Witch containment diary

Chapter 304 The Evolutionary History of Plugins

As soon as the blade came out, the color of the Dragon Palace changed.

Before the wave pushed out very far, Shui Li saw a sword light sweeping across the demon in front of him.

The blade of the gray knife hit them directly, and the demon cluster was chopped into thousands of pieces in an instant. There were few screams. They were killed in the blink of an eye, leaving only the dead souls flying in the sky.

Shui Li also wanted to fight the demons to rescue Princess Otohime, but she didn't expect to kill all the demons with just one knife!

She probably killed at least 700 demons with just one blow. Lydia's kill counter was filled up, which made her very excited.

"That's it, kill as much as you want!" Lidya commended Shui Li.

"This is too perverted, why?" Shui Li looked at the gray knife in her hand in disbelief.

She had just used ninjutsu energy to trigger a big tide, and she thought she would use the water flow to form an offensive and defensive barrier, but just a simple swing of the gray sword could cause an extremely large-scale unlimited slash!

"Why? Because this is a limb taken from the Blade Commander! The Commander is usually a high-level demon that directly dominates a war zone. They are the direct bodyguards of the Hell Demon God, and their status is far higher than you think. Much higher...and now you are holding one of the Blade Commander's legs in your hands!" Lydia was a little excited.

Shui Li felt incredible after hearing this.

She turned the gray blade in her hand. Part of Shui Li's body was mechanically modified, so she could scan it. The gray blade was made of a dense bone metal material of unknown biochemical origin.

Its microstructure is composed of organic sheet-like devil matrix and inorganic metal crystal layers interlaced, and its hardness and toughness can be called the best in the world.

She observed carefully that Huidao's texture could breathe and contract autonomously like a muscle, as if it had a life of its own.

"Don't get too close. This knife will trigger abnormal brain wave impulses, which is the body's 'fight or flight' response. You will get goosebumps, shed tears, have irregular heartbeats, and become insane... It may not stop It is a dead object, perhaps with the remaining will of the devil. It is a living weapon with a super-specialized predatory nature. It is eager to devour souls and absorb nutrients by maiming living creatures, and become a complete blade demon." Liddy Ya warned.

A new life form, a living remnant of an envoy, a knife within a knife, a supreme divine weapon!

"How terrifying! The Lord actually defeated it and kept this gray knife as a trophy!" Shui Li was shocked by the news.

Anyone who encountered such a high-level demon and such a treacherous slashing knife would probably end up dying in hell, but Zhang Su was able to exchange injuries for injuries.

Even the most optimistic people dare not say that Zhang Su can challenge an emissary-level demon now, but he has really caused the opponent to suffer a big loss!

"Fortunately among misfortunes, the value of this knife may be higher than the value of our entire planet. Many worlds have fallen into the hands of demons in vain, and there is no way to get demon limbs like us. After all, high-level demons are all open For fighting, they themselves represent part of the supreme power. For example, the 'blade' demon god covers all the powers related to cutting and chopping. And this knife also contains corresponding destructive power, and human craftsmanship is completely It cannot be replicated, so cherish Zhang Su’s efforts." Lidya said.

"Be patient. I'm going to fight the devil too." Shui Li asked Lidya to scan the devil's traces and continue to search for and kill the devil.

The knife became more and more comfortable with use. Wherever Shui Li touched, demons were instantly slaughtered!

She didn't even need to bother using her martial arts. She could unleash Blade Storm with a single sweep, creating a vacuum blade swirl in the corridor in front of her.

In an instant, dozens of demons that were at a loss in a corridor turned into debris on the ground.

The demons immediately retreated instinctively when they found out that there was such a fierce god who was slashing the stumps everywhere with orders.

"We have to regroup our forces..."



"Your Majesty the Envoy has been defeated!" They shouted in a mixed voice. Some demons understood the language of this planet, while more yelled randomly, and then fled in confusion.

Shui Li strode through the flowing water garden with corpses on the ground. The sea water from the top was still leaking down, like the Milky Way pouring in, roaring incessantly. She held the gray knife tightly, and it was trembling desperately, as if it was trying to break free from Shui Li's hand and continue to slash and destroy.

Her eyes swept around, and a demonic beacon appeared on the panel. Once there were enemies, she would immediately kill them, annihilating the demonic invaders one after another until Dragon Palace City completely returned to peace.

Even some of the belligerent Blade Demon Warriors fell under the slashes of Gray Knife. Their martial arts surprised Shui Li. They were not simple at all.

But as long as she cuts it casually, the opponent will fall into pieces!

Any technique is useless in the face of the absolute "cutting power". The remaining demons were so frightened that they cherished their souls and fled hurriedly.

"So the Blade Commander has four 'plug-ins' installed on his body? Each one is so powerful? So how should we fight next time?" Shuili moved forward quickly, looking for Princess Otohime.

"This is a competition between plug-ins. In other words, it is a rule-level power. The more Noble Phantasms that can't chase away turtles like flying arrows, the better. High-level battles may be about 'must hit' to suppress 'dodge', and then use 'Invincible' is used to counter 'must hit', and then in order to deal with invincible, 'invincible penetration' will appear. In the face of this powerful attack, 'anti-Suzheng defense' was developed... In short, we have to develop more Only those with big skills can compete with high-level demons." Lydia said.

"But the quality of human beings is lower at the beginning, and they are far less powerful than witches, and witches are also more capable of growth." Shui Li said.

"Maybe witches are just demons with specific powers. I don't think there is anything human about me. I would rather be regarded as a monster, a ghost in armor." Lydia said.

Shui Li rushed forward into the incubation room.

Princess Otohime hid here when she was scared.

This was the place where she was born and where she instinctively felt she would be safe.

"No, don't come close -" Princess Otohime held a big egg shell and used it as a shield to protect herself.


"Ughhhhh!" Several blade demons are trying to attack Princess Otohime in the incubation room. Several little demons have fallen in the central pool. They were all killed by Princess Otohime with her whale-killing fist. of.

As soon as Shui Li arrived, the blade demons all turned around.

They were all shocked by the "grey knife" in Shui Li's hand.

Even these battle-hardened demons now stand in awe before Gray Knife.

Several demons have already knelt down and kowtowed to Gray Knife!

Not servility, not despair, but respect.

Looking at the way they raised their hands, Shui Li hesitated.

"The "Kojiki" mentions that killing and surrendering are ominous, and these blade demons have already surrendered." Shui Li said.

"No matter the knife in your hand, neither I nor Zhang Su will agree to it. Devil, kill! Kill them all! Kill them all!" Lydia screamed.

Shui Li turned the knife over, and a flash of blade shadow flashed. All these blade demons were broken into pieces, and they were cut into hundreds of pieces in an instant.

Ninja Shui Li's movements are light and agile, not sloppy.

"Woo..." Princess Otohime leaned against the wall, looking at the black armor with sadness and happiness. She completely mistook Shui Li for Zhang Su. She opened her eyes wide, wiped away her tears, and smiled through her tears, "I knew you Will come to save me!"

"Excuse me, Your Highness Princess Otohime, this is the first time we meet, I am Shuili." Shuili bowed to Princess Otohime.

"First meeting, Shuili-san, I am Princess Otohime." Princess Otohime also quickly bowed to Shuili. This was also what was recorded in the stone book. She soon realized, "Why have you turned into a girl! "

"Men changing into women has often happened since ancient times. However, it doesn't happen now. It's just that the person wearing this armor has changed." Shui Li said.

"What about the original person? I want him!" Princess Otohime said eagerly.

"We have to find a way to clean up the mountains and rivers first, clean up everything, and then reach contact." Shuili bowed to Princess Otohime again, "The most important thing is to confirm your safety."

Mizuri walked towards Princess Otohime and saluted her.

A tired smile appeared on Princess Otohime's face. In any case, she was safe now. The man in black armor is like the savior in her life, saving her again and again.

"We have to find a better place to establish communication with the sea. After all, this is the bottom of the deep sea. We have to try our best to avoid the risk of drowning." Lydia reminded.

"Ninja." Shuili wanted to jump away, but her movements were much slower, as if she was carrying too much weight. "I'm sorry, but you are really too heavy!"

"Zhang Su has never complained about my weight. Hurry up and get some exercise, you loser ninja." Lydia said angrily.

"I'll take it off, as long as I have this knife." Shui Li untied the black beast.

Lidya complained crazily during the process, feeling extremely wronged!

As the medical ambulance boat swayed on the rough sea, Lianwu gathered the confidants of Anxin Industry and the elite medical team to seal off the sea area and provide first aid.

"Still in a state of systemic shock." The doctor examined Zhang Su and injected him with intravenous treatment needles. The ambulance's engine roared to life.

During this period, Lian Wu had received news from the underground Dragon Palace City.

The situation was very bad, because the Blade Order had a big fight with those demons. The barriers and shells that originally protected the Dragon Palace had been damaged in many places. The sea water had flooded to more than one meter high, and people could only swim in it.

Now, Shui Li hid on the roof of the main hall, looking at the rising sea water around her with great sadness.

"Endure... In the worst case scenario, Ryugu Castle will be submerged, and we will be completely buried under the sea. Among us, only Princess Otohime can withstand water. She will take my body, armor and gray sword to the surface of the sea ." Shui Li reported.

Lian Wu asked Shui Li to continue waiting.

"Is he okay?" she asked the doctor.

The doctor glanced at Lian Wu in awe.

Lian Wu clearly has the characteristics of the Moon Noble. Her white hair and long horns are the symbols of the witches of the past generations of An Yin.

These moon witches, headed by Yuehuaji, ruled Dongming Kingdom for a long time in ancient times and have a very long history.

"...He may wake up for a few minutes, but will soon pass out again." The doctor judged.

Lian Wu held Zhang Su's big cold hand sadly.

"It will get better. Breathe slowly." Lianwu said softly.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, Lianwu's appearance was like that of a god, and the emotions she inadvertently revealed were sincere and extraordinary. Her voice seemed to be more helpful than medicine in stabilizing Zhang Su's condition, allowing him to gradually breathe on his own.

Zhang Su's thoughts were still at war with the Blade Order.

He can memorize those rare and powerful men and fight against them repeatedly in his mind, constantly testing, reviewing and honing his tactics.

Every punch, every hit, every dodge is precious, and experience is accumulated rapidly.

The greatest treasure he brought back from his past life were also these memories. And the fight with the Blade Order was a rare and precious combat case.

"Zhang Su, Zhang Su, Zhang Su..." Lian Wu's voice penetrated repeatedly, so much so that the martial arts field in Zhang Su's heart was a little shaken, like a huge sound from outside, enough to make him suspend his movements.

"Fight again tomorrow...to avenge this one shot..." The Blade Order said in a precise tone.

"We will fight again tomorrow." Zhang Su's thoughts broke away from the fantasy fight and returned to sobriety.

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