Witch containment diary

Chapter 312 The Rise of Necromancy

Edith stroked the glass phone in her hand, as if she could touch Zhang Su in the distance.

But things would never be so good. Zhang Su ended the communication, which was like stabbing her, and a trace of loss arose in Edith's heart.

She had a lot to say to Zhang Su. Fortunately, Zhang Su didn't hate her. This was enough to make her happy.

She is sitting in a large office in Hawaii. This small island in the Pacific is a fascinating tropical resort with all kinds of recreational facilities and is so warm that it makes people drowsy.

Edith hoped that Zhang Su could use his annual vacation to visit Hawaii and enjoy life together.

People always overestimate their youth. Life is short. How many opportunities do you have to indulge in carnival without distraction? Putting aside the trivial matters from the outside world, the passage of time itself is enough to drain one's energy and mind.

It's a pity that their most energetic and active years were locked in a prison called "School". Edith couldn't help but imagine that if she met 17-year-old Zhang Su, he would have to be inseparable from Edith day and night, indulgent and uninhibited. It's a pity that he is now 26 years old, with a serious face and a good heart.

She comes outside.

As night fell, some admirals were waiting outside. As soon as they saw Edith, they took off their military caps and saluted, trembling with fear.

These people came from all over the world, and the marshal deliberately sent promising soldiers to Edith for training, making them endure the most horrific torture.

"What's the news?" Edith looked at them, five of them in total.

"We witnessed a high-level phase demon that can become invisible on the front line, but it seems not to be interested in our troops. Instead, it is constantly traveling through space to hunt demons." A senior staff officer said.

"What else?" Edith easily captured the fear and anxiety in their hearts.

"...Two hours ago, the demon army of Australia and New Zealand's Hell Gate launched another attack. Three islands changed hands, Fiji Island was destroyed, and about 400,000 residents were killed..." An officer reported the unfortunate news.

He took the risk to plunder the population because he was going to stop the Blade Order. Edith secretly thought. The demons are united.

But these people also did not carry out the orders she left behind.

"I am sorry that among your mediocre staff, not a single person with a complete brain can accurately judge the devil's movements, and two-thirds of them think they are smarter than me." Edith said. Her clothes were still stained with blood, mostly from the flesh demon Carmen, but she herself was intact.

"Sorry, facts have proven that your judgment is the most correct." Another tall blond officer couldn't help lowering his head, with a look of shame on his face.

"400,000 people were killed." Edith flicked her fingers in the air, her eyes passing over several of them, "One of you will be responsible for this and will be buried with him."

They looked at each other in horror and quickly started blaming each other.

"The 11th Fleet remained completely motionless when it was plundered in Fiji..."

“Why not try to rescue the refugees?”

"You ordered the fleet to be mobilized..."

"It's because he didn't follow Lady Edith's instructions..."

"My replacements have been being withheld, and there's nothing I can do about it."

"I have already evacuated most of the residents in advance, without any credit..."

Edith savored the resentment, disloyalty, irritation, grievance, frustration, and despair revealed in their words. But it's still a little short of heat.

She raised her hand, and their movements were stunned. The minds of these senior generals in the Pacific theater were now easily cut open in layers, as if they were slowly wrapped by puppet threads, and their own will was completely paralyzed.

"Beat each other." Edith said, "You all dare not take responsibility, thinking that you have a bright future and don't deserve to die here. But 400,000 people fell into the mouth of the devil because of your negligence."

They immediately started throwing punches at each other, punching each other as hard as they could. These high-ranking commanders who once controlled motherships and large ships were now beating them to death like lowly gangsters and swearing rudely.

The fist hit the eye socket. Punch to the stomach. Fist to the ribs.

Edith laughed beside her, laughing so hard that tears flowed from her eyes.

Finally, one person fell. It was a tall blond man who was hit in the chin by an elbow and fainted immediately. Edith glanced at Major General Jerome, the temporary commander of the 12th Fleet.

Edith pushed the others out of the way, allowing Jerome to stand up and walk toward the beach in Hawaii, walking alone toward the ocean, deeper and deeper until the water covered his head.

"It seems that one of us committed suicide out of fear of crime." Edith mocked, "And you will continue to command the fleet on the sea, search on the seabed, and fight against demons. You will all have to spend the rest of your life to atone for the suffering of mankind."

Her fingers flew up and down, and the other four turned around and began to return to the command center in the form of the most loyal puppets, continuing to maintain the intricate chain of command in the Pacific and solving the problems of demons and indigenous witches.

Many witches live on isolated islands and enslave the indigenous people, forming a natural pattern of extraordinary beings violently dominating humans, which needs to be enlightened by modern civilization. The insect king Youfa Lin was caught from a small island in the South Pacific.

Edith looked at the warm beach and took a walk here.

If Zhang Su were here, he should be able to solve many, many things. It saves her a lot of trouble, and its uses are really comprehensive...

"Come to me." She whispered a few words into the air.

Soon, the space opened, and an elite phase demon with a slim body and a fierce and sharp appearance emerged.

"Lady Edith." She saw the drowned corpse in the sea, "He died like that? Jerome's father is one of the top joint commanders."

"Death is not the end. If you leave a whole body, the logistics department will let him work on the second line, and he can even go back to chat with dad." Edith said, "I have other business with you."

"Please give your orders."

"Go to New Tokyo. Four weak demons have fled there. Carmen, Blade Herald, Fortunado and Nazmi. Devour them for your use and complete your final ascension to the devil. Li Yixin." Eddie. Si said.

"Your will will be implemented." Li Yixin climbed back into the subspace.

2 days later.

Zhang Su, Princess Otohime and Hayao went to check the black water tunnel. At the other end of the flooded cave is the warehouse where the raw stardust ore is stored.

The corridor is made of stone, and the murals on both sides have been eroded by the sea water and are blurred. Princess Otohime glides easily on the ground.

"Can't the water inside be drained?" Hayho asked.

"The waterway there is connected to the sea water outside, unless you drain the sea." Princess Otohime used her hands to grasp the etched symbols on the wall.

"I'm tired! But Teacher Da Su won't let me sit on your tail." Zaohui raised his head and glanced at Zhang Su.

"Grabbing the tail is not a good habit." Zhang Su said.

Princess Otohime smiled. Chatting made her feel relaxed. It was getting harder and harder for her to imagine how she dared to patrol the huge Ryugu City alone in the past. She really wanted someone to accompany her.

"Look, it's right here." Princess Otohime stood in front of the black water tunnel.

Zhang Su saw a flat passage, which was very narrow. He couldn't enter it himself, and even if he entered, he wouldn't be able to swim very far. This path was a straight slide prepared for the sea tribe, and there was a section in the middle that was completely submerged by sea water on both sides. It would take a lot of time to modify the tunnel or squeeze in.

"Suikage can slide in with a swish." Hayho squatted down and checked the entrance of the passage, "It's about 500 meters along the way."

"The stone book says that only trusted sea serpents are responsible for transporting stardust raw ore, and the mine tunnels are designed for them to ensure maximum safety. We can extract as much raw ore as we need, and the remaining raw ore can be polished into 1,000 A stardust brick, that's a lot." Princess Otohime said positively.

"That's enough." Zhang Su knew it. If the records Princess Otohime read are true, valuable deposits of Stardust Bricks lie behind this underwater path.

In order to prepare for the ultimate natural disaster three years later, stardust bricks are indispensable. No matter which other world you go to to establish a stronghold, stardust bricks must be used to consolidate the tunnels and seal the devil's gaps. Zhang Su thought. Without the Stardust Bricks, we would be stuck in a corner.

Looking at Zhang Su's silent expression, Princess Otohime thought he was too anxious.

"It depends on me." Princess Otohime bent down and bravely climbed into the waterway, "I might be able to get through."

"Come on! Come on!" Zaho clapped beside him.

"Be careful." Zhang Su knelt down and watched Princess Otohime slide in smoothly, "Can you pat the wall with your tail every time you advance a certain distance?"

"Okay!" Princess Otohime slid in and swam along the sea water. Every fifty meters she swam, she would slap the surrounding water-filled stone walls with her tail, making a splashing sound.

"I also want to swim." Hayho thought of swimming around in the swimming pool of the New Tokyo Luxury Hotel before. "Swimming looks really high-end."

"Dragon Palace is very suitable for setting up a bathing beach." Zhang Su said, "By then you can swim without going to the beach."

"Okay, okay, hurry up, hurry up." Saho's eyes lit up.

"Let's take a look at Princess Otohime first," Zhang Su said.

The sound of the tail slapping against the waterway grew farther and farther, then after a few minutes or so it sounded again, then came closer.

"Princess Otohime is back with the stardust ore!" Hayao was happy.

Princess Otohime climbed out of the black water passage in a somewhat embarrassed manner. She looked a little embarrassed, and she quickly stretched her arms as soon as she climbed out, as if she had been uncomfortable swimming in the narrow waterway before.

"Huh?" Hayho walked around to the back and looked up again, "You don't have the one you have, that one is from Stardust."

"I..." Princess Otohime looked ashamed, "The raw ore is too heavy to drag, and its density... seems a bit too high. Moreover, the water channel is too narrow, and just swimming takes all the effort. As expected, only Sea serpents have the right body structure.”

"It seems that we still need to find the original 'Sea Serpents' clan in order to transport the Stardust Bricks conveniently." Zhang Su said.

"Where are they?" Hayho asked.

"Follow me." Princess Otohime blinked and took Hayho and Zhang Su to the royal cemetery in a corner of Ryugu Palace.

Zhang Su saw traces of being robbed here, which must have been done by demons. They wanted to find some souls from the bones, but found nothing.

"Wow-" Saho opened his eyes wide.

The corpses of the sea tribe were all piled up in the belly of a giant whale corpse, soaked in seawater, and covered with rocks and corals, forming a magnificent artificial whale fall landscape.

"Here, in front." Princess Otohime raised her hand, "Their names are recorded in the stone book, and there are more than three thousand corpses. Under the concept of our sea tribe, large and small sea snake people, squid people, Murlocs and dragon-blooded ones walked into the mouth of the giant whale when they were about to die, and sat on the pile of white bones made up of the corpses of more than ten generations of sea people. They lay around the dead bodies of their fathers, relatives and friends, waiting for death quietly. Reflect on the past, look at the sky hanging on the sea, let your life flow in front of you, and finally become a new skeleton, joining the bones of countless lives in the sea, no longer distinguishing between high and low."

"...That means there are no sea snakes to help us. It seems that we can only find a way to thoroughly detect the water channel, and then transform it and open it up so that we can bring out all the raw stardust bricks from the remote warehouse." Zhang Su said.

Hayho looked thoughtfully at the huge pile of whale bones in front of him.

"I just have an idea." Hayho said, "We can resurrect them."

"Resurrection?" Princess Otohime turned her head.

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