Witch containment diary

Chapter 332 Spring is the day for reading

The children sat at the same long table and had breakfast.

"Adults are messing around every day and often do some messy things." Hayho suddenly announced, "We are the hope of the future."

"What do you mean?" Yuanzhi asked.

"They hide whatever they have to say," said Saho. "Teacher Da Su loves the eldest daughter, and the eldest lady also loves Teacher Da Su. But they just refuse to say it, they can't say it! What are they doing? Get married early, Everyone is happy and the play ends."

"Love is very complicated, and sometimes it's hard to express it," Mayumi said.

"Is it hard to say? I love you, you are a good person. I love Senior Sister Lianyang, she is my hope. I love Shihua, she is my good brother. I love Teacher Dasu, she has helped everyone a lot. I Aikage Witch, the strongest witch in the world. I love Natsuki and Bakubo, the two little ones. Aiyuanori, you can rub your belly. Only Qingxiao is still in the inspection period. It’s not difficult," said Saho.

"How can you 'love' so many people at the same time!" Mayumi felt angry and funny.

"Isn't it possible? I learned from Teacher Da Su, he is a role model." Hayho disagreed.

"Marriage is obviously the next choice." Qing Xiao reasoned with her, "Living things can reproduce without getting married. Have you ever seen trees and flowers getting married? There are still branches and buds and flowers and fruits blooming everywhere. Marriage is between the sexes. Slave each other.”

"No matter what, we must be honest and be the kind of people who are clean and refreshing. We can't be awkward or awkward." Saho told them, "We can become the hope of saving the world in the future, like us Such a good boy will become the one in everyone's mind in the future."

"The role model in my mind." Mayumi said, "The problem is that if everyone is like you, it will be over."

"?" Hayho didn't understand, "That's probably what it means. Anyway, when I grow up, I will teach those ignorant people a lesson and teach them how to be a good person. I am ready to leave Anxinyuan, I promise There are a large group of people out there who live boring lives and don’t even dare to tell others the truth. I give them a slap in the face and tell them to face themselves."

After Hayao finished eating, she went to catch up on her homework, and everyone exchanged glances at the table.

"Idiot Hayao, she can no longer adapt to society! She will definitely get into trouble when she goes out." Mayumi announced regretfully.

Everyone nodded violently.

"So she can't go out into society alone, if that day comes. We have to protect her." Mayumi announced.

Not long after, it's time for class.

Saho felt weird that everyone looked at her with pity.

But it doesn't matter, she still has to do her homework.

Every time she sees this classroom, Hayho will sigh in her heart.

Anxinyuan has really changed a lot since Dasu came!

The rubbish school building that was once full of potholes and with tattered walls has now changed.

Spring is warm, flowers are blooming, and the sun is bright. The cabinet in front contains their teaching materials, textbooks and sundries, and for each additional child, an additional locker is opened. There was no such treatment before.

Saho opened the cabinet, took out the winter vacation homework, exercise books and middle school students' textbooks, and then closed it again.

The desks and chairs are all single-person tables. Saho's desk is covered with graffiti that she left when she was bored in class. She often has to cover it with a notebook to avoid being knocked on the head by Da Su. Occasionally she would get distracted in class, so she would open a corner of the book and continue to perfect her comics underneath.

Reading originally had nothing to do with Saho, but under the guidance of Da Su, Teacher Reina, Les Colin and others, Saho gradually began to learn.

She wrote a lot of winter vacation homework by herself. She felt that winter vacation was just for fun. Putting the words "winter vacation" and "homework" together was simply the biggest mistake in the world.

So she decided from the beginning to wait until school started before writing her winter vacation homework.

Zhang Su came to the classroom and handed out some thick booklets. Zaoho saw that these were collections of poems. There were small cards with her name written in advance, and some hints indicating which ones were easy to read and which ones were difficult.

"Today we are going to talk about "Poetry", that is, how to read poetry. Zaosui, I will make up my homework after class." Zhang Su sat on the floor in front of him, looking through the poetry collection in his hand.

He sat so that no one would have to look up to look at him.

"Copy that." Saho folded her winter vacation homework onto her graffiti.

The theme of the painting is either Da Su fighting a horned demon, or the Shadow Witch hiding behind the demon and poking at the demon.

She felt that Shadow Witch and Da Su should be a team, with Da Su resisting in the front and Shadow Witch stealing from behind. If it were her, she would do the same thing.

"Today we are teaching 'poetry'. We talk about the word 'poetry', which foreigners call poetry. It comes from the Greek word poiesis, which means 'making'. So, poetry is different from what we say casually. Poetry is usually Carefully crafted, meaning is conveyed through aesthetic imagery or rhyme structure." Zhang Su made a summary, "Interpreting poetry is actually extremely simple."

He drew several levels on the blackboard.

"What I'm talking about today is the most standard, clearest and easy-to-understand interpretation. Maybe you think poetry is obscure. The readers you have in hand include a variety of poems from simple to complex, from simplified to traditional, tailor-made for you. It is available at home and abroad. And the method of reading is the same. In the next few years, no matter which page you turn or how much you learn, you can read it this way, just be patient."

Saho looked through the collection of poems in his hand, and it seemed that it was specially compiled for Saho. The annotations of the poems were so detailed, and there were also phonetic notation, for fear that she would not be able to understand them. The person who made this collection of calligraphy was so attentive. Hayao thought.

Zhang Su introduces the secret of reading poetry:

“The first level is to read them out, read their rhyme, and pay attention to the sound and rhythm.

The second level is translation. Write down their meaning in a way that you can understand. Just write the simplest and most obvious meaning you read.

The third level is to grasp the key images they describe. Images carry specific meanings. As mentioned before, poetry is production, so the poet must have done it intentionally. By deciphering these images, you can grasp the essence of the poem. focus.

The fourth layer is skills, just like the little decorations on the cake. Poets will use some acrobatics to embellish their poems, such as quotations, personification, double-voice rhyme, repeated antithesis, repeated chapters... These will be discussed in the future. Explain slowly over the weeks. Now, open the reader and check out the best poems you can read. They are all pre-set to suit your academic ability, Hayao? You set an example. "Zhang Su asked Zaosui's name, but saw that she was absent-minded.

"Ah?" Saho raised his head sharply.

"Poetry." Zhang Su pointed to the reader in her hand, "Choose one of the poems on the first ten pages. Stand up. Be serious. What we learned today will be used throughout this semester. Read it out loud."

Hayao stood up holding a collection of poems in her hands and looked through the poems in her hands.

Local poets, Chinese poets, foreign poems...

Those long, short, or neatly crafted sentences were like exquisite little squares. Once they jumped into Saho's field of vision, they gradually formed beautiful handicrafts on their own, separating the messy thoughts in her mind.

She flipped through it, stopped at a random page, and then read it aloud.

"Everywhere in life, there are similarities. It should be like Feihong stepping on the snow and mud. Occasionally there are fingers and claws left on the mud, Hongfei's complex things." She read out loud, "The title is "Chacha", I can't pronounce it, and then nostalgia, and left Brackets, excerpts, right brackets." The person who wrote this book phoneticized each word and explained it in detail, fearing that Saho wouldn't understand it, but she still didn't read it all.

"First level, how do you feel after reading it?" Zhang Su guided Zaosui.

Hayao thought for a moment.

"I don't feel anything." She said, "It passed after a whiff."

"Yes, you captured this feeling, lightness." Zhang Su encouraged her, "It's this light feeling. The second level is to repeat it in your own words, with annotations. Can you say it sentence by sentence?"

Hayho paused and studied a few notes inside.

"Life," Hayho followed the nonsense, "running around, you know what it's like? It's like a bird trampling on the snow. Occasionally, there are fingers and claws left on the mud. After the bird flies away, you are not a human being. thing!"

"Hmm... almost the same, but the word "thing" here means "east-west direction". Let's continue. The third level is to see what image is written on it. Zhang Su said, "Can you find what is described in the poem?" "

"Bird." Hayho studied, "Snow, claws, nothing left, nothing left, it flew away."

"And the first two words of the poem?" Zhang Su continued to guide.

"Life." Zaho marked out, "Life is like a bird."

"Now can you imagine the situation described in the poem? If you follow the poet's meaning, the situation you imagine is exactly your life!" Zhang Su said.

Hayao put down the poem, put his hands on both sides of his head, and began to think about the things mentioned in the poem with a serious look on his face.

Life is similar everywhere, it should be like a flying dragon stepping on snow and mud...

Occasionally, there are fingers and claws left on the mud, Hongfei’s complex things...

Life is like a bird flying onto the snow, leaving a little mark with a puff, and then the bird flies away. What is left? ! Gone! Life is gone like this, leaving no trace behind! Hayao felt terrible.

She thought of how when it snowed in Anxinyuan, she would sometimes put her footprints on the snow, and then soon, after a few minutes or half an hour, the footprints would disappear.

Sometimes I even forget that I have walked that road, and everything disappears in the snow.

What about the things that everyone does in this world? Hayao thought seriously. The traces left on the snow disappeared after a few minutes.

When people think back on things they do a few years later, they have no repercussions or traces, only vague memories proving that they happened.

Even if you tell others about things that seem important to you, they won't believe it, let alone care.

"This is so sad! It's so bad." Zaohui said loudly to Zhang Su, "If our lives are really like footprints in the snow and disappear, then what we do is meaningless! "

"The poet only told one side." Zhang Su asked Zaosui to sit down. "You still have time to think about it. Study these poems carefully."

"There is a poem like this in the classification of haiku," Mayumi also came to study, "'The light of the flowing firefly is intermittent, one bright and one extinguished within a foot, how can I bear the loneliness'? How should I interpret it?"

"First repeat what the poem describes in your own words." Zhang Su said.

"The light of fireflies is intermittent, flickering on and off, just within a foot. This loneliness is really unbearable." Mayumi said.

"Where is the main image to be established?" Zhang Su asked.

"The flickering fireflies, the short distance, the fast speed, and the word loneliness." Mayumi pondered.

"Fireflies don't glow during the day, and their light can't be seen during the day."

"Night." Mayumi came back to her senses, "I didn't say it explicitly, but it was implied that at night, I saw fireflies flickering and then dimming."

"It's strange, it's already late at night, but the presence of fireflies still makes people feel lonely. So why don't their company make people feel warm, but make them lonely?" Zhang Su asked.

Mayumi thought.

The picture constructed in her mind became clearer and clearer, and the content of Zhang Sujiao gradually formed a complex model in her mind.

"Because these lights are fleeting and their companionship does not last long. At least they will leave at dawn. Every time they flicker, it is like a faint flicker of hope. I really want to catch the light, and I really want the fluorescent light to be with me all the time!" But it’s so short, impossible to catch, and fragile.”

"The light of the flowing firefly is intermittent. It lights up and goes out within a foot. How lonely is it? Do you understand now?" Zhang Su asked.

"Compared with the terrible dark night outside, what makes people feel even more lonely is that they cannot let the moment of hope in front of them last forever." Mayumi said slowly, and after finishing speaking, he suddenly realized.

"It's so clear." Zhang Su said, "Haikus are very short and describe only a moment. There are many in the book. Like 'The grass in my garden has sprouted again, and the infinite sky and earth are about to turn green', 'There is nothing else behind the chrysanthemum, only There are big radish's, all short."

Mayumi was happy. The poet created these poems, just like exquisite mechanical structures, which can be slowly dismantled by reversing the process. In this way, the poem is not something obscure and difficult to understand after all, but has traces to follow. If you follow it to the end, you will discover the poet's profound meaning. The moment I discovered it, it was like finding the last treasure.

"What's your favorite poem, teacher?" Mayumi asked.

"Flying light, flying light, I urge you to drink a glass of wine. I don't know how high the blue sky is and how thick the yellow earth is. I only see the cold moon and warm sun, which come to fry people's life... There is a tree in the east of the sky, with a dragon holding a candle underneath. I will cut off the dragon's feet and chew them. Dragon meat. Make it unable to return to the morning and unable to lie down at night. Naturally, the old will not die, and the young will not cry..." Zhang Su read part of the poem briefly.

"Teacher, I hope time will go slower." Mayumi seemed to understand.

"The days are short." Zhang Su shrugged, "Don't sleep in."

Early in the morning Sui came to bother Zhang Su.

"Da Su! That poem is still too sad! What we do is like a bird's paw, leaving no trace..." She felt uncomfortable.

"Not necessarily. Many times, what we do has a great resonance, affects everyone, lasts for a long time, and will always remain in our hearts as beautiful memories that will not fade away." Zhang Su encouraged.

"For example?" Hayho put his hands on his hips.

"These poetry collections, all the poems, cover poets from all over the world, and are also marked according to everyone's learning level. They are specially created for everyone, hoping to show the charming world of poetry... Yes, these poetry collections are written by Lian Wuliu For you." Zhang Su said.

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