Witch containment diary

Chapter 319 Super big bathhouse

Undersea Dragon Palace City.

Zhang Su and Princess Otohime discussed reopening the public bathhouse.

"You want to expand the public bath? This place is really good." Princess Otohime felt amused, but also a little shy. Because she often played alone in this open place before, it held many personal memories for her.

"Yeah, I mean modernization. Look at this place, it's full of potential." Zhang Su was full of praise for the ancient bathhouses in Dragon Palace City.

The bathing area is large and can accommodate a hundred people. The bottom is paved with black, white and gray bricks and is supported by sixteen basalt columns. The dome is curved and the water temperature is very hot. It should be using geothermal energy.

The pool itself is very long and is divided into a sitz bath area and a deep bath area. The circulation system is excellent, continuously introducing deep sea water to prevent it from becoming stale.

Painters left semi-weathered murals on the bathroom walls, detailing landscapes such as royal corals, kelp forests, gliding spotted rays and emperor angelfish.

"I also think it's too much for one person to use such a large Ryugu bath. It would be nice to let everyone come down and warm up." Princess Otohime was curious, "Do you have any plans?"

"For example, replace this old chandelier." Zhang Su looked up at the octopus-shaped chandelier, decorated with narwhal horns and nautilus shells. It was filled with seawater and seemed to be illuminated by jellyfish. It is no longer available. After working again, "There are some open spaces next to it that can be expanded into a sauna room for steaming and sweating."

"I've never heard of it!" Princess Otohime said with a smile, "But this place is really dirty. I can't take care of such a big bath by myself."

"No problem, let's clean it up and then introduce some electric heating, water pumps, lighting and cables." Zhang Su has a plan.

He strode across the bath, gesturing at the surrounding structures and pipes. Soon it will be renovated, with electricity, modern water circulation and new systems. For ordinary people, this is a workload of several days and requires a construction team. However, with Zhang Su's strength, speed and experience, he can finish it quickly by himself without getting tired.

"You want to make this place as beautiful as the land?" Princess Otohime followed Zhang Su.

"This place is already beautiful enough. All it needs is some upgrading. For example, these old pillars need to retain their beautiful facades, and the interiors must be recast with modern polymer materials. Another example is the filter below, which can be obtained from the building materials market. Order a real water purifier, with filter membrane and quartz sand. Then, electricity, bring electrical appliances to the entire Dragon Palace City, and all kinds of convenient furniture will be available." Zhang Sudao.

He immediately started taking measurements.

A turbulent look. Princess Otohime thought to herself. What a likable guy. She saw a vigorous vitality in Zhang Su, and she was infected by it, so she started to help.

"There will be heating and electric stoves? Just like the ones in An-in?" Princess Otohime was curious.

She has already had a preliminary impression of human modern life, especially electricity, which is really an amazing energy source.

The source of electricity is sunlight, which is cheap and cheap. And electricity can drive all gadgets, it can make fire, and it can be converted into high temperature. It can also turn an ordinary glass plate into a colorful little world that can act and broadcast. No matter walking or sleeping, everyone carries it with them, as if they are cleaning the glass all day long, and it seems that all dreams and Hope can bloom from it.

"Of course." Zhang Su nodded, "When we finish decorating this place, we will call everyone here."

After working day and night for two days, Zhang Su and Princess Otohime basically completed the repairs to the Ryugu Bathhouse.

Now, it extracts pure seawater from the deep sea, which can meet the needs of many people. Long cables are run from under the portal into Ryugu City, providing power to many facilities here.

Zhang Su stood back and admired their masterpiece—the once dark and rundown large bathhouse now shone with exquisite vintage finishes and luminous strips of light. The floor was originally covered in dust, but has now been covered with light ceramic tiles to make it easier to walk on and to protect the original ancient boards. The water itself is purified and shines with a brilliant light blue light.

The best thing is those small water-splashing statues with the appearance of whales. Zhang Su carefully selected them. They are now scattered throughout the bath. The running water is warm. If you bathe with your back to them, it will be as warm as possible. Hot water makes people feel clean, and Zhang Surao feels that bathing is more powerful than rinsing.

Now, the Dragon Palace City outside is also introducing electricity. Due to the lack of fuel, most of Ryugu City is illuminated by biological light such as corals and jellyfish. Now there are ambient lights hanging everywhere. Ryugu City suddenly becomes a grand sight, as bright as day, with hundreds of lanterns shining in all directions. This underwater palace is even more charming than before. At the same time, they are disguised as stone lanterns, water plant lanterns and jellyfish lanterns to avoid damaging the original classical feel.

"It feels...so magical." Princess Otohime looked around with interest.

She never thought that Dragon Palace City would see such a day. The main hall, side halls, whale cemetery, arsenal, incubation room, black water warehouse and other areas are all bathed in brilliant light. It turned out that she had long been accustomed to the dark tone here, and never thought that it would be so beautiful when it was lit up. Her eyes couldn't get enough of it, and she felt even more happy.

"It's great." Zhang Su is also very satisfied. He hung up many of the lights himself, and now he feels more accomplished after lighting them up. "This city can see the light again."

"It's like rising above the sea and being illuminated by the sun." Princess Otohime clasped her hands together and reflected the surrounding light with her eyes, bright and bright, "Thank you."

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief.

"But, what is all this for?" Princess Otohime turned to look at him, "So much hard work..."

"It's nothing special. It's for me, for us, for you, for everyone, you name it." Zhang Su said honestly, "I care about you."

"I'll go find everyone." Princess Otohime's dragon tail stood upright, so that she was similar in height. She kissed Zhang Su, then turned back and left easily.

This feeling? ——Zhang Su recalled the kiss left by Princess Otohime. It should be said or not, but it really made his heart strings twitch. This splendid Dragon Palace City may be the vast home where they store their feelings. The corridors and houses have witnessed their acquaintance and encounter, as well as all the efforts and dedication they have made for Dragon Palace.

Shampoo, shower gel, conditioner, hair nets, bath towels, etc. sold out instantly in Zaho's canteen.

"Never had such a wonderful start!" Hayho quickly emptied the shelves, while the children and Anxin Home staff all took bath baskets and filled them with supplies.

"Short hair." Natsuki raised her head and stared blankly at Saho's short hair.

"Yes, you should also use scissors and click it." Saho was very satisfied with his new look, and even more happy that someone noticed it.

"You scared the bomb." Natsuki said.

"Ugh..." Zhizhuo couldn't recognize the appearance of Saho's short hair and thought it was a new kid hiding behind Natsuki.

"Fool, she has no money. I only care about money and don't care about her. She should also learn to be like an adult." Saho patted his hand on the counter, "By the way, what are you doing? Why do everyone seem to be going to wash You look like you’re taking a bath, is there any activity? Is it some kind of festival?”

"Get ready to go through the tunnel and go to the Ryugu Bathhouse." Natsuki said. She took out her winter heating bill from her pocket and put it on the counter.

Natsuki has the most money at the beginning of every spring. She walked around throughout the winter, keeping warm the witches who felt cold, and the charge was more reasonable than that at Hayho's concession stand.

"Big bath? What?" Hayho didn't understand.

"Large bathhouse." Natsuki was too lazy to talk to Saho. She took the new vat of shower gel, soap, and towels, and left with Zhazhang.

"Hey, where's my brother? Where's my information source? Forget it, forget it, seeing is believing!" Zaho was annoyed. She climbed out of the counter and followed them to watch.

Following Natsuki and Bakubo through the gate, Saho walked into Ryugu Castle, which was brightly lit after electricity.

This place has been turned upside down. The original sea palace was dark, gloomy, and ancient. Now it is like a big castle in an amusement park. Everywhere is full of life. Everyone follows the indicator lights on the ground to the Dragon Palace Bathhouse.

Hayao looked at the colorful light effects dancing in all directions. She still remembered that when she had just responded to the call of red flames to rescue Ryugu Castle, it was still in ruins, buried in five or six meters of sea water. I thought that Princess Otohime's home would be flooded by a natural flood, but I didn't expect it to be revived so quickly.

"I said, has everyone gone in? Am I the last one?" Saho rubbed her hands, but she hadn't prepared anything yet.

"Puff~" Zhazhao made faces with Saho, and then ran in.

"Naughty kid." Saho curled his lips.

She walked into the large bathroom and couldn't help but open her eyes.

They were indeed all there, enjoying the wonderful spa services at ease. And she had to "open wide" or she wouldn't be able to see clearly.

Princess Otohime, Hasumi, Lescorin, Reina, Miyu Shinjo... and even Katie are invited back!

This landscape is nothing short of magnificent. Hayho lowered his head and looked at himself again, and couldn't help but feel how different the world was.

"No matter!" Hayho also wanted to have some fun. She simply cleaned herself up and left her things in the entrance area like everyone else. Then she accelerated her sprint and stood up from the resting place, "Start the cannon!"


She bounced in the air, and Mrs. Miyu Shinjo raised her hand to knock Hayao away with an air barrier. If she hit her head in the deep water, the splashing water would break everyone's rare joy.

"Wow~" The water splashed and Yuanzhi turned into a big cat. He lay in the shallow water area with a comfortable water temperature and felt very warm.

"Oh my god, what kind of water is this! It's a huge threat to my roots. Look at this amazing alkalinity, horrible salt! And you can actually endure it here!" Qing Xiao ran away.

"Go outside." Shinjo Miyu gave Saho a task, "Go and see where my Murohua went. She is the only one missing."

"Got it—" Hayho rolled down the wall, left the pool, and went to find Murohua.

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