao, he would tremble with cold.

"What are you reading?" Zhang Su asked.

"'He thought about his relatives without feeling sad. Only when he strictly recalled the past, he discovered how much he loved the people he once hated the most.'" Lianwu recited softly.

Her speaking voice is so pleasant, it is enough to calm the most restless heart, like a trickle flowing into one's soul.

Zhang Su sat down on the armrest of the sofa and stretched out half of his body to grab the small green fruit in the fruit plate on the table. It was a sweet fruit called Dongzao.

"It was written in One Hundred Years of Solitude," Zhang Su said.

"~" Lianwu silently reached a tacit understanding with Zhang Su.

"It's hard to imagine that Latin Americans can keep fighting against demons in isolation and create so many good works. People on the other side of the world live completely different lives from us. It's like two worlds." Zhang Su said.

"~" Lian Wu has not traveled to a very far place. She hopes to have the opportunity to travel and see things she has never seen before.

"Speaking of which, did the sentence in the book just now remind Miss Lianwu of her relatives or something?" Zhang Su asked.

Lian Wu smiled softly and said nothing. She trusts them all to take care of themselves. The people in the Anyuan family are very strong.

"!" Lianwu read quietly while glancing at Zhang Su. She knew that he looked a little cheered up today, and he must have something new to do.

She gradually became familiar with Zhang Su, like reading a difficult book. In the final analysis, men's psychology is easier to grasp than women's psychology.

"There's a new world waiting for me to explore, so I feel a little bit excited." Zhang Su put the bomb on the sofa.

She staggered towards Lianwu, but Lianwu had no special interest in children. Zhazhao stood closest to Lianwu on the sofa. Wanting to express his closeness, Lianwu put his hand on Zhazhao's head, and then turned Zhazhao halfway around like a clockwork.

So Zhazhe could only walk to the other end of the sofa and continue to eat her little fruit, while looking at Zhang Su eagerly, hoping that her father would come back and hug her soon.

Zhang Su sat on a creaking leather chair. Although the chair was too noisy, it was also very friendly. He dialed Fengjian Yihuai's number.

Shepard, the commander-in-chief of the human defense program, transferred Edith to the South Pacific theater. Those islands were full of demons. Zhang Su thought. This would not only prevent Edith from getting too powerful, but also allow her to go where the battle is most intense.

And Kazama Yihuai enthusiastically took the initiative to become the new director. Publicly, he believes that only he can implement discipline and standards; privately, the position of chief is also a position he has always dreamed of.

The only problem is that Zhang Suzhen is not willing to chat with Fengjian Yihuai, and would rather chat with Edith. But now she is on a tropical island thousands of kilometers away, commanding more than 10 aircraft carrier formations, and living a completely different life.

After the call was connected, Zhang Su heard the distinctive cold voice of Fengjian Yihuai.

"I will not agree to any of your private requests. Please submit any ideas to my office through a written proposal." Kazama Yihuai said.

Like many experiences in his previous life, this sentence hit Zhang Su hard like a hammer.

But Zhang Su doesn't tolerate him. In his previous life, he didn't have much capital to go against Fengjian Yihuai, but now Zhang Su's confidence is at least ten times greater than in his previous life.

"I'm fed up with the red tape. Do you think I'm someone else? Do you think I will honestly write an application letter, fill it all out and let you read it slowly?" Zhang Su said.

"It's not 'take your time'. Once the application is submitted, I will respond within 6 hours." Kazama Yihuai answered meticulously.

It's almost like talking to a robot. Zhang Su missed Edith deeply.

"It's not a good attitude of a government chief to make people annoying," Zhang Su said.

"It's a hundred times better than indulging his subordinates to tell a big lie." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Don't forget who worked hard on the front line for you to be in the position you are in today," Zhang Su said.

"I have never underestimated the great dedication and glorious sacrifice made by the 140,000 soldiers and you in the Battle of Mount Kaguraku. But social convention has never allowed this kind of contribution to be exchanged for the privilege of ignoring the rules." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"I'm not ignoring the rules, I just want you to understand." Zhang Su said. But after he finished speaking, he realized that he had been entangled by Kazama Yihuai.

"I know your thoughts very well. You firmly believe that you are the only super hero and believe that all institutional processes should be given the green light. Many other supervisors in my position would readily condone your requests, but since I now practice As the director of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau of Dongming Country, I will treat heroes like you with the most appropriate standards - making you obey fair rules and systems. This is the best way to prevent corruption," Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"I'm not from the motherland. Why don't you listen to my request first." Zhang Su said.

"Please." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Do you know about Stardust Bricks?" Zhang Su asked.

"You are either building a safe house in private, or you have discovered a new demonic gap, or you are planning to use it to test dangerous weapons. Claim a crime on your own, so that I can reduce my guilt a little." Kazama Yihuai said.

"You are too sensitive." Zhang Su tried his best to persuade Fengjian Yihuai.

"Business matters," Kazama Yihuai said.

Zhang Su felt that this was more difficult than beating Nazmi. Kazama Yoshihuai has no flaws, and Zhang Su can't fly to New Tokyo to beat him.

"~" Lian Wu listened, she closed the book and gave Zhang Su a look. Remind him to use reasonable methods to fight reasonable people. Don't be impatient, do it gently~

This makes sense. wax apple. Zhang Suxin said. Although Kazama Yihuai is really annoying. But for the Stardust Bricks, you still have to work hard.

"What's interesting is that you have always trusted me, entrusted me with authority, and placed heavy responsibilities on me. You hope that I can achieve extraordinary things." Zhang Su changed the topic.

"...Huh?" Kazama Yi hesitated. It feels like Zhang Su is a new person.

"Maybe you have this idea in your heart: you also feel that you can't defeat the devil by relying on complete rules. Sometimes you have to use strange tricks to send people who dare to think and do, and of course, loyalty. I But the secret was never told to Edith from beginning to end, which was probably one of the reasons why she ran away. So you have to continue to bet on me, otherwise you are denying your own ideas last year?" Zhang Su said.

"So you promise to use the Stardust Bricks to resist demons instead of seeking personal gain?" Kazama Yihuai asked.

"Indeed." Zhang Su said, "The more you support me, the closer we are to the complete defeat of the devil. Don't you think so yourself? With you and me, we can save the entire world!"

"...I don't have that kind of ambition. It would be great if I could bring Dongming Kingdom back." Kazama Yihuai's tone softened slightly.

"Dongming Country will hold an election soon. Who do you want to support?" Zhang Su asked.

"I do care very much. Candidates Nagai Hikoshiro and Mihashi Yu may bring new variables to Dongming Country in the next few years. Compared with our Witch Countermeasure Bureau, the Congress has greater influence on the entire country. Although I I am more optimistic about Nagai Hikoshiro's solid plan, but Mihashi Yu seems to be more attractive," Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"Yes, that guy Mihashi Yu has publicly launched a series of messy things, including complete privatization of medical care and education, support for custom industries, complete liberalization of gun ownership, comprehensive reduction of public office powers, large-scale tax exemptions, and removal from publications. Heitiao...is on a fierce path." Zhang Su felt troubled.

"Don't you agree with the era of large private ownership?" Kazama Yoshihuai asked, "Although Mihashi Yu's ideas are very rudimentary, full competition helps commercialization to survive the fittest in medical and education, which is in line with economic rules. And he It also represents a rare trend of youth change.”

"I believe in my heart that Mihashi Yu's reforms are actually irresponsible. The meaning of the existence of the National Assembly is to ensure that medical care and education can be fairly covered by everyone. If Mihashi Yu abolishes these minimum guarantees, people's lives will inevitably suffer in the future. It’s a general crisis,” Zhang Su said.

As expected, men started talking eloquently when politics were discussed, and everyone seemed to understand them well. Lianwu listened. I feel like everything is expected.

"I'm going to a meeting soon." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Stardust brick?" Zhang Su mentioned the original purpose again.

"How much do you want?"

"Forty yuan." Zhang Su said.

"Impossible." Kazama Yihuai simply refused.

"We definitely have Stardust bricks in our inventory." Zhang Su said.

"Twenty pieces." Kazama Yihuai said, "Based on my trust in you and the reward for your past achievements, I will give you twenty Stardust Bricks. I hope you can use them on the right path."

"Thank you." Zhang Su felt relieved.

He hung up the phone, feeling his temples throb. Ten minutes of talking with Kazama Yoshihuai is more difficult than ten minutes of fighting.

"~" Lian Wu smiled and opened her arms to Zhang Su. Zhang Su was attracted like a magnet. He leaned on Lian Wu's shoulder and could feel her calm and warm feelings through her clothes, and was deeply moved. Under its influence, the previous temporary worries disappeared.

"Thank you, Lianwu." Zhang Su closed his eyes. Lianwu's embrace was really warm and fragrant, making him want to stay here for a long time.

"Dad!" He poked Zhang Su's forehead with his little hand, and then he opened his eyes.

"Speaking of which," Zhang Su picked up Zhibo, "Yan Ping Qi, Miss Lian Wu, do you want to go to a place like that? There is a new world waiting for us to explore."

"~" Lianwu thought it was okay. She gave Zhang Su a victory gesture, and then continued to return her attention to the book.

She feels that loving reading is the greatest quality in history. How much wisdom and experience have been left in books, so that people do not have to risk risks and losses to experiment with life.

Lianwu plans to write a book about her events, so that future generations can learn a lot about what really happened from her quiet observations.

Zhang Su turned around and went out. The presence of Lianwu was simply the best encouragement for Zhang Su, making him more determined to perfect his future plans and prepare for the inevitable natural disaster.

Logistics supplies, fortifications, retreat routes... There are more demons from natural disasters than in ordinary battles. Almost within the first few hours of the natural disaster, the human world was destroyed and occupied most of it.

For this reason, Zhang Su also wanted to defeat Yan Ping Qi as a last resort.

"Zhangzhuang, where are the children now?" Zhang Su took Zhazhu downstairs, "I'll take you to play with them."

"In...the big house!" Zhazhuang was talking about Yuehuayuan.

Zhang Su nodded and arrived at Yuehuayuan. At this time, the children had gathered. Zaho and the others were sitting at a wooden table, which was piled with candies, pastries, milk, orange juice and other things.

"I want to eat!" Natsuki stretched out her hand, but Saho slapped it away.

"What is this?" Zhang Su asked.

"We have to prepare for the beautiful and noble senior sister." If Hayao didn't accept anyone, he would accept Reio.

At this time, Lian Yang was combing her hair with a comb. She would be 17 years old after her birthday. When she saw Zhang Su coming in, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, as if she thought of something happy.

"What gift do you want? As long as the teacher can do it, we can arrange it." Zhang Su said to Lian Yang.

Reio's expression immediately became slightly expectant. She raised her head, and her long black hair was flowing straight down, as smooth as satin, exuding a scent of lavender, and even Hayao was fascinated by it.

"I want," Lian Yang said, "to leave Anxinyuan."

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