Witch containment diary

Chapter 316 Katie will find out

"Is there something in the cave?" Zhang Su didn't expect that this was why Katie roared.

"It's right where I hibernate, deep in the mountains. No one would have thought it would be there." Katie's eyes were anxious, "Behind my tail."

"Did something crawl in while you were sleeping?" Zhang Su suddenly became alert.

"I discovered it as soon as I opened my eyes." Katie turned sideways, anxiously, and reluctantly gave way to a path. Her current figure was as huge as an entire city.

"Is it aggressive?" Zhang Su took out the Guanshi Pagoda and moved forward.

"No, it hasn't attacked yet, but it is there, under my tail, in the innermost part of the cave. It must have appeared in the depth of winter. Go in and take a look, what is it!" Katie His tone was anxious.

"Maybe it's just a small animal." Zhang Su got halfway into the cave.

It's dark, windless, snow-proof, and spacious, making it a suitable place for hibernation. The current Kati is fifty meters long and looks like a world-destroying dragon. There are many traces of violent cutting on both sides of the cave, which were all dug by Kati himself.

"I wish it was a small animal." Katie slowly turned around and blocked the entrance of the hole with her body, blocking Zhang Su's retreat.

"How could an animal come to the place where you hibernate despite the fear of the dragon? Come..." When he saw what was in the cave, he couldn't help but froze in place.


Huge dragon egg!

It is at least 2 meters high, much higher than various ostrich eggs or eggs of large birds. It looks about the same height as Zhang Su himself. The surface is covered with a layer of dry mucus, and underneath are layers of fine The dragon scales were as white as pearls and diamonds, and he liked them at first sight.

"Incredible! Katie! This - this is our child?!" Zhang Su was overjoyed.

"Ho ho..." Katie folded her tail and leaned against the mountain wall, watching this scene with satisfaction. The man she loved discovered this love crystal. There was surprise in his eyes, and he felt happy because he was a father. She looked at it greedily, wanting to keep this scene in her heart, and wanting this moment to last longer.

"Good baby, I'm finally born. Does it hurt?" Zhang Su turned around and expressed concern.

"Hmph..." Katie felt happy when she heard Zhang Su caring about her so much, "Actually, it happened while she was sleeping."

"What?" Zhang Su didn't understand.

"Uh - I was born unconsciously. Well, it's not completely unconscious. This winter, when I slept normally, I felt like I had diarrhea. After straining for a while, I went back to sleep. Then I found it when I woke up. Here, our child, the Witch's Egg." Katie scratched her chin with her claws, and then yawned, as if she was not yet fully awake.

"It's incredible." Zhang Su observed the layers of inverted spiked dragon scales on the egg. They were like dragon fruit. "Is it really not painful? There are exactly the same arrangement of needles in your dragon's cave."

"I just remembered, yes, they are the acupuncture in the dragon's lair you mentioned. Their arrangement is exactly the same as the inverted scales on the surface of the dragon egg, so I think they are like... um... how should I say..."


"Yes! It's like pulling a zipper, or a gear, swishing down, and each spike fits each other and is fastened. It seems to be quite comfortable when I was born, just like pulling a big one, I try to stuff it Go back and do it again, this one might feel more comfortable." Katie crawled towards the dragon egg.

"No, don't crush the baby." Zhang Su responded gently to the dragon egg, "Think about how many twists and turns there are during pregnancy."

"I carried her to the front line." Katie put her paws on the white dragon egg. Its scales were as white and flawless as Katie's current scales. "There were so many bumps in the air and fighting. I also ate them. I took the soul of my sister Periya to purify myself and complete the throne-breaking ceremony."

"It's all over." Zhang Su stepped forward and hugged Katie's neck. She lowered her head and gently cupped the dragon's egg with her mouth.

"I have to go chat with the ladies again, oh...those tea parties, learn from them about motherhood, and learn how to raise a child." Katie said softly.

"Look at you, you're ready to be a mother." Zhang Su patted Katie's scales.

"What about you? Are you ready to be a father?" Katie asked.

"Of course, there is no shirking the responsibility." Zhang Su looked at the witch's egg. The little dragon witch must have been a beautiful little female dragon when she first hatched. Unfortunately, Kati's egg in the previous life did not break out of its shell due to the lack of dragon incubation fluid. This time he must see the baby being born.

“Aoao——” Katie stretched, “Then when will we hold the wedding?”

"Wedding?" Zhang Su stopped.

"Wedding." Katie was surprised by Zhang Su's reaction, "Didn't you say you were ready to be a father?"

"Well... after all, we are still at war with the devil. There is no doubt that the war will take priority." Zhang Su said.

Katie's mind was a little confused.

"I just woke up, and I have never been a smart witch, but I smelled some weird atmosphere, as if you were avoiding something." Katie said.

"Avoid danger. Of course, the news said that due to bad weather in the South Pacific, all flights to Fiji have been canceled recently. You know what this means," Zhang Su said.

"Fiji has been overrun by demons. I still want to travel there. The protagonist of "The Truman Show" wants to go to Fiji, a beautiful place." Katie started thinking wildly, "But we can at least get a day of freedom, just We don’t need guests for a one-day wedding, after all, my two sisters who are still alive don’t like me and won’t come.”

"I am now being targeted by demons, the Blade Commander, and several other old enemies. They have been hiding somewhere in Dongming Kingdom. It is not safe now." Zhang Su said.

Katie sat back, put her paws on the ground, and tilted her head in the direction of Zhang Su, with some crystal light shining in her huge eyes.

"So there is no wedding?" Katie asked frustratedly, "If you say... you are because you don't love me, I can understand, I understand, anyway, I am not a perfect match, big and... primitive, with one head Animal. I can take the egg and fly away, far away from your life, and you can find someone else to marry. I don’t want to trouble you, since you can’t even spare a day.”

"That's absolutely not the case! Kati... Kati." Zhang Su comforted, "Do you still remember those prophecies that I had a flash of inspiration for?"

Katie struggled to remember for a while.

"On the first day, you said people from the Fujikawa group would attack, like a prophet." Katie muttered.

"This is all like a dream. I know the causes and consequences of many things, just like I love you and understand you. I know the fear and hurt you have encountered. I also know that our task now is to protect this Egg, protect An An Hospital." Zhang Su massaged Katie's neck to make her muscles that were stiff and lacked exercise during hibernation feel better.

"This witch's egg is the fruit of true love." Katie said with a wide smile.

"Of course, only true love can create a witch's egg." Zhang Su responded without thinking.

"So it's just me, right? It's just me and the child, right? You only love me. Say it in front of the child, her father loves her mother deeply, alone, and forever!" Katie longed for affirmation. answer.

"..." Zhang Su's movements softened.

Katie's tail swept across the cave, and she probably understood now, and she turned around.

"I'll pick her up." Zhang Su gently picked up the witch's egg and followed Katie.

"I want to be transferred out of the safe home." Katie crawled out. "I am a broken witch. The whole world needs my help, and I will be looked down upon everywhere."

"But...hatching the egg..." Zhang Su couldn't help but say that in the witch's egg in his hand, a lovely baby was sleeping and needed the magic potion and the mother's incubation to be born.

"I don't have that kind of... ugh... that kind of 'love brain', which means I don't think about anything but feelings. I'm not that kind of person. I want to go to the battlefield more. I can fight even when I'm pregnant, let alone now. I am so light. I am not even a mother who loves her children. I have been thinking about some good things... about you when I was half asleep all winter. Now these thoughts are definitely just a dream, a dream left in the cave." Katie said .

"..." Zhang Su knew that he had to wait for a while before continuing to talk to Katie. This matter was getting tricky now, and he had to find a way.

He put his forehead against the dragon egg, feeling the meager breath of life inside. This is indeed his child, the dragon-blooded nobleman of the Mancias family, a cute little princess. At least its heavy feeling reassured Zhang Su. If it was so heavy, it would definitely be white, fat and energetic when hatched. Now we have to find a way to make Katie change her mind and be willing to hatch this child.

"Mr. Zhang Su?" A pleasant female voice came. Zhang Su's heart moved, and Katie also stopped.

"Aw..." Katie looked down at the visitor.

Princess Otohime!

Kati sharpened her teeth at Princess Otohime, stared at Princess Otohime's same dragon tail, and looked angrily at her simple attire, with two points only covered by shells, and a silk fabric draped behind her back, with no other covering. . She has fair skin, and more importantly, she looks younger and more delicate than Katie.

"Princess Otohime..." Zhang Su felt the murderous aura in Kati's body and could only respond bravely.

"I knew Mr. Zhang Su was here. I followed the roar of the same kind all the way here." Princess Otohime looked up at Kati and waved happily, "Hello! Kati! I heard the children said that you Something happened."

"...Hello..." Katie took a deep breath, "I think I have found the reason now."

She stared at Princess Otohime, her throat bulged, and she let out a threatening growl.

"Let's go back to An'an Hospital quickly." Zhang Su walked back holding the dragon egg.

"Dragon egg! I saw it from far away. It's so nice and cute! It's difficult for the dragon witch family to breed. Mr. Zhang Su, I know how to hatch it. I really want to give it a try." Princess Otohime said intoxicatedly Thinking.

"Stay away from my kids!" Katie growled.

Princess Otohime was frightened by Kati's ferocious attitude. She immediately hid beside Zhang Su and looked at Kati in fear: "What's wrong?"

"What's your relationship with her?!" Katie yelled.

"Just a friend, a guest." Zhang Su felt the whirlpool taking shape, "Katie, she has a way to hatch this child with the sea dragon clan's magic potion. This is very important! I went to Dragon Palace City partly for this, for you and the child. …”

"For the sake of the child..." Katie reluctantly accepted this, "What about you? Otohime, why are you here?"

"I have been preparing a gift to give to Mr. Zhang Su." Princess Otohime took out a jade box.

This thing looks like a box for an engagement ring! A series of plots flashed through Katie's mind. She spread her wings angrily, ran forward for a short distance so fast that the ground shook, and then flapped her wings vigorously and flew away.

"Carty..." Zhang Su was helpless.

"I'm so sorry!" Princess Otohime was shocked. She looked at Kati who was leaving, and then at Zhang Su.

"What is this?" Zhang Su looked down at the jade box.

"The treasure of the Dragon Palace, the jade box." Princess Otohime stuffed it into Zhang Su's pocket. "Keep it well, Mr. Zhang Su. Once you open it, you will become 500 years older."

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