Witch containment diary

Chapter 325 Development of Flame Marrow Minerals

"Miss Lianwu? Please come in." Zhang Su called her, thinking that he came at the right time and had something to tell her.

"!" Lian Wu walked forward in a puff of breath.

She stood in front of Zhang Su with her arms crossed, ready to destroy him.

"Remember the Battle of Kagura Mountain? After Nazmi's defeat, we seized a lot of demonic relics and research materials. Most of them were about Flame Bottle Seven. I think this world is full of potential." Zhang Su said what he had deciphered so far. The results were placed on the table and explained in detail to Lianwu.

"?" Lian Wu's eyes gradually moved down and placed on the table.

"You know that kind of model ship in a bottle," Soraya strongly advocated. "Use tweezers to clamp the accessories of the large sailing ship into the glass bottle little by little to shape it and turn it into a complete ship." This is also the meaning of the flame bottle in Ping Qi, which is a burning flame bottle, a pieced together, incomplete and separate world."

"??" Lianwu didn't understand.

"That is to say, there are no stars in the universe. We can see the universe here, which means that our planet is in a complete single dimension. Flame Bottle Seven is just a small world with no stars. It is terrible and desperate, but also wonderful. ." Soraya picked up a drinking glass from the table, put the lid on it, and quickly put it into her pocket, "Just like putting the water glass in your pocket, we can steal the Seven Flame Bottles completely."

"Steal..." Lianwu was confused by Soraya's rapid tone, "Wait!"

She thought that she had come to have a showdown with Zhang Su and was very angry! Zhang Su can no longer stall.

"Puff." Zaizai jumped on the table, reached out and pulled Lianwu's woolen scarf, pulled it loose, then dragged it down, folded it up with his clumsy tentacles, put it aside, and then shook it around Go as if waiting for a reward.

"This is..." Lianwu struggled to understand the little orange life in front of her. Although it looked similar to a slime, it could actually fold scarves and was well-behaved and sensible.

"This is Zai Zai." Soraya said innocently.

"Huhu." Zaizai inhaled Lianwu's woolen scarf.

"Scarf...!" Lianwu felt distressed.

After a while, Zai Zai suddenly sprouted warm white fluff all over his body and turned into the same long scarf.

scarf? Lianwu picked it up carefully. Just holding it felt soft, warm, furry, and very hot, which made it not cold.

"~" Lian Wu smiled.

What a delightful little life.

"This is someone else's thing, spit it out, spit it out, Zai Zai!" Soraya suddenly became furious.

She slapped the cub vigorously with her own hands, just like driving away an irrational pest! After two slaps, Zaizai was immediately dented.

It panicked and took out Lianwu's woolen scarf again, transformed back into an orange amorphous form, rolled on the table, collapsed to the ground, and made a whining sound that was almost like a small animal begging for mercy.

"...!" Lian Wu wanted to stop him, but she didn't know how to say it.

Soraya is a mysterious woman who can be considered weird.

When meeting An An in the courtyard, Lian Wu usually avoided her, or would hide behind the wall and wait for her to walk by.

Soraya was closely connected with the curse and mysterious things at first glance. Lianwu was sometimes afraid to take a bath for fear of being stained with unclean marks.

Zai Zai was beaten until he was shaking all over. Soraya stabbed Zai Zai ferociously with her slender fingers, almost pulling it around like dough and almost tearing it into pieces.

Finally, she used her hands to pull Zaizai away violently, just to tear it into two pieces. Soraya's face was equally ferocious and vicious, completely violent and completely dehumanized!

"No - don't...!" Lian Wu whispered.

"This is my cub! I gave birth to it! I made it! I can do whatever I want with it!" Soraya gritted her teeth, as if venom was spitting out from her brown eyes, "You can control it. Are you here?"

Lian Wu bit her lip.

she thought. If only she had been a strong woman, if only she had been a determined, courageous woman. If she is a strong woman, she can speak out openly.

"That's enough." Zhang Su reached out and grabbed Soraya's wrist, "Lianwu didn't blame Zaizai either. Don't vent your personal grievances on Zaizai."

Soraya subconsciously wanted to break away, but Zhang Su's big hands were really big hands. She gritted her teeth and tried her best to shake them, but she couldn't shake them.

In fact, Soraya is not as weak and delicate as she appears. She is also powerful, but she is still ten times weaker than Zhang Su. The strength of the two is completely different.

This fact made her a little sullen.

"Are you also responsible for Zaizai's discipline?" Soraya protested.

"We will teach Zai Zai well. Together." Zhang Su stopped Soraya with one hand and reached out to Zai Zai with the other hand.

It was so scared that it didn't even dare to run to Zhang Su.

"Poke..." Lian Wu carefully touched Zai Zai with her hand, and the place where her hand touched seemed to cause a small ripple.

"How do you feel?" Zhang Su thinks Zaizai is very funny.

"It's itchy." Lianwu became very curious about Zaizai. She turned around and patted her face, then turned back, "Whose is this...?"

"I gave birth to him." Soraya looked proud, "This is my baby, mine, mine. Mine!"

"Let's get back to business. I'm going to find a pen." Zhang Su reached for the pen on the table.

Zaizai turned his head, as if he wanted to be naughty with Zhang Su, and sucked the pen in first. Then, Zaizai became smaller and thinner, and he turned into a small pen-shaped creature.

Zhang Su picked it up and tried to write on the paper. The ink came out very smoothly, and the color he wrote was very beautiful. It was a starry black, like paint sprinkled with glitter on the paper.

"This is Flame Bottle Seven. According to the current information, it can be mapped. It covers an area of ​​about 7 million square kilometers, which is about the same as Australia. The sky is round and the sky is round." Zhang Su drew a ring. "Most of the area is covered with obsidian gravel, like a There are lava lakes flowing everywhere in the black desert, and precious flame marrow minerals are buried underground. A creature codenamed 'Fire Ball' is responsible for mining, and it should be created by demons. And the flame marrow is our target."

"Eat...?" Lian Wu looked at it in confusion.

Because it is painted with a pen made of zai zai, the painted images look pink and tender, with a sweet and lovely feeling. Zhang Su didn't know what happened.

"This is it, the flame marrow ore." Zhang Su deciphered the files left by the demon army and drew a new chemical formula. "This is pure demon technology, the flame marrow reactor. I am not familiar with the technical details, but Miss Lianwu said You should be able to understand. After all, Miss Lianwu is very smart."

"Hmph." Lianwu picked up a stack of drawings, turned around and flipped through them by herself. She had been reading all kinds of things very quickly since she was a child. Her thoughts were like an icebreaker, breaking through the icebergs and crossing obstacles. Reading is more interested in the flame marrow reactor described on the drawing, "...!"

"It seems that the demons have built many reactors using the flame marrow ore produced by Flame Bottle Seven, but they are all in other worlds. Flame Bottle Seven is just a source of raw materials. But they have sold a lot of clean energy and made too much money. , enough to make tens of millions of people worry-free about food and clothing. Miss Lianwu, do you think this is a business opportunity?" Zhang Su asked.

Lian Wu turned around seriously and nodded.

She picked up the pen and wrote some comments on the drawing, summarizing the technology into simple calculations to make it easier for Zhang Su to understand the principles.

Natural flame marrow ore is in the shape of large crystals. It undergoes fusion reactions in the natural environment and then produces a large amount of energy. It is like a piece of natural Tokamak fusion device, which is simply a treasure buried underground. In addition, it emits particles outward during operation. These particles hit the photoelectric layer and are converted into electrical energy. This process is extremely low-loss.

As a result, a complete Flame Marrow Reactor can produce more electricity than the largest nuclear power plant in mankind today, enough to make other energy companies sweat.

"We are going to be the richest people in the world." Zhang Su felt incredible.

"~" Lian Wu was eager to give it a try.

"Money is of no use to me, but I know Miss Lianwu will definitely make a lot of money from this. My happiness and pocket money for the rest of my life will all depend on Miss Lianwu." Zhang Su said half-jokingly.

"I won't give you any money..." Lianwu watched Zaizai spit out the pen and turn it into a soft, amorphous orange dumpling, and patted it again.

Every time I take a photo, I feel better.

She thought that Zhang Su had indeed entrusted her with all his wealth. Without himself, Zhang Su would be unable to move forward!

Lian Wu planned to be more arrogant. She blinked and slapped her hands on the table. This was the bravest move she had ever made in her life.

"Take it, Flame Bottle Seven~" she ordered, "There are a lot of ores, a lot of wealth..."

"No problem, we need that world." Zhang Su nodded, "We can't let the devil monopolize such good resources. The devil's advantage is to mine resources in different worlds, and we can do the same."

Lian Wu turned around and walked away easily.

It's late at night and it's time to sleep.

She bundled up tightly and went downstairs along the stairs she had walked repeatedly for more than a year. Everything here was familiar, and there were new changes every day, becoming more and more colorful.

Lianwu suddenly recalled her original intention: she was going to walk in, angrily slap something on Zhang Su's face, and then leave coolly, never to come back again.

But in retrospect, I would not feel comfortable if I did that.

Even her own heart will hurt even more.

She still doesn't understand how to get Zhang Su's true love. But she knew that if they hurt each other, it wouldn't be considered true love. Zhang Su seems to have been messing around, but he has never done anything particularly sorry for himself.

She looked in the direction of Ansin Shrine. By the way, ancestors! If you are an ancestor, you must know what to do. If Zhang Su is really bad, she will ask Yue Huaji how to eliminate the bad guys.

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