Witch containment diary

Chapter 314 Qingxiao is a good seedling

"It's moving! The sapling is moving!" Hayho jumped over and pressed her face against the window. Things outside were like magnets, drawing her straight towards it.

"I'll go take a look." Princess Otohime also wanted to see something novel.

The sapling turned into a little girl. Sure enough, strange things on land are everywhere. She had to work hard to adapt to it, otherwise she would be scared to death sooner or later.

"Don't!" Saho looked down at his winter vacation homework and was so anxious, "Me, and me! Don't leave me here!"

"Mr. Dasu said that you have to do your homework before going out." Princess Otohime said honestly.

"But, she has to get to know me, and I have to get to know her. Now they are all playing together! How can they do it without me? I am the backbone!" Saho opened his eyes wide and watched them holding hands with Xiao Miaomiao. The look of intimacy was deformed by jealousy, and his hands were pulling at his cheeks, which was pitiful.

"Isn't that great? If you do your homework here, you will definitely become smarter and then you can become a real leader." Princess Otohime smiled.

Hayao stood on tiptoe, eagerly watching the cute new child appear. The thick wall of the classroom ruthlessly divided them into two parts, never to see each other again.

"I'll go out while doing my homework." Saho grabbed his homework book and pen, gritted his teeth and rushed out.

She followed Princess Otohime's tail, hoping that Princess Otohime's body could block her.

As Zaohui passed by, he heard a burst of laughter in the distance.

"It's so beautiful, the weather is so nice!" the little sapling said happily.

She looks like a little rustic girl, about six or seven years old, with a pair of bright green eyes, native vegetation similar to vine leaves and moss growing on her skin, flower buds in her hair, and two feet that look very cute. It is large and can be completely put into the soil.

"Oh, the moving tree!" Hayho stuck his head out.

"How do you feel? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Zhang Su bent down and looked at her appearance, trying to distinguish the temperament of the plant witch Ivy, the sacred tree guard Heras, or himself.

What happened on the front line of Kagura Mountain was too confusing. All I knew was that she was indeed the sapling left by Ivy.

"Mr. Zhang Su, custodian, you look really strong. You must have eaten a lot of nutritious things to grow so tall. How much should I eat to become as tall as you?" The little sapling looked up at Zhang Su.

"Thank you. You speak so fluently and quickly. What a lovely child. She will grow taller sooner or later." Zhang Su felt that she was very smart when she was born, and she already had developed intelligence.

The saplings waved their branches happily and danced.

"Ugh, you talk a lot! Too much for a tree." Hayao scorned.

"Go do your homework." Zhang Su found Zaosui and arrested her.

"Do you know me?" Yuanzhi stepped forward and said softly.

"Yuanzhi! You are such a capable child. I often see you turning into a big cat, being a loner and being very courageous. I have to learn from you." said the little sapling.

"I just work hard to live." Yuanzhi felt embarrassed by the compliment.

"Boohoo...sunshine." Natsuki shined sunlight on the sapling.

"I like this kind of sunshine, thank you! Natsuki!" The little sapling stretched out its arms in the shape of a cross, and then raised both hands upwards, "Praise the sun!"

"You know everyone's names." Yuanzhi said curiously.

"Because since I moved to Anxinyuan, I have been looking at you all this year, listening to you, feeling that you water me, care for me patiently, and talk to me every day. It's great! Now I am really happy to be with you. Friends, I want to join you. If my roots are rooted in the soil, I can't walk away. So I long to break out of the ground every day, and now I finally do it!" said the little sapling happily.

"We have to give this child a name." Zhang Su observed the sapling, "It woke up in this warm spring. Now everything is blooming with green buds, as if waking up at dawn. How about calling you 'Qingxiao'?"

"I like this name! The name sounds good, and now I want to feel what it feels like to move." The sapling was named Qingxiao.

She walked outside, and the other children surrounded Qing Xiao, like following a slowly moving sacred object.

"Blooming flowers on my hands..." Zhibang ran to hug Zhang Su. Zhang Su put her on his arm and sucked her fingers.

"That's the witch of the natural path. She seems to have an affinity for the surrounding environment." Zhang Su said.

Qingxiao was walking in the garden by herself, because most of the plants were not in full bloom yet as winter turned to spring.

She walked beside the pond, stepped on the water with her feet, and then touched the flowers with her hands, as if she wanted to use her magic to encourage them to bloom.

"This garden has not been taken care of all winter, and half of the vegetation has withered. It is really sad." Qing Xiao stroked the dead branches and leaves, "If they are not saved, they will not be able to wait until the weather warms up."

After saying that, Qing Xiao went to clean up the dead branches and leaves in the flower pot, and her serious look attracted the other children to follow suit.

Youfalin and Xiaofeng, who were supposed to take care of the garden, hibernated. Zhang Su thought. Now Qingxiao has also joined in taking care of the garden.

"You have to take good care of these newborn flower buds, clean them of all the ice and snow, and then replenish them with water. Let them drink enough before they bloom." Qing Xiao looked at the most famous "good fruits" of Anxinyuan. These fruits promote children's growth. Their magic power grows, making them stronger and stronger.

"It's so amazing, as if she is completely immersed in her own world..." Yuanzhi observed Qingxiao carefully.

"The work is done, it's time to play games." Xia Xi invited Qing Xiao to play.

"The work is endless." Qing Xiao is determined to take care of the entire nature. "Anxinyuan is my home. I want to keep this home clean and beautiful so that everything can recover and grow healthily!"

"Baby Qingxiao." Yuanzhi walked over kindly, "You will get tired if you work too hard. Just let me give you a hug when you need it."

"Then let me give you a hug." Qing Xiao opened his arms and the two children hugged each other. Yuanzhi held Qingxiao in her arms and patted her vine-covered hair, "Be good, be good..."

"Wow, you are so kind." Qing Xiao seemed to be lost for a moment. When she came back to her senses, she was immediately surprised, "It's so warm."

"I'll give you a hug, too." Zaho probed his head, but was held down by Zhang Su.

Natsuki hugs Yuori, and Yuori holds little Natsuki's head affectionately. Natsuki's body gradually glowed, warming everything around her, and the last snow quickly melted, forming drops of water.

"What will Qing Xiao eat?" Zhang Su asked.

"I want to drink water, I want light, and I also want to eat some simple things. I should be able to break down all kinds of food. I may be an amazing person, but until that day comes, what else do I have? I don’t even know.” Qing Xiao said.

"I'll go take a look." Zhang Su planned to do a little test for Qing Xiao, so he put down the bomb.

"New friends!" Mayumi arrived at the garden and saw everyone cleaning up the garden and completely clearing away the dilapidation accumulated over the winter. Her eyes fell on Qingxiao.

"Senior! Please help me write my winter vacation homework. I will compensate you a hundred times." Hayho begged.

"I really can't do anything about you." Mayumi said softly, "Let's split up and write a page. You can write a page."

"You write 50 pages first, and I'll write the rest." Hayao left her winter vacation homework to Mayumi. Because it was homework for children, most of it was easy for Mayumi, a senior.

"Why were you so tall when you were born?" Yuanzhi felt that Qingxiao was full of secrets.

"Because I live the healthiest life. I breathe in at sunrise and exhale at night. I put my roots into the ground and absorb nutrients from all directions. I gradually grow taller. My current saplings are as tall as my previous saplings. Isn't it generally high?" Qing Xiao said.

"Then if you are a towering tree, you will become a giant, a super giant witch." Zaho picked up Qingxiao with great interest, "Watch me plant you back."

"No, I prefer my current life. I can walk around and expand my travel range. There are more plants and land waiting for me in the outside world. I still need to get to know them one by one. Please let me go. "Qingxiao jumped out of Saho's arms.

"So what exactly is a tree?" Princess Otohime asked.

"Trees are plants, a series of tall plants with their own roots, trunks, crowns and leaves." Qingxiao pointed to the trees in the garden, "You will be familiar with them, because trees are the tallest plants in the world. Beautiful landscape, the most important resource, every tree holds endless mysteries.”

"Qingxiao is really serious..." Mayumi looked up at Qingxiao and felt very incredible, "You are like this just after you were born."

"I have been born for a long time. I grew up quickly as a tree. I know everyone's names and feel everyone's care, so I can feel that this is a wonderful place. I want to stay here and take care of the trees until I can also bloom flowers and bear fruits!" Qing Xiao said happily.

Not long after, Komuro Hana came too, carrying a basket full of snacks, including mung bean cake, taiyaki and crepes.

"Mom asked me to bring these things to everyone." Shihua distributed the snacks to them.

"Thank you!" Yuanori thanked Murohua, "What a good boy, Komurohua!"

"Thank you!" Shihua blushed.

"Hoho, the food delivery guy is here." Hayao quickly grabbed two of the largest taiyaki and stuffed them into his mouth. After biting off the pastry, there was delicious red bean filling underneath, which was seasoned to an attractive aroma.

"It's delicious." Xia Xi poked her head over and looked around.

"Give it to me, give it to me!" Zhafang jumped behind him and raised his hands high.

"This is for you." Natsuki took a piece of mung bean cake and stretched it back, trying to stuff it into Zhizhi's mouth. She took it in one bite and broke it in half to make it easier for her little mouth to eat them. After that, Natsuki picked up a crepe by herself, looked at the sun for a while, and then started to taste it.

"I love crepes!" Mayumi picked up a roll of crepes with fillings made of cream and strawberries. The cream tasted fragrant and silky, the strawberries were sweet and sour, and the outer crust was crispy. Crispy and provides a great texture.

"I saw that this food is delicious, so I want to try it." Qing Xiao inspected the snacks. She picked up the last piece of mung bean cake and hesitated several times. She failed to put it into her mouth. "I feel a natural It’s like I shouldn’t eat them. Just like you hold a ball of mud in your hand and you instinctively don’t want to eat it.”

"If you don't want to eat, give it to me." Hayho stretched out his hand. If you want anything, reach out and get it! Only in this way can you become stronger.

"Here you are, you are the one who brought the snacks, you should enjoy them the most." Qingxiao offered the mung bean cake to Komurohua, which made her feel flattered.

"Thank you!" Shi Hua and Qing Xiao bowed, and then carefully began to eat the last piece of mung bean cake.

"Has your belly become rounder?" Natsuki lowered her head and traced a circle around her belly with her index finger.

"We need to lose weight if we are too fat. We should exercise more. We should start paying attention to our diet from now on so that we can stay healthy." Qing Xiao said seriously.

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