Witch containment diary

Chapter 331 The birth of the baby

Shihua followed.

She kept watching her mother board the transport plane. The white bird rose higher and higher, and finally flew away and became a small dot.

Shihua raised her head and looked into the distance, and she suddenly completely understood her mother's feelings.

The children stepped forward to comfort him.

"Separated? No." Zhazhang was a little sad, as if he would cry before Shihua.

"No, the crybaby is here!" Natsuki lifted the bomb and carried it into Yuanzhi's arms.

"Be good, be good..." Yuanzhi hugged Babao tightly, letting him cry in her arms, "Who is a good baby? A good baby can't cry."

Yuanzhi patted her shoulder over and over again, shook her slowly, and put her head against Fangbang's forehead. Only then did Zhizhang not cry on the spot.

"It's okay, I want to do big things, do great things. Mom wants to make contributions." Mayumi said something reasonable.

"To help humans?" Qing Xiao said, "Why don't witches establish their own domain and completely stay away from the endless war between humans and demons? We witches obviously shouldn't sacrifice our own interests to work for humans."

"The spirit world is like this. It is precisely because the most powerful witches think so that this war is getting longer and longer." Mayumi said.

"You are obviously thinking from a human perspective. You have read a lot of textbooks written by humans and have been implanted with psychological suggestions by them. In fact, if powerful witches really leave humans, it will be detrimental to the future of us witches. That's the best, so that they can preserve their strength and don't have to spend their energy in endless demon wars. Wait until both humans and demons are defeated, then annex the human world, because if the war starts directly, humans will definitely resist to the death." Qing Xiao said.

"You guys only care about yourselves, huh." Saho made a face at them, then went over to hook up with Murohua, "Murohua, it's okay, mom will be back, just go back quickly."

"Yes." Shi Hua wiped her tears, "I just remembered that I had a high fever when I was a child and my father was not here. I was waiting alone at home and was very sad. However, in the early morning of that day, my mother suddenly appeared at the door. She Picked me up and took me to the hospital. She was watching TV, and it said on TV that the powerful witch was AWOL. Only now did I understand what all this was about. I knew that if something happened to my mother, I would too He escaped from An'an Hospital and rushed to her side with all his strength to protect her."

"Let's go together," said Saho, "We are all a family, and I will be everyone's father."

After a while, Hayao saw Hasumi walking through Ansin like a ghost.

wax apple?

"Miss? The farewell ceremony is over! You missed it. Come earlier next time." Hayho waved to her.

Lianwu nodded to her, but did not stop. Instead, she returned to her room on the first floor of the prison building.

After about a few minutes, she walked out carrying a bag.

"Ah!" Zaosui was stunned for a moment, and her heart was shaken. She ran towards Zhang Su and shouted, "Da Su! The eldest lady is leaving!"

"I know." Zhang Su said.

Lianwu didn't change her mind. She was still disappointed with Zhang Su and didn't like Katie. Otherwise Katie wouldn't have gone to the front. As long as Lian Wu drops the charges, nothing will stand.

But this is the case. In the end, the person who broke out with Zhang Su was Lian Wu.

"Stay young lady! Hurry!" Zaosui shook Zhang Su's big hand. Seeing Zhang Su walking towards Lianwu, Zaosui breathed a sigh of relief, "This is just right!"

"Lianwu." Zhang Su walked to Lianwu and she stamped her feet, "Are you leaving?"

"." Lian Wu nodded lightly.

"Sorry." Zhang Su said.

"." Lian Wu looked up at him with sincere eyes.

The two looked at each other in silence, but they both smiled in unison after a moment of silence.

"I really hope you can stay." Zhang Su said, "I'm sorry for what I did."

"." Lian Wu lowered her head and nodded. She stepped forward and stood on tiptoe, touched Zhang Su's face and smiled, "Come on."

"I will." Zhang Su nodded.

She took out several printed brochures from her bag and handed them to Zhang Su.

"Here, kids." Lianwu said.

"Definitely." Zhang Su accepted these thick booklets.

"." Lian Wu looked into the distance.

"Then." Zhang Su said goodbye, "See you next time."

"~" Lianwu bowed to Zhang Su and left.

At the door, before Lianwu crossed the threshold of Anxinyuan, red flames appeared on the ground.

"Ah ah ah -" Hong Yan jumped out and immediately fell to the ground crying, grabbing the hem of Lian Wu's skirt, "Bodhisattva doesn't want you to leave...!!!"

"~" Lian Wu opened Hong Yan's chubby hand.

"Bodhisattva will miss you! So many agreements! So many promises!" Hongyan cried loudly, louder than the children, "Bodhisattva doesn't want you to leave!!"

"Yes, I'll be back." Lian Wu turned around and touched Hong Yan, then looked at Zhang Su.

"It just takes time and distance." Zhang Su comforted Hongyan, "Lianwu will come back."

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" Hongyan didn't want to hear their explanation.

She just felt that Anxinyuan's absence from Anxinyuan Lianwu was simply not a problem, and she even wanted to go back to the tunnel and hide.

"Bodhisattva doesn't want you anymore!" Hongyan did this from the beginning, and she is going to do it again.

She ran away quickly and returned to the tunnel without looking back.

"Hey!" Hayho sighed for everyone, Miss, what will everyone do without you?

"Goodbye." Lianwu crossed the threshold and left Anxinyuan.

She finally nodded to Zhang Su, Zaosui and the children.

Zhang Su watched her drive away in a new car.

Zaosui jumped up and down.

"First it was Reion-senpai, then Kati, Mrs. Miyu Shinjo, and now Miss Renwu!" Saho was about to die, "If parting is also a lesson, I don't want to learn so much!"

"I will chase Lian Wu back." Zhang Su said.

"Work harder!" Hayho shouted, "When Ms. Renwu was here, she would ring the morning bell at Ansin Yin every day. I, I still want to hear the morning bell ring all the time!"

"Now, let's go back." Zhang Su stretched out his hand and led everyone back, "As long as Anxin Hospital continues to be prosperous and lively, and wait patiently, Miss Lianwu will definitely come back."

"Dad..." Zhabo saw that there were fewer familiar figures, and couldn't help but return to Zhang Su's arms.

The sound of puff, puff came from far to near.

"Oh! What is that?" Hayho turned around.

She saw a yellow slime monster running over happily!

"It's so fun to see it running. After seeing it, I seemed to be happy too." Mayumi smiled.

"Where did Xiaodoudou come from?" Yuanzhi was curious, "Did he get lost?"

"Zai Zai, go say hello to everyone." Soraya put Zai Zai over.

Zaizai waved his short little arms with everyone on the ground.

Hayho and the others immediately became interested in this cute little baby.

"Go play with it." Zhang Su squatted down and put down the bomb.

She hesitated for a while, seeing that Zai Zai was not aggressive and was easily being kneaded by others, so she joined everyone in playing with Zai Zai.

"How do you feel?" Soraya walked towards Zhang Su, "I think she is the only one special around you. If she doesn't accept it, it will explode sooner or later, and the result is today."

"It's over." Zhang Su shook his head.

Zhang Su looked behind Soraya. Princess Otohime, Youfa Lin, Xiao Feng, and Shuili eating instant noodles were all there, which made him feel a little relieved.

"Where did you go before?" Zhang Su asked.

"There's a little something, you'll know it soon." Soraya said, "Or Lianwu, do you still want her back? Is Lianwu so important?"

"Lian Wu saved my life." Zhang Su said, "The reason why I was ordered to make Yi Zhan was because of her. Then she protected me until I recovered. That time was the most dangerous. Without Lian Wu, I would not be alive." Maybe she is still standing now. So I can't ignore her, otherwise I will look down on myself."

"Understood, that's fair. She saved your life." Soraya expressed understanding.

"In addition, the rate of change of world lines." Zhang Su said, "Have you heard of it? If the deviation between the two world lines is not large enough, they will end up in the same world line by different routes. I feel that I have done a lot Change, but this 'difference' seems not big enough. Only Lianwu is the biggest difference. It seems that only by retrieving her can we all be rescued."

"Make a list. Who are the women in world line A?" Soraya wanted to research.

"Private matters." Zhang Su thought of a dozen people in his mind. Only about half of it has been collected so far.

"It seems that there were not so many...entanglements in the previous life. Because you are used to being with people like us. But only Lianwu is different, she is so unique and differentiated." Soraya replied God came, "So your real feat is - to conquer Lotus Mist again under this real hell difficulty! This is the biggest change to the world line."

"Enter another destiny. It must be so." Zhang Su nodded, "And Miss Lianwu still has Yuehua Ji's affairs to deal with."

"I've heard about it." Soraya mused, "Yuehuaji has broken the throne nine times, and no witch has broken the position 10 times, because the success of the 10th breakthrough means becoming a god. Lianwu's bloodline is fully qualified, and she may be able to inherit it. The power of Yuehuaji. Split the power of Yuehuaji and give it to Lianwu. It’s amazing. Breaking the position 9 is too strong. Even if the power is divided into two parts, Lianwu is equivalent to the witch breaking the position 8 times, enough to make The whole world was in awe."

"That's fine," Zhang Su said, "I just have to find a suitable method."

Soraya looked at Zhang Su carefully, blinked, and her expression was a little subtle.

"It turns out that your feelings for Lian Wu are real." She said, "True love lies with Lian Wu."

"How is that possible?" Zhang Su was puzzled, "My feelings are all true."

"Listen to me, maybe you are getting more mature and your temperament has changed. True love is very subtle. I'm not saying that you don't have true love for other people, but it's just different from the kind of emotion that we witches need, that kind of innocence, A feeling of immaturity, youthfulness and bravery. Your feelings for other people have become 'over-ripe' and have turned into family affection or something like that. But what the witch wants is 'true love', true love, which is rare. It comes from a kind of A heart-pounding impulse. Without true love, the witch will not breed witch eggs and will only give birth to normal children." Soraya smiled.

"It's impossible, for example..." Zhang Su tried to say something.

He saw Princess Otohime walking over with a baby hanging from her tail.

It is so small, a small flying dragon with white scales, short wings, and a fat body. It was sleeping soundly, but now it is awake, blinking at Zhang Su with its pale golden eyes.

"Ouch~" Xiao Feilong looked at Zhang Su and felt a familiar feeling of being close to him by blood, "Da da!"

"When I got up, I went to the incubator today and saw it. After it cracked, it crawled out on its own. The temperature was just right, the environment was just right, and no dragon vein potion was needed. Because it turned out that it was not a witch's egg, but a dragon egg." Otohime The princess smiled.

The next day, Zhang Su was awakened by the sound of the morning bell.


Zhang Su stood up immediately.

wax apple?

"...Ah...what's wrong?" Soraya said sleepily.

"The bell..." Zhang Su immediately stood up and changed his clothes.

"Lian Wu is back? He just left yesterday!" Soraya said. Lian Wu's ruthless sound of ringing the bell would often wake her up from her wonderful rest, causing her to faint for a few minutes before going back to sleep. A witch who stays up all night stargazing cannot go to bed early and get up early.

"That's easy to say." Zhang Su dressed up, put on his coat, and immediately went downstairs to look for Lian Wu next to the school building.

Hong Yan was also awakened from the tunnel and rushed out.

"Lianwu!! I knew you couldn't let go of Lord Bodhisattva!!" Hongyan ran wildly.

Next to the school building, under the big tree.

"Hey yo...hey yo..."

"Raise a little higher! Stand a little back! Be stronger!" Hayho commanded.

Qingxiao's feet were rooted in the ground, Xiaxi stood on Qingxiao's shoulders, and Bakubo stood on Xiaxi's shoulders. Bakubo used all his strength to pull the rope of the giant bell-ringing tree, while Qingxiao moved steadily at the bottom, Just like a ladder, this way you can pull the rope to a very high place.

"Let go!" Hayho announced.

When the handle was released, the huge bell immediately swayed, swinging and hitting the big clock. Hayao covered her ears with her hands and stepped back.

Dong Dong——

Dong Dong——

The morning bell rang, and An Yin's day began.

"Ah, Teacher Da Su." Zaosui turned around and saw Zhang Su and Hong Yan, "There are also little gods!"

"Hey." Hongyan put his hands in his pockets.

"Why are you downcast? This is when we are ringing the bell of the hospital." Hayao was angry, "Will there be no one to ring the bell when the eldest lady is gone?"

"It's okay, it's okay..." Zhang Su patted everyone, "Pay attention to safety."

Hayao asked everyone to take a short break.

"Miss Renwu is gone, but Anxinyuan is still there, and someone has to ring the bell," said Saho.

"Yes." Zhang Su nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, "A new day has begun."

"What will be taught today?" Hayho thought of the curriculum.

"Poetry." Zhang Su said.

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