Witch containment diary

Chapter 310 Mermaid Ji’s Secret

Zhang Su strode across the snow, leaving a series of obvious footprints behind him. He entered the garden of Ansinin and prepared to find a place for Princess Otohime to live.

A pond is probably a good idea, she must like water.

In the garden, a few birds chirped, and the pale dawn light filtered through the slender birch branches. The first snow is melting and the creek winds its way through the riverbed and slowly flows into the icy pond.

The plum trees by the pool are already in bloom. He saw clusters of pink petals blooming on those branches, their color blending softly with the gray sky.

"If you have nothing in the south of the Yangtze River, just give me a spring branch." Zhang Su couldn't help but think of this poem. The gift here is plum blossoms. Plum blossoms lose their leaves in winter to accumulate water and nutrients. When spring arrives, the flower buds bloom quickly, becoming a unique flower scene in the snow and a representative of spring.

This winter is almost over, so fast, it’s the spring of 2058. Kadi, Youfa Lin and Xiao Bing are about to wake up from hibernation. Zhang Su thought. There are still many gifts to prepare for them.

"Ahem..." Hongyan woke up early in the morning and sat on the big bluestone with his two short legs stacked together.

"Good morning." Zhang Su greeted Hong Yan, "How are you resting?"

"When you close your eyes and open them in the tunnel, it's a new day. You, on the other hand, seem to be seriously injured." Hongyan poked his head around, looking around.

"I am very strong and will not fall down easily." Zhang Su said.

"That's good. By the way, recent events have really upset Bodhisattva..." Hongyan hinted wildly.

"Tell me what Bodhisattva is worried about." Zhang Su answered her question.

"Princess Otohime!" Hongyan couldn't help but say, "How can you act so nonchalantly? After so many things, after what happened at Ryugu Castle, now the most terrifying thing is about to happen: Princess Otohime is coming soon Visit An Yin! But I’m not ready at all!”

"What are you not prepared for?" Zhang Su didn't understand.

"I heard from the children that when Princess Otohime mentions the name 'Hongyan', she still wants to eat the Bodhisattva alive." Hongyan was nervous, "It's all those echo walls and other things that turned little Princess Otohime into a Bodhisattva. My old enemy, when she comes to An’an Hospital, she will definitely come over and point at the Bodhisattva’s nose and scold her.”

"Just talk about it." Zhang Su said.

"Hmph! It's too easy for you. Just sit there and chat all day long, just like in class. Is there a way to easily turn Princess Otohime into a good friend... I don't want to guess the correct option to unlock the favorability level. Plot. At this time, Bodhisattva wants to play video games even more. He worked very hard to dig the tunnel before, so let’s help Bodhisattva this time." Hongyan was obviously shy, standing up on the stone, with his hands on his hips.

"Things need to be sorted out again." Zhang Su said.

"So, the Ryugu Sea Clan has always lived there. The Ryugu Cliff was still top secret at that time. Bodhisattva, I don't know what is underneath. But I can feel that Princess Otohime is obviously tired of it, and she wants to put down her hard work and go there. In the spirit world, enjoy immortality and immortal food like those witches who are lucky enough to ascend to the spirit world... What happened after that is just like what you saw later. It turned out that during these hundreds of years, they decided to give up, all gave up, and then No matter what I say, I can't hold on anymore! I'm left with a little Otohime who has been reading about that 'bad guy Hongyan' since she was a child. She went to the spirit world just because she knew how to make orange rice cakes. Bodhisattva, I don't even dare to think about what those words say. , must be full of jealousy." Hong Yan said.

"Then what kind of person do you think Princess Otohime is? The previous one." Zhang Su said.

Hongyan sighed deeply.

"Bodhisattva, why have I been hiding in the tunnel?" she asked, "This matter is too big, this matter - fighting against demons, spending our lives fighting endless demons, spending our whole lives, and then our children. Children and grandchildren. No one can do it, no one no one!"

"Then Princess Otohime is a good person." Zhang Su said.

"I respect Princess Otohime very much! She is the wisest and most beloved among the sea tribe, for sure. No one can criticize her." Hongyan spoke highly of Princess Otohime.

"But she passed her hatred to Xiao Yiji." Zhang Su said.

"It's right to hate me. Humph, Bodhisattva, I also regret going to the spiritual world. The only advantage is immortality and the free fairy buffet. The disadvantage is being criticized by everyone. 'This is a witch who has been to the spiritual world! How to get there? 's? She can make orange rice cakes'! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Hong Yan slapped the rocks next to her.

"Come on." Zhang Su invited Hongyan.

He studied the tranquil garden pond and worked with Hongyan to design a place suitable for Princess Otohime.

"It should probably be an open terrace that can float on the water. It is divided into two levels. The upper level can be used for sunbathing and everyone can sit. The lower level is a hollow waterway that connects to the bottom of the pond, and then there is a pontoon leading to the shore. side, so that those of us who can’t swim can pass by." Designed by Zhang Su.

"Oh - oh - oh -" Hong Yan concentrated on using his divine power and began to build the imaginary floating water treasure house. She takes it seriously, trying to make amends for old grudges by showing hospitality.

Soon, an amber light lit up in the center of the lake, and a frame made of waterproof driftwood appeared, with octagonal piles extending all the way to the bottom of the water.

Immediately afterwards, the red flame flew into the air, touching the wooden hut in front of him with his hands, and weaving it between the frames. The amber light was intertwined like pieces of fine nets, gradually giving the appearance of the floating treasure house a shape. The lower layer was a hollow that could float on the water. The webway allows Princess Otohime to jump in or out easily.

Then came the upper level production. Hongyan built a hollow terrace above Baoju, with wooden sofas, chairs, coffee tables and long tables. The furniture was covered with silk, the tones were mainly blue and green, and the railings were carved with coral shapes. , she added some trinkets of shells, fish and pearls based on her imagination, hoping to remind Princess Otohime of the scenery of Ryugu Castle.

Zhang Su laid the pontoon bridge section by section, from the shore to the floating treasure house. He was strong and could throw accurately. Now Zhang Su knew that the practice of throwing objects was very meaningful. Now he can throw objects accurately every time. Stay on that side and be impartial.

By about noon, the floating house was completed. Hongyan added some counterweight stones to fix the house and avoid waves. Then he retreated to the shore and looked at the floating house in front of him with satisfaction.

"Look, this is the most beautiful and exquisite floating house that Bodhisattva can make." Hong Yan announced.

"I will collapse it as soon as I go up. Bodhisattva, please go over and try." Zhang Su said.

"Okay!" Hongyan jumped thirty meters from the edge of the pond and jumped to the terrace of Floating Water Treasure House in one breath.

She touched the railing here, sat on the sofa she made, felt the material of the cloth cushion and the height of the armrests, made fine adjustments, and then checked the table. It was a good-looking table, and it could hold a lot of snacks for eating and drinking. , everyone can sit at the table, watch the koi carp swimming around in the pond, look out at the scenery by the pond, and enjoy the wind, as comfortable as you want.

"How is it?" Zhang Su asked.

"Bodhisattva has done his best. This is a gift to Princess Otohime. If she comes to An-in, it will definitely be inconvenient to live in a human house, but she should be able to live comfortably in our pond hut. I hope she can treat me for this. I feel good about it!" Hongyan walked down from Floating Water Treasure House and walked back to the shore along the pontoon bridge.

Zhang Su looked at the newly completed Liushui Palace.

"Maybe it's not about giving up responsibility." Zhang Suhu said.

"Ah?" Hong Yan looked up at Zhang Su. She was only as tall as Zhang Su's belly button.

"The former Princess Otohime." Zhang Su said, "I saw her and other ministers commit suicide in the conference hall, but they left a lot of resources for little Otohime, and little Otohime lived alone. After many years, there is no problem at all. Their bones are very old, and it may be that their end is approaching."

"You are - you mean aging." Hong Yan was startled. She has become accustomed to longevity and has forgotten that ordinary witches only have a lifespan of more than two hundred years.

"When she stood firm in Ryugu Castle and parted with the Bodhisattva, Princess Otohime was probably already quite old. Maybe another fifty years had passed since then, and Princess Otohime knew that she was about to die, but the heir, little Otohime, had not yet hatched. ." Zhang Su said.

"It's very possible." Hong Yan nodded.

"So, during the period after the departure of the Red Flame Bodhisattva, the Puppet Demon has successfully controlled the ancient guardian 'Mo Centipede' and effectively sealed off the Dragon Palace City. The people of the Dragon Palace have withered, and only a few of them are left. Princess Hime was dying soon and had no outside help. She had no choice but to prepare all the resources for little Otohime to grow up. In order to prevent any of the remaining ministers from ruining Princess Otohime's legacy, she asked everyone to work with her. Death. After that, the seabed remained silent until Little Yiji broke out of her shell, until the outside world broke through the Centipede's blockade again and discovered the Dragon Palace City..." Zhang Su said eloquently.

"Yes, you said it every time. Princess Otohime did not breed at a very old age. She may have found someone she truly loved later. I don't know who it was." Hongyan sighed.

"Yes, little Otohime was born from the power of 'deep love'. Princess Otohime of the previous generation hoped that she could grow up safely and happily, and that she could stick to Ryugu City for a little longer until someone could take her. Rescue her! Let her see the outside world, this is the meaning of persistence." Zhang Su said.

Hongyan Bodhisattva cried when Zhang Su said that.

"I'm going to play with little Otohime." Hong Yan said, "I want to tell her what a great person her mother is."

"Eat well and go to bed early~ Lots of friends and few worries~" Hayao took Princess Otohime to play in Ansinin.

"You're so funny." Princess Otohime's tail jumped up and down, and she followed behind Hayho.

"Going through the tunnel is the human world." Hayho saluted Princess Otohime, "This is your first time leaving Ryugu Castle. Don't be mesmerized by our beautiful land world."

"I don't know how!" Princess Otohime said.

"Let's go to the land, there is infinity!" Hayho walked through the tunnel made of stardust bricks and returned to Yuehua Garden.

"Wow--" Princess Otohime crawled out, stood up immediately, and looked around at the white walls.

"Uh, so high!" Hayho looked up.

Princess Otohime can be three meters tall with her dragon tail erect. After all, her tail is usually coiled up, so it would be amazing if it was completely erect.

"Where is this? Where is this?" Princess Otohime touched the wall of the room excitedly.

"This is a room in Yuehuayuan. Maybe this will be a space-time hub in the future. There can be 10 such gates here." Hayho checked. This is the largest room on the second floor of Anxinyuan. It may be designed This function was reserved from the beginning, and Da Su had a lot of clever ideas.

Princess Otohime stuck her head out and looked at the outside world, her eyes widened.

"So many colors, so many novel things!" Princess Otohime exclaimed, "The air... smells different! It's so fresh!"

"I'll give you 10 minutes to get excited, and then we'll set off again," said Hayho.

Princess Otohime was about to run out, and Hayao was startled. He rushed over and hugged Princess Otohime's tail, and was led out of the window by her.

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