Witch containment diary

Chapter 326 Lian Wu discovers the truth

"Why are you being polite to that guy? The silly and good baby is no better than Zaizai." Soraya watched Lianwu leave.

"I love her." Zhang Su said.

"When is her birthday?"

"February 16." Zhang Su celebrated Lian Wu's birthday a month ago.

"Aha! Aquarius!" Soraya's eyes lit up. Only then did Zhang Su realize that he had inadvertently stepped into Soraya's horoscope trap again, "Aquarius and Cancer! Do you know?"

"I have no idea."

"Aquarius is an objective and calm person. She wants a partner who is strong, confident, and self-sufficient. Cancer wants a partner who is sensitive and passionate. They are essentially uncoordinated." Soraya said.

"Incoherent?" Zhang Su felt that the zodiac signs were all nonsense, but Soraya's words had a magical power that tempted him to listen.

"Listen to me, I am your assistant and your consultant. I also want to take care of your 'harem' in order. Of course, I use astrology research." Soraya spoke loudly, "Cancer you and Aquarius Lian Wu was definitely unhappy when we first started dating, because she couldn't take the initiative to change and become the kind of model you like: cheerful, lively, and active."

"We have known each other for a year," Zhang Su said.

"Being friends for a year is definitely not a romantic relationship. You just have a taste of it. In my opinion, this is no different from the budding love of young people." Soraya said shrewdly, "Do you want them all?"

"I want them all." Zhang Su replied without hesitation.

"Before I worked with the devil, I was born in Baghdad, and I was the same generation as Hassan, the old man in the mountains. At that time, almost every lord had a group of wives and concubines, so I understand it very well. In fact, as long as you are strong and confident enough, they will crawl on you. It's natural to be at the feet of Lianwu. Anyone who questions must first consider whether they have the stature and power like you. If you want to have a relationship with Lianwu, what you have to do is not get closer, but take a step back." Sora Ya said.

"Take a step back..." Zhang Su pondered, "Are you saying that Lianwu and I are too close? Will it affect each other instead?"

"Of course, distance brings beauty. Not only Lianwu, but also other people. If you try to please them, you are belittling yourself."

"I never thought so."

"Men must be tough. You have to be a cold stone and let them come to you. You are not the kind of teenager who worries about gains and losses, complaining about emotional affairs. You have choices, you can kick out those who make you upset. Women. You should let them take the initiative and come back to you crying. As long as you change the way you interact, you will see how much changes happen in them." Soraya said.

"I don't know. We have to see the effect." Zhang Su felt that facts speak louder than words.

Whether what Soraya said is correct or not, we will know tomorrow.

"You're supposed to be experienced."

"I...jumped the barrier." In Zhang Su's previous life, he did wait until the third year to determine the relationship between most people. Now that it has been accelerated, he has to solve the troubles that come with it.

"It doesn't matter, you have me now." Soraya said.

Zhang Su looked at Soraya, her expression was thoughtful. At this time, the light was dim and the atmosphere was gloomy. The flickering table lamp illuminated Soraya's sari, and the charming accessories, bracelets and necklaces all shone brightly.

Zaizai lay on Soraya's arm, emitting a soft orange light. The light flickered, as if synchronized with Soraya's breathing. The connection between the two people was obvious.

"I'm going to make you a cup of scented tea, an ancient recipe." Soraya walked out.

She made Zhang Su a cup of tea so that he could continue to study the secrets of Yan Ping Qi.

Zhang Su took a sip of the scented tea prepared by Soraya. It was so sweet that it reminded people of thickly brewed brown sugar, and the color was also very similar.

"It is said that there is also a demon knight group in Flame Bottle Seven. They are part of the 'cross-border division'." Zhang Su looked through the report.

"The people of the Transboundary Division are responsible for helping civilizations that are targeted by demons to 'retreat'. They have a fleet that wanders between different dimensions, or a very large space station cluster. Many civilizations have joined the eternal wandering, in the gap of subspace. Wandering in the world, they abandoned their home world," Soraya said.

"It seems that Flame Bottle Seven has many secrets to explore." Zhang Su closed the file, "It's time to rest, Soraya. I'll designate a room for you."

"No need." Soraya said, looking directly into Zhang Su's eyes, "I will sleep in your room. On such a cold night, you need someone to help you warm the blanket."

"That's my job." Shui Li suddenly said from the corner.

"Let's come together." Zhang Su has always been indifferent.

The next day, Zhang Su woke up to the sound of ringing.

Soraya was sleeping next to her, her long hair disheveled, and she was still half asleep, unconsciously performing actions similar to swallowing something.

Most of the jewelry that was in the way was taken off and piled on the table. The smell of oil spread everywhere, and the walls and floor were stained with traces of fragrance.

It looked like she wouldn't be able to get up for a while. Zhang Su stretched his waist.

Zai Zai got in through the gap under the door and was told to wait until dawn before he could come back to find Soraya.

Zhang Su's cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it belonged to Katie.

Dragon Palace's new leisure project made Katie feel better, but she did not completely forgive Zhang Su.

Hearing the bell, Soraya slowly woke up.

"Good morning. I can't move now." Soraya felt that her whole body was weak, but her spirit was very positive. "Whose phone number?"

"Carty." Zhang Su said.

"Talk to her, listen to her tone, but don't cater to her." Soraya held her head with one hand. "What we value is equality. If she is fierce, you will be fierce. Until she is gentle and docile, You then apply rewards. That’s what psychology teaches.”

Zhang Su answered.

"Where are you?" Zhang Su asked. He heard the sound of traffic on the other end, "Have you gone out?"

"...Oh, I went to Niigata yesterday and was investigating the oil property rights of the Mancias family." Katie said, "The situation is very bad, no one can help me speak. You can arrange a meeting or something for me, and I To reaffirm my share, you know, from Dallas to Houston to the Sierra Madre, it's all mine. Only mine..."

"I have work to do. The spring work meeting is still waiting to be held. We will talk about this next time." Zhang Su said.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Shouldn't this matter - shouldn't this matter be a priority?" Katie's tone suddenly became angry.

"We are talking about an industry north of the Sierra Madre Mountains with 5 million barrels of oil per day and a net profit of 827.7 billion. It is not simple." Zhang Su said.

Analyzing rationally, he remembered that in his previous life he had helped Kati travel here and there. Taking back Kati's ancestral property was a big project. It was much more difficult than imagined and required some strategies.

After all, 15 years have passed since the Mancias family was wiped out by demons. And they are in Dongming Country, and there are not many allies on the west coast of North America to help.

When Katie heard Zhang Su's words, her tone suddenly became annoyed and impatient: "What do you mean? Are you...are you tired of it?"

At the end of her sentence, her tone gradually became cautious.

Soraya made a gesture to signal Zhang Su to end the communication.

"No. I just have important things to do." Zhang Su hung up the phone.

"That's right." Soraya said, "You don't want to hurt their feelings, that's right. But you are too gentle to them, and you confuse the people you are communicating with. You mix with the children in Anyuan. You seem to think that everyone needs to be cared for, coaxing this one today and that one tomorrow? No. What you want now is mature feelings. You can't always act too soft, too weak, or too passive. No man wins everyone by catering. At heart, you are a wolf, an Alpha. If you want to be a scumbag, be as ruthless as possible, and you will definitely break one or two people's hearts in the end."

"No, it has nothing to do with what you said. I do have a job, and the spring work meeting is about to start. Twice a year, all witch supervisors report on their work and study the indicators for the next year." Zhang Su changed clothes.


"There should be. If Anxin Hospital is upgraded again, our number of employees will double. I don't know how many people will come to work."

"Can it be expanded?" Soraya found it interesting and sat up.

"More than that, we can build Anxinyuan on the opposite side of Kagura Mountain. The entire Kagura Mountain area will be transformed into a part of Anxinyuan. All forest farms, rivers, cultivated land and natural resources will belong to us. By then we will build a An unprecedented home." Zhang Su said.

He picked up the phone and dialed Tongjian Yihuai's office.

Kazama Yoshihuai now takes over from Edith and takes office as the director of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau, always solving problems with a meticulous attitude.

Zhang Su knew that he must be awake at this point.

"Hello, Director Kazama, I would like to ask about the spring work meeting." Zhang Su said.

"Cancelled, there was an emergency." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Is it related to the Blade Commander?" Zhang Su knew that this demon was hiding somewhere. There is a high probability that it is in Dongming Country.

"The gate of hell in Hokkaido has been breached. I need to draw people from you to the front line." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

Katie walked angrily through the streets of Niigata City with her hands in her leather jacket.

She had been thinking about the restoration of her family all winter. Katie read about her past and discovered that she had lived a life of spending money. Looking at the photo of herself wearing sunglasses and leaning on a Maybach when she was 12 years old, she was distraught. Dare to believe it's herself. She was so envious of her past self, which was billions of times richer than she is now.

The wealth and prosperity of the Mancias family was second to none. She just wants the past to return.

Katie thought that Zhang Su would be as kind to her as before, but Zhang Su was uncharacteristically different. Why? Katie ran her hands through her hair.

Is it the result of her mischief?

She remembered her previous complaints against Zhang Su and couldn't help but fall into her own frustration.

Yes, after waking up from hibernation, she unconsciously lashed out at him. No other man would be able to bear it.

And dragon eggs! Katie didn't even hatch the egg, leaving the child to fend for itself. Zhang Su must be angry because of this.

What a terrible mother she must have been...alcoholic, money-grubbing, brutal. It is completely the behavior of a beast, the behavior of a dragon. But not a good mother or wife.

Recalling Zhang Su's various attempts to help her recover her memory and rebuild her spirit, Katie's body trembled a little. He had tried his best to understand her and make her strong, but she shattered his will and forced him to become a ruthless, self-isolated guy... She was a little red-faced.

It would be nice to become a smarter, more reasonable person.

We have to go back before everything gets out of control, but Anyuan is in the mountains and flying back will disturb passers-by, so we still need to get a car.

Katie felt that she was short of money. She looked around on the streets of Niigata City. If she needed money, she would go to Anxin Industrial and Lianwu. Company by the sea.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Katie saw Lianwu arriving at the office park in her car. She couldn't help but take a few steps forward and waved her hand to stop Lianwu.

"Oh...give me some money." Katie asked for money anxiously, "I don't have enough money, I'm short of money."

"?" Lian Wu found Katie at the door of the company and felt very strange, "King in a hurry."

"It's urgent. I, I have to go back to Zhang Su immediately. He called and his attitude changed. It's painful. I want to say something nice to him. It's my fault." Katie was a little frustrated.

Lian Wu rolled down the car window and took out 500,000 yen from the car and gave it to Katie.

Katie looked at a large bag of cash and was very satisfied. It was indeed the eldest lady, so she took it away.

Seeing Katie so "refreshing", Lian Wu was not happy.

"Polite." Lian Wu summoned up the courage to say.

"These are Zhang Su's money. It doesn't matter if I take them." Katie felt that Zhang Su was responsible for Lianwu's current wealth.

If it weren't for Zhang Su's mediation, Lianwu would be considered a poor man just because of Dongzhou Industrial's sins and debts, and he wouldn't be where he is now. Katie thought.

"That's right. No." Lian Wu shook his head, "You're not familiar with Zhang Su."

"What? He is the only man who fully accepts me, the only one who loves me." Katie snorted.

"??" Lian Wu was stunned, "Love?"

"Love." Katie said without hesitation, "I'm going to eliminate the pain between me and him. Feel true love!"

Lian Wu curled her lips, turned her head angrily, and patted her face.

Katie is really cranky, how can there be love?

"He doesn't love you that much!" Lianwu said. She felt that the relationship between Zhang Su and Katie was just good friends.

"Why don't you love me?" Katie felt outrageous. "Zhang Su is already the father of my child. Didn't he tell you anything?"

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