Witch containment diary

Chapter 334 The sweetness of Edith

Zhang Su stood on the top of Kagura Mountain, holding the gray sword of the messenger in his hand and carrying the Guanshi pagoda on his back.

The wind roared from the top of the mountain, blowing away the snow on the cliffs. He tensed his muscles and strengthened his faith. The biting cold wind tore his coat, but his heart was still hot.

The gray knife trembled in Zhang Su's hand, and it made a clanging sound, almost roaring with revenge.

It desires to pierce matter, destroy flesh and blood, and completely crush the fragile human world. Zhang Su knew it well. It will not give in, especially Zhang Su.

He tried to swing the gray knife, but the movement was very slow. Every time he slashed, he would feel a sharp nausea running through his body, as if he was deeply disgusted by this demonic relic.

"You are my trophy, so there is no need to be brave." Zhang Su tried to pour righteousness into the gray knife to suppress its anger.


Zhang Su swung upward with all his strength, and this fierce weapon pointed directly at the sky.

The blade light surged wildly, extending to an altitude of 10,000 meters away. In an instant, the high-altitude clouds shattered from it, and an extremely obvious gap appeared in the thick and dense cirrocumulus clouds.

The slash marks were hundreds of miles wide. Zhang Su looked far into the distance and saw a long, thin line appearing from the end of his sight to the horizon on the other side!

The flowing clouds are restrained, and the sky is broken. Zhang Su nodded, once again confirmed the infinite power of Gray Knife, and directly optimized the Guanshi Pagoda.

Although he is not proficient in swordsmanship, Hui Dao can explode with infinite power in any slash. After Guanshi Futu, he can only be used as a power bank, and he really cannot compete with Hui Dao as a main battle weapon.

That's why we have to completely surrender to this sword. Zhang Su thought silently. Once it can completely dominate the Gray Knife, it can defeat an entire legion.

He focused on taming the wild, ferocious power within the Gray Knife, focusing his mind on stabbing the ancient evil that lay within the Gray Knife along his arm.

For a long time, Zhang Su just stood on the top of the mountain, motionless. In fact, his energy was extremely concentrated and he resolutely suppressed the malice in Gray Knife.

"You...cannot restrain this power..." There was a vicious echo in the gray knife, like the remnants of the blade commander's thoughts, "I am the true will of the blade, and I am not enslaved by inferior intelligent creatures."

"If you are so uncooperative, then I will have to take action." Zhang Su took a deep breath.

"What qualifications and abilities do you have to completely eliminate me?" The mysterious will in Gray Knife said wildly, "My existence is extremely long-lasting, far beyond your imagination! To me, you are just a short-lived native! "

Zhang Su put the gray knife on the ground, sat next to him, and took out his cell phone to call Edith.

"I miss you." Zhang Su said.

Edith's voice came from the other end of the phone, which was both lazy and a bit charming.

"I miss you too, and miss your voice." Edith said, "I miss you all the time. I like this feeling, like lovers greeting each other."

"Lover??" Blade Will was shocked, "My life and death are not important, but that terrifying voice, you must not have the slightest connection with her..."

"It seems there is some noise next to you. Do you need me to extinguish it?" Edith said leisurely.

"Please." Zhang Su said.

"Then, this is what will happen next: the shadow on this knife will be destroyed forever," Edith said.

Blade Will suddenly felt a strange and terrifying force covering itself, eating away at it very quickly!

It mobilized all its strength to try to protect, but to no avail, and all efforts to resist fell apart in an instant.

How could Zhang Su know "Edith" so well and have such a close relationship!

He actually caused such a disaster, and there was no hope of survival at all!

"I should have known this - Edith and you - we should cooperate! Together -" Blade Will screamed crazily, filled with regret, and now it has cut off its last retreat.

But the outcome is already determined!

Zhang Su stared at the gray knife and clearly felt that the evil thoughts on the knife melted and dissipated quickly, until not a drop was left!

Huidao's sense of autonomy dissipated and completely turned into Zhang Su's weapon.

"It's as easy as using a finger." Zhang Su was very satisfied.

He picked up the gray knife, aimed at the mountain opposite, and waved it gently.

The two mountains are about 15 miles apart, but a huge slash instantly appeared on the cliff on the opposite side of the mountain. The whole mountain trembled slightly, and the ground shook lightly. It lasted for more than ten seconds before stopping.

This is just a slight tremor. If it is chopped down hard, I am afraid that the nearby mountain peaks and woods will be chopped into pieces. This is something that can be used to destroy the world or dominate the world. Zhang Su thought.

"Do you like it?" Edith said softly, "You earned this."

"The Blade Order is hiding somewhere else. When I think that it can also exert this kind of power, I feel that the danger is still there." Zhang Su said.

"I also have one, and it only has two of them." Edith said, "The power is only 50% of its heyday. If you go all out, you should be able to fight."

"I hope." Zhang Su put the gray knife away, "Do you have its whereabouts?"

"I don't know," Edith said, "but it will probably come to trouble you. Demons are very vindictive."

"Then I have to seize the time to improve my strength." Zhang Su adjusted his luck and drew strength from his breathing.

"Do you want me to help you? I have a way to help you." Edith said.

"I know." Zhang Su listened to Edith's voice, "You want to 'finely control' me."

"It shows that you also know that this method is good." Edith said, "Come on, relax and listen to my voice."

Zhang Su took a deep breath and closed his five senses.

In this way, his vision was cut off, his breathing slowed down, his sense of taste was numb, his whole heart was closed into a dead sea, and he no longer even controlled his body.

The only thing that was open was Edith's voice.

"Now, the only thing you can feel is my voice."

"Don't be afraid, don't doubt me, trust me completely."

"I will help you. Because I know that when I need you most, you will also stand up for me."

"There are no secrets between us. You know who I am, and I am also very aware of your existence."

"Let us meet again and again and fall in love again and again at the end of time."

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Zhang Su opened his eyes and found that night had fallen and he was still standing on the top of the mountain.

He closed his eyes and gathered his energy. His whole body was solid and tangled like armor.

At this time, the energy was much stronger than before, reaching thirty-seven levels, four or five levels higher than before! The results of half a year were condensed almost in one day.

"Edith?" Zhang Su looked at his phone, which showed that the call time had lasted for 10 hours.

"It's very harmonious. Although it's just our voices, they vibrate and interact in the air, just like what couples should do." Edith said a little tiredly.

"Thank you." Zhang Su said.

"Lianwu is gone?" Edith asked.

"She will come back." Zhang Su said.

"Well, don't leave me in the same room with her. I'll kill her," Edith said.

"...It's time to say goodbye." Zhang Su picked up the phone.

"Say something I like to hear. Come closer to the microphone and tell me, if you were faced with a huge demon with bloody hands, how would you deal with it?" Edith said in a low voice.

"Cut it, chop off its limbs." Zhang Su said, "Watch the soul floating out like blood. It will stare at its passing soul and suffer."

"Continue." Edith breathed a little quickly.

"Beating it, its shell was dented and cracked, and the anger surged and the righteousness burned, making it miserable. Every minute and second of its existence was a huge torture," Zhang Su said.

"Don't stop, we're almost there," Edith said.

"I will grab its broken body and smash it to the ground, again and again. Every time I hit it hard, its whole body will collide violently, all the pain will burst out, and the injuries will continue to expand. Its essence has been destroyed, and all its wildness has been destroyed. , all pride was gone, and I just wanted to surrender." Zhang Su said.

"Thinking about surrendering, what else?"

"Thinking about surrendering, thinking about being trampled on, thinking about giving up all your dignity. In the end, it became a despicable beast, imprisoned with the creatures it despised most before. Everyone who once knew it , everyone will feel horrified, disgusted, and disgusted when they see what it looks like now, because now it is simply a piece of extremely dirty and scarred garbage." Zhang Su said.

After about a minute or two of silence, Zhang Su could only hear the sound of the gate opening and releasing water over there. Then, there was the sound of taking out tissues from Edith's side. After about seven or eight sheets were used, everything calmed down again.

"Let's talk next time." Edith's tone was calm.

"Let's talk next time." Zhang Su ended the communication and returned to Anxinyuan with the gray knife in hand.

"The teacher is coming back." In the nursery, Yuanzhi Cat sniffed.

"Eaaha~" Hayho clapped her hands on the ground.

"It's time to go. If the teacher sees it, things will go bad." Yuanzhi Cat picked up the little Lei Mi and put her back in the incubator.

Little Remy was exhausted after playing on the floor all afternoon and quickly fell asleep in her swaddle in the incubator.

Zai Zai jumped on the top cover of the incubator, and it turned into an orange handle, making it easier for Yuan Zhi's slender cat tail to lift it up.

"When will we play again?" Shuili had been instigated. She was lying on the floor, folding her hands on her chest, thinking about life.

"There will be a chance. Now, let's go back, babies." Yuanzhi jumped on the window sill, hooked the incubator with his tail and returned to Zhang Su's office, placing the box in its original position on the table.

When Yuanori Cat went back, Hayao was still crying on the ground.

"Mom...Mom..." Hayho slapped the floor with both hands.

Yuanori Cat hugged Hayao and turned her over. Saho raised his head, holding onto the soft fur of the Yuori cat, his face flushed. Yuanori Cat picked up Zaosui with its tail, put it on its back, and slowly humped towards the school building.

"...Mom..." Hayho lay on Yuanori Cat's back, missing the Shadow Witch, "...I miss you so much..."

Yuanori Cat carries Saho back. It was because he failed to take good care of everyone that everyone felt regretful and that some people left, such as Lian Wu. She vowed not to let anything like this happen again.

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