Witch containment diary

Chapter 320 Studying Body Changes

This is a good thing. It is a very large Dragon Palace Bathhouse. Everyone can come down and take a refreshing bath every day. It is a brand new project. Hayao walked around.

She cut Suiying out and let it find Murohua, and then went for a walk herself.

It must be open 24 hours a day, Hayho thought. I have to go back and change into some light clothes and then come down.

It seems that Ryugu Castle has floor heating. It used to be so cold that people shivered, but now it is a little warmer. The pebbles on the ground are also very interesting to step on, like massaging the soles of the feet. It was Dasu's genius idea to connect Longgongcheng and Anxinyuan with tunnels.

In his wild thoughts, Saho saw Sui Ying running back and gesturing on the ground.

"What are you doing? Hurry up. It's useful. I don't understand." Hayho urged.

Suiying made a pulling motion on the ground, asking Haoho to follow.

"Oh?" She jogged after her own shadow on the ground and came to the nearby Water Garden.

The air is filled with the moist aroma of plants, and marine plants grow in the squares divided by the pontoons. There are at least twenty or thirty squares like this, and pavilions are built where the pontoons connect. Hayho blinked and saw two familiar figures leaning against the railing in one of the pavilions.

"Hey, robot, let go of Muroka quickly. Muroka is going to the big bath." Hayho rolled up his sleeves and went up.

Shihua's hair was long and disheveled, her eyes were downcast and her shoulders were slumped.

Shui Li crossed her arms and leaned next to Shi Hua. The sea water flows through the nearby rocks and rockeries, making the scenery picturesque.

"Forbearance. The waterproof kit has been sent for repair. Do not touch the water." Shuili said.

"I didn't ask you, I said Hana Komuro, hey, buddy." Hayho jumped forward, leaning against the railing, and hooked up with Murohua, "Xincheng Meiyu is looking for you, our bathhouse is really awesome, yes The best entertainment we’ve ever had, with endless hot water so you can get yourself super clean.”

"I just... need some fresh air, it's a little turbid inside." Shihua's tone was stiff, as if she didn't believe what she was saying.

"Hey, tell me what happened. We are brothers, best partners, and life-long friendships. Most of the children have given up on me now, but the relationship between us is still unbreakable." Saho gestured around the room. Hua and the small scar on her face.

The scar was left on the day when Dragon Palace was rescued. After Saho fell, Muroka transferred part of the wound to himself, as usual. Since Murohua is willing to help Saho with things, Saho is also willing to help Murohua with things.

"I can't...can't let mom see it, can't let everyone see it." Shihua pressed his face.

"Huh? What?" Hayho didn't understand.

"I'm sorry..." Shi Hua glanced at Shui Li worriedly.

"Don't worry, Ninja, I've seen a lot of things." Shui Li said.

"That's it..." Shi Hua's face turned red with shame, "...the elephant."

"Asian elephant?" Shui Li was in awe.

"African elephant." Muroka thought that saying this word would make the air fall into silence, but Saho continued with a blank look on his face.

"What's going on then?" Hayho said.

"Ninjas believe that this is a sensitive mutation. It makes people feel uncomfortable, strange, and even painful." Shui Li said.

"Ah, what's the matter? Is it weird?" Hayho really didn't know why this matter caused Muroka so much anxiety.

"You are not me. You don't understand. I have to hide it so that no one can know." Shi Hua was almost lost. "I woke up from nightmares many times. I was full of hope that everything would return to normal. But as the sun rose, I knew that everything would return to normal. Gotta get through it one day.”

Saho leaned back, raised his eyes and thought for a long time but still couldn't figure out the key point. Is this a big deal?

She could only use all her knowledge to help her friends.

"Maybe this is... the difference between men and women? If it happens to me, I can accept it generously." Saho said, "Anyway, people don't treat me as a little girl."

"You won't. If something happens to you, you..." Shihua lost control, "...if it never happened...if nothing happened...if it was you..." She didn't want to say too much. Hurtful.

"Then I will also smile at life." Saho raised his head with a comfortable expression on his face, "I don't care if I am blind, injured, or have an extra elephant. Why should I care! I am who I am. . Anyway, it doesn’t affect your life, and it also gives you more choices. Now you can choose either a boyfriend or a girlfriend. After all, you said you have both."

"I'm sorry. But all this is too much for my shame." Shihua bit her lip.

"Ninja, I thought of the past..." Shuili turned sideways and showed them the seam on her right arm.

"Artificial arm!" Hayho found it interesting, "Where's your original arm?"

"We failed during the operation and was crushed, leaving only half of it." Shuili said, "In preparation for the surgery, the wooden arm was attached at first, which was ugly. In order for me to adapt, I was painted with a foul-smelling potion. , everyone in the dojo rushed to avoid me. Like a monster. All the children who considered me a friend before soon saw me as an enemy. In every course, I was bullied and insulted, and they even deliberately broke my Wooden arms, like a joke.”

"Oh my god, that was so painful, so unbearable...I really wish I was by your side at that time." Shihua listened, with a serious and sad expression, as if he had experienced the same pain as Shuili. Shi Hua could feel the same deep pain from Shui Li's words. Even though Shui Li's words were cold and toneless, she could still feel the emotions and experiences behind them with her heart.

"Haha." Hayho disagreed, "Then you can get through it."

"Ninja, as the name suggests, is good at enduring." Shui Li turned his mechanical arm.

"Can it rotate 360° as a windmill?" asked Hayho.

"Yes, yes..." Shuili spread out her right arm, slightly separated its ball joint, and then spun on the spot at high speed.

"Uh, it's a little weird now!" Saho was scared, her hands were like wheels!

Shihua smiled softly

"I'm also good at enduring." Murohua said.

Shui Li looked at Shi Hua.

Part of her brain was replaced by wires and transistors, and most of her memories were even manually entered by people at Providence. The computing chip largely influenced her thinking.

But regardless of the mechanically generated logical path or the emotional thinking of the human heart, she was reminded to handle it carefully.

After all, Murohua is just a 12-year-old child, and all her childhood experiences will exponentially affect her adult life in the future.

She has now encountered something extraordinary, and it is difficult to talk about it, and she is particularly sensitive. She needs to talk, listen, and understand. Some memories will be treasures for a lifetime, while others are nightmares for a lifetime...

"Ninja, I decided to help the children accept themselves." Shui Li opened his arms and put them on the shoulders of Muroka and Saho respectively.

"It's itchy." Zaho felt that Shui Li's robotic hand was very cold.

"What can change a person's nature?" Shui Li asked.

"..." Shi Hua shook her head, she didn't know.

Hayho raised his head, also thinking about this problem.

"As far as I'm concerned, nothing can change a person's nature. Everything about me is re-created, but I'm still me, and Shuili is still Shuili. So are you. Shihua will not become someone else just because of changes in his body. .”

"Others will hate me." Murohua worried.

"It's not important." Haohui yelled, "What's important is that you have to like yourself! Look at me and I will always recognize myself. Haohui is the strongest!"

"Murohua. Patience is a skill that can help you get through difficulties, but patience is not a virtue. It is not said that ninjas rely on patience to solve problems. Most of the time, they rely on swords to fight. You too, patience will have an end. , must be faced." Shui Li said.

"I'm learning how to live with this change." Shihua lowered his head, as if he had finally revealed a secret, "My mother said that I am stronger now than when she was the same age. My magic power is also functioning normally. The teacher said that in the future There may be a catastrophe coming. If I want to become a truly powerful witch to protect everyone and ward off all swords and swords, I think I shouldn't miss this change. Maybe this is also good."

"Hoho. Then it's okay." Saho said, "No matter what you choose or do, we will support you and stand by your side. I think you are always at odds with yourself. Others say no. How can more affect you? Your own happiness is the most important thing."

"Thank you." Shihua nodded, "...it would be great if there were more people like you."

"Ha, this is the first time I've heard this. If everyone is like me, the world might as well end. Ah, everyone seems to have almost washed up." Saho saw everyone wrapped in bath towels and walking out one after another. .

Especially Miss Hasumi, Hayao had gone out with Hasumi several times before, so she had a good impression of Hasumi.

Her eyes fell on Lian Wu, observing her every move.

Lianwu wanted to go over and talk to Zhang Su several times, but Zhang Su was talking to Katie on the pontoon of Flowing Water Gardens, so Lianwu was embarrassed to go over and talk.

Teacher Dasu is older and Sister Kati is stronger. They seem to be a good match. Hayao thought. The eldest lady is thin, so let’s go aside.

"Come to us, there are a lot of people here!" Hayho hooked his hand at Lianwu.

Lianwu looked at the backs of Zhang Su and Katie, and shook their hands again and again. She stopped talking several times, and left half-heartedly, walking to Zaosui.

"Hello, Miss." Shihua saluted Lianwu.

"The eldest lady looks very angry. Dasu is patronizing Kadi." Hayao was having fun with Renwu.

"!" Lian Wu patted her face, "Humph...!" Then she stepped on the driftwood on the stone bridge.

Even the slow Saho clearly felt that Renwu was a little angry and a little lost now.

"It's okay if you don't go. It seems to be a big war, this is not a drill." Hayho stood on tiptoe.

She saw that Princess Otohime also went to find Zhang Su. Then Kati and Zhang Su were chatting happily, but when she saw Princess Otohime, her face changed again. Teacher Dasu is finished!

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