Witch containment diary

Chapter 301 The Blade-wielding Envoy

Princess Otohime turned the scepter hard, like pushing a solid stone mill.

She slid around the base, turning it to the right angle over and over again.

The sounds of seawater gushing and gears turning were heard all around.

Dragon Palace City was now in an armed state, and Zhang Su clearly heard the movement of mechanisms inside the walls, ceilings and under the floors.

"In this way, you must slide close to the ground when moving. These mechanisms ignore people with fish tails and dragon tails. If you walk too hard, according to the records in the Stone Book, you will be wiped out. "Princess Otohime was sliding on the floor.

Zhang Su looked up and watched the entire defense system awaken. Energy passed through the ancient grid and pipes, like patches of blue flame burning in the vein-like structure.

The sophisticated self-checking device empties the wastewater accumulated during the silent period and refills the water-powered wheels with kinetic energy. They drive the entire palace to rattle, as if tens of thousands of clocks are counting down.

The sleeping Dragon Palace City has awakened and is ready to fight against invading enemies at any time.

However, this time the defense force no longer consists of countless sea warriors and nobles with the blood of the dragon witch, and there is no sea dragon witch "Princess Otohime" sitting in charge, only Zhang Su.

"I have a plan. The habit of demons is to pick on the weak. As long as the most powerful demon among them can be defeated, the other demons will shrink back in fear. I will fight with the demons. Princess Otohime, please be sure to hide Get up and hide in the safest place." Zhang Su nodded vigorously to Princess Otohime.

Her fish tail stood upright again, and her muscles were tense. The gorgeous silk robe on her body covered her body, her blue scales shone, and her big eyes looked at Zhang Su worriedly.

"I can also fight." Princess Otohime raised her little fist, "This is a very powerful fist. I also practice according to the bluestone echoes that you have trained."

"This is not a joke, please." Zhang Su said earnestly, "When everything settles, Princess Otohime, we will rise to the sea and watch the sun rise and the moon set."

"Sun? Moon?" There is no such celestial body in Princess Otohime's concept. The more Zhang Su talked, the more motivated she felt, "Okay... even if I want to live to see the outside world, I will find it." Hidden in the safest place.”

"Goodbye, Princess Otohime." Zhang Su said goodbye to her and watched her sliding on the ground, moving with her tail, quickly leaving the back hall, and hiding in a place that Zhang Su was not sure about.

"The demons below have begun to stir. They may have been planning for a long time to disembowel Princess Otohime. Your arrival will make their already sensitive nerves burst even more." Lydia warned.

"It's time to meet them. I want to eliminate them all in that passage." Zhang Su walked down, moving carefully to avoid triggering the trap.

"I scanned that your mind is now unified. It's because you have eliminated distracting thoughts and now you only think about one thing!" Lydia said in surprise.

"After all, I want to fulfill Princess Otohime's wish." Zhang Su jumped into the ramp.

This time she wants to find a way to protect her ideals and let the tragedy in the Dragon Palace be solved satisfactorily, starting with annihilating these demons.

"It is said that the other party has a super powerful demon. I don't know if it can be done." Lydia said.

"You'll know after you try it." Zhang Su never underestimates an enemy, but he is not afraid either.

Coming to the bottom line of defense, the cliff of the Dragon Palace formed by the stardust bricks itself was indestructible, but as Zhang Su could predict, demons have been trying to dig through the edges and enter through the gaps for so many years.

Due to Zhang Su's arrival, the demons sensed changes and decided to speed up the breakthrough to avoid complications.

Demonic invasion!

Groups of sharp-edged demons covered in black scales and baring their fangs and claws were already clamoring over. They were waving all kinds of sharp objects in their hands, some were obsidian knives, some were metal weapons seized from a certain world, and some simply chopped off their arms. Break it off and replace it with a blade-like derivative.

As soon as they arrived here, they started to moan and scream, and when they found Zhang Su, they all rushed towards Zhang Su.

"There are about 40 targets in the narrow passage. They are still coming through. Among them are three elite sharp-edged demons. Kill them."

Zhang Su rushed towards the sharp-edged demons. Before that, thousands of crossbow arrows shot out from the walls on both sides, piercing through these sharp-edged demons at once.



"Ugh..." The sharp-edged demons fell down one after another, being shot through by powerful arrows.

Ryugu’s self-defense device! It saved Zhang Su a lot of trouble.

"Gah!" An elite sharp-edged demon rushed towards Zhang Su.

Zhang Su held up the Guanshi Pagoda and smashed it down instantly. The sharp-blade demon predicted the weapon's whereabouts and immediately slid sideways out of the way. But Zhang Su's movements changed in mid-air, from a downward smash to a sweeping sweep, hitting the demon in the middle.


With the huge force and the terrifying energy, the demon was instantly smashed into powder!

"Keep moving forward. Those crossbow arrows can defeat low-level demons, but they can't hurt you." Lydia encouraged.

Zhang Su continued to move forward. At this time, due to the lack of repairs in the four corners of the Dragon Palace, many loopholes had been pried open. Demons emerged from them like endless cockroaches, scrambling to jump into this world every minute.

It is the remnant soul. After the little devil is killed, their devil soul floats in the venue. It is the best food for other devils, enough to force them to rush over madly.

Zhang Su's heart was as solid as stone, and he continued to guard the passage, determined to hold on there until the devil's courage was dispersed. He and the black beast armor were in full battle, in sharp contrast to the crazy and savage blade demon swarm.


"Roar!" The demons rushed over madly, regardless of the dangers along the way, trampling on the corpses of their companions, devouring the souls in them, and making themselves bigger.

Smash it! Smash it again! Zhang Su swung out of the Guanshi Pagoda, and with one blow he made a thunderous sound in the sweep, killing a dozen sharp-blade demons in an instant.

At this time, the surroundings were mixed with the painful cries of the dying demons and the furious roars of the new demons, making it extremely chaotic.

"Powerful human... kill!" The sharp-edged demon warrior climbed over the cliff of the Dragon Palace and rushed towards Zhang Su with a mountain-breaking sword.

Blade demons of this level are given weapons of their choice, and can fight one against a hundred on the battlefield. Their martial arts skills are so strong that they can split bullets!

"Drink!" Zhang Su raised his arms with great strength and swung the Guanshi Pagoda across the way with great force, directly hitting the sharp-edged demon warrior!

The sharp-edged demon warrior had fought in many worlds, and was familiar with Zhang Su's tough fight. He immediately raised his giant sword, intending to respond with demonic intuition.

How to deal with the rapid sweep of strong humans?

It does its best to calculate.

Roll to dodge? Will be chased and killed.

Block? Weapons will be damaged.

The knife is deflected? There is a difference in strength.

The Blade Demon Warrior realized that its appearance was a mistake. It immediately put down its weapon and stopped. Zhang Su's Guanshi Pagoda's critical strike hit it hard. With just a crisp sound, the Blade Demon Warrior was smashed to pieces. In an instant, Blast into a ball of blood mist!


"Gah..." The level of the sharp-blade demons is very strict. Seeing the warrior-level small boss demon being killed instantly, I suddenly felt a little confused and frightened.

It's not the kind of wanton robbery that jumps to the countryside or small cities in the medieval world, but the big armored guy who encounters the technological world! He is a kind of monster compared to the devil!

Just when the low-level blade demons were looking at each other, Zhang Su heard a sharp cry, like an echo from some ancient fear. At the same time, several ferocious knife marks opened the cracks, enlarging the size through which the devil could get in.

Under its stimulation, the originally shaken Blade Demons instantly became more morale-heavy and rushed towards them furiously with a surge of blood.

"The powerful demon is here, let's exchange blood for blood!" Lydia regained her bloodthirsty nature and wildly injected combat medicine into Zhang Su, making him hot-spirited, focused, painless, and tireless!


A dozen high-level Blade Demon warriors filed in, and Zhang Su was waiting in front of the passage.

Break again!

Zhang Su blasted out a large burst of energy, and the pure essence of the righteous murderous energy roared past, like a short-range bombing of destruction, immediately smashing these demon warriors who had just jumped into the world into small pieces.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the sharp screams that were even more harsh——

Suddenly, a long gray knife flew across the rift and broke into the world. Along the way, it continuously absorbed the demon souls scattered by Zhang Su in the passage, causing it to reshape its shell and form an extraordinarily slender and weird battle monster.

This demon form seems to be completely prepared for cutting and high-speed combat. The body is extremely light and simple, and the four legs are sharp blades used for slashing. At the same time, it is compact enough and has no lack of physical strength.

Very strong! Zhang Su reacted instantly, was this the Blade Commander?

Lydia activated the Noble Phantasm in an instant, and the Blade Order had already rushed behind Zhang Su. He only saw countless blade shadows weaving into a shining fine fishing net, which almost crushed him into pieces.

"It just killed you 53 times in 0.4 seconds! If it weren't for the Noble Phantasm, we wouldn't have been able to withstand this move!" Lydia was horrified.

The Blade Order turned to Zhang Su and rushed behind him again, leaving a large blade shadow along the way. It didn't care that its attack could not hit Zhang Su. It probably knew that Zhang Su's Noble Phantasm also had a duration.

What a fast devil! Zhang Su swung his stick hard and hit the Blade Commander. Before hitting it, the Blade Commander had already dodged to the side of Zhang Su, then launched another slashing attack, and rushed behind Zhang Su, completing nearly a hundred rapid slashes along the way.

The strongest offensive Blade Token is facing off against the strongest defensive Noble Phantasm "The Flying Arrow Can't Chase the Turtle"!

The strength of this thing is almost terrifying, Zhang Su must figure out how to deal with it.

What's even more frightening is that hundreds of blade demons appeared in the passage behind them, roaring and circling around, completely avoiding the decisive battle between Zhang Su and the Blade Order. Even demons at the level of samurai and elite warriors did not stop, because I am very confident that the Blade Order can hold Zhang Su back or even kill him!

The Blade Order aimed at Zhang Su again, this time in a different direction.

Zhang Su couldn't help but think of the previous sharp-edged demon warriors who gave up resistance because they had nothing to do! He would never do that.

"How long can the Noble Phantasm last?" Zhang Su checked.

"You need to recharge it after use. If you resist it once, it won't be enough." Lydia warned.

The Blade Herald's attacks are very simple, but follow a pattern. People are afraid of knives because they can cut. This kind of demon is likely to involve all concepts related to "edge" and "edge".

"Enough." Zhang Su held the Guanshi Pagoda in his arms, then stepped back, leaning against the bedrock wall of the seabed.


The Blade Commander charged forward again and chopped the rocks behind Zhang Su, but the sword light attacking Zhang Su was all delayed by the Noble Phantasm. A large number of fishing net-like sword lights immediately appeared in front of Zhang Su, all of which were repeatedly chopped by the Blade Commander. The remaining traces of the offensive appeared later.

"It's over! Need to recharge!" Lydia said urgently.

Next, Zhang Su could only rely on his armor and body to resist, and he held the Guanshi Pagoda tightly.

"Drive the armor!" Lidya saw that Zhang Su had no defense for a long time and was just holding the Guanshi Pagoda.


The Blade Commander pounced forward, and Zhang Su raised his weapon.


With a loud noise, the Blade Commander's torso cracked instantly, and an obvious gap appeared. It was an injury caused by being hit by Guanshi Pagoda!

The other demons were shocked to notice that the powerful Blade Herald was actually wounded!

Zhang Su took a deep breath. It worked!

It immediately retreated like lightning, swung its blade and chopped down the demons in the entire corridor to absorb souls and restore physical energy. The corridor was instantly covered by the light of the blade, and thousands of demons were instantly split into two, turning into a sea of ​​souls and drowning The blade orders the body to restore its damaged parts.

Then it slashed upwards, instantly creating a crack and punching through the seafloor rock formation. It expanded it with a few knives, then climbed up, trying to leave Zhang Su.

"Chase!" Zhang Su has mastered the skills to deal with it.

"It's going to the sea!" Lydia observed the movement route of the Blade Commander.

On the sea...Miss Lianwu! Zhang Su's heart suddenly tightened. He must catch up with this invading powerful demon and kill it completely.

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