Witch containment diary

Chapter 308 Edith’s Visit

A commercial shuttle hovers above sea level.

This shuttle is huge in size. It was developed and designed by the West Coast Star Circle Group. It is nuclear-powered and can cruise normally for more than a year. It is a special comprehensive weapon purchased by Anxin Industry.

Lianwu took care of Zhang Su in the cabin.

Looking out from the shuttle, you can see the blue sea and clear sky. The sea and sky were very open, making her feel lonely.

She turned her head and suddenly saw a dark figure running from the hangar.

"Ren Ren, come quickly." Shui Li said.

"Back...!" Lian Wu opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"First return to Anxinyuan from the tunnel, and then take the ferry plane to fly here from Dongming Kingdom..." Shui Li wanted to stay by Zhang Su's side, "I have the knife and armor here."

She holds a gray knife in her left hand, which is now wrapped with seven or eight layers of white cloth. It looks like a fire stick. The area near the blade has cracked, completely unable to cover the blade's evil aura.

In her right hand, she held the armor box, in which the black beast and the armored ghost Lydia were hidden.

"Hmm...!" Lian Wu smiled and pointed to the room.

Zhang Su had woken up. The medical team regarded this as a miracle and were very surprised by his physical condition.

Veronica, the redemption witch from Hart Medical Company, has an employment contract with Lian Wu, and now she is also visiting him on request to cast some magic on Zhang Su that will help stabilize his injury.

inside the room.

"You are even stronger than last year." Veronica was administering medicine to Zhang Su at the medical bedside. She had been to Anxin Hospital.

"What is this?" Zhang Su saw Veronica taking out some beautifully packaged special medicines.

"Glittering World Medicine, seized from the front line of the demon war." Veronica skillfully opened the package and injected the injection into Zhang Su's upper arm. "Things from other worlds will always be regarded as trophies by demons. As long as we ambush some demons There are rewards in every treasure house. This thing contains advanced nano-therapeutics, which may come from a technological world that is more advanced than ours. In the hospital, only the international ward is equipped."

Zhang Su felt the stinging pain on his upper arm suddenly turn into a warm current.

Many nanobots are identifying his species and prescribing the right medicine, meeting to figure out how to completely cure the creature.

"I have been seriously injured, but it cannot be cured by this. Just a light touch..." Zhang Su thought of Edith's touch.

Wherever Edith's fingers passed, the injury would heal instantly.

"Optimism is also a good medicine." Veronica didn't believe Zhang Su's statement.

"Last year, you said you wanted to see a child recover completely. I did it, and she survived." Zhang Su said.

"The little beast witch who was poisoned by biological poison." Veronica remembered this clearly. "I will go there again, and I will give them gifts."

"Thank you." Zhang Su said.

"Cherish life, especially your body. I feel that anyone in the world would have died if he had endured such a heavy injury, but you endured it and witnessed such a miracle with your own eyes. I will never be able to bear it again." I dare not say that there are any incurable diseases in the world." Veronica smiled, then leaned away and left.

Outside, Lianwu leaned against the wall and immediately turned her head when she saw Veronica coming out.

"?..." Lianwu looked at Veronica worriedly. Doctors are responsible for saving lives, and they also hold the power of life and death.

"He will survive." Veronica said, "Please discuss with me the follow-up care plan."

"..." Lian Wu turned around and opened the door first, made an effort gesture with Zhang Su through the crack in the door, and then walked away with Veronica.

Zhang Su lay flat on his back and nodded to say goodbye to Lian Wu.

Shui Li ducked in and found a corner to hide. "Ninja, you don't need to be discovered..."

After closing his eyes and concentrating for a while, Zhang Su received a call from Zaosui.

Early ear? Zhang Su tried to sit up and tried to adjust his body's center of gravity so as not to increase the burden on his trunk.

His deepest injuries were all critical organs, and they were now wrapped in sterile dressings and bandages, which was very cumbersome.

"Da Su, Da Su!" Haosui yelled, "Can you hear me?"

"The signal... is okay. How is the situation over there?" Zhang Su heard Zaosui's voice and knew that they were currently in the Dragon Palace City in the deep sea.

The shuttle is now directly above Ryugu Castle, keeping in sync with it.

Although he was injured, Zhang Su couldn't help but relax when he heard Zaosui's bright voice.

Hayao was always very carefree, and no matter how dire the situation, she never showed the slightest hint of panic or despair.

"Invincible. We briefly repaired Ryugu Castle for a while, and I even befriended Princess Otohime. Can you imagine? We are good friends now. I like her, she likes you, you like her, the three of us. They are truly an indivisible group," said Hayho.

"I haven't said I like her yet." Just like what Saho always does, even if the outside world is burning or sinking, she can find what she really wants to do. Such qualities will make her very good. Zhang Su thought silently.

"If you don't love such a beautiful mermaid princess, then what do you love?" Hayao defended Princess Otohime.

"Don't worry. Tell me what happened under the sea." Zhang Su asked.

"Princess Otohime and I walked around and talked about a lot of things. It turned out that Princess Fishtail also likes delicious snacks like us. I went to the canteen and moved a lot of potato chips, Snickers bars and Red Bull to the Ryugu Palace to sell. She changed into some of the shiny gold things from the Dragon Palace," said Saho.

"Don't forget that the exchange must be of equal value. What else?" Zhang Su listened attentively, breathing very shallowly to avoid aggravating the pain in his ribs.

"I saw that everyone had cleaned up the deep sea tunnel at the bottom. It took about half a day. It turned out that the stardust brick wall under the Dragon Palace was connected to another world. Miss Lescolin used her spiritual vision to observe and told us that it was a tunnel captured by demons. In the medieval world, due to the intrusion of seawater from the bottom of our sea, a lake flooded near the connection! Instead, it became a natural barrier. We blocked the cracks to prevent this 'lake' from intruding again, so let's leave it alone for the time being. Anyway, if something happens, we will set out from Ansin to provide support. Sister Lescolin has a great idea." Said Hayho.

"After all, she is a smart witch." Zhang Su said. Les Colin is conscientious and meticulous in her work, and basically holds the position of deputy director of Anxin Hospital.

"Miss Lescolin also said that the world is lifeless and there are almost no living people, so be careful." Hayho said.

"Yes, demons are like locusts, they will harvest all the souls in a world, and then they will either leave or start from that world and go to another world. It seems that this is the situation we encountered. Blade Order The messenger has been waiting for nearly 1,000 years, and other demons may have left. As long as the Blade Tribe is defeated, the situation should be greatly improved..." Zhang Su explained.

There is now one more known world. Zhang Su analyzed silently.

"Earth": The home of human civilization, with 8 billion humans, is preparing for the invasion of demons.

"Flame Bottle Seven": In the burning world, there are unknown indigenous people. After the gate of hell was destroyed, only a few demons were stationed.

"A different world under the Dragon Palace": The unknown civilization, according to Leskolin's judgment, has been destroyed by demons, and only a few demons are stationed there.

"Yeah, then when our world is destroyed, we will move to that world and resurrect." Hayho said.

"It's more reassuring to have multiple escape routes. What else is new?" Zhang Su asked.

"Hmph!" Hayao's voice suddenly became louder, "Princess Otohime discovered an underground waterway leading to the old stardust ore warehouse. It is half flooded, but Suokage said there are a lot of stardust ores there!"

"Suiying? Stardust raw ore? How did you do it?" Zhang Su was extremely interested in the news.

"Suikage is my real guy. It's really easy to send it to do reconnaissance." Hayho said proudly, "It seems that the raw ore is used to make the shiny stardust bricks, anyway. It comes from a lot of stardust deposits, can you believe our luck?"

Zhang Su closed his eyes and felt relieved.

It is indeed the Deep Sea Dragon Palace City of the Sea Clan. With so much raw ore stored, more Stardust Bricks will be processed sooner or later, making it easier for them to explore and build in other worlds.

It can also be regarded as providing the most valuable resource reserve for the plan.

"Well done, Zaosui." Zhang Su said.

Hayho chatted for a long time just to hear this sentence!

On the other end of the phone, Hayao was jumping happily in the corridor of Ryugu Palace holding the phone, and Princess Otohime next to her laughed.

"Okay! Okay! Take care of yourself. I'll take Princess Otohime back. She won't get into trouble. I'll give her a wet place to live." Hayho said, pretending to be casual.

"Come on. Tell Princess Otohime and we'll meet at Anxinyuan." Zhang Su said briefly.

Hayho hummed, quickly hung up the phone, and went about his own business.

Zhang Su wanted to get up, but he still didn't have much strength.

He thought about Edith

The current Zhang Su is not as strong as he was in his previous heyday, mainly due to physical aspects.

In his previous life, he would help Edith complete 13 trials, each time strengthening his body a little more. In the end, he would be almost immortal, and the power of a nuclear bomb would not be a big deal.

The only cause of defeat was that a natural disaster hit her face, causing Yuehuaji's seal to break. Yuehuaji was also part of the natural disaster. After all, she was a powerful enemy who had broken her position 9 times.

So this time, do you want to do something more for Edith? Zhang Su thought silently, her image becoming more and more obvious in his mind.

The room suddenly became dark.

There was a vague sound of an Italian opera ditty in the air, and Zhang Su saw a vague outline becoming clearer, and in an instant it formed an elegant and indifferent figure.

"Edith..." Zhang Su looked at her.

"I appear where you desire." Edith tilted her head, stared at him with bright yellow eyes, and slowly approached, "You seem to be exhausted."

"The state is not at its peak." Zhang Su admitted.

"Honest and direct." Edith approached Zhang Su, slowly bent down, and traced her fingernails on his jawline, "I want to feel fear and excitement intertwining in your spirit again... Yes, that's it. "

"I'm not afraid." Zhang Su turned his head slightly to avoid Edith's nearly hurtful touch.

His display of contempt was the only way to divert Edith's attention.

As he expected, Edith turned to lift the quilt and gradually observed Zhang Su's tortured state.

"I told you, are you still confident?" Edith asked.

"Of course, look." Zhang Su said that his functions were intact.

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