Witch containment diary

Chapter 321 Spring Witch Course

"..." Lianwu leaned against the railing, holding her arm with one hand, at a loss what to do.

"Why do you have such a gloomy face!" Saho wanted to say something interesting, but Renwu waved his hand helplessly, "...It seems that the eldest lady has encountered a problem that money cannot solve."

"Komuro Hana, Mrs. Miyu Shinjo is still waiting for you." Reina Kobayashi came out to find Muro Hana and waved to her, "Don't keep your mother waiting. Are you in a hurry?"

"Yes, teacher..." Murohua turned to look at Saho eagerly, "Saho, help me!"

Hayao understood and led Muroka over. Let this be settled.

Ryugu Bathhouse.

Xincheng Meiyu leaned against the pool wall and turned to wave to Shihua.

"Come on, Komuro Hana." Xincheng Meiyu called softly.

Shihua took a deep breath, she had been wanting to ask this question since before.

"No." Shihua gritted his teeth, and then said, "I am already 12 years old. I don't need my mother to take care of me like this. All privacy issues are my own. I'm tired of being treated like a baby."

"Shihua!" Xincheng Meiyu's face changed slightly, "Don't you listen to mom? Come to mom! Mom doesn't allow you to say such things, and I don't want to hear it again in the future! Shihua!"

After that, he got up and chased Shihua!

Hayao took a deep breath.

"The super cannon is coming!" Hayho ran over, bent his legs, jumped forward hard, and hit the pool.

Water splashes everywhere!

"Haohui, I'm going to beat your ass!" Miyu Shinjo was splashed all over and he quickly turned around to deal with her.

"Murohua, please run!" Saho's butt blossomed.

Shihua seized this opportunity, turned around and ran away.

She strode outside, suddenly feeling carefree, as if she had broken free from the umbilical cord for the first time in her life.

Old Tokyo, an old apartment in Asakusa District.

"No problem. Although it is my sister's company, there is no such thing as human relations in business. I will handle the business that needs to be handled. The market in Dongming Country is still divided into nine and one. Shengyang Jiu, Anxin Industrial One, never It may make their share exceed the limit in the slightest." An Yuan Long Yi was answering the phone while going upstairs to return to his room.

"There are laws to control underground violence, Mr. Okura. No problem. I know you are eager for revenge. I also hate the Fujikawa group. Time is on our side." Ansuin Ryuichi walked upstairs. The stairwell was narrow and dark. .

"Where do I live? No problem. The landlord is very kind to me. They are simply the best. They took me in when I was most desperate. Now I have earned enough money to pay the rent. Thank you for your care. Thank you very much. Thank you. I wish you good health and thank you again for your support." Long Yi ended the communication.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door to his room.

There was a strong smell of blood inside.

"Okay, everyone, raise your heads a little and take a look at our good friends." Mr. Fortunado welcomed Ansuin Longyi with open arms, "Let me introduce, this is Ansuin Longyi. Longyi, here are the three Your Excellency, Carmen, she has a great appetite. You saw her at the Meat Feast; the Blade Commander, no one is more powerful than her. Although there are only two knives left now, she can still use them in one second. The whole building was destroyed; and Nazmi, well, only half of her body was left, but her intelligence was outstanding."

Behind Mr. Fortunado, three-headed demons devour the remains of the landlord's family of six.

An Yinlong must have calmed down. Although he didn't know who beat the demons like this, he knew that he was not qualified to ask.

"Do you still need people and souls?" he asked. "The Prime Minister's election speech will be attended by tens of thousands of people on the streets, and the security level is very low. Amateur citizens with self-modifying weapons may approach the Prime Minister. . You adults should like it."

"Of course it's not too little, but you have to keep a low profile." Mr. Fortunado nodded, "It's best to arm you first and make you stronger. How about working in the company?"

"My superiors trust me very much." Anxin Yuan Longyi said, "Even if there are some conflicts, I can resolve them by giving my brother-in-law's name. I will reveal it vaguely at the reception, which will save a lot of trouble."

"Brother-in-law is a big shot, ha." Mr. Fortunado said, "But our help is the most effective. If you want to live forever? Want to be rich? Just rely on us. Thank you for leaving us this hiding place. What is the old saying? Regardless of how scarred we are now, half of New Tokyo's life would be enough to restore it to its full glory. By the way, your brother-in-law...is he the person I thought he was?"

"Well, my name is Zhang Su." Anxinyuan Long Yi said.

He immediately felt the air was deadly cold.

The three-headed demons in the middle of the living room all turned their heads. He would never forget that horrific scene in his life, and the seconds seemed like years.

Mr. Fortunado and An Yuan Long Yi hooked up, making Long Yi feel relieved.

The suits he wears become more expensive, the money in his pocket gets more and more, and the brand of his watch keeps getting upgraded.

"The power of wealth... almost pushes me into the universe." Long Yi felt elated.

"The universe limits our imagination." Mr. Fortunado said, "We demons are all extra-dimensional beings. As long as you continue to be loyal to us, good things will continue. By the way, your sister trusts you."

"Of course." An Yuanlong nodded.

"I've seen some real tough guys and demon hunters shed tears when they saw their partners beheaded. Well, it looks like we have some good breakthroughs in our plan." Mr. Fortunado said.

Morning at the hospital.

As Delia fiddled with her magic in the hallway outside the restaurant, a tiny ice rosebud formed in her palm, blooming with fleshless petals that refracted a rainbow in the sunlight.

When she saw Zhang Su heading here, she immediately turned over her hand to hide the traces of her magic power.

"Good morning, Delia. Everyone else seems to have been to Dragon Palace City." Zhang Su said to Delia. Since last year, Delia has been responsible for the magic enlightenment and witch courses for the little witches.

"Oh." Delia deflected her gaze, her eyes falling on the wisteria flowers beside the empty corridor, "I spend all my time practicing."

Her silver hair was hanging loosely, her eyes were green, and she looked very noble. She doesn't like big baths? Zhang Su thought. Maybe she prefers privacy.

"Are you used to life in An'yuan?" Zhang Su asked.

"Yes, the natural scenery is good, and there is no need to worry about food and drink. Many people will look forward to coming to a place like this to change their past," Delia said. She looked at Natsuki running around on the playground, Yuori feeding Zhizhi, Qingxiao talking loudly and talking to herself, Murohua and Hayao walking, "I rarely feel this kind of thing in other places." peaceful."

"Rehabilitate, good." Zhang Su nodded, "This is the purpose of witch containment. Your assessment status is not bad. As long as you apply, you can be transferred to a place with better conditions to complete the rest of your sentence."

"There is no place with better conditions than this." Delia was afraid of being sent away.

"So, the spring course has begun." Zhang Su said, "Before the end of this semester, I hope that each of their children will master at least two basic skills. That is, in addition to their natural abilities, they must also develop another item."

"Time is a little tight, is it necessary?" Delia said subconsciously, "In the witch vocational school, you can only do one thing per semester at most."

"Because Anxinyuan is a shelter after all. In the final analysis, it is a place where we should be hard-hearted to discipline them. It is time for the children to calm down and master the skills to settle down and live a life. This world is not full of dangers, otherwise I can let them play crazy all year round." Zhang Su explain.

"Understood. The ability to protect yourself is very important." Delia nodded.

"Speaking of which, I have read the files and learned about your mother." Zhang Su changed the subject.

Delia's mother had been doing business with the devil for a long time and was sentenced to death for this.

"Yeah," Delia said shortly.

"Do you have any ideas about...opening up and contacting other worlds? This matter itself." Zhang Su said.

"It's against the law," Delia said. "I know it."

"It's illegal to make a deal with the devil." Zhang Su said.

"Then I quite... like this concept." Delia shrugged, "There is a new world waiting for us to conquer, just like the ancient colonists. Like the Portuguese and the Dutch, they have strong ships and cannons. The door to another world."

"Maybe it will hit the iron plate." Zhang Su said.

"Have you discovered a new world?" Delia probed cautiously.

"It's still early, but our world is full of holes, and behind every gap is another dimension. We know this very well. The devil also ran into us through this method." Zhang Su said.

"From my mother's limited understanding, the only law of communication in another dimension is... violence. Because everything is ever-changing, there is no time to slowly communicate diplomatically, defeat the indigenous people, take away all resources, defend those resources, and only cooperate with those who are willing to cooperate. people collaborate,” Delia said.

"If you are so violent, how can you find someone willing to cooperate?" Zhang Su asked.

"What I mean is, leave only the weak who are unable to resist you. The more they fear your violence, the more willing they will be to cooperate." Delia recalled the experience left by her mother. Through her mother's transactions with demons and merchants from other worlds, Delia had a very luxurious life as a child.

"What about language?" Zhang Su asked.

"There are translators. Since our world was invaded by demons, there have been people dedicated to studying cross-border trade and translation. There are also cross-border marriages." Delia said slowly.

"Very interesting." Zhang Su nodded.

Delia hesitated for a while, and then told Zhang Su.

"Business opportunities are everywhere. Although it sounds a bit weird and risky, I did inherit some information from my mother, secrets engraved in my mind. If you have some resources from other worlds that you want to trade across borders, I can Mediate. No need to remind, these are a bit suspicious, under the current framework..."

"Let's talk about it later." Zhang Su turned and left, "I've been a little busy lately, so I'd like you to take care of the children more. If any of them are causing trouble, write down their names and I'll sort it out when I get back."

"Yes." Delia nodded. Since the Great Demonic Panic in 1837, her family has begun to seek to study cross-world trade routes, and now she feels that she has some good prospects.

But the class still had to go on, and she gathered the children who were messing around on the playground.

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