Witch containment diary

Chapter 303 The Knife-wielding Shadow Warrior

The twilight is deep, the stars are twinkling, and it is getting late.

Lianwu sat on a large piece of the yacht, and the surrounding waves gently pushed the broken pieces of the yacht.

The yacht is finished, many fragments have been blown away by the wind, and some of the densest core components have sunk.

Another name for the deep sea is the ship graveyard, where sunken ships sit motionless on the seabed, looking at each other.

"Be patient. Let me remove the Lord from this heavy armor." Shui Li knelt on the metal plate and slowly peeled off the black beast.

Lydia accepted Shui Li docilely and let her complete the removal of the armor.

Shui Li peeled off and folded the black beast, and blood and sea water leaked out from the gaps in the armor.

Lydia needs time to self-check and have basic rebuilding and repairs done using nanobots.

Lian Wu cried out when she saw Zhang Su covered in blood.

Shui Li opened the storage box of the right robotic arm and handed a super healing needle to Lian Wu.

"The appearance of the super treatment needle has a pair of small wings, which need to be removed and then an air pump is used to inject the nanorobot and biological repair fluid into the heart of the seriously injured person."

Lianwu's mind was filled with knowledge that she was familiar with. She had read too many books. She even remembered when and where she had read such content.

Her hands were shaking a little, but she still gritted her teeth and inserted the needle tip into Zhang Su's heart, and then slowly pushed the needle.

Zhang Su was now in pieces from the ribs down, with blood pouring out. Only the spine, skin, flesh and intestines were left connecting the upper and lower parts of the torso.

The liquid was golden in color, as if a ray of sunlight had been melted into the liquid. As soon as they were injected from the chest, they immediately flowed out from between the organs and were wasted in the air.

Lianwu could now see Zhang Su's still lungs and almost stopped heart.

"Is he dead?" Lian Wu looked at Shui Li almost pleadingly, wanting to get a sincere answer.

"Be patient. It's coming soon." Shuili was preparing to arrange Zhang Su's posthumous affairs. "The division of inheritance is an important proposition."

Lianwu squatted down. Shui Li looked at Lian Wu and was stunned by her actions.

"I, I don't want him to die." Lian Wu leaned close to Zhang Su, mouth to mouth.

This was like her first kiss with Zhang Su.

Occasionally I would think about such a thing, but never thought of it like this.

She burst into tears and breathed into Zhang Su's body again and again.

Breathe - Breathe - Breathe - Breathe

Lianwu tried awkwardly, trying hard to fill her small lungs with air, and then breathed it into Zhang Su's mouth.

"Forbearance. The corpse suturing technique on the battlefield..." Shui Li knelt beside Zhang Su, took out a sewing needle and a ball of thread, and used them to sew up the smaller wounds on Zhang Su's body.

Corpse? Zhang Sucai is not a corpse! Lian Wu was very angry, but she had no choice but to lean down and blow into Zhang Su's mouth again and again.

She knew that these airflows could be injected into the lungs along the organs, and maybe they could do something, but she didn't know.

Lian Wu is a knowledgeable woman. She can clearly distinguish Zhang Su's condition, which includes loss of consciousness, excessive blood loss, dying nerves, life-threatening conditions, low blood oxygen saturation, and hypovolemic shock...

The clearer she became about these terms, the more scared she became, because Zhang Su's life hung on a thread.

"Be patient. Be patient and accept the change." Shui Li sat next to him.

Before, Lianwu discovered that Shuili was on the boat, so they surfed outside for a while and returned to the yacht because of the explosion.

Then the dying Zhang Su was discovered.

"There is a way, there must be a way." Lian Wu stood up stubbornly.

She glanced at Zhang Su's condition, took a deep breath, and first aligned Zhang Su's head with his spine to prevent him from further injury, then knelt down and continued to give him artificial respiration.

"You can't save a corpse. Shinobi." Shui Li said as he took out bandages, ointments, and other battlefield first aid items from the mechanical box on his right arm, and supported him from the side.

Ninjas are also well-versed in the art of self-medication after serious injuries, which is a required course in the Mizukage-ryu dojo.

Shuili first fixed Zhang Su's arms, hands and feet with splints, then tied a tourniquet, sprinkled sterile dressings on the shallow wounds, and wrapped the obvious wounds with bandages.

"You can continue taking the medicine." Lian Wu gave Zhang Su artificial respiration more than a dozen times mouth to mouth. She wiped her mouth, and then asked Shuili to inject injections similar to blood coagulation injections and therapeutic injections. "It must be useful, it is indeed useful. , I don’t allow you to say frustrating words anymore, I know you also want to save him.”

Shui Li nodded.

At this moment, both Lian Wu and Shui Li could feel slight changes in Zhang Su, as if the aura that had been entangled with him was reactivating.

"'Qi' is circulating." Lydia began to speak in the folded black armor next to her.

"The armored ghost..." Lian Wu turned her head.

"You are doing a good job. You are saving him. The original Qi has almost stagnated, but you have sent in almost all the Qi he needs!" Lydia said, as if she was also a little surprised. She never expected Lian Wu The eldest lady will do this from the beginning.

"I want to save him, save him." Lian Wu continued artificial respiration, imagining that she was blowing air to drive a windmill.

The sky is getting darker and the moon is getting higher. Shui Li was on guard, and when she turned around, she saw the change in Lian Wu.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, she experienced another change. Her original black hair turned frosty white, her eyes turned deep purple, and a pair of curved horns sprouted from her head. Her whole temperament also changed, making her look particularly cold.

"It should be fine now." Lian Wu looked down at Zhang Su. He was still in a coma and didn't appear to be awake, but his heart had started to beat on its own! The super injection he received earlier was of great significance, providing him with much-needed repair and hematopoietic function.

But the severed limb of the Blade Order was still split in Zhang Su's abdomen, like an invincible gray knife.

"Be patient." Shui Li drained the armor, and Lian Wu's eyes changed when she saw that it was covered with Zhang Su's blood.

"What happened underwater?" Lian Wu asked.

"Our initial purpose was to visit Princess Otohime under the Dragon Palace and obtain the Stardust Brick, but we found that the place has changed dramatically and the world has changed dramatically. The newly promoted Princess Otohime is just a girl who knows nothing about the outside world. The Stardust underneath Bricks are actually used to resist the demon army. The leader of them, the Blade Commander, has broken through to our side. Many heroes have defeated Nazmi before. If we want to win alone, we can only exchange injuries for injuries, and the opponent also Already severely disabled." Lydia reported.

A messenger-level demon! The whole world would tremble, but Zhang Su could seriously injure him by himself.

Lianwu lay on Zhang Su's body, mourning deeply.

"There are many demons." Shui Li said.

"Yes, there are worse things now. The Dragon Palace below has been flooded by the small blade demons and leaders. Princess Otohime is still hiding somewhere in the Dragon Palace, but the demons are very sensitive to souls. I am afraid that they have already Find her and kill her. But now Zhang Su doesn’t know how long it will take to wake up," Lidya said.

"I can help." Lian Wu lowered his head.

"You? The water pressure will crush you." Lydia warned.

Lianwu unfolded the "Black Beast" armor.

"I'll put you on and go down." Lian Wu said.

"You!" Lydia was shocked.

how come!

Such a delicate Lianwu... actually wants to wear this armor that represents the pinnacle of bravery and combat power.

"This is Zhang Su's decision to leave, and I also want to complete his unfinished business for him." Lian Wu gritted her teeth.

The moonlight was pale, showing tear stains on her face, like transparent blood.

Shui Li took a step forward.

"Why don't you let me go? I'm more proficient in martial arts." Shui Li said.

"You all don't seem to understand how terrifying the deep sea is." Lidya warned, "Not everyone is like Zhang Su who can go into the Nine Nether Sea and escape unharmed, but he was almost burned out."

"Ninja. You are wrong. Ninjas are also fearless." Shui Li put the unfolded black beast armor on his body. "Ninjas have always had the tradition of being the master's substitute. That is the 'Kagemusha'. I have also done this. Prepare."

"Then please." Lian Wu bowed to Shui Li.

Shui Li put on the armor, allowing it to deform and cover her whole body, because half of Shui Li was mechanically modified, and now those reserved interfaces are also connected to the armor to facilitate faster communication.

"Nerve scanning is in progress, completed." Lydia reported.

There was darkness in front of Shui Li's eyes, which suddenly lit up with a buzzing sound, and then she saw the clear world in front of her.

"You need a better knife," Lydia said.

It goes without saying that Shuili looked at the broken limb of the Blade Commander inserted into Zhang Su's body. It was simply a weapon of the peerless divine weapon level, a high-level demon's blade. The sharpness alone made people's eyes ache.

"I'll just come." Lian Wu walked to Zhang Su's side. Her heart was full of sorrow. He tried his best to fight against an unprecedentedly powerful enemy.

She slowly pulled out the devil's envoy's peerless sword, which was stained with blood, and then handed it to Shui Li's hand.

"I need to remind you that my torso was pierced together with Zhang Su before. After a deep dive, it will cause great pressure on you, and the material is damaged and can no longer float. It is likely to be stranded in the Dragon Palace." Lidya warned.

"Ninja, don't be afraid of taking risks. Rescue Princess Otohime and be fearless." Shuili turned around and turned his back to Lianwu and Zhang Su, "Leave such a task to me and I will definitely complete it."

She jumped into the sea water and dived deep.

Lian Wu hugged her knees and sat next to Zhang Su, who was on the verge of death and unconscious. She was so afraid that Zhang Su would die like this. It never occurred to her that this was her biggest fear in life.

Her hand rested on his cold hand.

"I don't know when you will wake up, and how good you will be when you wake up. But I must help you finish the unfinished business." Lian Wu looked at the moonlit night and made up his mind as he said it.

She edited and sent a message, providing clues to the whereabouts of the Blade Order in the name of Zhang Su, which facilitated the human defense plan to hunt down this extremely terrifying high-level demon. She also reminded the surrounding human cities to take precautions in case it was attacked on a large scale. Slaughter, it will soon return to its full glory, and then Zhang Su's efforts will be in vain. And as long as it remains injured and loses its soul, humans can defeat such a terrifying monster.

She also activated a backup plan, asking the company to dispatch a specialized medical team to arrive quickly to further complete the rescue mission.

"We want to win and live a happy life together." Lianwu said to herself. It was not until she faced such a life-and-death situation today that she could fully see her heart clearly in the moonlight. All her wishes were here.

"Love to talk has nothing to do with me, but I also want to talk more when I'm around you." Lian Wu put her head on Zhang Su's forehead, closing her eyes, "I want to call you, wake you up, The first thing you hear when you regain consciousness is my voice, I like you, I like you so much...I want to shout your name and wake you up, Zhang Su! Zhang Su! Zhang Su!"

Shui Li descended to the Deep Sea Dragon Palace City. At this time, the palace was damaged and a large amount of sea water poured into it. She holds the Gray Sword of Reiji in her right hand, and Dongmei Fujing Yaoying in her left hand as an assistant.


"Quack, that's..."

"Wow wow wow!" The demons were rummaging around the Dragon Palace City, dismantling the defense mechanisms and destroying the energy hubs. There were at least a thousand of them, howling and roaring in the waist-deep rising sea water.

When they saw Shui Li wearing black armor and jumping down with a gray knife, they were all shocked.

They shared information before and knew that Lord Blade Order had left here and headed to the sea, trying to capture the vast human world.

But now, they see that the Blade Commander has been beaten until he has only one leg left!

This is too terrible!

The Blade Commander, who was so rampant and caused heinous crimes in many worlds, was now beaten down to only one sword? Was it used as a weapon by the enemy?

This thought instantly frightened the demons, especially the infinite demonic energy wrapped around the knife. To these middle and low-level demons, it was simply the most abhorrent and terrifying weapon.

"Hello, this is the first time we meet, Mr. Devil, I am Shui Li." Shui Li muttered, jumped towards the field, jumped into the water, and immediately felt like going home. When the demons saw that their former king and leader had only one leg left, they were immediately in chaos. If the unparalleled Lord of Blades was defeated by the armored man, then who are these little demons?

"Riptide·Waterspout!" Shui Li raised the gray knife, and the tide turned it into the front of a huge wave, drowning the devil! This is an attack to avenge Zhang Su!

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