Witch containment diary

Chapter 318 About Insect Production

Zhang Su took You Falin and Xiaofeng to check out the connected world under the Dragon Palace.

That world has been overrun by demons and life is cut off, but it is a good opportunity for the insect swarm to build a nest.

"There is probably all the nutrients needed for the growth of the insect swarm there." Zhang Su said, "Since it is targeted by demons, it must be a planet where intelligent creatures breed."

"This place is beautiful enough." You Falin walked in the Dragon Palace.

After passing through the bronze corridor, there is a vast flowing water garden. The pontoon divides square pools, which are dotted with statues of mermaids, nautiluses and dragon-horned warriors. Half of these reef sculptures are soaked in water, with seaweed and deep sea clinging to them up and down the waterline. Barnacles.

"So many incredible things happened while we were sleeping," said Little Bee.

She couldn't believe that she had just stepped through a door and arrived at Deep Sea Dragon Palace City. This place was completely connected to Anxin Hospital, as if Anxin Hospital had doubled in size.

"Most of them are good things and are developing towards a better future." Zhang Su was holding a travel bag.

He said this, but he was thinking about Katie in his heart. Katie didn't know where she had flown to now, and he had to find a way to get her back, but he didn't know what reason would be good.

"It's really spectacular." Xiaofeng couldn't help but say again.

There are many pavilions and pavilions with glazed tiles and carved beams and painted buildings in Dragon Palace City. The main hall is particularly eye-catching. There are seven or eight kinds of amazing statues sitting on the cornices at the two corners, ranging from killer whales, great white sharks to deep sea giants with octopus heads and dragon wings. One thing is enough.

Most of the stone doors are tightly sealed and protected by mechanisms, like secret rooms and vaults, trying to isolate them from prying eyes. Princess Otohime was worried that the witch inmates at An-in would sneak in and steal things, so she left them helpless from the beginning.

"We enter a different world from here. Due to some accidents, the entrance was flooded by sea water, along with the cliffs of the Dragon Palace." Zhang Su led them to the flowing water ramp, which leads to the bottom corridor of the Dragon Palace. "We will start from here. Have you seen these motion monitors? If a demon breaks out, we will get information as soon as possible."

"It's bottomless." Little Bee observed, "I can't swim."

"The next evolution can evolve some more special organs." Youfalin advised, "The snorkel can directly introduce air into the tissue bed. It is not as weak as human lungs. It is used with the appendix for diving, and the cocoon-spun fibers maintain Temperature, the acid poisonous spray of Hymenoptera bugs can corrode metal, and no matter how bad it is, you need a pair of compound eyes to allow you to monitor movements in a panoramic view, just like a fly avoiding a fly swatter."

"I will, Mom." said Little Bee.

"So, do you need me to accompany you down?" You Falin turned to Zhang Su and held her cheeks with both hands, making a cute and cute look.

"I can go by myself. I will use the video camera and analysis device to check the situation on the other side, and then come back to tell you. Wait for me for a while." Zhang Su put down the travel bag, took out the diving equipment from it, put it on, and gave it to himself Slip on your neoprene suit and mask, look like a special operations frogman, and dive into the water with ease, diving into another world.

Zhang Su entered the water, while You Falin and Xiao Feng stayed on the shore.

The little bee sat by the pool and soaked its feet in the water. They patted and rubbed each other gently in the water, and their slender toes slowly collided with the opposite side, exchanging water spots. Through the sea water, light cyan veins can be seen on the feet that can be broken by blows. They were tender and white, stored all winter long, as if they had been chilled, a pair of real salty sorbets.

"Back to our insect dream that was interrupted by Qingxiao." You Falin said, "You really love Zhang Su, that's really enviable."

"Envy?" Xiaofeng turned around.

"Normal bugs don't do this. If we find a man at random, it is simply a breeding project in a breeding farm. There is no emotion at all. It is produced entirely for the future of the bug swarm. 'Manufacture'. Insect Swarm Witch True love is not really needed. Strictly speaking, just a little bit of biological happiness is enough for insect eggs to be produced," Youfa Lin said.

"Then what is the love between me and him? Is it just... unnecessary?" Xiaofeng said hesitantly.

"Yes, so you don't have to be tied to one person. You can leave Anxinyuan. As long as you apply, no one can stop you."

"Then I insist on staying here." Little Bee turned her head and slapped her feet in the water, treading water.

"This is a question: Why is he? Why is he? Enjoying so much love, it makes An Yin Hospital like a matchmaking agency, everything is distorted. I never thought that I would say this kind of thing one day, But this does violate public order and good customs. I think sooner or later you will fight with other people. In the insect dream, you dreamed that you and Zhang Su lived a happy life together, but you didn't expect the existence of other people at all." You Falin said.

"Maybe it's possible." Xiaofeng lowered his head.

"What?" You Falin didn't understand.

"A person can love many people at the same time, just like you love me, mother. If you have other excellent children, you will love them too. More or less, it is definitely not an average love, there is preference, there is light love, Some are just worried." Xiaofeng said.

"Then the love you want is just 'care'?" You Falin questioned.

"..." Xiaofeng pondered.

"You are my child. You were hatched from the insect eggs of 'Youfalin'. Haha, I will not be willing to be marginalized. It seems that I am only mentioned occasionally in his heart. If you want to make Insect Dream If your beautiful wishes come true, you have to fight!"

"Fight..." Xiao Bee was confused by this concept.

"Swear sovereignty. Beware of any suspicious woman, so that you can lock his heart. Let him feed you and let you continue to strengthen until you are broken and can establish your own swarm. You have to monopolize the position so that you can use up his bullets. Bag, so that every bullet he shoots turns into thousands of little wasps to satisfy your insect swarm empire. Just imagine, if he dates other women every day, how will he have time to help you expand the insect swarm." Youfa Lin strikes while the iron is hot.

"I know." Xiaofeng snorted softly, "I'm not any worse than others."

"This is the spirit, this is the basic logic. We can fall in love, but we must also pay attention to the basic laws when falling in love. So, I still have to remind you. When he comes back, kiss him and see if you feel happy from the bottom of your heart. If that This kind of happiness is continuous, surging, and strong, which means that it is worth all your efforts."

Xiaofeng sat by the water, waiting expectantly for Zhang Su to come back.

After 30 minutes of silence, they felt that Zhang Su might be in danger of getting lost in another world, so they planned to contact others for help.

"I'm afraid there are demons in that other world. Zhang Su got into a fight with the demons and forgot to come back." You Falin looked at the pool and the bottomless abyss below.

"It won't be that troublesome, right?" Xiaofeng frowned.

Then they heard a rapid splashing sound like a swimming fish.

Xiaofeng quickly stood up and stepped back. Youfa Lin also stood up on her insect limbs and looked at each other from a distance.

Zhang Su broke through the water and came out.

"I'm back!" He looked up and saw Little Bee reaching out and immediately climbed up, "I have a lot of good news..."

He had just taken off his diving mask and before he said anything, Xiaofeng stood up on tiptoes and kissed him.

Zhang Su's heart moved, and Xiaofeng's lips were cold, but they were quickly heated into a warmth that penetrated into his soul. All emotions are overwhelmed by this high temperature and slowly melt in it.

When the lips parted, Zhang Su saw faint tears in Xiao Feng's eyes.

"Xiao Feng, you..." Zhang Su was surprised.

"It's nothing." You Falin quickly stretched out the sickle hook with the huge insect limb behind her, hooked up the little bee like fishing, and hooked it to her side. The little bee looked into the distance, hanging in the air, dejected, "That How is the world?"

"It's very... wonderful." Zhang Su calmed down, "Next to our connection point is a small town. The technology level is about the middle ages. Houses are arranged around a square. I walked around and there were no survivors. It seemed like the whole world It has been extinct for a thousand or two thousand years, and only the ruins of stone buildings remain, and the plant materials have decayed. That planet may be smaller than the earth, the air is much humid, and it may be a planet with more sea water than land."

"The swarm will make good use of that planet." Youfa Lin was satisfied, "So your plan is to send us to explore and control that planet?"

"Of course, the main purpose is to detect space cracks. The demons have retreated. As long as the cracks are blocked with stardust bricks, we can use the resources of that planet, the vast land, vegetation, biological lineage... the future is promising." Zhang Su's attitude optimism.

"This is more interesting than secretly building an insect nest on this crowded human civilization planet, and the prospects are greater. I will join." Youfalin took the little bee away. "Once we have enough materials and equipment to ensure safety, we will Just go there and have a look.”

"Yes..." Zhang Su didn't know why Xiaofeng suddenly kissed him and then acted very strangely.

Youfa Lin took Xiaofeng far away.

Zhang Su's eyes fell on the vast infrastructure surrounding Dragon Palace City, and he gradually thought of more plans to rebuild Dragon Palace City.

"So the kiss just now was not good?" You Falin held the little bee in her arms, "Oh, poor little insect, the smallest one, I really should have given you two more mouthfuls of food. Not so thin."

"...Very good." Xiaofeng opened her eyes, and her gaze seemed to be shining with an unprecedented vitality. "...It's like the insect dream has become a reality. Those kisses proved that our Love is full of value! This feeling, this feeling of... intimacy, trembles in my veins like lightning. Yes, Mom, forgive me, I am in love with him. Just thinking about this makes me no longer afraid. , but full of power.”

"It's good to have power." You Falin hugged Xiaofeng tightly, "Because loving someone like that means you have to endure a lot of hardships."

"Then mother, please teach me." Xiaofeng prayed.

You Falin looked into the distance. Outside the barrier of the Dragon Palace, there were only a few will-o'-the-wisp fluorescent lights in the dark deep sea. It was silent and faint. She felt as if the whole world was pressing on her head, but since Xiaofeng, her The little bug was still in her arms, so she wasn't too scared.

"This is not easy to handle, because mom doesn't know how to love. She has never loved before." You Falin kissed Xiaofeng's forehead, "Get ready, there is a whole world waiting for us to conquer."

"How many little bees can I give birth to?" the little bee asked.

"Infinite, what's more important is that we have unique abilities." Youfalin touched Xiaofeng's belly, "He is very strong, maybe he can leave at least 100 million seeds every time he fires. Poor other witches or women Only one part per 100 million can be left, but for us, 100 million is 100 million. The blow I took twenty years ago has not been used up yet."

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