Witch containment diary

Chapter 307 Stardust Brick Mining Tide

She really works hard. As the seawater emptied, Princess Otohime rebuilt Ryugu.

She silently cleaned up the mess, moved the broken stones and statues back to their proper places, and reassembled the washed-out coral sculptures. Haoho followed beside her to pick up trash, pile up the unnecessary things, and hand over the treasures to Princess Otohime, put her in the right place.

Hayao also took the initiative to pull seaweed and clean up the dirt with her hands, and she and Princess Otohime worked hard to restore Ryugu Palace to its original state and remove the traces of flooding.

Returning to the council chamber, the eight dead ministers and the mysterious witch on the throne remained in their positions.

Some bones were submerged by the current. Princess Otohime silently picked up the bones, gestured to the eight ministers' skeletons, and gently put them back together.

Princess Otohime lowered her head.

"I was told not to look at the face of the noble one on the throne." She never looked up. "Her face should be covered by a golden cloth. Now that the sea has flooded the palace, I guess the yellow cloth has also been washed away. ?”

"Ah, yes!" Hayho nodded.

Saho saw the mysterious dead witch on the throne. She had been dead for an unknown number of years. Her mummy-like face frightened Saho. She looked at that face and then at Princess Otohime next to her, and she felt that it looked infinitely familiar.

"Can you cover the yellow cloth for me? The stone book says that I will die if I see the face on the throne." Princess Otohime lowered her head.

"No problem!" Hayho said boldly.

She saw a wet yellow cloth entangled with seaweed in the corner of the palace, so she picked it up again, returned to the throne, and covered the witch's dead face with the yellow cloth.

In this way, the most noble witch in Ryugu City is still sitting on the throne, holding an open box in her hand, covering her face with a yellow cloth, preventing anyone from seeing her true face, and thus maintaining her eternal nobility and mystery.

"Are you ready?" Princess Otohime asked sadly.

"Okay!" Hayao shouted.

Princess Otohime took a deep breath, raised her head, and looked at the witch on the throne. She now noticed that the covering position of the yellow cloth was slightly different.

"It's not like before..." Princess Otohime observed.

"Hey, maybe she covered her face before, but now I cover it, that's why there is a difference." Saho was afraid that others would find fault with her work.

"It doesn't matter." Princess Otohime smiled.

"By the way, who is that?" Hayho jumped down from the throne, "There are so many dead bodies, aren't you scared?"

"It took me a while to figure out what is a dead thing and what is a living thing." Princess Otohime said cheerfully, "The difference is not big to me."

"There is a witch who knows necromancy in our hospital. Be careful that she transforms the bones here." Hayho betrayed Yume Eto.

"Then I have to seal all the gates. The stone book says to be careful of the witches in the path of the undead playing with the remains." Princess Otohime started to be wary after hearing what Hayho said.

Princess Otohime took Haoho to continue touring the Ryugu Palace. Haoho felt that this was much more spectacular than the aquarium in New Tokyo. There were exquisite and huge royal collections everywhere, including seven or eight conchs that were larger than a human. They were all piled high. opened a showroom. In addition, there are many expensive crystals, pearls, etc., which are priceless in the world, but can be seen everywhere in the Dragon Palace.

She has no worries that she will do anything bad. Hayao was deeply moved when she saw Princess Otohime taking her in and out of the treasure room. Princess Otohime tidied up the jewelry and precious metal jewelry scattered in the room, and even generously let Haoho pick them up or touch them, without worrying that she would steal them.

Saho was very touched. Princess Otohime had no prejudice against Saho and instinctively trusted her. She regarded her as a person who came to help and gave her enough respect. Now that things have come to this, Hayho doesn't know how to respond to this simple acceptance, but just follows closely all the way.

After half an hour, after Princess Otohime checked the most important rooms in her heart, she stopped to rest with Hayao in the corridor and let Hayao sit on her wet dragon tail.

"There are sounds of fighting below, but our people should win." Princess Otohime listened.

"Oh no, I'm so exhausted." Saho leaned back.

"Tired..." Princess Otohime also lay down, "Now tell me about Teacher Dasu, please?"

"Dasu has been helping us with things. The people who do this and that are the main people doing the work anyway. Our home is in Anxinyuan. We came here through a tunnel. You can go there in a short hop." Said Saho.

"Land? Dasu told me about land." Princess Otohime liked it.

"That's right. It's land." Hayho gestured, "Spring is the season for cherry blossom viewing, summer is the season for traveling, autumn is the season for eating orange rice cakes, and winter is the season for curling up in bed and sleeping."

"Orange rice cake? It's something that the evil Hong Yan would make." Princess Otohime frowned. In her heart, she still regarded Hongyan as an eternal enemy, just as it was repeatedly recorded in the stone book.

"It's delicious food anyway," said Saho. "You'll know when the time comes. Oh! I can't wait to bring you to live in Anxinyuan. There are good things everywhere. Is there such a good thing in Ryugu?" Ask.”

"The Ryugu Palace is not simple either." Princess Otohime said, "Did you dig holes here?"

"Yes, there are a lot of blue bricks placed next to them, they seem to be called stardust bricks or something." Hayho said, "We were originally going to get a lot of stardust bricks, but now there are still a lot of stardust bricks. Just to come here.”

"In order to obtain the Stardust Bricks..." Princess Otohime said thoughtfully, "There should be a way."

"What?" Hayho listened, "Anyway, everyone regards this thing as very important. It should be a very useful thing. If you know about it, everyone will be very happy."

"Follow me!" Princess Otohime became energetic and immediately slid on the ground to a corner of the Dragon Palace.

"Wait for me!" Hayho followed.

Princess Otohime took Hayho to the entrance of an abandoned black water tunnel, which is located to the north of the Dragon Palace and is accompanied by warehouses, underwater workshops and other buildings.

"That's it." Princess Otohime pointed to the entrance, "There, through the dark waterway, that's where we used to process stardust bricks. That's why there are hundreds of stardust bricks on the cliff of Ryugu. We put them under the Pacific Ocean Many of the raw minerals are gathered there.”

"Okay." Hayho clapped his hands, "Tell everyone about this, it will be a great achievement."

"But... I don't know if there is still raw stardust bricks there." Princess Otohime said frustratedly, "I have never checked there. The Stone Book said I shouldn't go in because it is dark, cold and very cold." There may still be danger. Let's go back."

"Don't worry, let me bring out the real thing and let you see the first witch king in our safe hospital." Hayho stood at the entrance of the black water tunnel, looked down at his own shadow, and kicked her twice, "Quickly , go quickly! Go explore the deep sea mines!"

Suiying was cut off by Zaosui reluctantly, and then got into the mine.

Princess Otohime looked at all this in surprise.


The shadow left the body and walked out alone! And this kid, Hayho, looks like he’s fine!

Could it be that she is more powerful than she seems, that she is actually a great guy, the witch king of Ansin?

Suiying got into the mine and didn't come back for a long time.

"Will it never come back?" Princess Otohime asked.

"It will come back, let's just sit here and wait," said Saho. "To be honest, everyone says I am a nasty guy. So the shadow is the opposite of me, so it must be rare."

Eastern Hemisphere-Pacific Joint Theater Command Room.

War zone leaders from China, the West Coast Free Federation, Dongming Kingdom, Australia, and Southeast Asia held remote emergency meetings.

Digital maps are littered with satellite cameras and sensor data about the Order of Blades.

"The marine scientific research team of Anxin Industrial Company first discovered the devil." The staff officer reported, "It circled over the North Pacific, trying to avoid tracking."

Pacific Theater Commander Edith looked at the monster silently. Its appearance was like solidified mercury, so fast and so deadly.

"So far it has resisted all long-range countermeasures, including all anti-Demon missiles. Air forces have also been unable to intervene. This monster defies physics and now cruises at over 9,600 km/h and can land within an hour West Coast or Dongming Country." The staff officer reported, "The number of casualties is expected to exceed 14 million."

Edith looked around the room. Pressure from the top brass was high. Emergency meetings are held to quickly develop a defense plan or evacuation strategy.

However, Demons of the Blade Order level need to mobilize at least 10 backbone witches to win with low battle losses. Now, each war zone can only gather 4 in a hurry, so reinforcements must be sent to the headquarters.

The envoy is similar to the legion commander, and most of them are more noble than the legion commander, because the envoy is often directly affiliated with the powerful demon god and can often meet the demon god himself or his incarnation. The legion commander simply leads the army, or separates one party.

"No weapon can intercept it, and once it lands, it can ignore all obstacles." The staff officer said in a wavering tone, "I suggest that we evacuate everyone and use permanent underground fortifications to avoid civilian casualties."

Joaquín Oliver, the parliamentary president of the West Coast Free State, looked serious. Nagai Hikoshiro, the current Prime Minister of Dongming Kingdom, also looks very calm.

"I saw the appearance of this demon captured on the high-speed camera. It was very irregular." Nagai Hikoshiro said, "I guess it was injured."

After hearing this, the commanders of each channel connected to the combat command room also expressed their agreement.

"Everyone can see it, so I will tell you my thoughts: This may mean that it is not coming to the world and causing havoc. Instead, it was seriously injured and is running away!" Nagai Hikoshiro said.

"The only creatures that can hunt down the Blade Order are more powerful creatures than the Order." Oliver, the leader of the West Coast of North America, agreed, "Thank you, Mrs. Edith, for once again helping us humans."

They heard the news clearly.

Since it was Edith who had completed the hunting mission, the situation was not so urgent. At least it was controllable, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

"Not me," Edith said.


The communication channel immediately triggered more uneasy discussions and speculations.

"What kind of creature can it be that can repel an emissary-level demon? Our entire planet is not enough for it to kill..." the staff officer sighed.

They all thought of the possibility that the ultimate existence at the level of "Demon God" had set its sights on the earth, and accidentally severely injured the Blade Commander on the way to the earth, causing him to flee in confusion.

"If you think about it on the bright side, there may be heroes among you humans who can face the commander, escape unharmed, and fight back, causing serious injuries." Edith said, "Imagine if there is such a person among you humans. Aren’t you confident?”


"Indeed, there are real strong men and warriors among humans..."

"We have always had faith in human potential," Oliver said.

"But that's impossible." Edith sneered. "How can you humans cripple the demon? If you encounter it, the entire civilization may be destroyed."

Edith's words poured cold water on them again.

Although harsh, this statement is true.

The reason why the demon can be severely injured to this extent must be the result of powerful creatures across dimensions, or it may encounter a time and space disturbance storm.

After all, human beings have limited levels. They all looked solemn. Only China has the most powerful breath-eaters who can still compete.

"Now I still have to do my duty and hunt it for you." Edith ended the communication, "See you on the ocean. I will also find out who broke the commander's arm." She guessed, That must be something worth seeing.

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