Witch containment diary

Chapter 313 The Blooming of the Saplings

"That's not a real resurrection, it's the effect of the magic power of the undead path." Zhang Su guessed what Saho wanted to do.

"It will be useful. It depends on whether you want it or not." Hayho thought of the mission she had been entrusted with and the pursuit of the undead witch Eto Yumei. She had been looking for usable bones. Now that Hayho finally found them, the bones turned out to be It’s all here!

"The stone book says that the path to the dead is dangerous magic." Princess Otohime said.

"The Stone Book also said that the Red Flame Bodhisattva was a bad guy, but now it seems like he's just a silly baby." said Hayho.

"The dead bones resurrected by the magic of necromancy are generally regarded as unclean and taboo existences and violate the moral ethics of the world. Controversies include whether to let the dead rest in eternal rest, and what tasks the skeleton creatures resurrected by necromancy are sent to. There will be no negative consequences. Do you want to play with the natural order and tamper with life and death? Do you violate the wishes of the living... But morality is also a very subjective matter, so it is up to you, Your Highness." Zhang Su said to Princess Otohime.

"They must be fine with it," said Hayho.

Princess Otohime thought distressedly for a while.

"Maybe there are some." Princess Otohime slid towards the pile of giant whale carcasses. Over the years, the residents of Ryugu City have buried themselves here. Due to the military defense purpose of Ryugu Palace, half of them are marine soldiers who died in battle, "—— Many sea people have sworn to serve Dragon Palace City no matter life or death. It might have been just a joke before, but now that there is such a way, maybe they are willing to help rebuild Dragon Palace?"

"I agree, let's study carefully who will be resurrected." Zhang Su said, "Comparing our feelings, there are differences among us. Some people are not happy to have their dead bodies reincarnated into the dirt and come back to fight, while others are carefree and don't care. After all, the souls are gone. I’ve been reincarnated countless times.”

"Then I'll go find Aunt Yume first." Hayho ran away without telling everyone about the deal behind it. Yume Eto would reward her with a lot of money in order to be able to use her necromancy magic again. Saho wants to use the money to buy a lot of things and become a rich man.

Not long after, Eto Yumei came.

"I was thinking on the first day I joined Ansin Hospital that one day I would see these lovely bones again, and now my dream has finally come true." Yumei Weito said, her expression has always been cold, but now she is rarely happy.

"We must respect the dead." Zhang Su said.

"The Human Defense Plan will ruthlessly use and enslave the dead." Yumei Eto felt that everyone's rice noodles were still too high. "When I was working, I was responsible for sorting and resurrecting corpses. The war dead with more than 90% intactness would be They were immediately pulled up to do some hard labor such as transportation or maintenance, and the family members would receive hush money and sign a confidentiality agreement. If they spread the news, they would also have to be arrested and join the same work."

"I didn't vote in favor." Zhang Su said.

"It's so scary..." Hayho stuck out his tongue.

"It's really scary..." Princess Otohime has found the dead bones of a sea serpent.

"You must admit that the magic of necromancy is legitimate, otherwise you might as well kill me as soon as I'm born. If you want to make the dead Ryugu City a little more lively, you must boldly resurrect your former companions and let them complete their future. Fulfill the mission. How many people are obsessed with immortality? Becoming a lich is the easiest way." Yumei Eto walked towards the skeleton, crossed her hands, and got ready. She loved bones very much.

Zhang Su slightly unlocked the seal of her collar so that she could use the full power of the undead witch.

A faint fluorescent light bloomed on the sea snake human bones, and a slight sound came from it.

"Who...is calling me..." it said.

"Haunted!" Saho was shocked.

"Most souls will be reincarnated, but as long as they are not sucked dry by demons, soul marks will be left on corpses that die naturally." Yumei Eto said.

"It's me, Princess Otohime!" Princess Otohime bent down to talk to the sea snake man, "Are you willing to get up and help us?"

"I will always be your servant. I have sworn an oath to be loyal to you forever..." The soul spoke human words.

Princess Otohime looked on hopefully, full of anticipation.

"Resurrection, my warrior!" Princess Otohime said.

A smile appeared on Eto Yumei's face, and she continued to perform spells to activate the life essence in the ruins and restore long-extinct marine life. She chanted in a low voice, resonating with the ancient chords of life and death. Black sparks bloomed from her hands and gradually merged into the dry bones, making a striking shadow appear on its surface.

Zaosui hid behind Zhang Su and looked around quietly. Eto Yumei's powerful necromancy technique caused the sea snake bones to stand up quickly, and black sticky muscles made of magic appeared in the middle of the body, filling the gaps between the bones. Princess Otohime flinched as the power was churning, hot, and deadly to living things.

After a while, Wei Teng Mengmei let out a long breath.

"Look," she said.

Princess Otohime opened her eyes wide and saw that a dead skeleton that was still lying on the ground had been resurrected into an undead sea serpent. It looked quite energetic, similar to what it was in life, except that its torso was as black as rot.

"Princess Otohime, I greet you." The sea snake nodded to Princess Otohime.

"Now, what do you want it to do?" Yume Mei asked.

"Go to the Black Water Tunnel." Zhang Su led them there.

Returning to the black water, the Sea Serpent quickly jumped into the black water. Sure enough, this tunnel was prepared for a slender sea creature like it. It could swim three times faster than Princess Otohime. They only heard a crash. The sound of water flowing, then the sound of heavy objects being dragged, and then the sound of more intense water. In just over a minute, the sea serpent appeared in front of them again.

Stardust brick raw ore!

There is a hook on the tail of the sea serpent, and the end of the hook is connected to a large arc-shaped storage urn, and the mouth is sealed.

Zhang Su stood up the large urn, opened the cover, and looked at the contents inside. It was as bright as stars, with a mysterious blue color.

"Indeed... we did it." Zhang Su had to admit the convenience.

"Thank you." Eto Yumei chuckled, "The magic power of the dead is indeed as good as ever. Human beings are currency and renewable energy. This is the basis for our continued consumption and confrontation with the devil."

"Great..." Princess Otohime looked at the sea snake man. It looked at Princess Otohime with its dark and empty eyes, showing a strange smile.

"Soon you will have a powerful undersea legion." Yumei Eto said, "These corpses and the large number of skeletons in Ryugu Palace will be reborn into the undead sea tribe by my power and become the eternal guards of Ryugu City. They are loyal and loyal. , will never cause any trouble for you, nor will it cause any accidents.”

"Thank you." Zhang Su and Wei Teng Mengmei nodded, "Let Saho take you back?"

"Yes, thank you." Yumei Weito put on the collar and shackles again and went back respectfully.

On the way back, Eto Yumei let out a long breath.

"You really brought me a lot of opportunities this time." Yumei Weito said.

"Oh! Tell me the password quickly." Hayho blinked.

"So..." Eto Yumemi told Hayao her account and password, "go to the designated exchange to get it, and you will become a rich man."

"It's great to have money!" Zaho was very proud.

"You deserve this. I like these bones very much, especially the Dragon Palace City. Such a lifeless ruin is a paradise for a necromance witch like me. Who can use necromancy who doesn't like piles of bones?" What about the underground palace of ancient skeletons? There are too many, too many bones. There are bigger treasures outside." Yumei Eto looked outside the barrier, and there were bigger fuzzy skeletons in the shadow of the deep sea.

Those are the bones of a centipede.

"Ambitious, I like it, strong!" Saho also wants to be the big bad guy.

"You have to learn to watch people's emotions." Yumei Weito said.

"Do all the resurrected guys listen to you?" Hayho asked.

"I feed them magic power, and they naturally obey me." Yumei Eto said quietly, "Imagine how big my power will expand if Princess Otohime wants to build a powerful standing army of the Necron Royal Family. "

"Hmph, you're actually lying. I'll tell Princess Otohime to go." Hayho said.

"It's useless to say it. I know that people like her love power. She is very naive and is more easily deceived by vanity and power. People who are inexperienced in the world will always overestimate their own strength and think that they are qualified to achieve great things. In fact, what they were able to achieve was far, far away from the best result imagined." Yumei Eto said.

"Ahhh...!" Hayho was unhappy.

Yume Eto and Hayao walked out, not very fast. Not long after, Zhang Su, Princess Otohime and the Sea Snake followed.

"Fortunately I haven't left yet..." Princess Otohime's eyes lit up.

"Your Highness, Princess." Yumeme Eto carried her luggage.

"All the raw stardust ore from the underground waterway has been transported out. There are 10 large urns in total, and many stardust bricks can be made." Princess Otohime said happily.

"And I will try my best to support the princess and build a larger undead army for you." Weito Yumei said.

"Thank you very much!" Princess Otohime smiled.

"I will fight for Princess Otohime, whether in life or after death." The undead sea snake said.

Eto Yumei glanced at Kozaho proudly.

"Aba Aba..." Hayao made a fist gesture in the air, hoping that Princess Otohime would wake up.

Princess Otohime didn't look at Hayao, but looked at the Sea Snake Man.

"However, I know it would be great to bring everyone back to life, but I hope you can remove the necromancy now, because I still have no way to coordinate the resurrection of so many 'companions'. Maybe my ability is only enough to A lonely princess. That's not bad either." Princess Otohime said.

"...Your ability is far beyond imagination, don't underestimate yourself." Weito Yumeli advised.

"Please, this is my idea, Sea Serpent, do you know your name?" Princess Otohime looked at Sea Serpent.

"This...I..." The sea serpent hesitated, "My name is..."

"You don't know. So necromancy is indeed a more dangerous art." Princess Otohime looked at Yumei Eto with a smile, "Now that the matter has been resolved, please let me, the senior sea serpent, Taisin Haikui, return to peace. Bar."

"...Yes..." Weito Yumei was very reluctant to give up, but she still dispelled the magic spell under Zhang Su's supervision, allowing the black matter of magic on the sea snake to disintegrate and melt again, turning back into a wreck.

Princess Otohime carried the bones back to the whale cemetery so that they could continue to enjoy eternal peace.

"Haha!" Hayao showed off his power to Yume Eto, "Win!"

"She is so irrational." Yumei Eto turned around reluctantly, "Even the people in the Human Defense Project would not hesitate to enslave the bones. This is maximizing the use of resources. She is really immature."

"Maybe she just did things according to what was taught in the stone book. It recorded what she should do and all the things she could and could not do." Saho took Yumei Eto's hand and returned to the hospital, "Let's go, Auntie .How old are you? 100 years old? Are you ready to die?"

"It's early." Wei Teng Mengmei snorted coldly, "You must not die before me."

Soon, Princess Otohime temporarily sealed off the Dragon Palace, stored the things in categories, completed the repairs, and then came to Ansin to study with everyone.

After the winter vacation, Zhang Su started the first semester of spring, and the first day was to collect all the winter vacation homework.

"Where's Zaosui's winter vacation homework?" Zhang Su checked the quantity.

"Been... gnawed by rats." Hayho said nonsense.

"Where are the rats in Anxinyuan?" Yuanzhi touched his belly and licked his mouth.

"Finish your homework and then go out to play." Zhang Su gave her a new one.

"Page 96!" Hayho was shocked.

"Who told you not to write the topic well?" Zhang Su said, "Schedule your time properly during the winter vacation. Just two or three pages a day, and you'll finish it?"

"I'll accompany you. It just so happens that I also want to learn things on land." Princess Otohime couldn't help but feel relieved when she saw Hayao dejected.

Hayho sighed and opened the exercise book. The other children were playing outside on the playground and were very happy. Spring is coming and the days are getting warmer.

"Quickly, help me form words and sentences:" Hayho asked Princess Otohime to work hard, "It can fly..."

"Flying manta ray." Princess Otohime said.

"The blessing of being able to fly," Hayho wrote, "what about being able to crawl?"

"A tortoiseshell that can crawl," Princess Otohime said.

"Wear a hat if you can crawl." Saho felt that he was too educated. "What about those who can walk? Don't talk about things underwater, talk about things on land."

"The sapling can walk." Princess Otohime looked out the window, where it was even more lively.

"The saplings won't move!" Hayho was unhappy, "Study more!"

"No, look, isn't that sapling walking? It's a sapling." Princess Otohime looked outside.

Hayao walked to the window and looked out into the distance.


It's green and so cute. It's the sapling that Teacher Dasu brought back from the front line last year! It has already grown its legs and moved out! Everyone was so scared that they ran all over the floor!

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