Witch containment diary

Chapter 317 The Insect Swarm’s Gift Package

"It seems to be a very dangerous thing." Zhang Su felt that the jade box was hot in his pocket.

"As long as you don't open it, it will be fine. With the jade box, the rate of physical decline will be slower. It is also because of the jade box that I maintain a particularly young appearance. Now that I think about it, I seem to have lived a life of several decades, but The appearance has not changed at all." Princess Otohime said with a smile.

"That's okay." Zhang Su was absent-minded and continued to walk back with the dragon egg in his arms.

"...So, what's going on with Katina?" Princess Otohime and Zhang Su returned to Anxinyuan.

"Emotional dispute." Zhang Su said, "We have to find a way to solve it. Can I put this egg in the incubation room of the Dragon Palace? I have seen it. It is very suitable for storing dragon eggs, which is where you live."

"Of course, no problem." Princess Otohime agreed readily.

She and Zhang Su walked a section of the mountain road. Along the way, the grass was lush, the snow melted, and the sun shone on them. Princess Otohime carefully felt the scenery of the land and wilderness, then turned to look at him and said seriously: "It still counts."

"What counts?" Zhang Su asked.

"In the Dragon Palace, when you first came, I happily brought you to the jade bed and told you that I wanted to pick you up together. It still counts now." Princess Otohime said.

"Ah?" Zhang Su didn't expect Princess Otohime to say such a thing.

"It doesn't matter to me, I like you." Princess Otohime said, "Although Kati seems to be unable to accept it, I can accept it, no matter how many others you want. In the final analysis, you should choose a partner with a more open mind. I think I’m a good fit.”

"Although this is the case, it still takes time. I haven't figured out the things at hand yet." Zhang Su said.

"The matter at hand." Princess Otohime looked at the dragon egg in Zhang Su's hand, "It doesn't matter, I can afford to wait anyway, and I am also happy to help Katie when she is away, especially to help you take care of this egg. "

"Thank you."

"Without you, I might have been unlucky for the rest of my life, or even been killed. This kind of thing is not too much to repay a favor." Princess Otohime blinked.

"Are these ideas and practices also recorded in the stone book?" Zhang Su asked.

"No." Princess Otohime smiled slyly at Zhang Su, "This is my idea."

Zhang Su returned to the garden, and the children were all watching. He took the opportunity to transport the dragon eggs to the incubation room in the Dragon Palace for storage. There, the Deep Sea Dragon Clan arranged a series of measures that were most conducive to dragons storing dragon eggs to ensure that they would get the best results. Easy to take care of.

Then he returned to An'inyuan Garden to see what tricks they were up to.

"Wow!" Zhazhuo looked on.

"She went in alone!" Xia Xi pointed.

"Will there be any danger?"

"I'll go down and protect her too..." Shihua walked forward.

"What's going on?" Zhang Su saw them all staring at the huge tunnel of Xiaofeng and Youfalin.

"Just now, Qing Xiao said, 'I want to teach the guy who didn't take care of the garden a lesson,' and then he went down alone!" Xia Xi excitedly made gestures with Zhang Su.

"That's troublesome." Zhang Su felt that You Falin and Xiaofeng would definitely fight with Qing Xiao, after all, Qing Xiao's words were too unpleasant to listen to.

He quickly entered the tunnel and quickly saw the situation at the bottom.

"Are you asleep? Wake up? Wake up!" Qing Xiao shook Youfalin and Xiaofeng's hibernating pupae violently, making a crispy sound like potato chips being squashed inside.

"Qing Xiao!" Zhang Su asked her to be careful, "Don't do this!"

Chi la——

A blade quickly cut through the pupa shell, pulled it open with force, and freed the ferocious Youfa Lin from it.

"I knew you weren't hibernating either." Qing Xiao said happily, "Let's go for a walk in the garden together."

"..." Youfalin lowered her head and stared at the little girl with tree characteristics.

Beside her, there was also a cracking sound, and the little bee tore the sleeping pupa apart with both hands, and when she woke up, she let out a long sigh.

"It's so cold...Mom, should we wake up at this point?" Xiaofeng asked You Falin.

"Abba, Abba." You Falin didn't have a clear mind when she just woke up. She just walked around in the underground tunnel to keep herself active.

"Ugh..." The little bee stretched out, lay back in the pupa shell, and tried to sleep again.

"Don't sleep! Go take care of the garden! What I know is that you are responsible for all the crops in the garden, but now they are withered and decaying in the heavy snow. You have to rescue them and protect the precious and fragile roots of our plants. Sow seeds according to the season." Qing Xiao said.

"Who are you, you dare to teach us two?" You Falin used the insect limbs behind her to support herself, letting her body hang in the air, looking ferocious, sinister and fierce.

"I'm just raising a question. Is there anything wrong in what I just said?" Qing Xiao insisted.

"Who is she? My dear?" Xiaofeng looked at Zhang Su.

"Qing Xiao. Do you still remember the single seedling tree planted outside the garden? It is actually a natural little witch's egg with a special form. It has now fully hatched into a human." Zhang Su explained.

"Come with me, we have a big garden to take care of." Qing Xiao walked out.

But Youfalin and Xiaofeng had no intention of leaving.

"Is this the way you talk?" Youfalin yelled, "We sleep well here - you little loser wake us up from our dreams, destroy the normal hibernation of our insect swarm, and reverse our biological rhythms, Everything is for your damn tree! Let me tell you, we will go up now and eat up all the flowers, trees, and fruits in your garden. It is a huge kindness for us to let you and let them live! Now you actually How dare you shamelessly ask us to take care of the flowers and plants!"

"What you say is annoying. I don't want you bugs to appear in the garden again." Qing Xiao turned and left.

"Dear, I miss you so much, my insect king, my man." Xiaofeng looked at Zhang Su, not caring about the quarrel between her mother and Qing Xiao, but thinking about her insect king.

"Well..." Zhang Su was busy mediating the dispute after dealing with Katie, and didn't want to get involved in another one. "Do you want to go back and rest? I promise Qingxiao won't bother you again."

"No need! She shattered my sleepiness and the beautiful insect dream that Little Bee and I built in my dream. I'm hungry!" Youfa Lin protested.

"Let's go, I've prepared a whole warehouse of food for you." Zhang Su took You Falin and Xiaofeng away.

In the garden, Qingxiao completely took over their work, concentrating on dressing the trees with cold-proof fabrics, using a big shovel to clear the snow, and relying on her own talent to select seedlings and breed them.

"Since Qing Xiao works so hard, let's leave all the garden affairs to Qing Xiao in the future." Zhang Su said.

"Okay, okay." You Falin agreed, since it was all chores anyway.

"Everything you said is right." Xiaofeng would feel good as long as she heard Zhang Su's voice.

In the warehouse, Zhang Su took them to the food shelves and fed them plenty. At the same time, two large iron barrels were placed next to it.

Youfalin quickly used the appendages behind her to pick up the food, and the little bee also opened bags of bread and started eating. Their recipes range from beef, canned pineapple, dace to packaged snacks and peas and pork stew, and they don't mind devouring even the tin sheets of the cans.

Zhang Su also had a plan for their recovery. At this moment, he fed them meals for about two to three hundred people. Under the bombardment of countless bacon, biscuits, vegetables, fiber, grains, and fruits, they ate enthusiastically and supplemented their energy. deficit during sleep

The speed at which the insects digested reminded Zhang Su of those birds with extremely strong digestive abilities. The food left their bodies almost as soon as they were eaten. The two large iron buckets prepared by Zhang Su were quickly filled. Youfalin and Xiaofeng are still enjoying it.

Zhang Su replaced two new barrels and transported the two large barrels of fertilizer to the garden.

"You are so strong!" Qing Xiao was very satisfied when she saw Zhang Su carrying the two buckets effortlessly. "You are really a powerful person. I love you! Dear Supervisor!"

"If you respect me, promise me one thing..." Zhang Su made an agreement with Qing Xiao, "Consider the feelings of others when you speak."

"No, others exist for me." Qing Xiao insisted, "Because I can't see them, they disappear. Just like now, they just don't exist outside of my vision and hearing. I can only wait. Only after I observed them did they have the freedom to move around. I have given them such a gift, how can I still consider their feelings?"

Zhang Su sat and discussed with her.

"You must believe this saying, 'If your eyes are open, the flowers will bloom; if your eyes are closed, the flowers will be silent.'" Zhang Su said.

"Of course, when I close my eyes, you will no longer exist, at least you will be meaningless to me." Qing Xiao said.

"Have you ever thought that your powers of observation are very limited? For example, you only have eyes to see colors, ears to hear sounds, a sense of smell to smell things, and a tongue to taste. So you Give things the characteristics of color, sound, and smell, and then determine the length, width, and weight. But what if you have a sixth sense in addition to the five senses?" Zhang Sudao.

"Do you have one?" Qing Xiao asked.

"I do." Zhang Su opened the necklace around his neck so that he could perform spiritual vision, "Sixth sense 'spiritual vision', I see you now, green and shiny, with soul fire burning on your body, this is mine The sixth sense. I can see it, but you can’t. So things have at least a sixth quality.”

"Then I also want to learn spiritual vision." Qing Xiao was very interested and couldn't help but put down the work at hand and listen to Zhang Su's words attentively.

"More than that, what if things have seventh, eighth, ninth, etc. properties? Suppose there is an alien race that can observe the lifespan, nature, half-life, and even abstractions such as 'luck' and 'destiny' of things. What about the concept? Take luck as an example. It is very likely that we all have lucky values, but we can’t see them and no one knows! Qingxiao, our subjective cognitive ability is still too weak." Zhang Su said.

"...Maybe..." Qingxiao nodded reluctantly.

"There are two things that you can think about for decades: The first is, where is 'I'? For example, when you think about yourself, you will always only think about a small part of yourself, such as You said, "Qing Xiao" is a 1.5-meter-tall natural witch. Can this cover everything about Qing Xiao? There is more, there is more beyond your awareness and expression, so you can't even catch yourself. The second question is, where is the ‘reality’? Similarly, the reality of things has long been lost. If you want to use language symbols to describe and capture them, you can only reflect part of them. "Zhang Su said.

"Why?" Qing Xiao asked.

"Because things first appear as "phenomena" that we can observe, which is the first barrier; secondly, we have to use a weak tool like "language" to describe it! This is the second layer of separation. With these two layers of estrangement, it is difficult for us to speak clearly, and we will never be able to touch the reality of things. So outside of your mind, there are really too many things that are beyond your control. "

"...!" Qing Xiao thought, feeling that Zhang Su's words opened the door to a new world, "It's not under my control... I can't observe them, don't understand them, and can't even express them! What you said is so right! "

"Qing Xiao, these things are enough for you to think about for a long time. Now let's be kinder to other people, okay? After all, you also understand that you are not so wise, and you are no longer 'I think, therefore you are here'." Zhang Su said.

"I understand. I will work hard to expand my understanding in the future. Teacher Dasu, what you said is simply wonderful to me. I now understand that many of my understandings are still very short-sighted. I will cherish your gratitude a hundred times. I will survive until I exhaust the answers to these questions, they form a major pillar of my life!" Qing Xiao was very happy.

The other children thought it was amazing that Qing Xiao, who was hurtful with his words, was actually confused by Zhang Su's words and became the honest child behind Zhang Su.

"Qingxiao, Qingxiao~" Xia Xi ran to play with her.

"Now I want to play the game of beating fallen leaves with you. Explode. Please use your explosive power to destroy these broken dead branches." Qing Xiao piled up the garbage from the garden to form a hill.

"Bump!" Bafang clapped his hands, and the terrifying magic power swept into a storm, turning them into disappearance.

"That's awesome. I'll reward you with a fruit." Qing Xiao picked the small fruit growing out of her hair and gave it to her to eat.

"Ouch." Zhazhuo ate the fruit and stuck out his tongue.

"What does it taste like?" Xia Xi also wanted to eat it.

"Blood." Zhibang said.

"Woo..." Natsuki trembled in fear.

"Don't worry, it's nutritious and non-toxic." Qing Xiao said.

"Then... Qingxiao, do you know who your parents are?" Xia Xi tilted her head.

"Mom's name is Ivy. As for dad..." Qing Xiao glanced at Zhang Su's back.

Back at the warehouse, Youfalin and Xiaofeng were resting after they had eaten and drank enough.

"Eating is the best," Youfalin said. "In the outside world, only big supermarkets have so much food. I really want to go to a place where I can eat at will."

"Now that the garden doesn't need us, what should we do?" Little Bee was worried, "Do we still have work?"

"Of course there is." Zhang Su stood next to them, "I have a good job, and I can also eat. In fact, there is a brand new planet waiting for the insect swarm to explore, and it will definitely be a very good and vast place. "

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