Witch containment diary

Chapter 333 An’yuan Kindergarten

Afternoon, An Yuan's office.

"When you were born, the entire forest was whispering your name." Zhang Su raised the incubator, and the baby dragon inside looked curiously into the distance. "One day my life will reach its end, and you, although you won't To be crowned king, but to inherit something for sure.”

"Ouch~" The white little dragon flashed its cute eyes.

"In all the novels, there is no beauty more beautiful and legendary than Remedios." Zhang Su patted across the incubator, "We will decide after your mother comes back, but before that, your name Just call me Remi."


"Ouch~" Little Remi was very happy that it had a name.

"Good boy." Zhang Su took some photos of little Leimi.

In the first hundred days after her birth, Zhang Su planned to take one photo every day and make a collection.

Little Leimi's body is covered with thin white scales. Zhang Su knows that dragon scales are strong, warm, and have strong defensive power.

It can defeat animals such as kittens and puppies right after it is born, with its four trembling legs supporting its well-proportioned and beautiful body.

Between Lemi's arms and body, Zhang Su saw a thin layer of skin, light pink, with dark purple blood vessels distributed in it. It looked particularly delicate and fragile and needed careful care.

Little Leimi opened her mouth to Zhang Su and made a purring sound.

Zhang Su felt that she was hungry, so she went to make milk powder.

"Can you see the bottle?" Zhang Su wanted to check the baby's vision and moved the bottle slightly outside the transparent incubator.

Remi crawled over, pushed her nose against the wall of the box, she was innocent and curious, and she could obviously see the outside world clearly.

"You are a cute baby." Zhang Su opened the box and gently took out little Leimi.

It hugged its father's big hand tightly, for fear of falling. Zhang Su put a thick cotton towel on the table with his other hand, put Lemi on it, and then slowly fed it.

Remi held the bottle with both hands and drank.

Zhang Su took the opportunity to measure Lemi. The little dragon's body length has reached half a meter. The wings are folded now, but if they were fully unfolded, they would probably be 120 centimeters, which is quite big.

Real children, related by blood. Zhang Su squatted beside him and watched carefully.

Lemi's ivory scales reflected the sun, a tiny spiral horn crown was coiled on her head, and her translucent wings folded like petals, blocking the small and cute claws below.

After finishing the bottle, Leimi looked at Zhang Su with her big eyes open.

The eyes of the little milk dragon are really the most fascinating. Her eyes are shiny, round and beautiful, reflecting endless amber light.

As if looking into the eyes of the Dragon Clan's history and bloodline heritage, Zhang Su thought silently, in the future, little Leimi will spread her wings and cover the sky!

Zhang Su put the bottle aside, carefully picked up little Lemi from the cotton towel, and supported it with his strong forearms. Zhang Su's arms were wide enough to serve as a corridor for Lemi.

"Ouch~" Little Lemi's paws instinctively hooked Zhang Su's arm as a fulcrum, and her diamond-shaped mouth pecked Zhang Su's shoulder, as if she wanted to taste him, but also seemed to show intimacy.

Leimi did look a bit close to Zhang Su. Although she was a dragon, Zhang Su found that she was super strong, with strong arms, and the pupils in the middle of her eyes were round and black, not the vertical pupils of a lizard.

"You will be more beautiful when you grow up." Zhang Su held Leimi in his right arm and took a ball of colorful ribbons from the table with his left hand, waving it in the air.

Little Leimi's eyes flickered, looking at the colors floating in the air, and she immediately let out a happy hum. She grabbed Zhang Su with one paw, and tried her best to lift up into the air with the other paw, trying to catch the ball of color, clumsily. Training to pounce.

After playing around for a while, Zhang Su put the ribbon back on the table, and Remi opened her mouth and yawned.

"Lie down and get some sleep. I won't disturb you anymore." Zhang Su put little Lemi back into the incubator with a thick blanket underneath. "...For you, I will continue to work hard and not let disaster happen. Meeting you."

Leimi's tiny wings trembled for a moment, then her whole body relaxed and curled up into a ball. Even though she was drowsy, her paws gently held Zhang Su's fingers.

Zhang Su waited patiently. When Leimi fell asleep completely, he carefully moved his fingers away and closed the lid of the incubator.

Zhang Su left the office and went to Shengle Mountain to practice.

Some time after he left, a large white figure approached the office. It had a strong body, an elegant posture, a long and forked tail, and a pair of bright blue eyes looking at the road ahead, as if it was eager to get something.

Big cat!

She fiddled with the door handle with her paws and pushed it open. When she saw the incubator on the table and the little Remy inside, she meowed happily.

"Baby~meow~" Yuanzhi Cat almost jumped over in a single step, rushed to the table, walked around the table, then stood up, pulled the table with two pink paws, and looked at the sleeping man with burning eyes. baby dragon leimi.

So cute, so cute! Yuori's eyes suddenly widened and she couldn't move away from Remi.

"Ninja... destroy the cat that steals food." Shui Li caught Yuan Zhi from behind.

"It's not stealing." Yuanzhi defended himself, "Take the baby to a warmer place and take care of her!"

"Monitoring you..." Shuili crossed her arms and supervised.

Yuanzhi nodded, she lay down, raised her slender tail, hooked the two forked tails into the incubator from both sides, and then dragged it off the table. Yuanzhi cat was very strong, and it was so stable. Steady and left with the incubator.

Remi lay on the blanket and fell asleep soundly, and the ride was smooth.

Yuanzhi took Baby Dragon to a room on the first floor of Yuehuayuan and went in through the window. There were some blankets and toys and other sundries piled inside. Everything was larger in size, even if an adult came here. , will also feel very small.

She put the box down and then lay on her side next to the incubator, just like a mother watching over her baby. She raised her tail and looked at Remi with bright eyes.

After a while, Yuanzhi pricked up her ears, as if she heard something, and ran out briskly. A few minutes later, she brought Soraya's cub back from the outside, biting part of the cub, like He bit the kitten on the back of its neck and carried it all the way to the room.

"Yuanzhi Cat, I bought you the things you asked for." Saho walked into Yuanzhi's "nursery" carrying two large baskets of toys and baby care supplies. She put the things down, and Yuanzhi Cat stood up and looked at them. She glanced at him and closed the door behind Saho.

"Good baby." Yuori touched Haohui's hair gently and affectionately, "Now everyone can play together."

"Play? I'm not a child, I'm someone who wants to do big things." Saho knelt on the carpet and took out all the toys in the basket.

When Zaizai saw these toys, he ran over happily, grabbed the building blocks with his extended limbs, stacked them up, and assembled simple shapes.

"Baby~ come and play~ don't worry~ don't be afraid~" Yuanzhi Cat walked around the room, his eyes circling back and forth on Haohui, Zaizai and Xiaoleimi from time to time, as if he wanted to guard them and prevent them from getting into trouble. .

"Forget it, I'll play too." Zaiho and Zai Zai were building blocks together on the ground. If the shapes weren't enough, Zai Zai would be turned into building blocks to make up the needed shapes.

Remi slept for half an hour and let out a long yawn. She opened her eyes and was obviously surprised to see so many beautiful colors around her.

"Hello, little princess, it's time to come out and move around?" Yuanzhi crawled over and gently took Lemi out with his teeth. Lemi struggled a little at first, but was soon given a warm feeling. Confused.

"Ouch~" Remi crawled unsteadily on the puzzle floor, slipping every few steps. Yuori followed behind, using her claws to help her maintain balance.

Zaizai walked over curiously and blocked Lemi's path. Remi tilted her head and looked at the amorphous orange creation in front of her. Zaizai jumped around excitedly, and Remi made a light chirping sound, as if she was smiling.

"Suck, suck, suck..." Saho lay on the ground sucking his fingers. The tables and chairs around him were extremely tall, and the room was filled with colors, making Saho hallucinate himself back to his childhood.

Everything here is very good, including the children's books here, which interest Saho very much. These books are the simplest and easiest to understand, and are more popular and simpler than the courses taught by Teacher Dasu and Teacher Delia. Saho would rather read simple stories about small animals and learn some basic knowledge.

"How much does one plus one equal?" Yuanori Cat's paws gently massaged Saho's head.

"Two!" Hayho replied happily.

"What a smart baby!" Yuanori Cat stretched out its tongue and licked Haoho's hair, as if it could wash her hair clean and smooth it, "I want to give you a reward."

"Hey!" Hayho felt extremely happy.

Yuanzhi cat went outside to find food and fed the three babies in the house with milk, biscuits, water and pellets. She moved very quickly and was very kind to them.

"Ouch~" Remi crawled on the plastic obstacles.

"Puff--" Zaizai jumped up and down.

"Aba Aba..." Hayho slid on the floor, "I don't want to think about anything..."

Yuan Zhi Cat lets them play freely in the nursery room she put together without any worries, and regularly brings back some food and milk, which she picks up from the storage room.

She watches the doors, windows, and the figures passing by outside to ensure that they live here and never leave. During this period, she nudged the babies with her nose from time to time and rubbed against them to show closeness and protection.

"Meow." Yuanzhi looked at the shadow standing in the corner and asked sincerely, "Do you want to join us?" Before Shuili could reply, Yuanzhi stood up, stretched out his paws to hug her, and held Shuili Buried under his thick fur, "When was the last time you were taken care of like this? Don't worry, you are safe now."

The ninja's determination is tested!

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