Witch containment diary

Chapter 309 The deal with her is

Edith cleared her throat.

"As soon as I parted from you, you fell into such a desperate situation and were seriously injured." Edith said slowly, then suddenly stopped, "But this day is destined to be lucky for you. I have a contract to be delivered to "You, if you complete the trial, I will give you more powerful power to restore you to excellent condition."


"I really don't intend to take risks for you." Zhang Su said.

Edith's movements were almost gentle, and she put her fingers on Zhang Su's chest, so that Zhang Su could feel the bone-chilling coldness on her body.

"Refuse, and you will end up like this, body in pieces. Sooner or later you will crawl back to me on broken legs, tattered and begging to serve me forever," Edith said.

"Absolutely impossible." Zhang Su looked at her.

"You think very highly of yourself. Do you think I would be unable to move forward and depressed without you?" Edith dipped her hands into the blood from Zhang Su's bandage, tasted it on her tongue, and half-closed her eyes to taste Zhang Su's essence. , "Forget it, the content of the trial is too difficult for you now. I have to find out who made the Blade Order so embarrassed."

As she expected, Zhang Su's attitude suddenly changed.

"Blade Commander?" Zhang Su frowned.

"Indeed." Edith stared into Zhang Su's eyes, "A hell messenger who is tireless and half-stepped into the realm of the devil's supreme fear. He uses the blade as his honorific title to split the world. However, one of his limbs has been broken off."

"Who do you think beat the Blade Commander like this?" Zhang Su asked.

"No matter who you are, you need to be a hundred times more vigilant." Edith said, "There may be variables outside our plan, or new forces are threatening us. You are so moral and responsible, and you must also want to find out who is behind the scenes. Right. The Blade Order is already very strong, but there are people stronger than it. This matter is worth pondering."

"That's right." Zhang Su agreed.

"You are definitely not able to deal with the Blade Commander now, or the powerful enemy who seriously injured the Blade Commander. I want you to find the whereabouts of the severed arm. It is probably somewhere in the sea, and find the needle in the haystack. Maybe this will make You'll be busy for a while. I'm patient enough to wait for you to come back to me with that knife in my mouth."

"Why bother? I took that knife away." Zhang Su said.

Edith's posture changed upon hearing the sound.

She tilted her body, turned her gaze, and landed on Zhang Su.

"You?" Edith asked.

"That's me." Zhang Su said.

Edith couldn't help but have a mocking smile on her face.

"I never thought you could accomplish such a thing. You are so fragile now, or do you think I like to hear such vulgar jokes?" Edith asked.

"Take out the knife." Zhang Su said.

"Be patient..." Shui Li took out the gray knife from the corner.

Edith glanced at the heavily wrapped sharp object and saw its irrepressible edge.

The knife now holds its breath.

Even Zhang Su could notice that it was even struggling!

Because Blade didn't want himself to be noticed by Edith. So it looked very decadent in Shui Li's hands.

But no disguise could escape Edith's gaze.

This is the severed limb of the Blade Order.

A lighter, more joyful expression suddenly appeared on her face, and her eyes were hot.

"Tell me how you fought it." Edith sat sideways next to Zhang Su.

"Anxin Industrial's exploration ship encountered it first, and I was on the ship at the time. It was very fast, with four sharp blades, and its whole body was reduced to the fastest and most deadly state. Not a gram of its mass was redundant. "Zhang Su said.

"I know, I know how dangerous this kind of thing is. Then how did you win?" Listening to Zhang Su slowly telling, Edith sat closer and closer to him, and her body leaned more and more towards him. body.

The smell on her body was almost like a charming orchid, and it was pouring into Zhang Su's sense of smell at this moment.

She put her hand on Zhang Su's shoulder, reminding him of so many wonderful interactions in his previous life.

After all, Edith had been dating him for so long...

"I knew there was only one way to win, so I executed it. I jumped over deliberately. People can't dodge or change positions in the air. It's the best target. The angle and speed are completely predictable. I deliberately let it chop me. , this is the wound you see." Zhang Su said.

"Only you can do this. It's always you who trades injury for injury." Edith stared at Zhang Su.

From her eyes, Zhang Su could see an impulse. Her eyes were mixed with indescribable emotions.

If Zhang Su didn't know her well enough, he would think she was full of charm.

But now he knew that her real emotion was "sadness."

"... Its blade pierced through me. The armor and flesh were like nothing in front of the blade. However, I turned on the Noble Phantasm Defense, and the blade was still deflected from my heart by a few microns." Zhang Su said.

"And you wrestled with it?" Edith untied her black coat and threw it to the ground.

"I wrestled with it, and I defeated it, but it certainly couldn't break free." Zhang Su said.

"How do you maim it?" Edith raised her legs and put her boots aside so that her stockings and toes were in full view.

"I punched it." Zhang Su said.

When she heard this, a blush immediately appeared on Edith's face.

She licked her lips and trembled slightly.

"Go on," she urged.

"I punched it -" Zhang Su looked at her, "the fist hit the devil's shell, and then all my power penetrated out."

"Keep talking, keep talking! Tell me what you have done." Edith's breathing became faster and faster.

Edith's hands grasped the edges of her white shirt and quickly peeled them off.

"The energy burst out and spread straight out. At such a close distance, such a powerful force, with inherent restraint, how could the devil stand it. And the Blade Commander specializes in attacks and weakens the defense, so that One blow must have almost exploded it. It was in pain and anxious, and even tore off its own arm just to escape." Zhang Su continued.

Edith couldn't bear it.

The expression on her face became more and more crazy, as if Zhang Su's words triggered such a huge reaction in her that she could no longer restrain herself!

"That's really—I love hearing it. I want you to do the same thing you've done so many times in the past," Edith said.

"But it's obvious that the current situation..." Zhang Su lowered his head helplessly.

"How could I miss it?" Edith's hand passed over Zhang Su's body, and the injuries healed rapidly wherever they passed.

She began to look for that familiar thing, which looked like a sharp blade and a spear. Now she just wanted to be possessed by an axe.

Zhang Su suddenly felt energetic. Now he has enough energy to complete the surrender of Edith!

"I can help you more than all the others combined, and you mean the same to me," Edith said.

Shui Li was shocked when she saw what Edith did to Zhang Su next, and quickly went out using the teleportation technique. Then he thought of something and rushed back to move the armor box away.

If Lian Wu discovers it, the world will be destroyed!

Shui Li is very responsible. Although Miss Renwu is cute and kind-hearted, she will never accept such a thing.

At least for everyone's safety, she had to hold Lian Wu back and never let her get close.

After a long time, Zhang Su fell asleep, and when he woke up, he found that he and Edith were already sleeping on a huge pile of roses.

The petals are as red as blood, and the branches are as sharp as knives.

Blood Palace, Zhang Su recalled the name of this place. Next to him, he saw Edith with her back to the dome, facing down. Seeing this posture, Zhang Su couldn't help but wake up.

After Zhang Su woke up, Edith was looking out the window at the sea of ​​blood. The sky in the distance was dark and weeping. "What are you looking at?" Zhang Su walked over and couldn't help but enter again.

"You don't ask where this place is because you have been here many, many times." Edith tilted her head.

"This is your palace, but you never call it home." Zhang Su stood next to her.

"Too many people have tried to break into this place, and their blood has not dried up to this day, because there are always people coming, trying to challenge something, trying to defeat something they don't understand," Edith said.

"That must be very troublesome." Zhang Su said. He knew that Edith had many enemies, and there were always all kinds of enemies trying their best to find her. Part of the trial is to deal with killers from various worlds on behalf of Edith.

"It's hard, yes." Edith said, "That's why I hope you stay with me."

"I will find you when everything is over. Now I still want to return to the real world." Zhang Su said.

"I have upgraded your life level. Now you have reached the immortality of flesh and blood, which is the absolutely perfect biological regeneration speed. From now on, even if you are attacked by that high level again, you will be resurrected instantly." Edith explain.

"Thank you." Zhang Su nodded, "Do you want that knife?"

"As a gift, are you giving it to a friend, a lover, a true love, or a soul mate?" Edith asked.

"Friend." Zhang Su said.

"Then I'd rather not," said Edith.

"...As for the Blade Commander, it will cause disaster if it lands." Zhang Su said.

"You live your life, I will break its other two legs. Anyway you... um... you..." Edith experienced a violent collision.

Edith didn't say anything and waited for Zhang Su to leave on his own initiative.

"Goodbye, Miss Edith." Zhang Su waited until it was over. He nodded to Edith and turned to leave. The moment he turned around, a portal that did not exist before appeared on the ground.

He took care of his clothes, stepped through the portal, and returned to the shuttle. He heard a sigh coming from behind him.

Zhang Su's eyes fell on Lian Wu in the room.

"Gone, Zhang Su is gone..." Lian Wu sat on the empty bed.

"Isn't he back? He's still very healthy." Zhang Su said.

Hearing Zhang Su's voice, Lian Wu immediately stood up happily. She didn't have anything particularly touching to say, she just felt happy from the bottom of her heart, and that was enough.

Zhang Su also breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew very well how much hard work Lian Wu had put in when he was most injured. Her persistence had only resulted in Zhang Su's recovery, and he kept this in mind.

Edith is a very strong person, and nothing will leave a trace in the heart of a creature like her. But Lianwu is not like that, she will cry for a long time over the smallest things!

"Come on, Miss Lianwu, it's time for us to go home." Zhang Su invited her back, "Now that the Dragon Palace, Stardust Bricks, and the devil's affairs have been settled, we can finally return to Anyuan."

"Go back, go back!" Lian Wu easily took Zhang Su's hand and went home together. Now she is no longer sad.

Back at Anxinyuan, Zhang Su planned to find a place for Princess Otohime to live in Anxinyuan.

"Well... that place should be suitable." Zhang Su walked towards the garden.

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