Witch containment diary

Chapter 306 Xianyu’s shadow

It's the same type of magic power that the rank-breaking guardian witch once left here with great protective magic power. Xincheng Meiyu felt very familiar.

Now, the barrier has been strengthened and sea water will not continue to pour in. And everyone who came to help from Anxin Hospital also avoided the crisis of drowning.

"Witches... we are all witches!" Princess Otohime looked at them shyly and in surprise.

To her, these girls with strange clothes and legs were like visitors from another world.

"We have to drain the seawater out, otherwise there will be no foothold." Leskolin meticulously inspected the site conditions. "Pipeline materials and a large number of construction tools need to be transported from Anxinyuan."

The seawater that flowed down previously flooded the gardens and corridors of the Dragon Palace, trapping them on the roof of the main hall of the Dragon Palace under the sea. If the accumulated seawater was not drained, they would not be able to explore the Dragon Palace.

Everyone dispersed and tried to build a water pump to drain the seawater as quickly as possible and discharge it into the deep sea outside, so that the Dragon Palace could dry out and make it easier to get down from the roof.

These glazed tiles are very crisp when stepped on, and they will collapse at some point.

The children found Saho lying face down on the roof.

"Haoho sent it away." Natsuki poked the fainting Saho.

"Is your face bleeding?" Mayumi was shocked when she saw some blood stains.

"Poor child, poor baby!" Yuanzhi hurriedly walked over, knelt down, held up Saho with one hand, held her in her arms, and protected her with all her heart.

When Saho fell, she did cut her face, and blood dripped from the linear wound in fine drops, which shocked them.

"This pain... I want to share..." Muroka subconsciously walked over and put one hand on Saho's shoulder.

As the magic power of Murohua's hand bloomed, the scars on Saho's face faded a lot in an instant, while Murohua frowned, and similar traces of injuries appeared on his face. Transfer away the pain of early spikes.

"Wake up." Natsuki shook Hayho.

"Ah——" Hayho opened his eyes drowsily, "How high are we?"

"It's about ten meters above the ground, but it's all sea water and is submerged by the sea, so be brave!" Mayumi encouraged.

"Have I caused trouble to everyone again?" Saho was shocked when he saw the wounds on Murohua's face.

"It's okay." Shihua was very tenacious, "It's just a little bit."

"Only a little bit." Yuori wiped Saho's cheek with a handkerchief and blew on it with his mouth, "It doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt anymore."

"Okay, I'm going to work hard from now on." Saho felt guilty. This feeling made her want to work hard. No matter what everyone was here for, she had to find a way to at least get things done. Otherwise, it would be a waste of money.

The adults kept dropping various parts from the tunnel above their heads, and they built a simple workbench on the roof to piece together the spare parts into an electric-powered drainage pump.

The pipe is very long. Robot Roy fired a cable towards the garden dome on the edge of Ryugu Castle so they could hang a rope over.

"I'm on it!" Roy grabbed one end of the cable tube and floated over.

The red leather tube flew rapidly with its high-speed displacement, crossing a distance of about 500 meters and reaching the edge of Dragon Palace City.

"Hand the tube, hand the tube." Hayho untied the coiled wire tube on the ground.

"Haoho, go play somewhere else." Lescolin asked Saho to step back.

"Why can't you take care of yourself." Mrs. Miyu Shinjo looked at Saho displeasedly because Murohua was slightly injured again because of Saho. Saho is like a troublemaker to her.

"I'm not, I don't, I -" Saho tried to protest, but the adult obviously didn't want to trust her and went about his own business.

"We are trying to save this place, kid." Roy also swung back and chatted with Saho, "Enjoy the beautiful scenery."

"I can make it happen, just wait and see!" Zaho was unhappy and walked back.

Why can they be favored by adults? Zaosui looked around. Yuan Zhi turned into a big cat and jumped nimbly between the roofs. Now the sea water has flooded the Dragon Palace and there is nowhere to stay, but it is a vast playground for her. Natsuki put her hands into the seawater, trying to boil them, and her hands sparkled with gold under the water; Mayumi was helping Les Colin and Roy design the drawings of the drainage pump.

"Hey~" Zhafang picked up a glazed tile, and it exploded in her hand, breaking into countless pieces.

"Hey, she vandalized public property!" Hayho reported.

But no one paid any attention to her! Now everyone is busy cleaning the battlefield of Dragon Palace City, so how can they have the time to listen to a child reporting on another 6-year-old child.

"Zhao Zha, powerful." Zha Zha had already defeated Saho in the previous snowball fight, so he didn't take Saho seriously now.

"Ah, where is Teacher Dasu? I miss him!" Saho was extremely frustrated. It would be great if Zhang Su was here. Zhang Su would not deal with children so impatiently. He has always been supportive of her. Now Saho really hopes to have a few more words with Zhang Su.

But he wasn't here, Haoho was sitting on the edge of the roof with his back to him.

"Ninja, good at finding lonely children..." Shui Li saw Saho, holding the invincible Gray Sword in his hand.

"Hey, what is that?" Zaho's eyes widened when he saw Huidao.

"A magical item... an incomparable treasure that can destroy everything in one go." Shui Li gestured, and Saho's hair immediately stood up and his whole body trembled.


What kind of artifact is this? It’s scary to be so far away! Hayho thought to himself, his eyes suddenly getting hot.

"Sister Shuili! I am Da Su's good buddy, so I must be your good buddy too. Lend me that baby to play with." Zaohui begged.

"No, it's too dangerous." Shui Li refused without hesitation, "Ninjas...can't give treasures to suspicious children."

Suspicious kid!

The continuous negative comments were like a thousand arrows piercing her heart. Only now did Saho realize that if everyone was polite to her, they were only in safer places such as Anxinyuan.

When it comes to such a serious occasion, everyone treats her as a time bomb!

I won't do bad things! I won't do anything bad, I won't ruin anything! Zaohui left Shuili angrily. She wanted to say something in her heart, but she didn't say it out.

She sat on the roof and watched everyone's efforts. Since everyone didn't trust her so much, Saho simply failed.

After about half an hour, thanks to warehouse materials, artificial artifacts and AI computing cores, they built as powerful a water pump as possible.

Hayho looked up and saw that the metal platform was fixed on the roof of the house. Roy used a grappling hook to fix himself on the top, made a circular hole, and stuffed the pipes evenly inside. There is a huge pressure difference between the atmospheric pressure inside the Dragon Palace and the deep sea outside, so it is necessary to make full use of the siphon effect and use water pressure to completely suck out the water in the Dragon Palace.

After the sea water is drained, they can settle down and enjoy the beautiful and spectacular Ryugu City, while blocking the bottom of the Ryugu cliff again.

"It's about to start!" The soybean expression on Roy's chest turned into a happy smile, and it gave a thumbs up below. Hayho hopes that she can be as optimistic as this robot forever.

Leskolin opened the energy core, the plutonium battery began to discharge and recharge, and the machine roared, pumping water out of the Dragon Palace City and draining it outside.

Now, the "Devil Invasion Crack" under the Dragon Palace is leaking, and there is a water pump above to drain water. The Dragon Palace's own drainage system is also working.

The speed of the sea level is very obvious, and Fallingwater Gardens will soon be seen rising to the surface again.

Modern technology is quite powerful. Hayho looked at the makeshift machines the people had built. He smacked his lips.

They are basically military prefabricated parts stored in Anxinyuan's warehouse. They can be unfolded in one go. They are very convenient and have a wide range of uses. Since demons always launch sudden attacks, human technology is also developing towards rapid deployment.

At this moment, she heard a vague exclamation, turned around and saw Princess Otohime.


Hayao was shocked. Princess Otohime is really a beautiful girl. She has porcelain white skin and exquisite aquamarine dragon scales from her navel down. Her legs merge to form a beautiful dragon tail. Her muscles are very strong and fully usable. to support the whole body.

"伱, who are you?" Hayho asked.

Princess Otohime was fascinated by the human technology she had never seen before. When she turned around and saw Hayho, her eyes lit up.

She originally wanted to make friends with these people, so she quickly saluted.

"Hello! I am Princess Otohime." Princess Otohime said softly.

Hayao suddenly became nervous.

Her notoriety was known to everyone from the gate of Ansin-in to the top of Yuehua Garden, but to this "Princess Otohime", Hayao was a complete stranger, a newcomer.

She sincerely hopes to leave a good impression on the other party so that the other party will not dislike her like others.

"Oh, I'm Saho. I'm from Ansin. I'm... cool." Saho started talking nonsense.

She had some very funny lines in her mind, but the words never came out.

"Cool? What's that like?" Princess Otohime blinked curiously.

"Do you know the Shadow Witch?" Hayao put her hands on her hips.

"I don't know." Princess Otohime smiled.

The most embarrassing episode!

"That's, that, ah, this, uh, I, ah, that's what I said. Well, you can understand, right." Hayao sighed.

"I completely understand now." Princess Otohime jumped on the roof and prepared to leave.

"Don't, don't!" Hayao ran over and begged, "Please, no one else likes to play with me. Princess Otohime, this name sounds very noble. I will give you more food in the future. It’s fun, but don’t leave me behind!”

"I want to find the armor man." Princess Otohime still misses Zhang Su.

"Armored man?" Hayho didn't understand.

"A very tall man, so, so tall. He defeated the monsters outside, came to the Dragon Palace to find me, helped me solve the crisis that emerged from below, and now he has brought so many people. I really feel from the bottom of my heart. I want to find a way to thank him. But he doesn't seem to be here..." Princess Otohime sighed.

"Oh——! It's Teacher Dasu!" Hayho understood. "Don't worry, I'm very familiar with Dasu. If you know me, you know him."

"Huh?!" Princess Otohime's eyes lit up, "Then can you tell me more about him?"

"Okay, whatever. But please, take me down from the roof. I get dizzy when I see or even think about how high it is here. The wounds on my face were from falling when I fainted. Please!" "Haaho bowed to Princess Otohime.

"Yeah! Come on!" Princess Otohime carried Saho on her back, jumped off the edge and entered Ryugu Castle.

Hayao hung on Princess Otohime's back and pointed outside.

"This is such a beautiful castle! Well! My great career will start from here!" said Hayho.

"You're so funny when you talk." Princess Otohime smiled.

Zaho felt flattered. Usually only Zhang Su could listen to her big words, and then Zhang Su would make some pertinent insights or educational comments. But the amazing Princess Otohime is also willing to listen! great!

"From now on, your business is my business." Hayho announced.

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