Witch containment diary

Chapter 329 There is also a secret to childbirth

After hearing these words, Lian Wu just smiled.

"Brother," she whispered, "drink less."

Her voice was so light, but it was like an ice pick, breaking open the ice sea in Long Yi's heart.

An Yuanlong stretched out his hand and wanted to take his cell phone away from the demon, but he pulled back at the last moment.

He didn't dare.

The demon was powerful enough to annihilate him.

"This is your chance, go find Zhang Su." Mr. Fortunado continued to guide, "He and you rely on each other."

"Also, thank you." Long Yi couldn't help but say, "Lianwu."

"Come on." Lian Wu said softly, then hung up the phone.

"Did the plan succeed? Did it rekindle hope in her heart? The heartstrings of intelligent creatures are so easy to pluck." A look of contemplation appeared on Mr. Fortunado's golden skull face.

"The humans in old Tokyo tasted too bitter," said the Blade Commander. It’s more about restoring strength.

"It seems that someone is not satisfied with the snacks. Recruit servants, expand influence, and harvest souls! Carmen, Nazmi, move, move. The blade is responsible for killing the biggest threat, and I will provide logistics support for you. When the time comes, one person Divide 12.5 million souls, fair and just. New Tokyo City is a pearl isolated on the sea. The mist can distract Zhang Su. Mihashi Yu and Nagai Hikoshiro are both candidates for our camp. Ryuichi is my disciple . The only problem is how to get to the island of New Tokyo." Mr. Fortunado arranged.

"New Tokyo is guarded by Kazama Yihuai. If you all want to enter, you will definitely find it." Long Yi said cautiously, "Whether it is on a bridge, in the air or under the sea..."

"I have a plan. If we follow the plan, we can divert human attention and facilitate our work." Mr. Fortunado said unhappily, "Plan! It's everything. It means I have a way. I have With your own ideas, you can arrange for us to go to New Tokyo and put a knife on human necks."

"You plan to use the tens of millions of people in New Tokyo and Old Tokyo as bargaining chips to blackmail Edith? Will she care?" Nazmi asked.

"I'm sorry. She has a contract with humans. She must do it, otherwise her soul will be stored away forever." Mr. Fortunado said.

"According to current intelligence, Zhang Su also has a branch office in New Tokyo." Nazmi submitted a piece of information.

"Reio Sasahara," Mr. Fortunado said, "I hope she is someone who loves money."

The demons have their own plans, and mortals are the marginal helpers after all. Anxinyuan Long Yi walked aside silently.

He stared out the window. On one side was the gray landscape of old Tokyo, and on the other side was the splendid new Tokyo metropolis in the bay in the distance.

He thought of Lian Wu's brief but sincere care for him, and how passive and unhappy she was around Zhang Su, and his heart was as sharp as a knife.

The sister's honor and family responsibilities must still be protected by the brother.

Long Yi looked at his hands. The demonic power rises like a poisonous snake. Now, he feels that he can compete even if he meets Zhang Su. He felt that there was endless strength in his body.

Carrying all this, I will take it all back from Shengyang Group and Zhang Su.

Tell them to repay double... repay ten times!

Lianwu leaned on the pillow in the hospital, thinking wildly.

Having a phone call with Long Yi can be considered as a way of calming down, and to a certain extent, it alleviated the distress caused by these recent events to a certain extent.

The eldest brother said some random things, he must have drunk too much. She pouted.

Let's talk to my second brother. Brother Kyoji often does narcissistic things, and his behavior is not upright.

However, he has quite a lot of emotional experience, and he might be able to help Lian Wu clarify Zhang Su's thoughts. Why do men always mess around?

She dialed Kyoji's number.

"Brother..." Lian Wu held the phone and lay down on the bed.

It feels like going back to childhood. An's house was not big at that time, so she was reading in the study. Even though her brothers were separated by a wall, she still had to talk to them on her mobile phone.

"Yo yo yo, isn't this Renwu? Do you finally think of your brother?" Kyoji's voice sounded quite flippant.

"Where are you?" Lian Wu asked softly.

"Where else can we be at the port of New Tokyo? The office can directly see the Pacific Ocean. 99% of the shipping is labeled by the Sun Group, and 1% is by the military. I am envious." Kyoji said.

Lianwu felt funny. The second brother is also running a small business, but he is far from being able to compete with Shengyang. He's an unlucky guy. Maybe great wealth will never hit him.

"Are you at work?" she asked.

"Yes, working hours, but you know, you have to leave time for your family. That guy Long Yi won't contact me, so I only have you." Kyoji said.

Lian Wu summarized the recent troubles in a low voice.

Zhang Su, whom she had always liked, thought she could be with him in white hair.

She didn't expect that he was having an affair with another woman and even had a child. She was completely kept in the dark about this.

"That bastard." Kyoji said angrily, "We had dinner together that day, and we thought he was as talented as ever! Where are you now? Are you safe?"

"It's okay." Lian Wu sat up and muttered.

"What are your plans?" Kyoji was concerned.

"Leave, An Yin. I'll go to your place and stay for a while." Lian Wu summoned up the courage to say.

This is a matter of principle.

Lianwu didn't want to give in on principle.

She chose to quit and leave.

"You can stay here as long as you want. Come back to New Tokyo. You can help me study the business plan. But my house is a bit messy and I had a big fight with my girlfriend."


"You don't know her, she's a car model. We met her when we were young and frivolous and driving a racing car." Kyoji complained.

"Is she bad?"

"I just recently learned that she misappropriated my company's finances," Kyoji said.

"Bad, bad." Lianwu felt that her brother and sister had met a bad guy, so she punched the air lightly through the phone.

"Yeah, so if you come to my house, she might be a little bad-tempered and have to mutter something." Kyoji said.

"?" Lianwu didn't understand, "She...is at your house..."

"Why. She and I are about to get married."

"You're not saying that she embezzled the company..." Lian Wu frowned. It was a felony for her, "No, absolutely, no."

"I don't know how to put it." Kyoji's tone changed, from the previous frivolity to a bit serious, "Even if she steals money, I still like her. Since the accident in our family, I decided to start my own business. In fact, I originally earned it for her. I was busy taking care of everything and giving her money at the same time. I knew I would be better off without her, but you know, that feeling, 'destined' to be her. I only feel loved and loved when I'm around her. You Do you have such deep emotions with Zhang Su?"

"..." Lian Wu was thoughtful.

"It's very special, sister. That is to say, if I miss her, it will be difficult for me to find someone who really has feelings in the vast sea of ​​people in the future. I only have an electric connection with her. Like those poems and haiku you read , that kind of true love poem, what life and death are together. It’s really special. If I dump her, yes, I will forget her in five or eight years. But she will still be in my heart in this life, and I will think of her before I die. .So I will never leave her, and I am not willing to let her go." Kyoji continued to babble.

"Well..." Lianwu said softly.

"Are you tired of what I said? You haven't changed at all! So when will you come to New Tokyo?" Kyoji asked, "Lengwu? Are you sure you will come?"

Anxinyuan, Yuehuayuan.

The ladies were discussing how to raise children.

"After hatching, you need to start breastfeeding in the first few days, about once every two hours." Xincheng Meiyu taught Katie.

"Ouch." Katie grabbed her hair, "That's, that's a little dragon, not a little... baby."

"If the dragon doesn't drink milk, how will he spend his childhood? I'm not kidding, I'm asking sincerely." Xincheng Meiyu asked.

"It doesn't hurt to drink some milk." Rena Kobayashi interrupted, "I've seen people in the countryside feed milk powder to birds."

"Beasts are wild animals. Are there savages in the wild to feed them?" Youfa Lin mocked.

It was amazing talking to them about raising children. Katie pondered. Maybe she can be a good mother too.

She didn't tell them about her "injury to Lianwu". Katie didn't think it was a big deal.

They are also gossipy women, mother-like figures, Kobayashi Reina, Yufa Lin and Shinjo Miyu, who will get together when they have nothing to do.

If they were allowed to talk about this matter over and over again, Katie would be depressed to death.

Even though there are only four of them, the private group can form at least seven or eight couples.

"Early education is also very important." Xincheng Meiyu picked up a cup of tea from the table. The tea was made by Reina. "If you want the little witch to win at the starting line, you must always take care of her."

"What does a newly hatched child look like?" Katie asked.

"It's very small and wrinkled." Xincheng Meiyu said, "Shihua was shrunk inside the egg. The doctor advised me not to peel it off with my hands and let the baby come out on its own. But I was still worried about her. I wanted to protect Shihua, so I put the egg into the egg." Smash it and take her out.”

"Can you talk as soon as you come out?" Katie was curious.

"In addition to crying, she makes a "humming" sound. She sleeps for a long time, sleeping 20 hours a day. Put a sound detector next to the baby's bed. If she cries, she should go there in time. What is she doing? Everyone knows that she can hear her mother walking and see me, and she smiles when she sees me." Miyu Shinjo recalled what happened to Komurohua, with a faint smile on her face.

"I really wish I had a child." Reina Kobayashi sighed.

"We are not so meticulous in raising children." You Falin said disdainfully, "They were not good to me either. I was put on a stand. Behind me, you don't know how big my belly is. You have seen this hall. Well, my belly is at least half the size of this room, and soon after, the witch eggs will pour out. It takes about six or seven hours each time, during which the bumblebees will feed me."

"Ouch." Katie felt weird after hearing this.

"Katy, didn't you go to hatch the eggs?" Xincheng Meiyu frowned, "You should be incubating them now."

"Some things." Katie blushed as she recalled the tantrum she had with Zhang Su in the cave. What an irresponsible mother would throw away the newly laid witch eggs. She made a sharp grinding sound because she hated herself. She really wanted to hold her baby and hatch her right now. "How long does it take to hatch an egg?"

"Ten days and a half, the temperature must be suitable." Xincheng Meiyu said, "If possible, use a potion to soak it. It is difficult to have the right potion."

"I'm going to hatch eggs, I'm going to hatch eggs!" Katie stood up, feeling happy in her heart.

A kind of brisk happiness soon took over, like seeing a beautiful scenery in a warm season. She imagined that the eggshell would crack and a cute baby would crawl out of it!

"I'm just asking, I'm rude, I'm extremely sorry." Rena Kobayashi couldn't hold it back, "Is it really...'laying an egg'? That egg is very big? In that case, wouldn't it be enlarged to a very big size?"

"You humans can hold on, why can't we witches." Xincheng Meiyu disagreed.

"Can you regain your previous resilience?" Reina was curious.

"Of course, we can do muscle control and basic training. There are some differences between witches and humans." Miyu Shinjo looked at Katie.

"Yeah." Katie felt it, "open and close."

"Awesome..." Mrs. Reina was shocked.

"I took it while I was dreaming, so I probably didn't feel it at all," Katie said.

"What about the one that was born six hours ago? Is it still functioning normally?" Their eyes turned to You Falin.

"???" You Falin shrank towards the sofa, "How do I know! I haven't tried it for a long time!"

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