Witch containment diary

Chapter 322 Super Learning Project

"Now let's start the roll call, Saho, Eori, Mayumi, Muroka, Reio, Natsuki, Fangzhao, Chunxiao." Delia said.

"Sorry, my name is Qing Xiao. Such mistakes make me doubt your professionalism." Qing Xiao said.

"Okay." Delia looked at Qing Xiao and said, "Let us get familiar with each other. After all, you are a child who has just matured this year."

"Teacher, Reio is not here and has gone to New Tokyo." Enori is a good boy, so he went to gather the other children as he spoke.

"I want to learn——!" Mayumi was a little annoyed.

"I also need to make up my homework." Saho hasn't finished her winter vacation homework yet, so she plans to use her mobile phone to take pictures of the questions. Pythagorean theorem and other things are simply a bible. Her vagina was blown out and she was limping when she walked.

"The supervisor's order is that from today, March 1st, to the summer vacation on July 1st, each of you must master at least two kinds of magic blooms. You are already witches in the growth period, and two kinds of magic blooms are not a big deal." Delia arranges.

"Magic blooms?" Mayumi listened.

"Let's go to the school building. I'll give you some basic background first." Delia took them there, "Magic pathways are the basic powers we are born with. They are ever-changing and have many kinds of blooms, which are specific ways of application. They are sealed magic spells. Experienced witches can use these spells to make fun of them, and the possibilities are endless. So starting from today, I will ring the bell every afternoon to call you to practice, and you will have cultural classes in the morning. Practice magic in the afternoon, just be so rigorous, if you mess around, Zhang Su will deal with you."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Everyone was in awe of Teacher Da Su, so they were more honest.

"I will list the magic potential of each of you, about three to five. Then you can learn and master it according to your situation and preferences." Delia asked them to sit down obediently, "Start from the first one, Natsuki, you show it The magic power you have?"

"I can... ew." Natsuki placed her left arm horizontally and her right arm vertically.

"I've seen your magic. The powers of the Solar Path include 'Sunlight Manipulation', everything about controlling light, being able to generate and absorb sunlight at will. The second is 'Sunlight Fusion', where you can become light, or complete light The energy body can transform the body into pure light. The third type is 'light touch', which can make the other target happy and sunny by completely soaking it with sunlight, and can heal injuries. The side effect is 'yang energy' ', which is the characteristic of 'male', you may not understand it yet."

Natsuki made a face.

"I want to become the light!" she said.

"Then you should learn from light rays and luminescence. Don't go too far when you turn into light, so as not to fall apart when you return to your original form. Sunlight rays are enough, and the concentration of light will generate super heat." Di Leia studied the next one, "Mayumi?"

"I would hit myself with a happy ball, and then I would study hard," Mayumi said.

"That is indeed a very classic approach. The official name is 'joy induction'. Before the 1980s, it was called 'obsession' or 'induction'. It will fill your brain with things like dopamine and serotonin." Delia Nodding, "I can teach you how to turn it into a halo, a halo of bliss, which has an instant killing effect on men and women. If you release it with all your strength and walk on the street, you will see that all of them have distorted expressions and then fall to the ground out of control. Twitching, you may be thanked after finishing it; it also includes: Paradise Fantasy, which implants a happy future into others, so that they can generate strong internal drive and fight like chicken blood. It is more useful than the way you are using it now. Some. And the most typical one: the 'laughter chain', which makes people laugh wildly and is contagious."

"Hey, I want to learn everything." Mayumi lacked interest at first, but when she thought that there were so many things to "learn", she became full of strength.

"Just choose one, it's not that simple. Your magic power is too easy to control intelligent creatures. You might become the ruler of all humans in the future. Once you master it, it will also be effective against demons." Delia looked forward to it. Sui, "Shadow Cutting and Shadow Knife have exhausted your...potential." She originally wanted to say intelligence.

"Well, then I will continue to practice these two moves." Saho sat on the desk. She had previously studied shadow manipulation but failed.

"Shi Hua, your mother's teaching to you is more useful than my teaching to you." Delia looked at Shi Hua.

"Sorry - I want to listen to Teacher Delia. After all, mom..." Shihua's relationship with her mother is now a bit tense because of the previous incident.

"Okay, the most basic one is 'defense wall'. The defense wall is the most terrifying power. It is directly related to your magic power. It can block, deflect the power and even return the attack intact. It is very enviable. The second is 'emergency rescue' Difficult', bear the harm for others, or transfer the pain. In this process, you will automatically exert psychological hints, making others feel trust and dependence on you, and psychologically rely on your protection. Secondly, it also includes 'protective stance', ' Your mother and ancestors have many things to thank for your abilities in fortress building, sentinel surveillance, etc. The Xincheng family is the pride of guardian witches." Delia reported.

"Sentinel surveillance?" Shihua asked.

"A powerful ability. After entering this state, any approaching threats will be intuitively perceived by you. Enemies around you cannot sneak or spy, and you will gain nearly unlimited patience and alertness, physical fitness and endurance. It multiplied and became a sleepless sentinel. Mrs. Meiyu of Xincheng used this power to warn almost all demonic raids on the front line back then," Delia said.

"Then I want to learn this." Shihua nodded. She hopes to make her mother proud by growing up.

"Qing Xiao, let's get to know each other. The most correct name for your path is Wildness, wildness, primitiveness, wildness, the purest nature." Delia asked Qing Xiao to get closer, "I know There are two paths to your potential. One is to completely transform yourself into an infinite plant creature, a huge tree or an ecological group, just like...well..." Delia didn't want to talk about Ivy. "...The other is to reduce your own vegetative state and instead establish contact with other plants. You can also manipulate the power of nature. The most important thing is to use the wild wind. Your magic power turns into a storm and blows everything away. Return to the original state.”

"Wild wind? So strong? It sounds like it suits me very well. I like to turn everything into nature." Qing Xiao is eager to give it a try.

"Then this year you will mainly learn the power of the wild wind. The most famous wild witch in history, Zilani, once used a wild wind to turn the Sahara Desert into green trees, even though it was raining or something like that. , and eventually the trees die," Delia said.

"Great, I plan to turn the entire Anxinyuan into a peaceful nature with a wild wind. Since these houses are all made of wood, why not just live in the trees?" Qing Xiao began to like this project. course.

"Finally, it's you, Yuanzhi Cat." Delia looked at Yuanzhi, "Of course you can become a big cat, but after the beast's magic power fully blooms, you can...become even more terrifying and become the kind of person you are talking about in popular science. The super predators seen in the show, or like the dragon Kati in battle, are full of destructive power; secondly, you have other development routes. 'Possession' allows you to enter the consciousness of other animals at will, temporarily. Transform into them and control them, like into a little mouse, useful for scouting and the like. 'Infection', not very friendly to the law, but you can turn other people into beastmen. 'Beast Affinity', make all All the animals obey your orders."

"I think... it's enough to become a big cat." Yuanzhi hesitated, not daring to learn things that sounded scary at first glance.

"Then, after you make your choice, I will teach you in class. The supervisor will probably regard the first year as a year for you to learn and develop freely, and in the second year, you will learn your real skills." Delia nodded. head.

"Me, me!" Zhibo jumped up.

"Now it seems that you are not old enough." Delia pressed down the bomb. "Even I, even if I am supervising, will not destroy your complete childhood. You are only 6 years old."

"Young one." Hayho scoffed.

Zhazhuang sat back and lowered his head, feeling extremely sad.

"Well, this always reminds me of my senior." Saho left the classroom, "I have to call my senior, no matter what, I miss her voice."

New Tokyo, the Sixth Witch Affairs Studio.

"Thank you, the prisoner has confessed truthfully." Lianyang called, "Well, I only need cash."

"Is this okay? Contact us privately." Sayuri was honest and kind, feeling that what Reiyo was doing was getting more and more dangerous.

"The little money Teacher Da Su gave me is not enough. The life of a beautiful girl is very expensive." Lian Yang said with a smile.

Sayuri used hypnosis to knock out the suspect, put him in a sack and handed it over to a professional agency along with the evidence.

She returned to the room and watched Reio reluctant to part with the newly purchased luxurious jacuzzi in the apartment room.

"Is that thing so good? It costs a lot of money to install..." Sayuri thought it would be nice to have a shower head.

"I just feel that life in Ansin is too bad. For example, there is not even a decent place to take a bath. It is not decent at all." Reio stared at the jet massage bathtub that he spent a lot of money to buy.

"I miss Ansin who did everything for free." Sayuri's life in the metropolis was tight, and now she basically works for Reio. "By the way, both the client and the agency are super professional. What did the suspect do? That’s why I was treated like this?”

"He confessed that he helped some interdimensional businessmen use the Gate of Hell in Brazil to enter our world, and then he was exposed and fled to Dongming Country. In order to avoid diplomatic accidents, I have asked him to reveal the information and face punishment. "Lianyang said, "The remuneration is 7 million yen, which is basically free money."

"Ah? It turned out to be a commission from Dongming National Government..." Sayuri was surprised.

"Maybe it was arranged by Prime Minister Nagai Hikoshiro. He didn't want to encounter diplomatic problems again before the election, so he left it to me to solve it quickly." Reio said.

"All this is for the luxurious bathtub and these luxurious things on the table..." Sayuri said, suddenly seeing the phone, "There is the phone number of Anxin Hospital."

"Take it, I want to take a bath and enjoy the luxury that everyone in Anyuan can only think about. They won't understand how great my life is now." Reio entered the small bathroom of the apartment.

Sayuri picked up the phone, suspecting that she was just guilty.

"Hey..." Sayuri listened.

"Sayuri!" Hayho recognized her voice, "I miss you so much! You and Sister Reio are together, do you miss me?"

"It's unthinkable, Saho, we are making a living in New Tokyo." Sayuri sat down and had a nice chat with them. I felt melancholy as I talked and really wanted to go back and see them.

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