Witch containment diary

Chapter 300 The promise of hooking fingers

"Get out of the cycle?" Princess Otohime's eyes were red and she was about to cry.

She ignored that Zhang Su was holding her hand and did not pull it back.

"I am the first outsider the princess has seen. I hope I can help. Time is running out now. I plan to return to full strength as soon as possible and face the devil." Zhang Su stood up.

"Devil! It's coming!" Princess Otohime's expression suddenly became frightened.

"For a long time, the Dragon Palace has been quiet, and the demons have shown little interest in it. My arrival will definitely make them impatient. They may launch an attack soon. The time is limited. I hope to be in perfect condition as soon as possible." Zhang Su said sincerely.

"What do you need? Herbs?" Princess Otohime's dragon tail stood upright.

She became so tall, her whole weight rested on the tip of her red tail, and her little face was full of worry.

"It would be best if there was a magic potion that could heal the wound as soon as possible. I am suffering from a hidden illness now, so I can only try my best to adjust my breathing." Zhang Su sat down, placed the Guanshi Pagoda across his knees, and then began to adjust his breathing.

The previous battle with the Mo Centipede had already consumed a lot of energy, and now he had to replenish his energy before he could fight the demon underground in the Dragon Palace.

"I, I'm going right now!" Princess Otohime jumped away quickly.

Zhang Su closed his eyes and drew strength from the sea of ​​Qi of Guanshi Pagoda, and powerful energy emerged.

Inject it into his body to replenish his lost energy.

"The speed of breath adjustment is one-tenth of that in the heyday. I am probably exhausted both physically and mentally. I cannot achieve perfection mentally, and the meridians and acupuncture points on my body are not smooth. Although I like a more wild fighting style, but your usual You have to do your best to nourish your Qi." Lidya checked Zhang Su's condition.

"I want to help Princess Otohime, is this considered a distraction?" Zhang Su said, closing his eyes.

"Yes, this kind of thought is a distracting thought, and it will affect you when mixed with other thoughts. Practitioners should meditate, cut off delusions, and not let extra emotions take over." Lydia reminded.

"This style has become part of my belief and cannot be changed in a short time." Zhang Su said.

"You still have to find a way to make your thoughts cleaner. When Qi Jin is running smoothly, you are like a tightly coupled machine. All circuits and energy supply are running in the best condition, and the operation is extremely smooth. No matter whether it is wrapped with armor or cloth The flow of energy requires concentration. But I can see clearly now that your current situation is like one or two key parts have been removed. It seems that since the battle of Mount Kaguraku, too much has accumulated in your heart. Be thoughtful. You have to make your chi pure again," Lydia said.

"I understand." Zhang Su entered a state of deep meditation, trying to let pure righteousness take over.

Princess Otohime grabbed medicine from the pharmacy in Ryugu according to the records in the stone book, and brought back some elixirs packed in gourds, sandalwood boxes and jade boxes for Zhang Su to take.

"This is the Immortal Root Spirit Grass, that is the Blue Sea Meridian Elixir, this is Dali Ointment, that is the heart-warming water... Just take a look and try it." Princess Otohime didn't know what to do, so she tried her best to give Zhang Su sent it.

"Thank you." Zhang Su took the Dragon Palace medicine. Princess Otohime blinked her big eyes and looked at Zhang Su to see how he took the medicine through a small box while wearing a helmet. In fact, it was Lydia who took the medicine and then hit Zhang Su.

These drugs have different properties, but generally they help him restore his energy, strengthen his physical fitness, and more importantly, help him calm down and adjust his state.

"Heal~ Heal~ Become strong and healthy~" Princess Otohime stood behind Zhang Su, patted him with her hand, and hummed.

"Princess Otohime's singing is so beautiful, it can make people feel calm." Zhang Su felt that the chaotic thoughts were being eliminated, re-forming a long thread, and returning to the state of no waves in the ancient well.

"Sometimes when a person is scared, he sings to cheer up. Where have the others gone? Why are the people recorded in the books gone?" Princess Otohime said.

"Don't worry, you will meet many new friends in the future." Zhang Su said.

"Hmm..." Princess Otohime said disappointedly.

She stretched out her hands, wrapped them around Zhang Su's neck, and laid her head on his back.

This way she could feel a sense of being reunited with people that she had never been lucky enough to experience.

Zhang Su also felt very calm.

"Although it's incredible," Lydia reported, "but you seem to be adjusting your state quickly, and you are getting closer and closer to your original perfect posture."

Feeling the light weight of Princess Otohime behind his back, Zhang Su also gained spiritual comfort. Princess Otohime knows very little about real relationships, she just instinctively wants to be close to another living person.

Just as a young bird will regard the first thing as a relative after it hatches, Princess Otohime also subconsciously regards Zhang Su as an important person.

"Get well soon...get well soon..." Princess Otohime muttered, pressing her forehead against Zhang Su's back, patting his shoulders with both hands, and then started humming again, "Strong and healthy ~ Under the Sea Soldiers, attack quickly~"

"What does Princess Otohime think the outside world will be like?" Zhang Su asked.

"Outside?" Princess Otohime raised her head, "That's the boundless sea."

"There is also an area called 'land' between the seas. It is dry land that has not been submerged by sea water. It is not suitable for any aquatic race to live." Zhang Su explained.

"A place without sea water is like the corridor of the Dragon Palace." Princess Otohime looked around, "Isn't it also square and square?"

"Yes, there are many buildings similar to the Dragon Palace on the ground, but there is also vast nature, with mountains, hills, and plains, which are very similar to the undulations of the seabed. But because on land, there is no sea water to cover it, so there are There are many kinds of vegetation, including animals that live on land. There are beautiful green woods, and there are birds and animals, some with wings and some with long noses." Zhang Su said.

"It sounds very different from the bottom of the sea." Princess Otohime tilted her head close to Zhang Su's armor, completely immersed in the world Zhang Su described, "You don't explain the world in such detail in the Stone Book. Beyond the sea is the spiritual world.”

"You now know that above the sea and below the spiritual world, there is a vast world called land." Zhang Su said.

Princess Otohime fell into fantasy. There will be thousands of strange things there than those recorded in the stone books.

She was extremely frightened by the news, after all, it was a completely unfamiliar territory. But she was looking forward to it from the bottom of her heart, wanting to leave the underwater dragon palace where she had been since birth and see the real distant world.

"What an incredible situation." Princess Otohime sighed.

"And there are a lot of people, countless people, many, many witches. Then you will never be alone again." Zhang Su said.

Princess Otohime's reaction exceeded Zhang Su's expectations.

She immediately blushed and jumped onto the bluestone floor, jumping and slapping the fish's tail on the ground repeatedly, like a salted fish on the chopping board, covering her face with both hands.

"I have a lot to say! Where to start!" Princess Otohime has already begun to daydream about her communication with the creatures on land. What will they think of her? How could she make friends with them? There were so many people waiting for her to get to know them.

On the one hand, she was extremely excited because of her yearning, but on the other hand, she couldn't help but blush and tremble because of shyness. "At that time, I will meet many new friends and have a lot to say. Wow! These are all things that come to mind when dreaming!" "

Zhang Su's energy has been restored to 99%. He really wants to protect Princess Otohime's innocence, and he has to work hard for this.

"We have support and allies outside, but it may take a long time to mobilize. I don't know what the Dragon Palace will look like by then, so I want to try to defeat them here. If the Dragon Palace has any defense measures or weapons, please tell me How do I start it?" Zhang Su requested.

"What happens after that?" Princess Otohime did not respond directly.

"After?" Zhang Su asked.

"After defeating the monster, you will take me to the outside world, right?" Princess Otohime said expectantly.

"Of course." Zhang Su stretched out his hand, "We hooked our fingers and agreed."

"Hook your fingers?" Princess Otohime didn't understand. "There's one more thing that hasn't been mentioned in the book."

"Just use your little finger to pull the hook. This is a way to make an agreement. This means that I guarantee it." Zhang Su said.

"Great!" Princess Otohime laughed immediately.

She carefully stretched out the little finger of her right hand and hooked it with Zhang Su's.

The contract has been made.

"That's it. We have agreed that we will definitely take you to explore the outside world, and we will also keep everything in the Dragon Palace." Zhang Su promised.

Princess Otohime couldn't stop laughing at first, so much so that she felt lost and had to cover her face with her hands.

She was so happy, and this pure emotion also affected Zhang Su, making his thoughts become clearer.

"Well!" Princess Otohime finally jumped up, her face full of excitement, "The stone book records some of the defense facilities of Ryugu Castle. Let's open them all."

Princess Otohime took Zhang Su back to the hall where dead bodies were before.

She seemed completely unaware of the situation of her predecessor, Princess Otohime, and those ministers, nor did she care.

After all, they were already full of bones when Princess Otohime was born, so she didn't find it strange at all.

Zhang Su looked at the remains. I'm afraid they had their own ideas before, and their logic and reasons were very sufficient. After all, it is too painful to guard Dragon Palace City alone without external support. The little princess has no idea of ​​the cause and effect, so she just works hard here alone.

"Okay, this is the scepter, which can be used to activate Ryugu Castle's self-defense system." Princess Otohime pulled out a golden hexagonal sacred object from behind the throne.

The texture of this scepter is very exquisite, and it still retains the majesty and charm of the past. It should be a token of the successive rulers of Dragon Palace City.

Princess Otohime put it on her shoulders and headed to the back hall of Ryugu Palace.

In the center, Zhang Su saw some large jade energy storage tanks, which together formed an energy array that Ryugu City could utilize. Princess Otohime followed the instructions in the stone book and cleaned them from time to time to ensure that they were functioning properly and would not be destroyed over time.

"Then, this is it." Princess Otohime raised her scepter high.

Zhang Su pulled out the dead starfish and barnacles on the onyx base with his hands so that Princess Otohime could aim at the hexagonal socket on the base.

She pushed the scepter in hard, as if opening a lock with a key. A buzzing sound immediately sounded throughout the Dragon Palace City, and the surrounding energy array also began to glow.

"It's working." Zhang Su looked around at the changes.

"I like you so much!" Princess Otohime told Zhang Su happily while turning the scepter, "You will definitely help me get out of here after this, right! We have hooked our fingers!"

"Definitely." Zhang Su promised without hesitation.

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