Witch containment diary

Chapter 269 Zaho’s Farewell Lesson

"Leaving Anxinyuan?" Zhang Su was quite surprised.

Never thought that Lianyang would say such words. Is she tired of life in Anyuan?

Saho was originally holding a small cake with a smile on her face and wanted to give it to Reio. After hearing the news, she panicked and her arms were extremely stiff, as if she was holding a lot of words in her heart.

"I'm leaving." Natsuki sat on the sofa, she seemed to be the least concerned.

"You, how can you be so cold." Saho put the small cake on the table, lowered his head, and looked at Natsuki fiercely, "We should...should retain the senior sister."

"She said it a long time ago, you just didn't listen." Xia Xi disagreed.

"If you are a senior, you must have your own reasons..." Komurohua said.

Hayao turned to look at Reio, whose expression was unfathomable. Zhang Su felt as if she was holding Saho from a distance. Through this rope, Reiyang could fully feel all of Saho's struggles and didn't have to worry about her escaping.

"I want to leave Anxin Hospital. Will this make you feel so sad?" Lian Yang straightened her back and made a perfect gesture. She turned to Zhang Su, "I have already checked it out. Anyway, two years of detention can be considered a successful reform. Yes, it should be easy for the teacher to arrange it."

"That's right, in that case, let's find a time to discuss your whereabouts outside Anxinyuan." Zhang Su nodded.

Hayao felt betrayed.

"You are all bad guys!" Saho couldn't hold back any longer. She jumped up, with a cry in her voice, turned around and rushed outside.

"Please take care of this child." Zhang Su put Zhazhao next to Xia Xi, and Xia Xi stroked Zhazhao's hair. Zhazhang always wears a beautiful little black dress, which is particularly cute.

"What is she doing, Hayao, making such a fuss?" Natsuki tilted her head.

"Meow meow meow, meow meow meow..." Yuanzhi Cat expressed her opinion.

"Did Zaosui not know anything about this before?" Zhang Su asked Lian Yang.

"Just like what Natsuki said just now, I mentioned it several times, but Saho didn't listen at all, or her attention was not on me at all." Reio said softly, "Teacher, you won't let me go because of this." Ask me to stay."

"No." Zhang Su got up and went out, trying to find Zaosui.

He heard loud noises coming from the gate under the ramp, so he walked over quickly and saw Hayho arguing with the robot Roy.

"I want to get out!" Hayho shouted.

"It's not within the specified tour date. We have a standard schedule, my friend. It will be at least until 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Roy moved left and right, precisely blocking the direction of Saho's departure.

"I want to get out! I want to get out!" Saho shouted angrily, almost hoarse.

"Okay -" Zhang Su caught up with Zaosui at this time, "Zaosui... come with me."

"I want to go outside! Senior sister can go out, why can't I go out? I want to go outside too, I don't want to be in the hospital anymore!" Hayho shouted.

"Come here, Zaosui, let's talk and open things up." Zhang Su bent down and spoke softly to Zaosui.

Zaosui turned around, and only then did Zhang Su see that her face was red from crying. Zhang Su stretched out his hand. She lowered her head heavily and grabbed Zhang Su's hand. She had no strength to walk at all, and Zhang Su almost dragged her. , drag her back to the slope of the mountain.

The cherry blossom trees on both sides have dried up, and snow has accumulated on the branches. The bent branches hang downwards. A gust of frost wind blows, and the branches sway tremblingly, as if they will break at any time.

Zhang Su put Zaosui on one of the benches, wiped her tears, and stood up the collar of her winter coat. Zaosui huddled up in aggrieved manner. The chair was as ice as iron, and her feet were folded up. It can barely keep warm.

"Do you like Senior Sister Lianyang very much? Why?" Zhang Su sat next to Zaohui.

Zaosui glared at Zhang Su, shook his head violently, and said nothing.

"Is it because she is smart? Or because she is good-looking?" Zhang Su asked.

"..." Saho lowered his head.

"To you, Senior Sister Lianyang must be very amazing. After all, she is a child from the outside world. It's not like you grew up in Anxin Academy..." Zhang Su said.

"I hate you!" Saho buried her face in her hands and started crying again, "Why...why do you want to let senior sister go..."

"This is her own wish, of course I want to support it." Zhang Su disagreed.

"What about me! I also want to go with my senior!" Hayho shouted.

"Did you make an agreement with the Shadow Witch? Although I don't know, you must at least become a broken witch. Anxin Institute will always support you to become stronger. Is there any other place outside that is willing to take you in?" Zhang Su asked.

"I can go to Shadow Street!" Hayho said.

"They worship the Shadow Witch, not you, Hayho. Once they get tired of it and find that you can't provide the same support as the Shadow Witch, they won't be so polite to you." Zhang Su said.

"But I..." Saho whimpered, "...I don't want to be separated from my senior..."

"This is the first time you have encountered a real 'parting' in your life. Many things will slowly leave the path of our lives..." Zhang Su said.

"...Maybe we will meet again in the future..." Zaohui sighed, wiped away her tears and turned to Zhang Su, "Teacher, I know that I will meet my senior sister again in the future. At that time, I I want to become a better version of myself and impress my senior classmates.”

"I didn't say that. Sometimes a separation may last forever, and the trajectories of two people no longer intersect. What seems like an ordinary separation is actually the last time we see each other." Zhang Su said.

As if struck by lightning, Hayho sat down again.

"I-I don't want-" Hayho shouted, "I don't want to hear you say this! It's too cruel!"

"Everyone may leave." Zhang Su leaned back, "Yuanzhi has spent this winter safely, but she was still sick last year and may not be able to survive this severe winter. Have you ever thought about Yuanzhi leaving us forever? ?"

"The kitten will die... No, no." Saho shook his head.

"I may also leave forever, maybe next time I leave Anxin Yin for an expedition, and then get lost and never come back. From last fall to this spring, the prisoners came and went. The few witches you saw last year, Ruiko, Laruge, Aiko, Nazuko, Sayuri, Yoniko... are no longer in Ansin, and you may not meet them in your life in the future. When you watch them leave in the car, will you know that goodbye is forever? ?Today is the first time you have experienced a meaningful farewell, and similar scenes will happen repeatedly in the future. Zaosui, in the final analysis, our journey in life must be walked alone." Zhang Su said.

Hayao sighed.

"I feel so lonely, Dasu..." Saho hugged his knees with his hands.

"It is precisely because we are so lonely that we must cherish those who are still in contact with us." Zhang Su said.

"Do you cherish me?" Zaho turned around.

"Just like everyone who cherishes Anyuan." Zhang Su said.

"Senior sister is a sparkling person." Zaohui fell down next to Zhang Su, "She came from outside, and she talked about things outside. Before you introduced TV, computers and milk tea to Anxinyuan, senior sister had already told We have these things out there, and we think they're some weird myth."

"So Lian Yang also wants to go back outside. The more advanced and lively world pleases her." Zhang Su said.

"I still want to look at her and talk to her more. I really wish I could be her friend, but I always seem to be a stupid kid in her eyes." Hayho's eyes were filled with tears.

"Sooner or later you will grow up." Zhang Su said.

"But before I could become a true friend with my senior, she was leaving. In the end, her last impression of me was still that of a naughty kid. I... I felt so pity," said Saho.

"Then when she leaves, be a strong person, be cool, don't speak, and don't shed tears." Zhang Su said.

"It's a deal." Hayho nodded.

"So, don't shed tears easily now? You are already a grown-up child, and your mind needs to be stronger to cope with the wind and rain." Zhang Su encouraged.

Hayho stood on the chair and patted Dasu.

"Thank you, Dasu," she said. She felt much better, and what Zhang Su said inspired her a lot. Maybe the courage to live is the courage to face loneliness.

"Let's go." Zhang Su took her back to An'an Hospital.

After returning, Saho had a straight face and looked very serious.

"You are a child who would have died. Cherish your life and stay healthy." Saho fed small dried fish to Yuanori Cat.

"Meow?" Yuanzhi stretched out, meowed, and sat on the edge of the hot stove, tilting his head. She would have to wait until it warmed up before turning back into a human, as the human form was too weak to withstand the cold.

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