Witch containment diary

Chapter 302 The desperate duel field

The Blade Herald must be defeated.

Such a high-level demon comparable to the level of a legion commander, once it kills in a densely populated place, all life will be wiped out in an instant!

The Blade Order made a cross-shaped passage directly upward, and then unfolded four blade legs, each of which corresponded to a gap, and then jumped up and disappeared without a trace, perfectly fitting and extremely smooth.

What a narrow passage... Such a technique is amazing.

Zhang Su's body was much wider than that of the Blade Order, so there was no possibility of catching up and he had to go back the way he came.

Along the way, he tried his best to use the Kanshi Pagoda to defeat the Blade Demon Army, but they couldn't help but avoid them, grinding their teeth and sucking blood, planning to wait for him to pass before chasing after him.

"How strong is that monster?" Zhang Su looked tense.

"Average slashing rate: 960 times per minute, 16 times per second. It cannot be measured under extreme conditions; the lethality of each slashing is immeasurable. With its power, it can completely tear and split any target, from molecules to molecules. The layer disintegrates the material structure." Lydia read the calculation data of the armor combat module.

"How much time do we have?" Zhang Su climbed up the flowing water ramp and climbed up with all his strength. The jade steps collided with the armor, leaving a lot of fine marks.

"It is estimated that in 18 minutes, the Blade Order will arrive at the sea. And within 348 minutes, Dragon Palace City will be captured by these blade demons. In addition, I have sent the message back to the yacht as much as possible, hoping that Lianwu can avoid it as soon as possible. .”

Zhang Su held the Guanshi Pagoda in his hand, struck out with a stick, and penetrated the sharp-edged demon in front of him who was also trying to crawl up from the back, just like piercing an animal. Then he swung the stick vigorously and tore away its remains. Throw it away.

"There will definitely be time." Zhang Su remained silent and climbed to the top of the embankment. "Activate as much power as you can. I will kill the Blade Commander!"

"I will accompany you until the last moment." Lydia turned on the backup engine of the "Black Beast" armor.

The entire armor was like being placed in a steamer. The heat dissipation parts burned red, and the exhaust fan roared, blowing the waste heat caused by high temperature overload to the outside, causing the mist to evaporate and fly away.

Zhang Su raised his head and looked at the dome of the Dragon Palace. He stepped hard on the ground, leaving a huge mark of destruction on the ground. Then he used the reaction force and the armor's propeller to rush upward, smashing through the rocky house like a cannonball and launching himself towards the end of the Dragon Palace. upper layer.

The Dragon Palace barrier, shrouded like clouds of smoke, isolates the inside and outside. Through the curtain, you can see the darkness of the deep sea.

The Blade Commander stood on the top of the Dragon Palace, holding up his four blade legs to split the barrier, and then dived into the sea in front of Zhang Su's eyes.

Zhang Su followed immediately.

The seawater roared in from the breach and it was only a matter of time before it flooded the Dragon Palace City, but he couldn't care too much, he had to catch up with the Blade Commander.

"How did you hit it before?" Lydia asked.

"Its entire appearance is designed to enhance its high speed and killing power." Zhang Su entered the sea against the current, and then surfaced at high speed. "It is extremely fast, and its attack route has been optimized to the limit, so I am no longer obsessed with attacking. Instead of hitting it, put the Kanshi Pagoda in a position where it will definitely hit it.”

"It's too risky, you're taking a gamble! And it may not do this next time." Lidya realized that Zhang Su had extremely rich combat experience and a keen sense of battle, but she was still anxious.

The emissary-level demons are so terrifying that they cannot be dealt with by humans at all. No wonder the entire Dragon Palace City was specially built to suppress such monsters. Due to the lack of relevant awareness, demons are not sensitive to the passage of time, while humans and witches exhaust their patience while waiting.

"One blow is enough." Zhang Su chased up.

The outline of the Blade Commander is slender and swift, and it cuts through the turbulent deep sea layer at extremely high speeds. As it moves, it leaves behind a slender wake, which is also turbulent and boiling.

It used the slashing technique at will, and the fish along the way were instantly harvested. The coastal current sank down, forming tens of millions of flesh and blood fragments. They hit Zhang Su who was also swimming upstream and broke into pieces of plasma on the helmet panel. Surimi.

"The arrival of a demon of this level on the earth is a natural disaster. Europe once encountered a mysterious invader, which transmitted the Black Death and killed 30 million people in 2 years. Modern archaeological evidence has found that They are the envoys of the 'Demon God of Disease'. And the Blade Envoys will also cause destruction on the same scale." Lydia continued to observe.

Zhang Su did not shorten the distance between him and the Blade Order. Emerging from the water at high speed would cause pressure imbalance and blood nitrogen explosion, so he had to control his speed.

The Blade Order dived upwards without any scruples, getting closer and closer to the sea, 500 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters...

It didn't care about Zhang Su's pursuit, but went straight to the sea level wholeheartedly, wanting to harvest souls in densely populated areas. Use the blade to tear apart obstacles and swallow all souls to complete further evolution and enhancement.

Demons can discard many useless organs, but it is rare to evolve to the point where only four blade limbs are left like the Blade Herald.

"...Lianwu didn't respond?" Zhang Su watched as it gradually approached the sunlight layer of the shallow sea.

"No," Lydia said.

"Lian Wu... will die!" Zhang Su was worried.

The Blade Order has discovered the yacht on the sea!

Its four legs immediately gathered together and its body accelerated again.

Zhang Su felt his blood boiling.

He desperately wanted to rush to Lianwu to protect her!

The Blade Order approaches the yacht and slashes upward from below.


With a loud noise, the yacht exploded on the sea in an instant due to slashing, and the ship was immediately chopped into pieces in front of his eyes.

The hull was twisted into large pieces of metal debris. Zhang Su's soul trembled and his eyes were about to burst.

Lydia was also stunned. She was able to scan Zhang Su's brain wave activities in real time. At this time, they had gone into a frenzy, and his thoughts were completely boiling!

"Be careful! There is no life signal!" Lydia repeatedly generated warning prompts on the panel.

Because Zhang Su is floating too fast now!

The high-pressure underwater environment will cause people to unknowingly dissolve nitrogen into the blood. Once they float up too quickly, they will "explode" like opening a high-pressure soda can, causing a large number of bubbles to form, leading to acute decompression sickness.

Even with the isolation of armor, more and more nitrogen gas expanded in the blood, forming a series of micro-bubbles.

Zhang Su should have floated up at a constant speed and never exceeded the decompression limit. Now he cannot safely release the excess nitrogen that has accumulated in his body.

He jumped onto the sea, ignoring the severe pain that filled his body, and stood on the largest piece of debris. He quickly looked around, hoping to see Lianwu, but there was no trace of it.

wax apple!

The ruthless blade command used the foot of the blade to insert a metal plate of the yacht and quickly threw it towards Zhang Su.

Zhang Su immediately blocked it with a stick and beat it into pieces.

Full of rage.

The Blade Order also stood on a larger metal plate with the buoy of the yacht's hull printed on it.

Its blade feet were stained with sea water, and it loomed in front of Zhang Su like a black shadow.

The Blade Order has no face, and Zhang Su knows that the only place where Lianwu goes is to the devil's belly, where it is being burned as fuel.

As a demon, it only knows how to slash happily and unleash bottomless malice!

For such a monster, the only solution is...


There was some primitive anger burning in Zhang Su's heart.

He knows how to fight and how to hurt powerful enemies.

Zhang Su aimed at the blade and ordered the envoy to jump over.

——It’s time for the decisive victory!

The Blade Order envoy observed Zhang Su.

Evolving to the "Commander" level, it has mastered all the arts of killing.

It has been devouring souls since birth, and has optimized its attack power, accuracy and speed in all evolutionary directions, becoming an invincible and ultimate killing weapon.

Zhang Su, whose body was in the air, was the perfect target for him to kill. The Blade Order immediately jumped forward and stabbed, striking hard with the blade.


At the moment of attack, it destroyed the alloy outer layer of the "Black Beast" armor like a toy, then the central cables, insulation layer and close-fitting plastic clothing, and then Zhang Su's skin, ribs, and blood vessels And offal!

For a ten thousandth of a second, the Blade Commander felt a little shaken.

Its blade was suddenly unable to move forward and was completely stuck in the center of Zhang Su's body.

Noble Phantasm!

With its blessing, the Blade Order successfully hunted and killed Zhang Su, but was unable to withdraw the blade again. The other three blades immediately slashed at him, but were also intercepted by the Noble Phantasm.

On the surface it is very close, but in fact it cannot achieve the reality of "hit".

At the cost of being hit by the knife, Zhang Su's weight continued to press down in the air, knocking the Blade Commander down!


He and the Blade Commander rolled on the broken deck of the yacht. Zhang Su raised his left fist and hit the Blade Commander hard.

The last breath of energy burst out without any scruples, instantly punching a hole in the Blade Commander's body!

The monster has evolved itself to be both slender and sharp, its small size meaning that every bit of body mass contains a vast amount of soul.

After being struck by Zhang Su, countless souls burst out from it in an instant, scrambling to escape. The Blade Commander looked at the souls leaving it in horror, and instantly felt extremely painful. Souls are the devil's most precious wealth!

It made a prompt decision and used its three blade legs to cut off the leg stuck on Zhang Su's body. Then it jumped up at high speed and flew far away, turning into a streak of silver light.

Zhang Su spat out a mouthful of blood. The Blade Commander's long knife was still stuck in his body. He leaned back and fell on the deck.

"Is there anything else you want to say while you are dying?" Lydia injected text on the helmet panel.

Blood flooded Zhang Su's throat. He thought of Lianwu, but didn't say anything.

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