Witch containment diary

Chapter 330 It’s also her thoughts

Zhang Su walked towards Yuehua Garden with a solemn expression.

He waved to them who were drinking tea and snacks in the booth: "Katie? Come here alone, please."

"Ouch." Katie slapped the table and walked out easily.

"Who do you think the father is?" They started gossiping and whispering as soon as Katie left.

On the stone walkway outside, Zhang Su looked at Katie.

She looked confident and contented, with a pair of sharp dragon horns straight and straight, and a pair of lizard-like vertical pupils in her sharp yellow-brown eyes.

"What's wrong? You look a little nervous." Katie said.

"Veronica still plans to accuse." Zhang Su took out a document from his arms, "Molu Medical Company is too concerned about the personal safety of its customers."

"Lianwu is fine again. She just needs to say it was a misunderstanding. Doesn't she dare to say it?" Katie disagreed.

"Katy. Hulu Company is one of the designated suppliers and also cooperates with North American energy giants. They came very quickly. I think they are targeting you. The hot searches have already started to hype." Zhang Su looked through the documents in his hand. , "A lot of unknown funds flow to the media. If you can't handle it well, your reputation will be ruined, and you will never be able to go back and inherit your ancestral property."

"Prevent me from going back?" Katie was furious, "These corporate dogs!"

"I know you are angry." Zhang Su comforted her, "But we will solve the problem. I have thought of several ways."

"Ouch?" Katie asked. Zhang Su's words always made her calmer.

"Go on TV, apologize publicly, and seek official reconciliation. Grandma Dailan will help you. Dailan is a senior supervisor sent by the Witch Council. She can speak well." Zhang Su said.

"That means admitting defeat." Katie was disdainful. "That means I have to be responsible for the 'attack on Lianwu'... I don't want it."

"Or accept a disciplinary order." Zhang Su whispered, "You can stay in Anxinyuan, keep a low profile, and hatch our child."

"Okay." Katie shrugged, "It just so happens that I want to hatch eggs too, it's baby time."

"But... New Tokyo will send a chain." Zhang Su took a deep breath.

Katie's eyes suddenly became ferocious, and the surrounding air began to heat up, as if a volcano was about to erupt in front of them from this moment.

"I'd rather run away!" Katie said angrily, "than wear chains."

"There is another way -" Zhang Su rolled up the documents and information in his hand, "...the Hokkaido frontline needs support, I can make arrangements for this."

"The devil broke through?" Katie frowned.

"Yes, a large-scale attack, just two days ago, Hokkaido bore the brunt. There were a lot of demons coming out." Zhang Su said.

"War? No problem." Katie's expression softened a lot. "The devil still owes my family a blood feud. Going to the front line and burning tens of thousands of devils to death is one way."

"Akazawa Yoshio is also there. I will write a letter asking her to take care of you." Zhang Su said.

"Tch. I don't want you to care. I'm very strong." Katie turned around, paused, and then raised her head, "What about my balls?"

"Do you want to find someone to hatch it on your behalf?" Zhang Su thought of Princess Otohime.

"No." Katie also thought of the sea dragon, "Keep that arowana away from my baby!"

Seeing that Katie was a little uneasy, Zhang Su continued.

"Don't worry, I will help you get things done, Katie. Things on the front line are not difficult to solve. I will take care of the back road, and I will also follow up on the legacy of the Mancias family. Katie, believe me, these things will be taken care of. Disposal."

Katie nodded, Zhang Su was willing to say this, and she felt good.

"Easy!" She stretched and went back pretending to be relaxed.

"How?" Mrs. Reina pushed the cookie in front of Katie.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaae." Katie ate a snack, "It turns out that someone is still trying to cause trouble for me, and I have to go to the front line to avoid the limelight. Hum, rather than being chained in a cage like an animal, I would rather go to trouble the devil and support those on the ground. Soldier!"

"What's going on? Will you atone for your sins?" You Falin was curious.

"There are some small troubles." Katie waved her hand, "When there is some movement in the city, humans tremble with fear. They are also afraid that the witch will come and kill their whole family. Whether it's public opinion or the law, I have to go to the front line to make amends. It’s always like this when using the witch’s power to fight against the devil’s army. Ouch…”

"Kagura Mountain is safe. You..." Shinjo Miyu frowned, "Are you going to Hokkaido?"

"You are familiar with that place. Ha." Katie was eager to give it a try. "I heard that the demons there are all skinny and will kill each other before they even rush to the human position. They are natural targets for witches. I will be there Let the devil suffer a big loss, I am a broken dragon!"

She looks relaxed and moves naturally.

Xincheng Meiyu stared at her and detected a hint of fear from Katie.

"Carty." Xincheng Meiyu said.

"Ang?" Katie turned her head.

"Where are the hatched eggs? Where are the children?" Xincheng Meiyu asked.

"It's not like you can lose an egg. Besides, if you lose it, you'll get another one. I'm still young. Zhang Su is also young," Katie said.

"Zhang Su??" Li Nai was shocked.

"It's a big game." Youfalin commented, "Next time you take me with you, I will also do some 'rehabilitation'."

"..." Xincheng Meiyu was thoughtful.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." Katie didn't know why they had such a big reaction, "When you have free time, you can come over and play if you want."

Xincheng Meiyu took a deep breath.

"We won't discuss the child's father in advance." She looked up at Katie, "I'll go with you."

"What for? I can fight the devil myself." Katie said.

"You are still afraid of demons in your heart." Xincheng Meiyu said.

"No." Katie snorted coldly from her nose.

"Katy Mancias, I know you, things were bad in North America back then. Trauma disorder may be a recovery, but it stays with you for life. You need someone to look out for you. You need someone to hold up that shield for you." Miyu Shinjo stood up, "Besides, I have been guarding Hokkaido for more than 10 years. It's time to regain my reputation."

"Yoshio Akazawa is there." Katie said, "She is also out of position."

"The more, the better. You, me, and her are the three broken witches. We can ensure victory in this battle." Shinjo Meiyu said.

"Let her go, she is professional." Youfa Lin said.

"Aw...Aw...Aw...I can do it, I can do it on my own, I am not afraid of demons, demons are not scary, demons are all little Karami, I am strong...I am a dragon..." Katie said to herself Yu, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Xincheng Meiyu stepped forward and held her hand.

"I must ensure that you come back safe and sound." Xincheng Meiyu looked directly into Katie's eyes, "I cannot let your unborn child lose her mother."

The next day.

A Shiratori heavy-duty helicopter arrived at Ansin, preparing to pick up reinforcements and head to Hokkaido.

"Sapporo City has been besieged by demons, and we are in urgent need of powerful witch support." A lieutenant saluted everyone at the Ansin Institute, especially Shinjuku Mitama, "Welcome back, Lord Shinjo Mitama."

The beautiful jade in the new city stands proudly.

The crime of defection remains valid. However, if he can be found guilty and serve meritoriously, the remaining three years of his sentence may be reduced. Zhang Su thought silently.

In other words, Xincheng Meiyu will soon be innocent.

"What is this? Let me get it." Zhang Su looked up and saw them unloading a large box from the cabin.

"That's my armor." Shinjo Miyu said, "I can't go to the front line wearing a prison uniform."

"Do you need my help?" Zhang Su asked.

"Just send it downstairs. Now that you're done, I'll change into it in the dormitory." Xincheng Meiyu and Zhang Su returned to the prison building from the open space.

Shihua and the other children were watching, curious and worried but afraid to get close.


Xincheng Meiyu stood still and turned to Zhang Su.

Her expression was firm and her eyes were calm.

"I thought I would never go back. You must have scored full marks on all my psychological tests." Miyu Shinjo said.

"Madam, you are not guilty." Zhang Su said, "It is good to love your own children."

Xincheng Meiyu smiled.

"You're really good at speaking." She said in a long tone, "You must have written a lot of reports and applications last night."

"Many, many, clean and beautiful." Zhang Su said.

"Listen, Komuro Hana's father is a bastard." Meiyu Shinjo said. "After I 'lost control', he wrote a written statement to the official, and I, and the entire Shinjo family, severed ties with Komuro Hana. Because he is an officer, he If he still wants to be promoted, he can't let a confused witch wife ruin his promotion path. Do you know his situation?"

"He went to Europe and was almost a major general." Zhang Su recalled.

"It's a good thing that your job agency is on an equal footing with him." Xincheng Meiyu stretched out her hand to straighten Zhang Su's collar, "You know what? I like children."

"Children, of course, are very cute." Zhang Su's eyes met hers.

Xincheng Meiyu's eyes hinted.

"Every time I talk to Katie about her baby, I get a weird feeling. I want more. A fire inside me. I don't know about you, but I'm telling you: I'm going to have another baby .”

"I'm happy to help." Zhang Su said, "As long as I can help."

"We'll talk about it when I get back." Xincheng Meiyu deflected her gaze, "——I have to say thank you. I have the magic power of 'protection', but I can't protect my beloved child. Whenever this kind of thought troubles me, I can't control myself. The emotion of wanting to return to the one I love. But at least now, when I think of Shihua growing up healthily in Anxinyuan, I am no longer worried, not at all."

"I wish you victory," Zhang Su said, "and drive out all the demons."

"Expell them all? Humans are afraid of witches, revere witches, and want to kill witches. It's just the pressure from the devil that makes us cooperate temporarily." Xincheng Meiyu opened the supply box and took her armor box with her, "I sometimes think, even if we really After all the demonic crises are eliminated, humans and witches will also turn their conflicts towards each other and fight."

"Indeed." Zhang Su did not deny it.

"So if it were me." Xincheng Meiyu went upstairs, "Even if I had the chance to destroy all the demons, I would not make that choice."

"She will come back safely. Children, let's say a small goodbye." Zhang Su asked the children from a distance to come over.

"Hmm...!" Murohua walked over frustrated and shy.

"Have a conflict with mom?" Zhang Su asked.

"Ah...hey..." Shihua didn't know where to start.

"Don't pry into our children's affairs." Zaho patted her.

"Okay." Zhang Su went to see Katie off.

"I'm not going to sit on that thing, I'm going to fly over." Katie was about to transform.

"Really? I have to say hello along the way and don't let the anti-aircraft guns shoot you down." Zhang Su felt that Katie was thinking of something.

"Ouch!" Katie unleashed her magic power and transformed into a giant white-scaled dragon, covering most of the playground and runway in an instant.

"Bon voyage." Zhang Su hugged Katie's head, "I will watch the road ahead to make sure that Anxin Hospital is fine and that there is no trouble in New Tokyo."

"We may have had a quarrel." Katie lowered her head and whispered to Zhang Su, and the shadow covered his whole body, "...maybe we had a temper, maybe we had emotions. But we agreed that one code is one code, and we will be together one day. One day, don’t leave your anger until the next day, oh... okay? Say yes quickly, okay..."

"Okay." Zhang Su patted her and said, "It's a deal. Don't lose your temper on the front line and listen to Akasawa Yoshio. The child is still waiting for your return."

"Got it!" Katie raised her head and roared.

She crawled forward, Zhang Su asked everyone to avoid it, she flapped her wings hard, the air flow surged, she rose up from the ground, and found a way to fly to the north.

It almost overturned the heavy helicopter! The lieutenant of Hokkaido was amazed that this dragon would destroy all demons. What humans lack is this...combat power.

Zhang Su watched Katie leave.

He lowered his head and looked at the text message. Lianwu sent a message, saying that she would come to Anxin Hospital today to "make a break".

Before I had time to think about what Lianwu meant, on the other side, Xincheng Meiyu also put on the sentry armor and came down.

She was wearing a lightweight and elegant technical armor, with silver-plated steel plates covering her vital points and smooth joints. She was holding a tactical helmet in her hand. There were small flying wings on the back of the helmet, which was exquisite and fashionable.

"Wow——!" Hayho made a fuss, "So handsome!"

"Mom..." Shihua cried.

"Don't cry." Xincheng Meiyu bent down and wiped away Shihua's tears.

"Is it because I didn't listen to my mother?" Shihua said sadly, "Is that why my mother left me?"

"You are strong and independent now, and it's not too late for mom to be happy. Mom ran away from Hokkaido back then and felt guilty. Now she has to go back and finish the unfinished business. Humanity will forgive our family for this. We will be free by then and we can go home." Xincheng Meiyu nodded.

"Go home!" Shihua sobbed as she remembered the house she lived in when she was a child. "Mom, let's go home together."

"Be good." Miyu Shinjo gave Hana Komuro a final hug, and then walked towards the helicopter.

"Everything is ready. Unlike before, you have received all authorizations this time, and we are all looking forward to it!" The lieutenant paid tribute to Xincheng Meiyu.

Xincheng Meiyu entered the cabin. Gotta show it to the kids. she thinks. Let them know, let everyone see how the active war witches fight!

"Send a message to all troops to suspend operations. With me here, everything will be different." Xincheng Meiyu said proudly.

"Yes!" The lieutenant was excited. The Iron Wall of Hokkaido is out again.

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