Witch containment diary

Chapter 323 Identifying the Stars in the Sky

"So, are you living a happy life?" Saho stood on the concrete corridor outside the school building holding his small mobile phone.

The other children gathered around Delia as they continued to learn how to study magic.

"Happiness?" Sayuri sounded confused.

"It's everything related to happiness. Did you get up well in the morning? Did your breakfast, lunch and dinner taste good? Is anyone willing to take the initiative to chat with you? Did you learn something new? Did you do enough exercise? Did you have time to give Do you want to play by yourself?" Hayho asked.

Saho was surprised. There were people who didn't understand what happiness was. Wouldn't they be more stupid than her?

Then, Hayho heard a long sigh coming from the other end of the phone.

"It's a good or bad life," said Sayuri. She really didn't know how to talk about it.

"It can't be worse than Anxinyuan. In Anxinyuan, you can only raise chickens and milk cows. Now that I'm with my senior, I will definitely take good care of you," said Saho.

She imagined how happy her life would be if she and her senior sister lived together! As long as I can hear my senior's voice every day, I will be very satisfied.

By the way, senior sister's voice, she really wanted to hear senior sister's voice.

"We are just trying to maintain our lives here and solve problems day after day." Sayuri paused, as if she didn't want to worry Saho, "But we can cope with it, thank you for your concern."

"As long as you are happy, because I am happy too. Can I talk to my senior?" said Saho.

"She's busy," Sayuri said.

"Busy, it's better to be busy." Hayho muttered.

She wanted to say something about the bad luck she encountered in Anxin Hospital, but she felt that Sayuri was also depressed, so she didn't say anything.

They both felt that they could not tell each other their burdens, and the conversation went silent.

This is so embarrassing. Hayao thought. I was too stupid, holding my phone and not moving.

"Do you want me to send you something?" Sayuri couldn't help but said, "I really miss you, everyone, and that place in the mountains, every plant and tree. Hey, I think about it sometimes in my dreams. Just. In the countryside, there are no worries. Whatever you want, I will buy it from New Tokyo and send it to you."

"Online shopping is so developed, why do I need you to specially send it here." Saho disagreed. She bought a lot of things with the eldest lady's "cheap shopping" account.

As soon as he finished speaking, Saho heard a choking sound on the other end of the phone.

"...Same." Sayuri reluctantly said, "Then let's talk next time, next time?"

"Okay." Hayho said.

Why are you crying? Why did Sister Sayuri cry because of this? The question filled her mind like a clock ticking, making her want to slap it away.

"——Wait a minute." Hayho added, "I want photos of the Great White Shark at the aquarium. I didn't see it with my own eyes when I went there before. Please take some more photos for me. Great White Shark, that's really cool. There are not even great white sharks on the bottom of the sea, only some ugly lantern fish can be seen. Last time I went there, I actually missed the great white sharks because of the penguins. Penguins are bad, but great white sharks are great!”

"Okay!" Sayuri immediately responded, "I will take pictures of them, take a lot of great white sharks, and then send them to Anxin Hospital."

Why not send it directly to your phone? Do I have to send it over? What’s special about the developed photos compared to the photos on your phone?

Haohui tilted his head.

But she felt that if she said this, Sister Sayuri would cry again. It's hard to understand the troubles adults have.

"Bye." Saho raised her voice and said crisply, "Live a good life with my senior."

"Bye." Sayuri waited for a while before hanging up the phone.

In the apartment room, Reio asked from the bathroom: "Is that Saho?"

"Yes." Sayuri packed her things and prepared to leave for the aquarium, "I'm going out."

"There are still a lot of things to do. I have to wash my clothes." Reio said unhappily. "There are still a lot of suspicious witches' whereabouts that need to be filed in the file, as well as the information about the Nightmare Girl. I'll finish washing them. I want to see it."

"I'm sorry - I'm going out!" Sayuri ran out with her heart pounding.

In the evening, Saho did horoscopes with Soraya.

Soraya is simply a god-like existence in Hayho's eyes. She knows everything and can tell all kinds of legendary stories, like a living dictionary of myths.

Once she opens her mouth, she will fill up Saho's brain with all kinds of messy things, which are exactly in tune with Saho's thoughts.

"Stars." Soraya looked up at the night sky, mesmerized and focused, as if she had great faith.

"Did they talk to you again? Why don't they talk to me?" asked Hayho.

"You have to get to know them and gaze upward." Soraya pulled Hayao away. There was a scent of oil on her body, which made Hayao confused. "Look, right on top of the outline of Mount Kagura, It shines brightly, so clearly, as if it is talking to us. That is Arcturus in the constellation Boötes, like a big orange. Behind, winding across the sky, is the Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major, hanging high in the sky, looking at it indifferently Us. This is very similar to the starry sky I saw in Medina 950 years ago."

Soraya held onto Saho's shoulder with one hand and moved her other hand across the sky.

Hayao concentrated on it, and she slowly got to know the stars.

The pale and huge one is Alfraz, the blue and dazzling one is Rigel, and the terrifyingly bright one that is almost exploding is Orion Betelgeuse, which together with Procyon and Sirius form the Winter Triangle.

Vibrant stars sparkle in the endless night, slowly sliding from one end of the horizon to the other.

"All the secrets are contained in the light cone. We are too far away from the stars and too lonely. The stars we see are essentially snapshots of ancient history. By the time we are here, those stars may have long since died. This single entity The universe is so vast that it is chilling. Our earth is so beautiful, and rockets can be launched today, but civilizations 50,000 light-years away need to wait 50,000 years to see us enter the age of stars," Soraya said.

"Bara Bala," said Saho, "but the demons are our neighbors, so we are not alone. The demons deal with us every day, so we are not alone."

"Demons, demons are conscientious scavengers. They are working hard to eradicate the troubles caused by humans and witches. Oh, I really want to go back and work with the demons. At least what they do is very far-sighted." Soraya thought about it.

"Why does the devil have foresight again?" Hayho didn't understand.

"That is to eradicate the increase in entropy and fundamentally avoid the collapse of the entire dimension. Entropy represents chaos, and the reproduction of intelligent creatures is as fast as cockroaches. As long as the demons start a little slower, those civilizations, especially those with rare elements, will , they will expand rapidly, fill the universe in visible time, and make the entire universe chaotic. When the devil attacks, he will have to face advanced civilizations and lose his troops. Therefore, we would rather fight quickly. The devil has a big impact on us. My dear, they extinguish more and more worlds and continuously reduce the expansion of entropy, so that we can survive, be careful! Be careful of the increase in entropy." Soraya murmured.

"I also want to work for the devils." Saiho said, "It seems that they are the right side."

"No! Everyone else can, but you can't, because your mother, the evil Shadow Witch! She killed many demons, and Nazmi was the sixth named demon, which became a stepping stone for her to break the throne. And the next demon she kills must be stronger than Nazmi, otherwise she won’t be able to break the throne.”

"It's only the 10th time the throne is broken. Then the 10th time the throne is broken, how powerful the person mom wants to kill must be!" Hayao was shocked.

"If she wants to be a god, she must kill the demon god who is equal to the god, or the high-ranking lord who is only one step away from the demon god. But that kind of existence is the strong person that the star witch like me should kneel down and worship. We Get some power from an exceptional being...offer a suitable gift..." Soraya said.

Mom is tracking powerful enemies, each one stronger than the one before, completing the position breaking. The tenth time will kill an unimaginably powerful person.

Hayao touched his head. Mom is so awesome.

"For what? There must be a purpose to become stronger." Hayho asked.

"Maybe it's just to have clear ideas." Soraya said mysteriously, "This is the way of thinking of the strong. The real strong no longer care about all the rules and morals designed by the outside world. The only criterion for their actions is 'I am the only one.' It’s refreshing to pursue your own ideas. If you don’t have this mentality, you will never become a strong person.”

"It seems that I already have the mentality of a strong person." Saho was very happy.

She saw Soraya sitting next to the shack, as if waiting for someone.

"Who are you waiting for?" Hayho asked.

"Zhang Su, I made an agreement with him. He will give me a new baby today." Soraya's hands were groping in the air with a strange and gentle expression, as if she was hugging an invisible lover. An invisible baby.

"Click the record button on the left to start recording this game." Hayho walked to the grass, turned on the recording function on his phone and lay down, intending to record the epic exchange between Teacher Dasu and Soraya.

Zhang Su came to see Soraya around 7:30.

He was very surprised by Soraya's adaptability. She built a shack, similar to a tent, in an unattended corner of An'an Hospital and lived in a house. She refused the dormitory provided by Zhang Su because she wanted to see the stars at night.

Her tent was surrounded by bottles and jars that she had obtained from unknown sources, as well as some manuscripts, hookahs, tables and chairs, pens and papers, ancient coins and souvenirs. The surrounding area was filled with various dried herbs and flowers, which were so bright and colorful. Such a beautiful girl, I thought she opened a flower shop if I wasn't careful.

"Soraya!" Zhang Su shouted.

"You're finally here." Soraya said excitedly. She stood up slowly, moving like a slow and elegant feline. "Are you here to be a pup for me?"

"Of course." Zhang Su looked at her.

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