Witch containment diary

Chapter 305 The most uniting thing

When Zhang Su opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Lian Wu.

"!" Lianwu was startled and stood up immediately. In an instant, she became excited again, but she was too excited and couldn't move.

"...Your Majesty..." Zhang Su whispered, feeling a sharp pain in his throat.

When did speaking become such a difficult thing? he thought.

"We've already had someone track him down," Lian Wu said. The Human Defense Plan has a basic joint defense system, and there are now tracking drones in the Pacific to ensure that the Blade Order does not escape without a trace.

"Dragon Palace..." Zhang Su thought of another thing.

"It's almost submerged." Lian Wu squatted down, put his hands on the ground, and looked at Zhang Su sadly, "What should we do?"

Zhang Su thought hard.

The Dragon Palace is at the bottom of the deep sea and is difficult to reach by conventional means. A manned submarine must be very high-end to dive to a depth of 1,200 meters, and it cannot be assembled in a short time.

Unless there is a way to reach it instantly and cross this long and slow road.

Unless there is a way to solve the time and space problems.

Unless there is a way to shorten the distance between the seabed and the land, making it within reach, just like pushing open a door...

"Hong Yan...!" Zhang Su raised his head.

Dig a tunnel!

Dig a tunnel directly to the Undersea Dragon Palace City!

Obviously, doing so will consume Stardust Bricks, but Ryugu City is worth saving.

"Hongyan!" Lianwu took a deep breath. She stepped back, knelt down facing the direction of An'in Hospital, and began to pray for Hongyan's divine grace from the bottom of her heart, "Hongyan Bodhisattva..."

As Hongyan's direct witch, Lianwu knew very well what this short little god with small arms and legs was capable of.

Lord Hongyan, please show me your divine grace at this moment!

She bowed deeply in the direction of An Yuan, awakening the invisible connection between her and Hong Yan.

"The unparalleled Red Flame Bodhisattva in this world...the most powerful...the tallest...the most amazing..." Lian Wu tried hard to recite silently in her heart, while imagining the appearance of the Red Flame Bodhisattva.

The little girl in a robe carries a big hoe for digging tunnels on her shoulders. She can also make orange rice cakes. She is amazing and can realize everyone's dream...

Lian Wu concentrated her mind.

Finally, a small, vague voice sounded.

"It's so far away... What's going on? I'm very busy, playing video games." Hong Yan said.

"At the bottom, down from where I am, there is a Dragon Palace City in the deep sea! Lord Hongyan, please dig a tunnel to the Dragon Palace. How long will it take?" Lianwu prayed in her heart to let her thoughts go. Passed back to An Hospital.

"Huh??" Hongyan was shocked.

"Is it impossible?" Lian Wu felt desperate.

"It should be possible. After all, there is no interdimensionality. But Bodhisattva, I have to know clearly where that place is before I can dig a tunnel to get there. And this can only be done when it is most urgent. I am not happy about it." Hongyan said.

"Please! Human life is at stake!" Lianwu checked the satellite positioning and reported the coordinates.

"Uh, what is this?" Hong Yan was illiterate, "The date of the end of the world? Thermometer?"

"Yes! Don't worry, Lord Hongyan. I have recorded the detailed coordinates, including the depth gauge. Let Lescolin teach you how to read them." Lianwu re-recorded the position of Dragon Palace City and accurately reported it to Hongyan .

This was so urgent that Lian Wu even thought that Dragon Palace City might have been submerged while Hong Yan was digging the tunnel.

By then, everyone will be covered by the flood, and maybe it will pour back into An'an Hospital!

"Okay, okay! I'm so nervous, even Bodhisattva, my legs are getting faster." Hongyan ran wildly in Anxin courtyard.

She summoned people to help. Since Lianwu repeatedly emphasized the importance, Hongyan was ready to sacrifice and work hard to dig a tunnel directly to Dragon Palace City to rescue and provide disaster relief to prevent it from being flooded.

In other words, Hongyan is working hard to build existences similar to time and space gates, teleportation arrays and hub portals.

Lianwu also secretly hopes that this can be done.

Dragon Palace City was originally located under the sea and isolated from the world. If a tunnel door is opened, you can go directly from Anxinyuan to Ryugong City, and the two sides can communicate seamlessly.

No matter how many ruins or resources there are in Dragon Palace City, they can all be collected directly from Anxinyuan.

Deep Sea Dragon Palace City has become the sub-base of Anxinyuan!

Lian Wu thought while cheering Hong Yan up.

"Come on, come on, come on..." Lian Wu prayed.

Because of the long distance and poor "signal", Lianwu had to stay focused. Sweat dripped from her forehead, and her nerves hurt like fire, as if someone had driven a steel nail under her skull.

"Lianwu, you worked very hard today. You are not as leisurely as before." Hongyan noticed the change in Lianwu, "It must be because something big happened. In that case, Bodhisattva, I will do my best, as soon as possible. It only takes a few minutes to speed through. Bodhisattva, my equipment is the most powerful tunnel engineer pickaxe in the world, and it can connect two points in space with two clicks."

"Please..." Lian Wu really wanted to save everything.

She can vaguely understand Zhang Su's feelings now. Isn't Zhang Su trying his best to save everyone?

After dozens of seconds, Hongyan continued to communicate with Lianwu through the spiritual channel between the witch and the gods.

"Okay! Lescorin is indeed an all-rounded witch. Bodhisattva, I now fully understand the location of Dragon Palace City, and now I have to dig a hole to get there. Zhang Su said before that he wanted Anxin Hospital to become a hub for communication with other places. , I didn’t expect it to start from Dragon Palace City, so I will set the entrance in a large room in Yuehua Garden." Hongyan ran to dig a tunnel.

"Thank you!" Lianwu felt very happy.

"The passage requires stardust bricks to maintain, about 10 yuan. I will lay it here, Bodhisattva. Hey, children, stop playing and go to support the rescue! Come help and move the bricks over!" Red Flame mobilized Everyone in the hospital knows how to work on the heavy stardust bricks together.

She could almost hear the distant murmur of children running around carrying heavy bricks. Saho's strange screams were particularly obvious.

Lianwu almost cried.

She held Zhang Su's hand, and his body seemed to be warming up. Look, Zhang Su, this is the power of Anxinyuan, our home.

On the other side, the underwater Dragon Palace City.

The sea water is still rising, almost submerging this place.

The corpses of the demons floated up, and many pieces of Dragon Palace furniture were floating in the deep sea.

Shuili put the armor aside and sat on the roof waiting to die.

"Ninjas are good at dying generously..." Shui Li said.

"You are the coldest, most unacceptable bastard," Lydia said. Because Shuili didn't like wearing such heavy armor, she threw Lydia aside.

"I met three people today." Princess Otohime coiled her tail and looked at Mizuri and Lydia emotionally, "Mr. Armor who came first, Mizuri Ninja, and Miss Armor. I'm afraid I will never meet so many people in the future...I will always live alone like this."

"If you treat us as friends, you must send our bodies back to the coast." Shui Li said, "Otherwise, I will turn into a ninja ghost and haunt you."

"And I am an armored ghost, and I am also very scary." Lydia said.

"Woo-wow-" Princess Otohime was a little frightened and cried, but there was no record about ghosts in the stone book, so she just sobbed.

"People without education will not write poems about death." Shuili walked to the edge of the roof and looked down at the sea water. A large number of cracks appeared in the Dragon Palace dome overhead under the weight of the sea water, and it might collapse at any time.

At this moment, they suddenly heard a faint, whirring sound.

"Dig it!"

"Dig it!"

"Come on and dig!"

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of pickaxes tapping in the center of Dragon Palace City, a few hundred meters away from them.

They quickly walked over from the roof. The center of the Dragon Palace City coordinates was the main hall, located on the central axis.

Knock, knock, knock.

"We originally went to scout Ryugu Castle to obtain Stardust Bricks, but we never thought that we would have to consume Stardust Bricks to save Ryugu Castle! Hey, what's even worse is that Princess Otohime will definitely scold me when she sees me. Wow. Woo... Bodhisattva, don't be scolded..." Hong Yan's voice came.

"I'm sorry, but please help." Shui Li shouted for help.


With a crisp sound, they all saw cracks appearing in the space structure in front of them, and then, sharp sharp objects broke through an invisible wall, causing a gap as dense as a spider web.

Immediately afterwards, a chubby hand pushed outward hard, and many space fragments fell down, forming a large number of fragments that reflected thousands of light and shadows like mirrors.

Then a big head stretched out, it was Hong Yan!

"Forbearance. Ninjas who evacuate from desperate situations...are partners." Shui Li saluted Hong Yan.

"The fourth person I met today!" Princess Otohime was happy.

"Wow - little Princess Otohime..." Hongyan saw Princess Otohime first, then held the space crack with both hands and looked out, "——Ryuugong Castle is really going to be submerged!"

She immediately turned back and crawled back into the tunnel.

"We can't give up on us!" Lydia said, "I am a very precious armor!"

Then they heard Hongyan's cry.

"Everyone, there is a place that is being flooded at the other end. Now we need to rush over to drain the water and rescue it to avoid flooding. Everyone is ready to go and help! No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6... ..." Hong Yan arranged.

Princess Otohime was dumbfounded as she watched the witches fall one after another.

"I'm the one who's in trouble!" Hayho jumped down from the tunnel and fainted immediately when he saw that he was on the roof of Ryugu, with the unfathomable seabed below.

"Go and help!" Natsuki jumped down.

"To save this place..." Murohua, Yuanzhi, and Zhizhang are all here!

Princess Otohime looked at more and more people joining here, holding her face in her hands excitedly. When had there ever been so many people in Deep Sea Dragon Palace City! Four, five, six, seven...are they all here to make friends with Princess Otohime?

Spending countless days and nights alone, experiencing loneliness, sadness and despair every minute.

But now she has many, many companions!

They are all willing to help protect this place!

Princess Otohime is no longer alone!

She cried with joy.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Hongyan cannot leave Anxin Yin due to the constraints of her oath. She can only look at the entrance of the tunnel and wave to Princess Otohime, knowing very well that she is not the princess she knew before, but a smaller, more lonely child. , "Come on! Protect the legacy of the Ryugu Sea Clan! Otohime-chan!"

The spiritual world has given up on many places. Hongyan clenched her fists. Where they don't care, we will take care of it!

"Will scooping water from a washbasin help?" Mayumi looked at the rising sea water worriedly, "Don't let us mobilize all the troops to help and end up being wiped out."

"If we don't repair the barrier above, we can't stop the flooding!" Lydia warned.

"Who is talking?" Mayumi was startled. Witches of all sizes, children, and the witch prisoners who came for reinforcements were all busy rescuing. Robot Roy also came down.

They all also knew that they had to stop the cracks above.

The hum of gathered magic sounded.

They all turned their heads, and Xincheng Meiyu looked above indifferently.

In her hands, the magic power gathered like the blue sky, quickly gathered into the sky, and formed a strong wall across the water, blocking the gaps and intercepting the sea water.

The power of protection, "Guozhen Iron Guard"!

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